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From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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I also like movies, cartoons and videogames and I always try to recognize guns from them, so I'm here to help this site expand.
I also like movies, cartoons and videogames and I always try to recognize guns from them, so I'm here to help this site expand.

== Armaioli ==
== Personaggi da Santabarbara ==
== '''[[:Category:Gun|Armi]]''' ==
<div style="display: flex;">
=== [[:Category:Pistol|Pistole]] ===
*[[Accuracy International]]
*[[Wheellock Pistol]]
*[[Flintlock Pistol]]
*[[Barrett Firearms Manufacturing]]
*[[Queen Anne Flintlock Pistol]]
*[[Benelli|Benelli Armi]]
*[[Howdah Pistol]]
*[[Beretta|Fabbrica d'armi Pietro Beretta]]
*[[Derringer (disambiguation)|Derringer]]
*[[Breda Meccanica Bresciana|Ernesto Breda Costruzioni meccaniche]]
AMT Hardballer
*[[Browning Arms Company]]
*[[Chiappa Firearms]]
Beretta 92
*[[Colt's Manufacturing Company]]
Beretta 90-Two
*[[Dan Wesson]]
Beretta 98FS
*[[FN Herstal|Fabrique Nationale de Herstal]]
Beretta M9
Borchardt C93
*[[Freedom Arms]]
Browning Hi-Power
Colt 1903 Pocket Hammerless
*[[Glock (Manufacturer)|Glock]]
Colt 1911
*[[Harrington & Richardson]]
FN Browning 1903
*[[Heckler & Koch]]
FN Five-seveN
*[[Israel Military Industries]]
Heckler & Koch Mk23
IMI Desert Eagle
Luger P08
*[[Mossberg & Sons]]
Makarov PM
Mauser C96
*[[Remington Arms]]
*[[Merwin Hulbert Model Revolver|Merwin Hulbert Revolver]]
*[[Amadeo Rossi]]
*[[Royal Small Arms Factory]]
*[[SIG|Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft]]
*[[SIG-Sauer|SIG Sauer]]
*[[Smith & Wesson]]
*[[Springfield Armory]]
*[[Springfield Armory, Inc|Springfield Armory Inc.]]
*[[Steyr Mannlicher]]
*[[Ruger|Sturm, Ruger & Company]]
*[[Walther Arms]]
*[[Webley & Scott]]
*[[Winchester Repeating Arms|Winchester Repeating Arms Company]]
== [[:Category:Gun|Oggetti da Santabarbara]] ==
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Air Guns|Arma ad aria]]
*[[Wheellock|Meccanismo a ruota]]
*[[CAA Tactical RONI|Command Arms & Accessories Tactical RONI]]
*[[Flintlock Pistol|Pistola ad acciarino]]
*[[Queen Anne Flintlock Pistol|Pistola Queen Anne]]
*[[Defense Distributed Liberator]]
*[[FP-45 Liberator|Liberator FP-45]]
*[[Remington XP-100]]
*[[Thompson Center Arms Contender|Pistola Thompson Center Contender]]
*[[Volcanic Repeater]]
*[[Volcanic Repeater]]
Walther P38
*[[Derringer (disambiguation)|Pistole Derringer]]
Walther PP
*[[Cobra Derringer]]
Walther PPK
*[[Colt Thuer Derringer]]
=== [[:Category:Revolver|Rivoltelle]] ===
*[[W. W. Marston Three-Barrel Derringer|W. W. Marston Derringer a tre canne]]
*[[Williamson derringer|Williamson Derringer]]
Beretta Laramie
Beretta Stampede
*[[Apache Pepperbox Revolver|Rivoltina Apache]]
Chiappa Rhino
*[[Sharps Pepperbox|Rivoltina Sharps]]
Colt Paterson
*[[M1917 Revolver|Rivoltella 1917]]
Colt Walker
*[[Chiappa Rhino]]
Colt Dragoon
*[[Colt Paterson 1836]]
Colt 1851 Navy
*[[Colt Walker|Colt Walker 1847]]
Colt 1860 Army
*[[Colt Dragoon|Colt Dragoon 1848]]
Colt 1861 Navy
*[[Colt 1851 Navy|Colt Navy 1851]]
Colt 1862 Army
*[[Colt 1860 Army|Colt Army 1860]]
Colt Pocket Percussion
*[[Colt 1862 Navy|Colt Navy 1862]]
Colt Single Action Army
*[[Colt Single Action Army|Colt Single Action Army 1873]]
Colt 1878 Double Action
*[[Colt Lightning|Colt Thunderer 1877]]
Colt 1892 New Army and Navy
*[[Colt 1878 Double Action|Colt Double Action 1878]]
Colt New Service
*[[Colt New Army & Navy|Colt New Army & Navy 1892]]
Colt Police Positive
*[[Colt New Service]]
Colt Police Positive Special
*[[Colt Police Positive]]
LeMat Revolver
*[[Enfield Mk II|Enfield Mark 2]]
Enfield Revolver
*[[Enfield No.2|Enfield 2]]
Enfield No.2 Revolver
*[[Freedom Arms Model 83/97 Revolver|Freedom Arms 83]]
Freedom Arms Model 83
*[[LeMat Revolver|Rivoltella LeMat]]
M1917 Revolver
*[[Magnum Research BFR]]
Magnum Research BFR
*[[Mateba Autorevolver|Mateba Autorevolver Unica 6]]
Mateba Autorevolver
*[[Mateba MTR-8|Mateba MTR-8]]
Mateba MTR-8
*[[Merwin Hulbert Model Revolver|Merwin Hulbert]]
MP-412 REX
*[[MP-412 REX|MP-412 REX]]
Nagant M1895
*[[Nagant Revolver|Nagant 1895]]
Reichsrevolver M1879
*[[Reichsrevolver M1879|Reichsrevolver 1897]]
Remington 1858
*[[Remington 1858 New Army|Remington Army 1858]]
Remington 1875
*[[Remington 1875|Remington Frontier 1875]]
Remington 1890
*[[Ruger Blackhawk]]
Ruger Blackhawk
*[[Ruger Redhawk / Super Redhawk|Ruger Redhawk]]
Ruger Redhawk
*[[Ruger Old Army]]
Ruger Super Redhawk
*[[Ruger Single Six / Ruger Vaquero|Ruger Single Six]]
Ruger Old Army
*[[Smith & Wesson Model 1|Smith & Wesson 1]]
Ruger Single Six
*[[Smith & Wesson Model 1 1/2|Smith & Wesson 1 1/2]]
Ruger Vaquero
*[[Smith & Wesson Model 3|Smith & Wesson 3]]
Smith & Wesson 1
*[[Smith & Wesson No. 3 Russian Model|Smith & Wesson 3 Russia]]
Smith & Wesson 1 1/2
*[[Smith & Wesson Schofield]]
Smith & Wesson 3
*[[Smith & Wesson 4th Model|Smith & Wesson 4]]
Smith & Wesson 19
*[[Smith & Wesson Model 19|Smith & Wesson 19]]
Smith & Wesson 29
*[[Smith & Wesson Model 29|Smith & Wesson 29]]
Smith & Wesson 500
*[[Smith & Wesson Model 500|Smith & Wesson 500]]
Taurus Raging Bull
*[[Smith & Wesson Model 586|Smith & Wesson 586]]
Ultimate 500
*[[Smith & Wesson Model 40|Smith & Wesson Centennial]]
Webley Revolver
*[[Taurus Raging Bull]]
Webley-Fosbery Automatic Revolver
*[[Webley Revolver|Rivoltella Webley]]
=== [[:Category:Rifle|Fucili]] ===
*[[Webley-Fosbery Automatic Revolver|Rivoltella automatica Webley-Fosbery]]
*[[1911 Gallery|Pistola Serie 1911]]
*[[M1911 pistol series|Pistola 1911]]
Brown Bess
*[[Springfield Armory 1911 Series|Springfield Armory 1911]]
Ferguson Rifle
*[[AMC Auto Mag Pistol|AMC Automag]]
Nock Gun
*[[AMT Automag Pistol Series|AMT AutoMag]]
Sharps rifle
*[[Astra 300/400/600|Astra 300 / 400 / 600]]
Springfield 1873 Trapdoor
*[[Margolin MCM|Baikal Margolin MCM]]
Winchester 1885
*[[Beretta M1934|Beretta 34]]
Evans Repeating Rifle
*[[Beretta 92]]
Henry 1860
*[[Bergmann Pistols|Pistola Bergmann]]
Spencer 1860
*[[Borchardt C-93|Borchardt C-93]]
Winchester rifle
*[[Browning Hi-Power|Browning High Power]]
Winchester 1886
*[[Calico Series of Rifles and Pistols|Pistole e fucili Calico]]
Winchester 1892
*[[Colt Model 1903/1908|Colt Hammerless 1903]]
Winchester 1894
*[[Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket|Colt Vest Pocket 1908]]
Winchester 1895
*[[Desert Eagle]]
Remington Rolling Block
*[[FN Model 1900|FN Browning 1900]]
Carcano 38
*[[FN Five-seveN]]
Carcano 91
*[[Glock pistol series|Pistola Glock]]
*[[Heckler & Koch P9S|Heckler & Koch P-9 S]]
Mauser Gewehr 98
*[[Heckler & Koch Mark 23|Heckler & Koch SOCOM Mark 23 M-0]]
Mauser Karabiner 98k
*[[Heckler & Koch USP]]
Mare's Leg
*[[High Standard Pistols|Pistola High Standard]]
=== [[:Category:Carbine|Carabine]] ===
*[[LAR Grizzly Pistol|LAR Grizzly Win Mag]]
=== [[:Category:Shotgun|Fucili a canna liscia]] ===
*[[Luger P08|Luger P-08]]
*[[Colt Model 1878|Colt 1878 Shotgun]]
*[[Makarov PM]]
Double barreled Shotgun
*[[Mannlicher Model 1905|Mannlicher 1905]]
Sawed off Shotgun
*[[Mauser C96|Mauser C-96]]
Over and Under Shotgun
*[[Nambu Type 14|Nambu 14]]
Browning Auto-5
*[[Ruger Mk I / Mk II / Mk III Pistol|Ruger Standard]]
Winchester 1887/1901
*[[SIG-Sauer P220|SIG-Sauer P-220]]  
Winchester 1890
*[[Smith & Wesson 39|Smith & Wesson 39 Hush Puppy Mark 22 M-0]]
Winchester 1897 Trench Gun
*[[Smith & Wesson 4500 pistol series|Serie Smith & Wesson 4500]]
Winchester 1912
*[[Steyr M1912|Steyr 1912]]
=== [[:Category:Bullpup|Bullpup]] ===
*[[Tokarev TT-33|Tokarev TT-33]]
=== [[:Category:Battle Rifle|Fucili da battaglia]] ===
*[[Walther P22|Walther P-22]]
=== [[:Category:Assault Rifle|Fucili d'assalto]] ===
*[[Walther P38|Walther P-38]]
=== [[:Category:Sniper Rifle|Fucili di precisione]] ===
*[[Walther P99|Walther P-99]]
Accuracy International AS50
*[[Walther PP]]
Barrett M82
*[[Welrod|Pistola Welrod]]
Barrett M90
*[[Wildey Hunter|Pistola Wildey]]
Barrett M95
Barrett M99
McMillan TAC-50
*[[Nock Gun]]
ArmaLite AR-50
*[[Brown Bess Flintlock Musket|Fucile Brown Bess]]
Mauser Tankgewehr M1918
*[[Kentucky Flintlock Rifle|Fucile Kentucky]]
=== [[:Category:Machine Gun|Mitragliatrici]] ===
*[[Jezail Musket|Fucile Jezail]]
*[[Colt Lightning Carbine|Colt Lightning]]
*[[Evans Repeating Rifle|Fucile Evans]]
Browning M1917
*[[Henry 1860]]
=== [[:Category:Machine Pistol|Pistole mitragliatrici]] ===
*[[Krag-Jørgensen|Fucile Krag-Jørgensen]]
Beretta 93R
*[[Marlin Model 336|Marlin 336]]
=== [[:Category:Submachine Gun|Mitra]] ===
*[[Marlin Model 1895|Marlin 1895]]
=== [[:Category:Missile Launcher|Lanciamissili]] ===
*[[Remington Rolling Block]]
Hand Cannon
*[[Sharps Rifle|Fucile Sharps]]
==== [[:Category:MANPADS|MANPADS]] ====
*[[Spencer 1860 Carbine|Spencer 1860]]
=== [[:Category:Grenade Launcher|Lanciagranate]] ===
*[[Thompson Center Arms Contender Rifle|Fucile Thompson Center Contender]]
==== [[:Category:UBGL|UBGL]] ====
*[[Trapdoor Springfield Rifle|Springfield Trapdoor 1873]]
=== [[:Category:Mortar|Mortai]] ===
*[[Whitworth Rifle|Fucile Whitworth]]
*[[Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy"|Winchester Yellow Boy 1866]]
*[[Winchester Model 1873|Winchester 1873]]
*[[Winchester Model 1876|Winchester 1876]]
*[[Winchester 1885 High Wall|Winchester High Wall 1885]]
*[[Winchester Model 1886|Winchester 1886]]
=== [[:Category:Grenade|Granate]] ===
*[[Winchester Model 1890|Winchester 1890]]
=== [[:Category:Mine|Mine]] ===
*[[Winchester Model 1892|Winchester 1892]]
===[[:Category:Flamethrower|Lanciafiamme]] ===
*[[Winchester Model 1894|Winchester 1894]]
=== [[:Category:Underwater Firearm|Armi subacqueee]] ===
*[[Winchester Model 1895|Winchester 1895]]
===[[:Category:Less-Than Lethal|Armi non letali]] ===
=== [[:Category:Flare Gun|Pistole di segnalazione]] ===
*[[:Category:Shotgun|Fucili a canna liscia]]
=== [[:Category:Fictional Firearm|Armi immaginarie]] ===
*[[Benelli Nova]]
*[[Benelli Supernova]]
*[[Benelli M Series Super 90 Shotguns|Benelli Super 90]]
*[[Browning Auto-5]]
*[[Colt Model 1878|Colt 1878]]
*[[FABARM STF 12|Fabarm STF-12]]
*[[Franchi SPAS-12]]
*[[Franchi SPAS-15]]
*[[Kel-Tec KSG]]
*[[Mossberg 500 series shotgun|Mossberg 500]]
*[[Pancor Jackhammer]]
*[[Remington Model 870|Remington 870]]
*[[Saiga shotgun series|Fucile a canna liscia Saiga]]
*[[UTAS UTS-15|UTAS UTS 15]]
*[[Winchester Model 1887|Winchester 1887/1901]]
*[[Winchester Model 1897|Winchester Trench Gun 1897]]
*[[Winchester Model 1912|Winchester 1912]]
*[[:Category:Battle Rifle|Fucili da battaglia]]
*[[:Category:Assault Rifle|Fucili d'assalto]]
*[[ArmaLite AR-7|ArmaLite Explorer AR-7]]
*[[AS Val]]
*[[M16 rifle series|Colt M-16]]
*[[Heckler & Koch G3|Heckler & Koch G-3]]
*[[Heckler & Koch G36|Heckler & Koch G-36]]
*[[Heckler & Koch HK416 rifle series|Heckler & Koch HK-416]]
*[[AK Gallery|Fucile Kalašnikov]]
*[[AK-47|Kalašnikov AK-47]]
*[[Steyr AUG]]
*[[Sturmgewehr 44]]

== Wiva la squola ==
*[[:Category:Sniper Rifle|Fucili di precisione]]
=== [[:Category:Western|Western]] ===
*[[Accuracy International Arctic Warfare series|Accuracy International Arctic Warfare]]
*[[Quick and the Dead, The (1995)|The quick and the dead]]
*[[Accuracy International AS50|Accuracy International AS-50]]
*[[A Fistful of Dollars]]
*[[Arisaka Rifle|Fucile Arisaka]]
*[[For a Few Dollars More]]
*[[Armalite AR-50|ArmaLite AR-50]]
*[[Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The|The Good, The Bad, The Ugly]]
*[[Barrett M82|Barrett 82]]
*[[Barrett M95|Barrett 95]]
*[[Barrett M99|Barrett 99]]
*[[Barrett XM500|Barrett XM-500]]
*[[Blaser R93|Blaser R-93]]
*[[Browning Automatic Rifle Safari]]
*[[Carcano Rifle Series|Fucile Carcano]]
*[[Cheyenne Tactical M200 Intervention|Cheyenne Tactical Intervention 200]]
*[[Chukavin SVCh]]
*[[Dakota T-76 Longbow|Dakota Longbow T-76]]
*[[De Lisle Carbine|Carabina De Lisle]]
*[[DRD Tactical Paratus]]
*[[DSR-Precision DSR-1|DSR Precision 1]]
*[[Pattern 1914 Enfield|Enfield 1914]]
*[[FN SCAR]]
*[[M1 Garand|Garand 1]]
*[[Gepard anti-materiel rifle series|Fucile Gepárd]]
*[[GOL sniper rifle|GOL Sniper Magnum]]
*[[Heckler & Koch HK417 rifle series|Heckler & Koch HK-417]]
*[[Knight's Armament SR-25|Knight's Armament Stoner Rifle 25]]
*[[LAR Grizzly Big Boar]]
*[[Lee-Enfield rifle series|Fucile Lee-Enfield]]
*[[M1 Carbine|Carabina M-1]]
*[[M14 Rifle|Fucile M-14]]
*[[Mauser Rifle Series|Fucile Mauser]]
*[[Mauser Gewehr 1898|Mauser Gewehr 98]]
*[[Karabiner 98k|Mauser Karabiner Kurz 98]]
*[[Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr|Mauser Tankgewehr 1918]]
*[[McMillan Tactical Rifles|Fucile di precisione McMillan]]
*[[Mosin Nagant Rifle|Fucile Mosin Nagant]]
*[[ORSIS T-5000|Orsis T-5000]]
*[[PGM sniper rifle series|Fucile di precisione PGM]]
*[[Remington Model 700|Remington 700]]
*[[Remington MSR|Remington Modular Sniper Rifle]]
*[[Ross Rifle|Fucile Ross]]
*[[Ruger Precision Rifle]]
*[[Sako TRG]]
*[[Sako M995 TRG-S|Sako TRG-S 995]]
*[[SIG SG 550|SIG SG-550]]
*[[M1903 Springfield|Springfield 1903]]
*[[Steyr Mannlicher M1895|Steyr-Mannlicher 1895]]
*[[Izhmash SV-98|SV-98]]
*[[SVD Dragunov]]
*[[Tokarev SVT-38]]
*[[Tokarev SVT-40]]
*[[VSSK Vychlop]]
*[[Gewehr 41|Walther Gewehr 41]]
*[[Gewehr 43|Walther Gewehr 43]]
*[[Winchester Model 70|Winchester 70]]
*[[:Category:Machine Gun|Mitragliatrici]]
*[[:Category:Machine Pistol|Pistole mitragliatrici]]
*[[:Category:Submachine Gun|Mitra]]
*[[Beretta 93R|Beretta 93-R]]
*[[Beretta M12|Beretta M-12]]
*[[Heckler & Koch VP70|Heckler & Koch VP-70]]
*[[MAC-10|Ingram MAC-10]]
*[[Bren gun|Mitragliatrice Bren]]
*[[Browning Automatic Rifle|Browning Automatic Rifle 1918]]
*[[Degtyaryov DP Series Machine Gun|Mitragliatrice Degtjarëv]]
*[[FG 42|FG-42]]
*[[FN MAG]]
*[[FN Minimi]]
*[[M3 / M3A1 "Grease Gun"|Grease Gun M-3]]
*[[Heckler & Koch MP5|Heckler & Koch MP-5]]
*[[Heckler & Koch UMP]]
*[[Hotchkiss M1909|Hotchkiss 1909]]
*[[Lewis Gun|Mitragliatrice Lewis]]
*[[M60 machine gun|M-60]]
*[[Rexim-Favor|Mitra Rexim-Favor]]
*[[Sterling SMG|Mitra Sterling]]
*[[TDI Vector|TDI KRISS Vector]]
*[[Thompson Submachine Gun|Mitra Thompson]]
*[[Browning M2|Browning M-2]]
*[[Browning M1917|Browning 1917]]
*[[Browning M1919|Browning 1919]]
*[[M134 Minigun|Minigun M-134]]
*[[M61 Vulcan|Vulcan M-61]]
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[:Category:Flare Gun|Pistole a razzi]]
*[[:Category:Grenade Launcher|Lanciagranate]]
*[[:Category:UBGL|Lanciagranate modulari]]
*[[:Category:Missile Launcher|Lanciamissili]]
*[[Hebel Flare Pistol Model 1894|Hebel 1894]]
*[[Leuchtpistole 42]]
*[[Orion Flare Gun|Pistola a razzi Orion]]
*[[Webley & Scott Signal Pistols|Pistola a razzi Webley & Scott]]
*[[Webley No. 1 Mark 1 flare gun|Webley 1 Mark 1]]
*[[No.1 Mk.I Cup Discharger|Lanciagranate a coppa 1 Mark 1]]
*[[M203 grenade launcher|Lanciagranate modulare M-203]]
*[[Federal Gas Riot Gun|Federal Riot Gun]]
*[[Schermuly Multi-Purpose Gun]]
*[[Smith & Wesson 276 Gas Gun|Smith & Wesson 276]]
*[[Tru Flite 37mm Super Long Range Gas Gun|Tru Flite Super Long Range 37 mm]]
*[[M1 Rocket Launcher "Bazooka"|Bazooka]]
*[[FN EGLM|FN Enhanched Grenade Launcher Module]]
*[[Mk 19 Grenade Launcher|Lanciagranate Mark 19]]
*[[Panzerschreck|Panzerschreck RPzB-43]]
*[[Saab Bofors Dynamics AT4|Saab Bofors Dynamics AT-4]]
*[[2cm FlaK 38|FlaK-38 2 cm]]
*[[MG 151 cannon|MG-151]]
*[[7.5 cm Pak 40|PaK-40 7,5 cm]]
*[[:Category:Grenade|Bombe a mano]]
*[[F1 hand grenade|Bomba a mano F-1]]
*[[Mk 2 hand grenade|Bomba a mano Mark 2]]
*[[Mills Bomb|Bomba a mano Mills]]
*[[F-1 hand grenade|Bomba a mano RGD-1]]
*[[Model 39 Eihandgranate|Eihandgranate 39]]
*[[Model 24 Stielhandgranate|Stielhandgranate 24]]
*[[Model 43 Stielhandgranate|Stielhandgranate 43]]
*[[POMZ-2 anti-personnel mine|POMZ]]
*[[M2 Flamethrower|Lanciafiamme M-2]]
*[[Non Guns|Armi da fuoco finte]]
== Live Action da Santabarbara ==
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[American Sniper]]
*[[Shooter (2007)|Shooter]]
*[[Template:Dirty Harry|<u>Menù:Ispettore Callaghan</u>]]
*[[:Category:Dirty Harry|Serie di Ispettore Callaghan]]
*[[Dirty Harry|Il Caso Scorpio è Tuo!]]
*[[Magnum Force|Una .44 Magnum]]
*[[Enforcer, The (1976)|Cielo di Piombo]]
*[[Sudden Impact|Coraggio...Fatti Ammazzare]]
*[[Dead Pool, The|Scommessa con la Morte]]
*[[Heartbreak Ridge|Gunny]]
===Live Action di Poirot===
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Murder on the Orient Express (2017)|Assassinio sull'Orient Express (Branagh)]]
*[[Death on the Nile (2022)|Assassinio sul Nilo (Branagh)]]
==Serie TV da Santabarbara==
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Castle |Castle - Detective tra le righe]]
*[[Castle - Season 1|Castle (Stagione 1)]]
*[[Castle - Season 2|Castle (Stagione 2)]]
*[[Castle - Season 3|Castle (Stagione 3)]]
*[[Castle - Season 4|Castle (Stagione 4)]]
*[[Castle - Season 5|Castle (Stagione 5)]]
*[[Castle - Season 6|Castle (Stagione 6)]]
*[[Castle - Season 7|Castle (Stagione 7)]]
*[[Castle - Season 8|Castle (Stagione 8)]]
== Giochi da Santabarbara ==
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades]] / [[Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Pistols|Pistole]] / [[Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Revolvers|Rivoltelle]] / [[Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Rifles & Carbines|Fucili e carabine]] / [[Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Shotguns|Fucili a canna liscia]] / [[Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Assault Rifles|Fucili d'assalto]] / [[Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Battle Rifles|Fucili da battaglia]] / [[Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Sniper Rifles|Fucili di precisione]] / [[Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Machine Guns|Mitragliatrici]] / [[Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Submachine Guns|Mitra]] / [[Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Launchers|Lanciarazzi]] / [[Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Grenades & Explosives|Esplosivi e granate]] / [[Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Unusable/NPC Weapons|Armi non usabili]]
*[[Battlefield|Serie di Battlefield]]
*[[Battlefield 1]]
*[[Battlefield: 1942|Battlefield 1942]]
*[[Battlefield: 1943|Battlefield 1943]]
*[[Battlefield V|Battlefield 5]]
*[[Battlefield: Vietnam|Battlefield Vietnam]]
*[[Battlefield 2]]
*[[Battlefield 2: Modern Combat|Modern Combat]]
*[[Battlefield 3]]
*[[Battlefield 4]]
*[[Battlefield: Bad Company|Bad Company 1]]
*[[Battlefield: Bad Company 2|Bad Company 2]]
*[[Battlefield Hardline|Hardline]]
*[[Battlefield Heroes|Heroes]]
*[[Battlefield Play4Free|Play4Free]]
*[[Template:Call of Duty Series|<u>Menù:Call of Duty</u>]]
*[[Call of Duty|Serie di Call of Duty]]
*[[Call of Duty (2003)|Call of Duty 1]]
*[[Call of Duty: United Offensive|United Offensive]]
*[[Call of Duty: Finest Hour|Ora degli Eroi]]
*[[Call of Duty 2]]
*[[Call of Duty 3]]
*[[Call of Duty: Roads to Victory|Roads to Victory]]
*[[Call of Duty: WWII|World War II]]
*[[Call of Duty: Vanguard|Vanguard]]
*[[Call of Duty: Ghosts|Ghosts]]
*[[Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare|Advanced Warfare]]
*[[Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare|Infinite Warfare]]
*[[Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare|Modern Warfare 1]]
*[[Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2|Modern Warfare 2]]
*[[Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3|Modern Warfare 3]]
*[[Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)|Modern Warfare 1 (Rifacimento)]]
*[[Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022)|Modern Warfare 2 (Rifacimento)]]
*[[Call of Duty: World at War|World at War]]
*[[Call of Duty: World at War - Final Fronts|Final Fronts]]
*[[Call of Duty: Black Ops|Black Ops 1]]
*[[Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War|Black Ops - Cold War]]
*[[Call of Duty: Black Ops II|Black Ops 2]]
*[[Call of Duty: Black Ops III|Black Ops 3]]
*[[Call of Duty: Black Ops 4|Black Ops 4]]
*[[Call of Duty Online|Online]]
*[[Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2|Red Alert 2]]
*[[Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3|Red Alert 3]]
*[[Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines|Dietro le Linee Nemiche]]
*[[Commandos 2: Men of Courage|Uomini di Coraggio]]
*[[Commandos 3: Destination Berlin|Destinazione Berlino]]
*[[Commandos: Strike Force|Strike Force]]
*[[Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories|Storie di Vice City]]
*[[Grand Theft Auto: Vice City|Vice City (Videogioco)]]
*[[Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas|San Andreas (Videogioco)]]
*[[Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories|Storie di Liberty City]]
*[[Grand Theft Auto III|Grand Theft Auto 3]]
*[[Grand Theft Auto IV|Grand Theft Auto 4]]
*[[Grand Theft Auto V|Grand Theft Auto 5]]
*[[Hidden & Dangerous 2]]
*[[Medal of Honor (VG series)|Serie di Medal of Honor]]
*[[Medal of Honor: Underground|Underground]]
*[[Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault|Pacific Assault]]
*[[Medal of Honor: Rising Sun|Rising Sun]]
*[[Medal of Honor: Vanguard|Vanguard]]
*[[Medal of Honor: Airborne|Airborne]]
*[[Medal of Honor: Allied Assault|Allied Assault]]
*[[Medal of Honor: Frontline|Frontline]]
*[[Medal of Honor: Heroes 2|Heroes 2]]
*[[Medal of Honor (1999)|Medal of Honor 1]]
*[[Medal of Honor (2010)|Medal of Honor 2010]]
*[[Medal of Honor: Warfighter|Warfighter]]
*[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater|Snake Eater]]
*[[Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops|Portable Ops]]
*[[Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker|Peace Walker]]
*[[Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes|Ground Zeroes]]
*[[Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain|Phantom Pain]]
*[[Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake|Metal Gear 2 - Solid Snake]]
*[[Metal Gear Solid|Metal Gear Solid 1]]
*[[Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty|Sons of Liberty]]
*[[Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots|Guns of the Patriots]]
*[[Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance|Rising - Revengeance]]
*[[Metal Gear: Survive|Survive]]
*[[Sniper Elite (disambiguation)|Serie di Sniper Elite]]
*[[Sniper Elite III|Sniper Elite 3]]
*[[Sniper Elite 4]]
*[[Sniper Elite 5]]
*[[Sniper Elite (2005)|Sniper Elite - Berlino 1945]]
*[[Sniper Elite V2]]
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Sniper: Ghost Warrior (disambiguation)|Serie di Sniper - Ghost Warrior]]
*[[Sniper: Ghost Warrior|Ghost Warrior 1]]
*[[Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2|Ghost Warrior 2]]
*[[Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3|Ghost Warrior 3]]
*[[Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts|Contracts 1]]
*[[Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 2|Contracts 2]]
=='''Banda Disney'''==
=== Live Action Disney ===
==== Live Action delle Serie TV Disney ====
<div style="display: flex;">
* [[Lone Ranger, The (2013)|The Lone Ranger (Live Action 2013)]]
==== Live Action dei Parchi Disney ====
<div style="display: flex;">
* [[Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl|La Maledizione della Prima Luna]]
* [[Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest|La Maledizione del Forziere Fantasma]]
* [[Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End|Ai Confini del Mondo]]
* [[Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides|Oltre i Confini del Mare]]
* [[Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales|La Vendetta di Salazar]]
=== Serie TV Disney ===
<div style="display: flex;">
* [[Lone Ranger, The (1949)|Il Ranger Solitario]]
==='''Giochi Amici'''===
====Final Fantasy====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Final Fantasy VII|Final Fantasy 7]]
==== Live Action Marvel ====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[:Category:MCU|Marvel Cinematic Universe]]
*[[Spider-Man (2002)|Spider-Man 1]]
*[[Spider-Man 2]]
*[[Spider-Man 3]]
*[[Amazing Spider-Man, The|The Amazing Spider-Man 1]]
*[[Amazing Spider-Man 2, The|The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Il Potere di Electro]]
*[[Captain America: Civil War|Capitan America 3 - Civil War]]
*[[Spider-Man: Homecoming|Spider-Man 1 - Homecoming]]
*[[Avengers: Infinity War|Avengers 3 - Infinity War]]
*[[Avengers: Endgame|Avengers 4 - Endgame]]
*[[Spider-Man: Far From Home|Spider-Man 2 - Far From Home]]
*[[Spider-Man: No Way Home|Spider-Man 3 - No Way Home]]
*[[Template:Batman_Series|<u>Menù:Serie di Batman</u>]]
*[[Batman_(disambiguation)|Serie di Batman]]
==== Live Action DC ====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Batman (1989)|Batman 1 (Burtonverso)]]
*[[Batman Returns|Batman 2 - Il Ritorno]]
*[[Batman Forever|Batman 3 - Forever]]
*[[Batman & Robin|Batman 4 - & Robin]]
*[[Batman Begins|Batman 1 - Begins]]
*[[The Dark Knight|Batman 2 - Il Cavaliere Oscuro]]
*[[The Dark Knight Rises|Batman 3 - Il Cavaliere Oscuro - Il Ritorno]]
*[[The Batman (2022)|The Batman (Live Action)]]
*[[Jonah Hex|Jonah Hex (Live Action)]]
====Serie TV DC====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Smallville - Season 1|Smallville (Stagione 1)]]
*[[Smallville - Season 2|Smallville (Stagione 2)]]
*[[Smallville - Season 3|Smallville (Stagione 3)]]
*[[Smallville - Season 4|Smallville (Stagione 4)]]
*[[Smallville - Season 5|Smallville (Stagione 5)]]
*[[Smallville - Season 6|Smallville (Stagione 6)]]
*[[Smallville - Season 7|Smallville (Stagione 7)]]
*[[Smallville - Season 8|Smallville (Stagione 8)]]
*[[Smallville - Season 9|Smallville (Stagione 9)]]
*[[Smallville - Season 10|Smallville (Stagione 10)]]
====Giochi DC====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Batman: The Telltale Series|Serie di Batman Telltale]]
*[[Batman: Arkham Origins|Arkham Origins]]
*[[Batman: Arkham Asylum|Arkham Asylum]]
*[[Batman: Arkham City|Arkham City]]
*[[Batman: Arkham Knight|Arkham Knight]]
*[[Injustice: Gods Among Us|Injustice 1 - Gods Among Us]]
===Guerre Stellari===
====Live Action Guerre Stellari====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Star Wars|Live Action di Guerre Stellari]]
*[[Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy|Trilogia Prequel di Guerre Stellari]]
*[[Solo: A Star Wars Story|Solo]]
*[[Rogue One: A Star Wars Story|Rogue One]]
*[[Star Wars (1977)|Guerre Stellari - Una Nuova Speranza]]
*[[The Empire Strikes Back|L'Impero Colpisce Ancora]]
*[[Return of the Jedi|Il Ritorno dello Jedi]]
*[[Star Wars: The Force Awakens|Il Risveglio della Forza]]
*[[Star Wars: The Last Jedi|Gli Ultimi Jedi]]
*[[Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker|L'Ascesa di Skywalker]]
====Serie TV Guerre Stellari====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Mandalorian, The|The Mandalorian]]
*[[Mandalorian, The - Season 1|The Mandalorian (Stagione 1)]]
*[[Mandalorian, The - Season 2|The Mandalorian (Stagione 2)]]
====Giochi Guerre Stellari====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Star Wars Battlefront|Battlefront 1 (Rifacimento)]]
*[[Star Wars Battlefront II|Battlefront 2 (Rifacimento)]]
=='''Bestia, che Roba'''==
=== Bestiario ===
==== Ecchekkaijū ====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Godzilla|Serie di Godzilla]]
*[[King Kong|Serie di King Kong]]
====Oggetti di Caccia====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Howdah Pistol|Pistola Howdah]]
*[[Double rifle|Fucile doppietta]]
*[[Holland & Holland Double Rifle|Fucile doppietta Holland & Holland]]
*[[Double barreled shotgun|Doppiette]]
*[[10 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun|Doppietta calibro 10]]
*[[12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun|Doppietta calibro 12]]
*[[Holland & Holland Paradox|Paradosso Holland & Holland]]
====Giochi di Caccia====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Cabela's African Adventures|African Adventures]]
*[[Cabela's Alaskan Adventures|Big Game Hunter - Alaskan Adventures]]
*[[Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2010|Big Game Hunter 2010]]
*[[Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2009|Dangerous Hunts 2009]]
*[[Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013|Dangerous Hunts 2013]]
*[[Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai|Survival - Shadows of Katmai]]
*[[TheHunter: Call of the Wild|Call of the Wild]]
===Jurassic Park===
<div style="display: flex;">
* [[Jurassic Park|Serie di Jurassic Park]]
* [[Jurassic Park (1993)|Jurassic Park 1]]
*[[Jurassic Park: The Game|Jurassic Park (Videogioco)]]
* [[Lost World: Jurassic Park, The|Jurassic Park 2 - Il Mondo Perduto]]
* [[Jurassic Park III|Jurassic Park 3]]
*[[Jurassic Park: Trespasser|Trespasser]]
* [[Jurassic World|Jurassic World 4]]
*[[Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous|Nuove Avventure di Campo Cretaceo]]
* [[Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom|Jurassic World 5 - Il Regno Distrutto]]
* [[Jurassic World: Dominion|Jurassic World 6 - Il Dominio]]
==== Giochi Jurassic Park ====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis|Operation Genesis]]
*[[Jurassic World: Evolution|Evolution 1]]
*[[Jurassic World: Evolution 2|Evolution 2]]
===Live Action Bestiali===
==== Live Action di Ecchekkaijū ====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[King Kong (1933)|King Kong 1 (Live Action 1933)]]
*[[Son of Kong, The|Il figlio di King Kong]]
*[[Godzilla (1954)|Godzilla 1 (Showa)]]
*[[Ghidorah the Three-Headed Monster|Ghidorah! Il mostro a tre teste]]
*[[Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster|Il ritorno di Godzilla (Showa)]]
*[[Son of Godzilla|Il figlio di Godzilla]]
*[[Destroy All Monsters|Gli eredi di King Kong]]
*[[Godzilla vs. Gigan|Godzilla contro i giganti]]
*[[King Kong (1976)|King Kong 1 (Live Action 1976)]]
*[[Return of Godzilla, The|Il ritorno di Godzilla (Heisei)]]
*[[King Kong Lives|King Kong 2]]
*[[Godzilla vs. Biollante|Godzilla contro Biollante]]
*[[Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth|Godzilla contro Mothra]]
*[[Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla|Godzilla contro SpaceGodzilla]]
*[[Godzilla vs. Destoroyah|Godzilla contro Destoroyah]]
*[[Godzilla (1998)|Godzilla (Live Action 1998)]]
*[[Godzilla 2000|Godzilla Millennium 2000]]
*[[Godzilla vs. Megaguirus|Godzilla contro Megaguirus]]
*[[Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack|Giant monsters all-out attack]]
*[[Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla|Godzilla contro MechaGodzilla (Millennium)]]
*[[Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S.|Tokyo SOS]]
*[[Godzilla: Final Wars|Final wars]]
*[[King Kong (2005)|King Kong (Live Action 2005)]]
*[[Shin Godzilla]]
*[[Kong: Skull Island|Kong - Skull Island]]
*[[Godzilla (2014)|Godzilla 1 (Mostroverso)]]
*[[Godzilla: King of the Monsters|Godzilla 2 - Re dei Mostri]]
===Giochi Bestiali===
==== Giochi di Dinosauri ====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Dino Crisis|Dino Crisis 1]]
*[[Dino Crisis 2]]
==== Giochi di Ecchekkaijū ====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie|King Kong (Videogioco 2005)]]
=== Live Action di Giochi ===
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Free Guy]]
=='''Wiva la sQuola'''==
=== Live Action sQuolastici ===
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[:Category:Indiana Jones|Serie di Indiana Jones]]
*[[Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom|Il Tempio Maledetto]]
*[[Raiders of the Lost Ark|I Predatori dell'Arca Perduta]]
*[[Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade|L'Ultima Crociata]]
*[[Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull|Il Regno del Teschio di Cristallo]]
*[[Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The|Le Avventure del Giovane Indiana Jones (Serie TV)]]
*[[Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Volume 1, The|Episodi di Le Avventure del Giovane Indiana Jones (Stagione 1)]]
*[[Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Volume 2, The|Episodi di Le Avventure del Giovane Indiana Jones (Stagione 2)]]
*[[Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Volume 3, The|Episodi di Le Avventure del Giovane Indiana Jones (Speciali)]]
*[[Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb|La Tomba dell'Imperatore (Videogioco)]]
*[[Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine|La Macchina Infernale (Videogioco)]]
==== Live Action Storici ====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Quigley Down Under|Carabina Quigley]]
*[[Great Silence, The|Il Grande Silenzio]]
*[[Quick and the Dead, The (1995)|Pronti a morire]]
*[[Wild Wild West]]
*[[A Fistful of Dollars|Per un pugno di dollari]]
*[[For a Few Dollars More|Per qualche dollaro in più]]
*[[Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The|Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo]]
*[[High Plains Drifter|Lo Straniero Senza Nome]]
*[[Outlaw Josey Wales, The|Il Texano dagli Occhi di Ghiaccio]]
*[[Pale Rider|Il Cavaliere Pallido]]
*[[Unforgiven (1992)|Gli Spietati]]
*[[Joe Kidd]]
=== Giochi sQuolastici ===
==== Giochi Storici ====
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag|Black flag]]
*[[Assassin's Creed Rogue|Rogue]]
*[[Assassin's Creed III: Liberation|Liberation]]
*[[Assassin's Creed III|Assassin's Creed 3]]
*[[Assassin's Creed Unity|Unity]]
*[[Assassin's Creed Syndicate|Syndicate]]
*[[Gun (VG)|Gun]]
*[[Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood|Bound in Blood]]
*[[Call of Juarez|Call of Juarez 1]]
*[[Call of Juarez|Call of Juarez 1]]
*[[Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood|Call of Juarez 2 - Bound in Blood]]
*[[Call of Juarez: Gunslinger|Gunslinger]]
*[[Call of Juarez: Gunslinger|Call of Juarez 4 - Gunslinger]]
*[[Call of Juarez: The Cartel|The Cartel]]
*[[Desperados: III|Desperados 3]]
*[[Desperados: Wanted Dead Or Alive|Desperados 1 - Wanted Dead or Alive]]
*[[Desperados: Wanted Dead Or Alive|Desperados 1 - Wanted Dead or Alive]]
*[[Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge|Desperados 2 - Cooper's Revenge]]
*[[Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge|Cooper's Revenge]]
*[[Gun (VG)|Gun]]
*[[Red Dead Revolver]]
*[[Red Dead Redemption]]
*[[Red Dead Redemption 2]]

== Fumetti e Cartoni ==
*[[Red Dead Revolver|Revolver]]
== Nippofilia ==
*[[Red Dead Redemption 2|Redemption 2]]
== Film e TV ==
*[[Red Dead Redemption|Redemption 1]]
*[[Clint Eastwood]]
*[[:Category:Clint Eastwood|Clint Eastwood filmography]]

== Giochi ==
===Live Action di Pininfarina===
<div style="display: flex;">
*[[Mad Max|Interceptor 1]]
*[[The Road Warrior|Interceptor 2 - Il Guerriero della Strada]]
*[[Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome|Mad Max 3 - Oltre la Sfera del Tuono]]
*[[Mad Max: Fury Road|Mad Max 4 - Fury Road]]
*[[Mad Max (2015 VG)|Mad Max (Videogioco 2015)]]

Latest revision as of 21:43, 30 October 2023

Firearm lover from Italy.

I'm currently working to have a licence for "sport shooting", as we say here. I already had my chance of shooting at a couple shooting centers too.

I also like movies, cartoons and videogames and I always try to recognize guns from them, so I'm here to help this site expand.

Personaggi da Santabarbara

Oggetti da Santabarbara

Live Action da Santabarbara

Live Action di Poirot

Serie TV da Santabarbara

Giochi da Santabarbara

Banda Disney

Live Action Disney

Live Action delle Serie TV Disney

Live Action dei Parchi Disney

Serie TV Disney

Giochi Amici

Final Fantasy



Live Action Marvel


Live Action DC

Serie TV DC

Giochi DC

Guerre Stellari

Live Action Guerre Stellari

Serie TV Guerre Stellari

Giochi Guerre Stellari

Bestia, che Roba




Oggetti di Caccia

Giochi di Caccia

Jurassic Park

Giochi Jurassic Park

Live Action Bestiali

Live Action di Ecchekkaijū

Giochi Bestiali

Giochi di Dinosauri

Giochi di Ecchekkaijū


Live Action di Giochi

Wiva la sQuola

Live Action sQuolastici

Live Action Storici

Giochi sQuolastici

Giochi Storici


Live Action di Pininfarina