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Shooter (2007)
Shooter is a 2007 American action thriller directed by Antoine Fuqua (Training Day) and based on the best-selling novel "Point of Impact" written by Stephen Hunter. The film stars Mark Wahlberg as Bob Lee Swagger, a former US Marine sniper who finds himself framed for an assassination that he believed he was trying to prevent. The cast includes Danny Glover, Ned Beatty, Michael Peña and Kate Mara. Shooter was also adapted as a USA Network television series that premiered in 2016 and stars Ryan Phillippe as Swagger.
The following weapons were used in the film Shooter:
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Sniper Rifles
USMC sniper Bob Lee Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) engages several ground targets with his M40A3 sniper rifle at the beginning of the film. In the final confrontation on the mountain, at least one of mercenary snipers appears to use an M40A3 with a custom paint job done to blend in with the current terrain. The rifle appears to be a Remington 700 7.62 (trued and blueprinted by a gunsmith fitted with a McMillan A4 stock, Harris bipod, and a US optics MST-100 scope (considering the year)).
Barrett M82A1M
In the opening scene in Ethiopia, Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) is seen firing both a Barrett M82A1M and an M40A3 sniper rifle. The M82A1M is distinguishable from a Barrett M82 by the lengthened scope rail on top. This rifle is likely standing in for the M82A3 (the variant of the Barrett used by the USMC) which is essentially an M82A1M with the rear grip removed. Even though this rifle is a semi-automatic in real life, in the film, the editing makes it appear that Swagger racks the charging handle between shots (like a non blank-adapted rifle would require).
- Posted to IMFDB by Weapons Coordinator Ryan Steacy:
- "I was the weapons coordinator on this film. The Barrett used was a real one firing blanks. After multiple strafing runs by the helicopter and the amount of dust and crap floating in the air from all the explosions, the gun did malfunction a few times on multiple takes. Unfortunately the way it was edited together made it seem like he was cocking it after every shot".
Barrett M82A1
A sniper rifle is seen mounted on a remote weapons platform which has been speculated to be a Precision Remotes Telepresent Rapid-Aiming Platform (TRAP), which is basically a computer-operated weapon platform that holds a standard rifle. According to the remote scope's readout, it appears that the rifle mounted is a Barrett M82A1 fitted with a suppressor.
Cheyenne Tactical M-200 Intervention
The hefty Cheyenne Tactical M-200 Intervention has a pivotal role as one of Swagger's personal sniper rifles. This rifle fires the extremely ballistics efficient .408 CheyTac round. As a result, this rifle, with correctly manufactured ammunition, can be effectively used out to distances of approximately 1.5 miles. The rifle is usually used with a ballistic computer that calculates bullet trajectory based on atmospheric conditions. As Swagger is seen taking a shot at a stew can, a ballistic computer can be seen immediately to his right. While it is possible, one must realize that the average grouping for even the best rifle (the M-200 being high on that list) at this range will be approximately 20 inches at 2000 yards. Keeping that in mind, the scene was obviously used to showcase Swagger's supernatural ability to snipe. He is seen using it right-handed until his meeting with Attorney General, where he holds it left-handed (due to his shoulder injury).

Remington 700PSS
The Remington 700PSS, a heavy barreled tactical model of the Remington Model 700 designed for the police, makes two appearances in the film. It is first seen employed by Secret Service counter-snipers who take up positions during the Archbishop's speech. While on the run, Bob Lee Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) and Nicholas "Nick" Memphis (Michael Peña) purchase two Remington rifles at the sporting goods store, fitted with Leupold Fixed 16x magnification M1 rifle scopes. These rifles are given a custom camouflage paint job by Swagger and are used near the river where Swagger is training Memphis to shoot under pressure. Later, Memphis provides cover fire for Swagger as they infiltrate the ranch in Virginia. Finally, the rifle, now with an arctic camouflage scheme, is used by Swagger as well as mercenary snipers during the confrontation on the mountain.
Cooey Model 600
Sarah Fenn (Kate Mara) gives Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) a Cooey Model 600 which he later uses with a "homemade silencer" to kill Memphis' captors.
Assault Rifles & Carbines
The AKM rifle is carried by some of enemy fighters engaged by Swagger and Donnie at the beginning of the film.
One of enemy fighters is seen carrying an AKMSU when engaged by Swagger and Donnie at the beginning of the film.
M4A1 Carbine
There are several appearances of M4A1 Carbines in the film. One with a PVS-14 Night Vision Optic and Cobray 37mm Launcher is used by Donnie Fenn (Lane Garrison) to fire at a helicopter. SWAT officers are seen firing them as Swagger is chased in the FBI car. They are also used by the mercenaries during the shootout at the ranch, one which is commandeered by Swagger, and one, possibly the same one taken from the ranch shootout, with a red dot optic and suppressor is used by Swagger at the end of the film. During the ranch scene, some of the M4s can be seen fitted with the PVS-14 Night Vision Optics, despite being used in broad daylight. The M4 at the end of the film appears to have an EOTech with a 4x Magnifier mounted behind it, and not an Aimpoint sight, as was on the one that he took from the ranch. You can see the rifles optics when Swagger goes under the house with his M1911 out. FBI SWAT officers are also seen with them as they come to meet Swagger on the mountain.

Heckler & Koch G36C
Two bodyguards protecting Colonel Isaac Johnson (Danny Glover) at the end of the film carry Heckler & Koch G36Cs.
Heckler & Koch G36KV
Heckler & Koch G36KVs are carried by four guards outside the cabin where Sandor (Rade Serbedzija) is sequestered.
Machine Guns
One of the targets Swagger snipes at the beginning of the film is seen using a DShK heavy machine gun mounted on the back of a truck.
Browning M2
In the Ethiopia sequence at the beginning of the film, several Browning M2s can be seen mounted on US Army Humvees and enemy vehicles.
During the shootout at the ranch, two gunners in a helicopter can be seen firing RPD light machine guns. This information was confirmed by Ryan Steacy, the weapons coordinator from the film.
Unknown Machine Gun
At the beginning of the film, the helicopter uses unknown machine guns to fire at Swagger and Donnie's position.
Beretta 92FS
A Beretta 92FS is drawn by a police officer on Bob Lee Swagger (Mark Wahlberg). Swagger later confronts ex-sniper Michael Sandor (Rade Serbedzija) with a Beretta 92FS. Ben Davis (Adrian Hughes), and an unnamed man are each armed with what appear to be Berettas as they are setting up the "suicide" of Nick Memphis. There are no clear shots of their pistols but the unnamed man's pistol may be a Beretta 92FS. Also interesting to notice is that Swagger can be seen taking Russo's pistol out of his holster while he is talking to Memphis, so this could be where he obtained the Beretta 92FS which he uses later.
Glock 17
Police officer Stanley Timmons (Alan C. Peterson) wounds Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) with a Glock 17. After being wounded, Swagger then strips a Glock 17 from FBI Special Agent Nick Memphis (Michael Peña). The Glock is later placed in a custom rig that is put on Memphis in order to make it look like he committed suicide.
Stainless Revolver (possibly Non Gun)
The "mugger" who kills Timmons (Alan C. Peterson) in an alley uses what appears to be a stainless revolver to do the job. Judging from the arm tattoos and body size, it can be surmised that the man is the same guy who helped set up the "suicide" of Nick Memphis later on, Frank Russo (Darrin Massey). Due to the proximity of the gun to the actor on the ground and the unusual sparks coming from the cylinder, this gun may be a Non Gun.

SIG-Sauer P226
When Jack Payne (Elias Koteas) confronts Sarah (Kate Mara), he can be seen with a SIG-Sauer P226 fitted with a suppressor.
SIG-Sauer P228
Frank Russo (Darrin Massey) is armed with what appears to be a SIG-Sauer P228 pistol as he and his fellow operatives are setting up the "suicide" of Nick Memphis.
Walther P99
After Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) gets the information he needs out of him, Michael Sandor (Rade Serbedzija) takes a Walther P99 from his bookshelf to use on himself.
Taurus PT92
A nickel plated Taurus PT92 with pearl grips is taken off Senator Charles F. Meachum (Ned Beatty) and thrown on the ground. Sarah (Kate Mara) then picks up the pistol and fires it. In one shot, the slide is locked back but in the next shot, the slide was back forward.
Colt M1911A1
Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) uses the Colt M1911A1 to tie up some loose ends.
Double Barreled Shotgun
Senator Meachum (Ned Beatty) can be seen shooting clays with a Double Barreled Shotgun.
Remington 870 Express
When Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) goes to Donnie's wife Sara Fenn (Kate Mara) for help, she can be seen with a Remington 870 Express in the doorway to which Swagger mentions that it's too long to draw quickly before she lets him into the house. A sawed-off Remington 870 Express is also seen when Sarah shoots an intruder in her house before being captured by Jack Payne (Elias Koteas), it is unknown if this is a second shotgun or if Sarah cut the stock and barrel off the one from earlier (although it is unlikely that she would cut down the stock, sand it smooth, contour it and re-stain and finish it, it's probably meant to be the same shotgun). The short shotgun is also seen during the mountain scene when Payne has it taped to his hand and is using to hold Sarah hostage when he taunts Swagger by telling him he has no shot.
Cobray 37mm Launcher
Donnie Fenn (Lane Garrison) has a Cobray 37mm Launcher on his M4A1 Carbine at the beginning of the film which he uses to destroy an enemy vehicle while trying to fight off the helicopter.
M29 Mortar
Several M29 Mortars can be seen being used by enemy fighters to fire at Swagger's and Donnie's position at the beginning of the film.