American Sniper
Theatrical Poster
American Sniper is a 2014 biographical war film directed by Clint Eastwood with a screenplay by Jason Hall. Based on Chris Kyle's autobiography American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History , the film stars Bradley Cooper as Chris Kyle and Sienna Miller as his wife Taya Ranae Kyle.
The following weapons were used in the film American Sniper :
Sniper Rifles
McMillan TAC-338A
Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper ) uses a McMillan TAC-338A rifle as one of his main weapons. The weapon is fitted with a Leupold Mark 4. The rifle is also similar in appearance to the TAC-338 rifle that Kyle used in real life.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McMillan TAC-338A sniper rifle with Harris bipod, Leupold Mark 4 scope, and AN/PVS-22 Universal Night Sight - .338 Lapua Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle taking aim with the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Right side of the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle sets up his McMillan rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "Aim small, miss small" . Kyle sets up his shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle disengages the safety.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closeup of the trigger.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closeup of the barrel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Here we get a good look of the engraved marks on the rifle.
Remington Mk 13 Mod 0
During his first tour in Iraq, Kyle uses a Remington Mk 13 Mod 0 , based off the Remington Model 700 , chambered in .300 Winchester Magnum. The weapon is fitted with a McMillan A2 stock, Nightforce NXS scope, Harris bipod, MIRS night vision rail, and Knight's Armament M110 suppressor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington Mk 13 Mod 5 with bolt open, Harris bipod and KAC M110 suppressor - .300 Winchester Magnum. The Mod 0 differed in that it was built in a McMillan A2 stock as shown in the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Screen-used stunt Mk 13 Mod 0 as used in the film. Image from Prop Store of London.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Screen-used stunt Mk 13 Mod 0 as used in the film. Image from Prop Store of London.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle's weapons hanging on the wall with the Mk 13 on the very top.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper ) takes aim with what appears to be an Mk 13 rifle, based off the Remington Model 700 , chambered in 300 Winchester Magnum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closeup of the KAC suppressor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle takes aim with his suppressed Mk 13.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The trigger of the Mk 13.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with the Mk 13 sniper rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view with the reticle of the Mk 13 scope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with the Mk 13 sniper rifle.
M24A1 Sniper Weapon System
The US Delta Sniper (Joel Lambert) accompanying Kyle in his fourth tour has a M24A1 Sniper Weapon System .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M24 sniper rifle - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing At the right, the US Delta sniper (Joel Lambert) takes aim with the M24 SWS.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Visible here is the stock part of the Delta's M24.
A Marine Recon Scout Sniper (Tony Nevada) that accompanies Kyle on a mission in Iraq is seen firing a M40A3 Sniper Rifle while engaging insurgents in Sadr City.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M40A3 sniper rifle with Harris bipod - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Scout Sniper with his M40A3 slung to the right of Kyle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Scout Sniper with his M40A3.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Marine Scout Sniper aiming the M40A3.
Knight's Armament SR-25
Both Kyle and Dauber (Kevin Lacz ) are seen armed with tan-painted Knight's Armament SR-25 sniper rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Knight's Armament SR-25 with Harris bipod - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dauber prepares his SR-25 rifle as Kyle finishes up.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with the SR-25 on his sniping perch.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with his SR-25 at the ready as he prepares to clear a house. Notice the suppressor strapped to the front of his vest via zip-ties.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle is armed with the SR25 while clearing a house.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle holds his SR25 during an interrogation.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dauber with a SR-25 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dauber sets up his position with a SR-25 as overwatch.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view through the SR-25 reticle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dauber's SR25 with a AN/PEQ-15 on the right side.
Mk 12 Mod 1 Special Purpose Rifle
Kyle uses a Mk 12 Mod 1 Special Purpose Rifle with a tan paint scheme, Harris bipod, Crane stock, Leupold Mark 4 scope, and suppressor while training to be a sniper. Other SEALs are also seen using the rifles in Iraq.
TRIVIA: Chris Kyle, in a piece for Soldier of Fortune wrote that he "took the lower receiver off [his] (sic) M-4 and put it on the upper receiver of [his] Mk-12. That gave [him] a collapsible stock and allowed [him] to go full-auto." By stating that he could "go full-auto", he very clearly meant an M4A1 Carbine , not the burst fire only M4 Carbine , but some use "M4" as an umbrella term to refer to both. Additionally, he could have simply put a collapsible stock and full auto trigger pack on his Mk-12, he didn't need to change the lower for that, it was likely just done as it'd be easier than cannibalizing parts off of an M4A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mark 12 Mod 1 SPR with suppressor, 30-round magazine, Harris bipod, and Leupold Mark 4 scope - 5.56x45mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Screen used stunt SEAL Team 3 Mk 12 Mod 1 SPR from American Sniper . Image from Prop Store of London.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Screen used stunt SEAL Team 3 Mk 12 Mod 1. Image from Prop Store of London.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A behind the scenes image of Bradley Cooper as Kyle with the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle on the Mk 12 Mod 1 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with two other SEAL training with the Mk 12 Mod 1 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with the Mk 12 Mod 1 rifle with the suppressor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The reticle of the scope on Kyle's Mk 12 Mod 1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The SEAL snipers here have Mk 12 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The SEAL snipers in the middle and very left have Mk 12 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The SEAL on the left has a Mk 12 rifle.
PSL Sniper Rifle
Mustafa (Sammy Sheik ) uses a bipod-equipped PSL Sniper Rifle .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing PSL - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mustafa aims the PSL sniper rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mustafa and his PSL rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The reticle of the PSO-1 sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mustafa with the PSL sniper rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mustafa with PSL rifle. This is an continuity error as he was seen assembling a Dragunov rifle earlier.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mustafa aiming with his PSL rifle.
SVD Dragunov
Mustafa uses an SVD Dragunov throughout the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SVD Dragunov sniper rifle - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mustafa assembling his SVD rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mustafa attaching the SVD top cover onto the receiver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Attaching the scope onto the Dragunov.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mustafa locks a magazine into the Dragunov with its distinctive magazine grooves.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mustafa with the now complete Dragunov.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mustafa adjusts his Dragunov.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The trigger group of the Dragunov.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The flash hider of the Dragunov.
Tabuk Sniper Rifle
An Iraqi Tabuk Sniper Rifle is seen in a cache of weapons and depicted on a bounty poster for Chris Kyle. The Tabuk rifles seen in the film are American-made copies built by the Two Rivers Arms Company for Independent Studio Services, the film's armorer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Iraqi Tabuk sniper rifle with cleaning rod removed and Zrak scope - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The rifle is seen in the weapons cache.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle's bounty poster with a Tabuk on it.
Remington Model 700
A young Chris Kyle (Cole Konis) and his father (Ben Reed) are seen hunting using a Remington Model 700 . Chris later takes his son out hunting with Remington 700s as well.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington Model 700 - .308 Winchester
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A young Chris Kyle (Cole Konis) takes aim with the Remington 700.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle and his father (Ben Reed) with the Remington 700 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with a Remington 700 rifle slung on his right shoulder.
Remington 700PSS
Kyle uses a Remington 700PSS during sniping training at the SEALs boot camp. It is painted to resemble the the M40A1 sniper rifle .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 700PSS with Leupold Mark 4 scope and Harris bipod - .300 Win Mag
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with the R700 PSS rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle and a fellow SEAL training with the R700 PSS rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle trains with the R700 PSS rifle.
GAP Gladius (Remington 700 action)
A Remington 700 in a Gladius stock is the rifle used by a wounded veteran as Kyle takes some of them out to a range to shoot targets.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing GAP Gladius
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A veteran aiming the Remington rifle with Gladius stock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The veteran with the Remington as another spots in the background.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The veteran and Kyle with the Remington 700.
Rifles and Carbines
Colt Mk 18 Mod 0 CQB
Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper ) and many of the U.S. Navy SEALs use tan-painted Mk 18 Mod 0 CQB carbines with various accessories ranging from suppressors, AN/PEQ-2 and AN/PEQ-15 IR designators, Crane stocks, LMT rear sights, Aimpoint CompM2 red dot sights, and EOTech holographic sights. According to Independent Studio Services, the prophouse which supplied the weapons used in the film, Kyle's Mk 18 is built on an XM16E1 lower receiver and the same rifle was used with different accessories to represent different points in Kyle's career.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mk 18 Mod 0 with LMT rear sight, RIS foregrip, and Crane stock - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Screen used stunt MK 18 Mod 0 CQB (Kyle's) from American Sniper . Image from Prop Store of London.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Screen used stunt MK 18 Mod 0 (Kyle's). Image from Prop Store of London.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Production still of Bradley Cooper with a Mk 18 Mod 0 CQB carbine .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle's weapons on the wall with his suppressed MK 18 on the bottom.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle on the very right with his MK 18 carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle in front with his suppressed MK 18.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle comes under fire while carrying the carbine with an a suppressor, aimpoint, and a AN/PEQ-2 attached.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle preparing to breach a room with his carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The SEAL on the right with a MK 18 carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle and other SEALs armed with the carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle prepares to lay down supprssion with his MK 18 carbine. Note the new AN/PEQ-15 attachment and The Punisher logo on the mag that Kyle adopted.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle and Dandridge clear a roof top with their MK 18 carbines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dandridge (Cory Hardrict ) with his suppressed MK 18 Mod 0 with a AN/PEQ-15 and an Eotech sight.
Colt M4A1 Carbine
U.S. Army soldiers and some of the Navy SEALs use M4A1 carbines with various attachments, including EOTech holographic sights, Trijicon ACOG scopes and the M203 grenade launcher. Defense Intelligence Agency contractor agent Snead (Eric Close ) carries a M4A1 with a Trijicon ACOG scope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M4A1 Carbine with M68 Aimpoint reflex optic, Knight's Armament RAS railed handguard and vertical forward grip - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marc Lee (Luke Grimes ) fires his desert tan painted M4A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marc Lee behind Chris Kyle with his tan M4A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing DIA agent Snead (Eric Close ) carries a M4A1 with a Trijicon ACOG scope
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A SEAL in front with a M4A1. This SEAL's M4 is black but features a tan ACOG scope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A SEAL with his M4A1 with a M203.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A SEAL lays down suppressive fire with his M4A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing US Army soldiers with their M4A1s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ranger One (Owain Yeoman ) aims his tan painted M4A1 with an underbarrel M203.
Colt M16A4
U.S. Marines in Iraq can been seen using M16A4 rifles as their standard weapons. Another Marine carries an M16A4 fitted with an EOTech sight, AN/PEQ-2 IR designator, stock-mounted magazine pouch, and an M203 grenade launcher. During Kyle's fourth tour, a Recon Marine (Brett Edwards) that accompanies him on a mission is also armed with an M16A4, but with an ACOG sight, AN/PEQ-15 IR designator, and an M203 grenade launcher.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A4 with carry handle attached and standard A2 handguards - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marines on patrol armed with the M16A4.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another Marine carries an M16A4 fitted with an EOTech sight and M203 grenade launcher.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Marine in the middle has a M16A4 with a carry handle sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Marines among the three SEAL snipers have M16A4s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Marine shown on television is armed with a M16A4 with an ACOG sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Marines behind Marc have M16A4s, each with different variations of attachments.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marines with their M16A4s after firing on a suicide car bomb.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two Marines with their M16A4 rifles carrying a wounded marine. The one on the right has a M203 launcher attached
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chris's brother Jeff (Keir O'Donnell ) with his M16A4 rifle as he prepares to leave Iraq.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Recon Marine with a M16A4 with an ACOG sight and an underslung M203.
PMCs AR-15
A private military contractor is seen using what appears to be a AR-15 series with a 16" heavy barrel and EOTech 553 holographic sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt AR-15A3 Tactical Carbine with 20-round magazine - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A DIA PMC behind Snead (Eric Close ) carries a AR-15 variant.
Colt Model 654
A private military contractor is seen carrying a Colt Model 654 with a 16" barrel and KAC RIS quad rail handguard.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Model 654 "M16A1 Carbine", the export model of the Model 653 without forward assist (the version in the film has a 16" barrel) - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A DIA PMC wielding his Colt 654 as he retieves the bag of money. Note the longer 16" A1 pencil barrel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same PMC with his 654 carbine. Here we can see the A1 carry handle and also a slab side upper, lacking a forward assist.
Mk 14 Mod 0
Marc Lee (Luke Grimes ) carries what appears to be a suppressed Mk. 14 Mod 0 while on patrol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR with a Harris bipod and RIS foregrip - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marc Lee with the Mk 14 rifle on the way to Fallujah.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marc Lee patrolling among a Marine patrol with his suppressed Mk 14 rifle.
A US Navy honor guard detail performs a rifle volley with M1A rifles with dark walnut stocks during a funeral.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Springfield Armory M1A - 7.62x51mm (.308 Winchester)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Navy honor guard fires their M1A rifles during a military funeral.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Navy honor guard resting their M1A rifles when the volley is finished.
Many Iraqi insurgents use AKMS rifles. Several can also be seen in a hidden weapons cache as mentioned below.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AKMS - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The extremist on the far left and second to the right has an AKMS rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The insurgent on the right has a AKMS.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An insurgent runs behind the firing insurgent with an AKMS.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The "Butcher" with an AKMS.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The insurgent on the left has an AKMS.
Iraqi insurgents also use AKM rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AKM - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An insurgent running with an AK rifle while Kyle watches from afar with his rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The center extremist, far right, and the one second to left has an AKM rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The insurgent on the left has a AKM.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An insurgent fires his AKM on the SEALs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An insurgent on the right blind-fires his AKM.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two insurgents with their AKMs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two insurgents firing their AKMs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An insurgent fires his AKM.
Zastava M70AB2
A few insurgents are seen with Zastava M70AB2 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Zastava M70AB2 folding stock rifle - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An insurgent raises his M70AB2. Note that the stock end is not folded out.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An insurgent getting out of his vehicle with his M70AB2.
Zastava M70B1
An insurgent is seen firing a Zastava M70B1 during the battle in Sadr City.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Zastava M70B1 fixed stock rifle - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Insurgents with Zastava M70B1s storm a roof.
Machine Guns
Mk 48 Mod 0
A Mk 48 Mod 0 fitted with an ACOG scope, AN/PEQ-15 IR designator and cloth ammo bag is carried by the Navy SEAL nicknamed "Biggles" (Jake McDorman ). Marc Lee (Luke Grimes ) also carries around a Mk 48 machine gun with a retractable stock in certain missions.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mk 48 Mod 0 light machine gun - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Screen used stunt Mk 48 Mod 0 from American Sniper . Image from Prop Store of London.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Screen used stunt Mk 48 Mod 0. Note that the AN/PEQ-15 is seemingly knocked loose, possibly from the weapon being dropped. Image from Prop Store of London.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "Biggles" (Jake McDorman ) with a Mk 48 Mod 0 resting to the right.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marc Lee with the Mk 48.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "Biggles" aiming his Mk 48 Mod 0.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "Biggles" carrying a Mk 48 Mod 0.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marc Lee clearing rooms with his Mk 48 Mod 0.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An army soldier fires on insurgents with his Mk 48 Mod 0.
M249 SAW
A Marine Corps automatic rifleman can be seen carrying an M249 SAW when a fireteam is conducting a building-clearing operation.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M249 SAW 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The second Marine from the right can be seen armed with an M249 SAW as his fireteam makes entry on a building.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The one lone Marine crouching on the bottom right has a M249 SAW.
M240 GPMGs are mounted on the SEAL Humvees and MRAPs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M240B with newer style lower handguard (designed to attach RIS rails via hex nut) - 7.62x51mm NATO.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Marine on the mounted M240 as the convoy gets caught in an ambush.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A SEAL mounts a M240 on a HMMWV.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In the background, an M240 mounted in the Humvee.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A US soldier mounts a HMMWV M240 as a sniper look outs.
Browning M2HB
Browning M2HB heavy machine guns are mounted on M113 armored personnel carriers and M1A1 Abrams tanks in the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2HB - .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2HB heavy machine gun mounted on an M1A1 Abrams tank as Kyle and his spotter look on.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M2 Machine gun on an M1A1 Abrams tank as Marines keep a look out.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A M2 machine gun on a M113 armored personnel carrier.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the M2 on the M113.
When Kyle begins his second tour in Iraq, an M60D is seen mounted as a doorgun on the side of a UH-1N Marine Huey helicopter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M60D - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An M60D is seen mounted as a doorgun on the side of a UH-1N Marine Huey helicopter.
M197 Vulcan
When two USMC AH-1W Super Cobra helicopters are seen flying escort for a UH-1N Huey during Kyle's second tour, the ubiquitous M197 Vulcan is visible in the nose. During a firefight, a USMC AH-1W Super Cobra can be seen firing into an insurgent position.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing General Dynamics M197 Vulcan - 20x102mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A USMC AH-1W Super Cobra flies escort for the Huey.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A USMC AH-1W Super Cobra can be seen firing into an insurgent position, the chopper's ubiquitous M197 Vulcan visible in the nose.
Springfield TRP Operator
Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper ) briefly carries a Springfield TRP during his first tour, visible in a thigh rig holster and/or a leather belt holster. He later switches to a SIG pistol (from his second tour on), which should be a .45 ACP SIG-Sauer P220 (according to Kyle's autobiography and Independent Studio Services, which provided the arsenal for the movie –Recoil Magazine Issue 18, USA), but might be a P226 on some shots. In real life, Kyle's Springfield TRP Operator was a personal sidearm of choice during his first tour before it was damaged by shrapnel, prompting him to switch to a modern design sidearm onward on his later tours.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Springfield Armory TRP Operator - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The screen-used Springfield TRP pistol carried by Bradley Cooper in the film American Sniper , from Independent Studio Services. (Video from Vickers Tactical).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle's Springfield TRP in his drop leg holster on the right leg.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle's Springfield TRP Operator is now seen in his brown leather hip holster. Note the stainless bull barrel, which Marc's (Luke Grimes ) 1911 lacks.
SIG-Sauer P220
Starting from his second tour to the rest of the movie, Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper ) carries a SIG-Sauer P220 as his sidearm in a brown leather hip holster. According to ISS, Kyle's SIG is an original West German model. Like the Springfield TRP Operator, the SIG-Sauer P220 was a personal sidearm of choice of Kyle's when he made the switch later in his military service.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG-Sauer P220 - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The screen-used SIG-Sauer P220 pistol carried by Bradley Cooper in the film American Sniper , from Independent Studio Services. (Video from Vickers Tactical). According to ISS, Kyle's SIG is an original West German model.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle's P220 is seen holstered during his team mission briefing. Note the angled grip and sharper grip backstrap. It should be noted Kyle is carrying his P220 in a P226 holster, however the pistol grips design confirms it is not a P226.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with his P220 on the right and the magazines on the left.
SIG-Sauer P226
Most of the U.S. Navy SEALs in the film carry the SIG-Sauer P226 as their sidearm. Both Navy SEAL Lt. Martens (Sam Jaeger ) and Dauber (Kevin Lacz ) are seen carrying their P226 pistols tucked into their plate carriers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG-Sauer P226 - 9x19mm Parabellum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dauber (Kevin Lacz ) with the P226 tucked in his plate carrier. Note the straighter grip and smoother backstrap design. Kevin Lacz was a SEAL who was a close friend of the real Chris Kyle and served with him in Iraq. In fact, "Dauber" is the nickname Kyle gave him.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing On the right, Dauber (Kevin Lacz ) with a SIG-Sauer P226 pistol tucked in his plate carrier.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A SIG-Sauer P226 pistol is seen in the vest of Navy SEAL Lt. Martens (Sam Jaeger ) as he stands next to Colonel Jones (Chance Kelly ). A good clear shot of the P226's straighter grip and smoother backstrap design but also clearly visible are double-stack bulges which are consistent with a P226.
Beretta 92FS
Ranger One (Owain Yeoman) and a Delta sniper in Kyle's fourth tour both have a Beretta 92FS in their leg platform rig holsters. The Beretta 92FS is likely standing in as the Beretta M9.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Screen-used stunt (airsoft, made by KWC) Beretta 92FS (Ranger One's) from American Sniper . Image from Prop Store of London.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Delta sniper on the right has a Beretta 92FS pistol in his holster. While Ranger One, on the left, also carries a 92FS, it isn't seen in the film.
M45 / MEU(SOC)
A Marine Recon Scout Sniper (Tony Nevada) and Recon Marine (Brett Edwards) in Kyle's fourth tour both have a M45 / MEU(SOC) in their holsters.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kimber ICQB MEU(SOC) Pistol - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Recon Marine (Brett Edwards) has a M45 / MEU(SOC) pistol in his holster.
Single Action Army
Kyle in the end of the film is seen with an ivory gripped Single Action Army .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Single Action Army w/ 5.5" barrel - .45 Long Colt
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with his ivory grip revolver as the screen shows an infamous date.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with his Single Action Army.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with his SAA during a moment with his wife Taya (Sienna Miller ).
Tokarev TT-33
A Tokarev TT-33 is seen on the table beside the Dragunov. Mustafa grabs it for a sidearm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Tokarev TT-33 on the table.
Unknown Custom 1911
Marc Lee (Luke Grimes ) and some DIA contractors including Agent Snead (Eric Close ) carry custom unknown modern 1911 pistols similar to the Kimber Custom TLE II as their sidearms in their hip holsters.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kimber Custom TLE II - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marc (Luke Grimes ) appears to have a custom Kimber style pistol with black grips in his hip holster. Note Marc's pistol is very different from Kyle's (Bradley Cooper ) Springfield TRP Operator due to different frame designs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing DIA Agent Snead (Eric Close ) has a 1911 style pistol with wood grips and pistol magazines on his belt which seems to be for M1911 style handguns, albeit similar to Wilson Combat 8 round magazines.
Benelli M1 Super 90 (Short Barrel)
During the film's opening, a Marine on patrol appears to be armed with the short barrel variant of the Benelli M1 Super 90 with a pistol grip, short barrel and Surefire forend. The shotgun was likely standing in for the Mossberg 590A1 shotguns actually used by the U.S. Marines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Benelli M1 Super 90 short barrel - 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Marine patrolling with his shotgun at the film's opening.
M203 Grenade Launcher
Marines in Iraq can be seen with an M203 grenade launcher mounted on his M16A4 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M203 grenade launcher 40mm mounted on M16A4 5.56x45mm with ACOG scope
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Marine carrying an M16A4 with an underbarrel M203 grenade launcher
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Marine Recon with a M16A4 and an underslung M203.
M203A1 Grenade Launcher
Some of the SEALs and US Army Delta in the film have M203A1 grenade launchers mounted to their M4A1 carbines.
Knight's Armament Company M203A1 - 40x46mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another SEAL named Tony (Reynaldo A. Gallegos ) is armed with an underbarrel M203A1 on his M4A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ranger One (Owain Yeoman ) with his M4A1 with a underbarrel M203.
A young boy is seen picking up a RPG-7 . RPG-7s are also used by numerous insurgents.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing RPG-7 - 40mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An insurgent aims the RPG-7 at a building.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An insurgent aims the RPG at a M113.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An insurgent aims the RPG as Kyle watches.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The young boy holds the RPG.
RKG-3 Anti-Tank Grenade
An Iraqi woman is seen handing a RKG-3 anti-tank grenade to a child.
RKG-3 anti-tank grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle observes an Iraqi woman who is handing a RKG-3 anti-tank grenade to a child.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A primed RKG grenade thrown in the air.
M67 Hand Grenade
A M67 hand grenade is used by the SEALs during a breach. Another is used during Kyle's fourth tour.
M67 fragmentation grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A SEAL throws a grenade into an insurgent hideout.
AN/M8 HC smoke grenade
Kyle uses an AN/M8 HC smoke grenade to provide cover while under sniper fire.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AN/M8 smoke grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Screen-used stunt AN/M8 smoke grenade (Marc Lee's; with a foam magazine) from American Sniper . Image from Prop Store of London.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with his black and white smoke grenade.
Daisy Red Ryder
Kyle uses a lever action Daisy Red Ryder air rifle to plink at targets in a stand booth during a date.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Daisy Red Ryder.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle aiming the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kyle with the rifle.
Jezail Musket
A Jezail musket is seen mounted on a wall during a questioning session in Kyle's first tour in Iraq.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ottoman musket
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The musket on the wall.
Weapons Cache
A cache of weapons including rifles and grenades are found hidden in a floor. The weapons include several AKMS rifles, at least one Tabuk sniper rifle, several F-1 hand grenades , an RGD-5 hand grenade , a PROM-1 anti-personnel mine , two RPG-7 launchers, and several RKG-3 anti-tank grenades.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Several explosives and rifles are found in the weapons cache.
On a brochure about the U.S. Navy SEALs, one SEAL can be seen with a Heckler & Koch MP5 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A U.S. Navy recruiter in 1999 shows a brochure with some SEALs on it. The SEAL on the front right is holding a MP5.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chris in 1999 holding the brochure with the SEALs on it.