Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Assault RiflesHot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Assault Rifles - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesHot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Assault Rifles
H3VR's assault rifles are generally classified either as such or as carbines, with the sole notable exception being directly below.
AAC Honey Badger
The 21st gift added in the 2018 Meatmas event was an AAC Honey Badger. It is chambered in .300 AAC Blackout (making it the first in-game weapon to use the round), and is fitted with an aftermarket ergonomic pistol grip. As stated above, it is classified as neither an assault rifle nor a carbine; instead, it is the only rifle-caliber weapon amongst the game's PDWs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAAC Honey Badger - .300 AAC BlackoutError creating thumbnail: File missingThe Honey Badger in its gift box. Note the claim about it being an unreleased prototype; this is partly true, as while the select-fire AAC Honey Badger was never produced en masse, the semi-auto Honey Badger SBR, made by Q (a company created by Kevin Brittingham, who was the creator of the original Honey Badger as well) is commercially available.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEither way, just like a honey badger, it makes a lovely gift. Provided that both parties involved have the proper paperwork, that is.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 20-round Magpul PMAG; while one of the major selling points of the .300 Blackout round is that it can fit into any standard 5.56x45mm NATO magazine, such interchangeability isn't possible from a coding standpoint, so these are (presently) the only magazines that the Badger can use.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling the charging handle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a look at the selector, set here to safe...Error creating thumbnail: File to semi-auto...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and here to ooh, look! A slidey thing!Error creating thumbnail: File missing*Ahem*... Right, sorry, and here to full-auto.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming at what's left of a wooden hot dog standee target; as with most of H3's top-railed firearms, sights are sold separately.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNot that the Honey Badger really cares at this distance. Note the black-colored spent case; the .300 Blackout cartridge in-game comes with multiple varieties of both super- and sub-sonic loadings, with the former having standard brass cases, and the latter having the glossy black finish seen here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHolding the now-heated Honey Badger at arm's length, both to get a good view and to minimize the odds of it mauling any vital organs. Honey Badgers aren't to be taken lightly.
An AK-101 was added on the eleventh day of the 2016 Meatmas update. Update #40 replaced the model, and made its side-mounted dovetail rail functional, allowing for the use of Soviet-type optics (or Western ones, if an adaptor is installed).
The fourth alpha build of Update #90 added the much-requested AK-12; in an unusual move for a game, both the 2018 production model and the oft-seen prototype are present, with the former being called the "AK-12" and the latter the "AK-12 Prototype".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAK-12 prototype, 2012 model - 5.45x39mmError creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the prototype AK-12, fittingly enough, in the Arena Proto scene.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe rifle's opposite side; being designed for ambidextrous use, this version of the AK-12 is largely symmetrical.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a standard AK-74-pattern magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking advantage of the aforementioned ambidexterity, and pulling the left-side charging handle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDisengaging the rifle's safety.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPlaying with one of the AK-12's distinct features: rather than using a trunnion-mounted rear sight like most AKs, the AK-12 uses a rail-mounted rear sight on the top cover, increasing the rifle's sight radius; however, it is still an AK, and the rear sight is thus a range-adjustable tangent design (which can be adjusted in-game, as seen here).Error creating thumbnail: File missingStill, the Western influence on the rifle shows through nevertheless, particularly when actually using this sight; unlike more traditional AKs, the AK-12's rear sight is an aperture.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPutting a 5.45mm hole in a Weinerbot's head, having thankfully remembered to set the rear sight back down to a position that isn't its 800 meter zero. A mistake you'll only make once...Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlipping the fire selector over to its third position, which is (fittingly enough) 3-round burst. While AKs with 4-position selectors had existed prior to the AK-12 (the Tantal comes to mind), as had AKs with thumb-accessible fire selectors (Yisrael Galil says hello), ones with the fire selector positions in a linearly-increasing order aren't easy to come by.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPutting a Weinerbot to rest with a quick burst.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPerforming a tactical reload; seeing as it takes standard AK-74 mags, it should come as no surprise that the AK-12 uses a standard AK magazine release, and the famous reloading technique that comes along with it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis also means that you can use mags not meant for it, such as this non-standard 20-rounder. Which, of course, makes this a perfect time to switch over to the rifle's most ammo-consuming firemode: full-auto.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSpraying down a Weinerbot through a wall with no regard for what else might be on the other side, in true Spetznaz fashion.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAK-12 (production model) - 5.45x39mm. This is the first mass-production version, unveiled in 2017 and adopted for service in 2018.Error creating thumbnail: File missingInspecting the production AK-12; to complement the prototype version, these shots are in the more polished Proving Grounds arena.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOh, and here's a fancy low-angle shot of the other side, showing how distinctly asymmetric and non-flat the production version is.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the AK-12; these special waffle-pattern magazines come standard with the rifle, though they're interchangeable with other standard 5.45mm AK mags.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling the distinctly single-sided charging handle. Don't ask how the fire selector got onto full-auto; we aren't quite sure either.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne of the things that didn't change between the prototype and production versions of the AK-12 was the rear sight; as such, both are tangent-adjustable apertures mounted onto the top cover.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNeedless to say, this results in similar sight pictures between the two; however, the prototype version does have a slightly better sight radius, since its front sight isn't mounted on the gas block.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiddling with the rifle's AR-style stock on the way into battle; said stock is both collapsible...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and foldable.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDropping a further-developed sentient sausage with the further-developed AK-12.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHey, remember how we said that this thing can use normal 5.45 AK mags? Well, you know what that means...
The much-requested AK-74 was added in the third alpha build of Update #76.
"In this world, the ones who succeed aren't the ones that can get other people out - they're the ones who can get themselves in."Error creating thumbnail: File missingMeaningful quotes aside, here's the AK-74's rear sight; like the rest, it's got an initial battlesight setting, followed by 10 evenly-spaced settings from 100 meters to a kilometer.
Seriously, I'm running out of ways to say that.
An AKM is one of the available firearms in-game. Added in Update #13 (the 2016 4th of July update), it has an interesting list of updates under its belt; Update #40 replaced the model entirely, with one that lacked the prior model's permanently-attached side-bracket rail adaptor, Update #51 replaced the textures, the 10th alpha of Update #52 added the AKM to the arsenals of SWBs, and Update #58 added a "Tactical" model fitted with a variety of aftermarket modifications; among them are a full set of Magpul MOE furniture, a railed receiver cover, an aftermarket rear sight, an aftermarket selector lever, and an aftermarket muzzle brake. Update #94 made the ladder sights on all AK-Pattern firearms (and several more) functional, as well.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAKM - 7.62x39mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe older AKM, resting peacefully on a table.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt's then rudely and suddenly awakened, so that the viewers at home can get a better look at it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingI hope that you're happy.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading a magazine into the AKM.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking advantage of the rail mount, and attaching a...Error creating thumbnail: File missing"NYET! RIFLE IS FINE!"Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side of the new and improved AKM. "New" in the sense that it's a new model, "improved" because it's an AKM, not an original AK.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a magazine...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...before completely failing to pull the charging handle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis failure comes as a result of one of the AK series' distinctive features: the selector lever, when set to safe, also serves as a dustcover, preventing debris from entering the charging handle slot. This, of course, has the side effect of preventing the charging handle from entering the charging handle slot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother thing to note about the AK series is the arrangement of the selector's positions; rather than the "Safe-Semi-Auto" model common on most select-fire weapons, AKs generally have a "Safe-Auto-Semi" setup, which means that disengaging an AK's safety sends the user straight into full-auto.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRight, now that that's been sorted, it's time to get back to business.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a look through the AKM's sights...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and blazing away in full-auto.Error creating thumbnail: File missingYet another attribute of the AK series is the so-called "tactical reload", made possible by the combination of a paddle magazine release and a shallow, rock-in magazine well; the routine consists of 3 steps: first, knock the old magazine out with a new one...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...second, rock in the new magazine...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and third, pull the charging handle. There are different ways to do this; the underhand technique seen here is quite popular in the West, whereas the East generally prefers to run the entire process with only the right hand.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the AKM with a 75-round RPK drum...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and merrily unloading into the walls, floor, and ceiling.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSpeaking of merry, here's a shot from the "How the Gronch Monetized Meatmas" trailer for Update #49, featuring the titular misspelled villain "holding" an AKM, whilst telling players how to spend hours upon hours grinding to obtain loot-crates and in-game currencies in order to access EAPA (Earliest Access Pride & Accomplishment) boxes. Note that, curiously, the Gronch's rifle seems to be a non-railed version of the older model, despite that model having been removed from the game 9 updates prior.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd, for something unrelated, here's what the post-Update #51 AKM looks like, with its newer, darker set of textures. Neat.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFor yet another non sequitur, here's an AKM with a bayonet, courtesy of Update #76's 1st alpha (which added the game's first usable bayonets, along with its first attachable muzzle brakes).Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe new adjustable ladder sights from Update #94; on its default setting, which in Russian stands for "battle zero setting", the sight is zeroed to 18m and again at 240m, with all shots in between aiming slightly high.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFrom there, the range increases by 100 meter increments...Error creating thumbnail: File an improbable maximum range of 1000 meters.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFrom the side, you can see the level of offset for the sights.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUpdate #94 also introduced three bespoke foregrips for the AKM, AK-74N, AK-101, and Kalashniluger. This is the Romanian Grip, patterned off of the PM md. 63, affectionately known as the "Dong" grip.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWe also have the slightly smaller "Shark" grip...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and lastly, the "B10" grip, which adds a rail surface. Note how the AKM barrel is exposed beneath the grip surface.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhich gives us the perfect excuse to look at some of Update #94's many other attachments; here we have a Cutts compensator, a "Valk" foregrip, and an EG1 Reflex Sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPeering through the EG1 gives us a nice, wide sight picture for our red dot, even with the boxy frame surrounding it.
The AKS-74U is one of the available firearms in-game, having been added in Update #18. Update #55 added a "Tactical" version with various aftermarket accessories. Both versions are, predictably enough, categorized as carbines.
Update #102's first experimental build brought along several ArmaLite AR-18 variants - a full-length rifle, a short-barreled carbine, and a stockless, foregrip-equipped "pistol" variant. All 3 feature the AR-18's proprietary scope rail, which can fit either a proprietary scope or a Picatinny adaptor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingArmaLite AR-18 - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingStanding out on the streets of the Grillhouse scene with the ancestor of... well, a fair chunk of modern rifle designs, to be honest.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe rifle's other side. Nothing much to say here; just thought this was a cool angle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 40-round magazine; 20- and 30-round varieties are also available.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRacking the charging handle; the dustcover pops open automatically when it starts going back. Though it does seem like it's jumped the gun here (no pun intended)...Error creating thumbnail: File's actually supposed to open before the charging handle reaches it, with the cylindrical stud on the inside interfacing with the sloping cut on the side of the bolt. Oh, and here's the right-side selector, now set to semi-auto.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim at the "OPEN HOUSE/BUNKER" banner; the sights are a simple, open-looking aperture-and-post setup, with some protective wings up at the front for good measure.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExpressing precisely five point five six millimeters of frustration at the fact that this supposedly open house/bunker's doors are all locked.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiddling with the rear sight; the other option is a smaller aperture, for more precise shots at the expense of greater obtrusiveness. It's also higher up, since it's set for ~400 meters.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs such, shooting at something this close probably won't achieve much.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOn a totally unrelated note, the stock folds.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis does more or less totally obscure the left-side selector, so here's a shot of the right-side one again - now on full-auto, of course. And what do we do with a full-auto AR-18 with a 40-round magazine and folded stock?Error creating thumbnail: File missingWell... you probably already know.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSadly, a high fire rate and a steel trigger finger conspire to make those 40 rounds not last quite as long as you'd hope. Hey, at least the magazine release is placed conveniently.
ArmaLite AR-18 Carbine
Error creating thumbnail: File missingArmaLite AR-18 Carbine (serial number 014) - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingHearing a noise while skulking about in the Grillhouse's Mustard Collection Annex, and quickly bringing the carbine variant to bear. Note the standard AR-18 front sling loop and full-size charging handle; while these could point towards this model being a custom-made 3D model made by modifying an AR-18 model, some real life AR-18 Carbines do also have these features.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe weapon's other side; it's pretty similar to the regular version, at least as far as the back half goes.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSnapping the stock into place; aside from making the rifle more shootable, this also makes the above claim about how much of the rifle's length is identical to the previous version no longer accurate. It's more like the rear two-thirds now, really.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOf course, this particular rifle was already loaded, so the usual loading screenshot has been substituted with a quick magazine check.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn accordance with organizational safety regulations, however, the rifle is carried chamber-empty.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd, of course, with the safety on as well. Because the bureaucrats have just got to have their way, because they clearly know what's best for everyone else, and definitely know what the people down in the literal trenches need, it's not like they're just sitting up there in their ivory towers making rules that complicate everything for the people actually doing the work based on a completely incorrect understanding of how things work, no, that would never happen.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFinally able to aim his rifle in a meaningful sense, the beleaguered public servant discovers that the noise was, in fact, nothing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingGrumbling in frustration about the reports that he's going to have to file about why he chambered and de-safed his rifle, he decides to throw on one more and pretend the noise was an administrator; the conical flash hider doesn't totally hide the muzzle flash, but it does make it a fair bit more tolerable.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiddling with the two-position rear sight; this pleases the armchair tacticians up top by ostensibly allowing accurate fire out to 400 meters ("...with 5.56 out of, like, a 12-inch barrel, sure..."), and appeases the bean-counters by being totally identical to the one on the full-length rifle ("...if they had their way, we'd just get sharpened sticks, and we'd have to share, too...")Error creating thumbnail: File missingAccordingly, the resulting sight picture is much the same as the rifle variant's, but with a bit more of the rear aperture filled up by a correspondingly closer-in front post.
ArmaLite AR-18 Carbine (serial number 021)
The "pistol" variant of the AR-18 is directly modeled after ArmaLite AR-18 serial number 021, which features a unique set of custom parts.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingArmaLite AR-18 Carbine (serial number 021, nicknamed "Shorty") - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingThe shorty AR-18, in all its glory. Contrary to what the "p" suffix would imply, it is classified as a carbine in-game, sitting right next to the above version in the item spawner.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd no, there's no folding stock hidden on the other side - good luck keeping it on target.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlipping the selector straight over to full-auto - this isn't exactly the sort of gun meant for half-measures. Or reasonable measures of any sort, really.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHence why the next step is to load it with a 40-round magazine - full of tracers, of course.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis is followed by a nice, forceful yank of the charging handle. Still, it feels like something's missing. Like this whole thing's not quite ridiculous enough, somehow - maybe some mods are in order? Say, a modern muzzle brake, a top rail adaptor for an already-rail-adapted SUSAT scope, and the stock off a Beretta 93R?Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Yeah, that's definitely gonna get some laughs. It'll look totally ridiculous! I mean, it's not like it's gonna turn out looking actually pretty decent or anything, right?"Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving somehow made an aesthetically-pleasing whole from the nonsensical sum of these parts, and turning to deal with the more pressing matter at hand.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd then an even more pressing one. The SUSAT features a set of backup irons on top, for use in emergencies; the other things going on in this image are meant to emphasize this idea.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd, should more urgent emergencies emerge, this is also an option.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Sorry pal, end of the line.
...right, I think that was the last of them. Now what was I doing again?"
AS Val
Added on the 14th day of Meatmas 2018, the long-requested AS Val makes an appearance in H3 (along with its sniper-rifle sibling), in the carbine class.
The Colt Canada C7A1 was added in the Meatmas 2023 Update. The long absence of this branch of the AR family tree was a running gag for many years, with a box containing just the magazine and a non-interactive shadow being added previously.
Update #107's fourth experimental build replaced the "M4A1 Classic" with an original M4 Carbine; the main distinguishing feature is the burst-fire setting being used in place of full-auto. The Colt M4, alongside the M16A1, are the only weapons that can use the M203 Classic grenade launcher as well.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M4 Carbine with 4 position collapsible stock - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingTaking the M4's truest form to the Warehouse Range.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter all, what better place to end things than where it all began?Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 30-round STANAG - much the same as the originals, but now properly standardized in terms of dimensions. No more cross-compatibility worries, hopefully.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a round of 5.56. And yes, the screencapping of the new ARs has straddled the cartridge re-vamp. It has, in fact, taken that long. Sue me.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAdjusting the classic Fiberlite stock, showing in the process how the circle at the center of its buttplate is actually just the end of the buffer tube. Whether this is an earlier two-position version or a later four-position variant is a bit of a moot point, since collapsible stocks in H3 are adjustable to completely arbitrary lengths.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlipping the selector over to semi-auto, giving a good view of the lower's rather convincing-looking "DOLT" trade dress. Also note the use of the same "scope" from all those years ago...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which has, at some point in the interim, been turned into the simple magnifier that it's actually modeled as. Suffice it to say, the lack of a reticle makes using it without another optic rather challenging.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBut not, by any means, impossible. Pro tip: when you're aiming through an empty lens like this, try to imagine what it'd look like if there was a reticle, and use that to aim.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlternatively, you can just use the gun as it was actually intended. Note the selector - this being an M4, rather than the more ubiquitous M4A1, the third position is "BURST" instead of "AUTO".Error creating thumbnail: File missingGetting a good look at that classic sight picture once more. For all the new features that've been added, the Warehouse's simple little target-wave system still remains a fun activity.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSadly, looking through the sights doesn't leave enough space on the screen for at least 3 cases, so we're stuck doing... whatever this is instead.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHolding that position for no particular reason, and dumping out the now-empty magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn with a new one, and finishing things off with a quick tap of the bolt release. Back to it.
Colt M4A1
The M4A1 is one of the available firearms in-game, and one of the first to be added; it predates even the game's actual name. This model was a publicly-available asset made by weapon artist Nightfrontier, who had collaborated with game lead Anton Hand on disassembling it into the game's systems.
Due to game issues relating to the original weapon model, Update #48 revamped the weapon model, replacing it with a new one that lacks the previous model's folding foregrip, and has a railed handguard, a Crane stock, an extended charging handle tab, and an aftermarket folding BUIS. The update also included a "Left Hook" variant, which is completely mirrored, and meant for left-handed users. All of these variants are categorized in-game as carbines.
Update #70's 4th alpha added yet another variant of the carbine, the "Classic"; this version is completely factory-stock, with no non-standard features, and also came with the much-awaited return of a rail-attachable carrying handle.
The fourth experimental build of Update #107 completely revamped the game's set of AR15 pattern weapons, including the M4 series; the M4A1 was replaced with a dimensionally correct model referred to as the "M4A1 Block1 Carbine", the classic model was replaced with an original M4 carbine, the "Left Hook" model was likewise replaced with a dimensionally correct version, and the "Shorty" version was replaced with a Mk18 Mod 0, also known as the CQBR receiver.
This was the model that replaced the V2 above. It got a corresponding "Left Hook" variant; notably, in lieu of a fictional mirrored lower, it actually uses the normal one, fitted with an aftermarket ambidextrous selector and magazine release.
"...Mike?"Error creating thumbnail: File missingTurning in horror, doЯ sights up the Great Lamp, realizing what's been done.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"You... you... YOU THINK THIS IS GONNA MAKE ME REPENT?! NEVER! I MEANT WHAT I SAID, AND I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS!"Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving exhausted the last of his ammunition, doЯ makes one final act of defiance, and throws his magazine at the Great Lamp, willing to spend an eternity in the Prison of Reflected Light if the alternative is kneeling before a cruel god.
Added in Update #49, the "M4A1 Shorty" is, as the name implies, a variant of the M4A1 with a shorter barrel, gas system, and handguard. It doesn't specifically match any one model in particular; the most appropriate way to describe it would be a commercial "pistol" upper receiver attached to a standard M4A1 lower. This model was replaced by a dimensionally correct M4A1 CQBR model.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMk. 18 Mod 0 - 5.56x45mm NATO Somewhere between this...Error creating thumbnail: File missingOlympic Arms K23B Tactical w/foregrip - 5.56x45mm NATO ...and this.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA close-up shot of the Shorty's forend; it's pretty much just the standard handguard, but with 2 vents instead of 3.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPerforming a quick brass check, while simultaneously showing that the rest of the model is more or less identical to the standard M4A1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSighting up a Weinerbot with the Aimpoint red-dot sight attached to the carbine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPerforming a quick reload in the middle of a gunfight. Though, granted, considering its size, pretty much anything that happens in the Mini Arena is "in the middle of a gunfight".Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile sudden, close-up encounters such as this aren't terribly god for the health of the player's heart, they are good for showing off the Shorty's rather impressive muzzle blast. As to be expected from a rifle with a <10" (<25.4 cm) barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAttempting to perform another brass check, this time with just a little bit too much enthusiasm.
Colt Model 601
The Colt Model 601 was added in Update #107, as part of a long-planned model refresh of the AR-15 family of rifles; in-game, it goes by the simplified name "C601".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt Model 601 w/ M7 bayonet - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingBehold: where it all began.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWell, all the serially-produced ones, anyway. Note the... well, nothing, on the right side of the receiver; familiar features like pin reinforcement, magazine release fencing, forward assists, and brass deflectors would come along in subsequent variants.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in an early 20-round "waffle" magazine...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and chambering a round in the lean, green machine, the dustcover popping open as it would on any subsequent variant.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming at an arbitrary part of the ceiling; the sights are likewise familiar.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRight down to the secondary, smaller flip-up aperture.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlipping the selector over to semi-auto...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and engaging a completely different, equally-arbitrary bit of the wall instead. While hard to distinguish, the gray spot on the wooden barricade (just to the left of the metal one) is actually a dust cloud from the impact of a ricocheting bullet.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking advantage of the modeled autosear pin, and setting the rifle to maximum speed.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSadly, this also equates to maximum speed of ammo consumption, quickly leaving the rifle high and dry.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLifting it higher, and starting the process of making it less dry; another nice detail included in the AR family refresh comes in the form of animated magazine releases, as seen here. This also gives something of an idea as to why the magazine release fencing would be added to later models.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile cross-compatible, the Model 601 does have two attachments specifically meant for use with it - a bayonet, and a carry-handle-mounted scope. Perfect for long-range precision sausage-slashing.
Colt Model 604
The USAF variant of the M16, the Colt Model 604, was also added in the full release of Update #107, under the simple name "M16".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt USAF M16/Model 604 - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the USAF M16 in a... wait, hang on a second.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThere we go, in an appropriate location. Apart from the obvious change in furniture color, this version differs from the Model 601 above in its muzzle device (a 3-prong flash hider, rather than the earlier (and notoriously fragile) "duckbill" of the original version) and lower receiver (a later "partial fence" design, with a ridge just below the ejection port to hold the detent spring for the redesigned front receiver pin - contrary to the name, it has little to do with the magazine release fencing of the later models). This also distinguishes it from the Army-issued M16, the Model 602 - while early 604s had almost all the same features (right down to the storage-compartmentless stock), no 602s had partial-fence lowers.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn the time it took to go through that bit of AR-related nerdery, a magazine managed to find its way into the well, and the charging handle got halfway through its round trip to the stock before it got caught.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlipping the selector over to semi-auto, and getting a good view of the rather detailed trade dress; apart from the stated manufacturer ("Dolt's Patent Firearms", out of "Hazardville, Connecticut"), these are more or less perfectly accurate. Unlike the floating-point coordinates of the gun's various vertices, which are starting to get a little out of whack this far from the origin.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNeedless to say, this does make aiming at ground targets a bit tricky - though not nearly so much as the limited render distance, in this case. Good thing we've got that specialty "Dolt" 3x20 scope, right?Error creating thumbnail: File missingNevermind; there are other issues at play here, apparently.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving failed to spot any enemy aircraft through his glitch-occluded optic, the airman decides to simply guess and hope for the best.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOn the plus side, the fact that the empty mag (visually) goes upward when released means that he's at least on his way down. Gonna be an awfully long drop.
CZ BREN 2 (5.56x45mm)
2018's Meatmas update added a CZ BREN 2, the successor to the CZ 805 BREN, on Day 4, under the name "Bren 806". Notably, this is the rifle's first major documented media appearance.
Accompanying the 5.56 BREN 2 in Meatmas 2018's 4th day was its 7.62x39mm larger-caliber sibling. It is incorrectly referred to as an 807, which is actually a different variant.
The final, full release of Update #59 brought along a series of CZ Sa vz. 58 variants, the first of which is a standard, full-stocked vz. 58 P ("Pěchotní", Czech for "infantry").
To compliment the full-stocked vz. 58 P, Update #59 also added a CZ Sa vz. 58 V, the folding-stocked paratrooper model (the "V" standing for "Výsadkový", Czech for "airborne"). An additional variant with an aftermarket muzzle device, railed handguard, synthetic pistol grip, receiver-mounted scope rail, extended magazine release, and aftermarket ambidextrous bolt was also added, known as the "Custom" variant.
Along with the full-length variants, Update #59 brought along a CSA Sa vz. 58 Compact. The vz. 58 Compact in-game lacks its standard side-folding stock; instead, it is compatible with the game's selection of pistol stocks. As one might expect, it is classified in-game as a carbine.
The Enfield EM-2 was added on day 16 of the Meatmas 2020 Advent Calendar event.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingEnfield EM-2 - .280 BritishError creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up Bunker A-16's weapon crate reveals a box of broken dreams an EM-2 and a few extra mags. As the first autoloading rifle in a bunker crate, it saw a rather substantial amount of use in the subsequent days.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the EM-2. It's a very... unique-looking rifle, wouldn't you say?Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn interesting blend of wartime and post-war design ideas; befitting of a then-cutting-edge 1950s-era assault rifle, back when everyone was still figuring out the best way to go about doing things.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiddling with the foldable front sight; this is more to prevent snags than anything else, since the rear sight is fixed.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 20-round mag full of .280 British, a round exclusive to this rifle in-game. It's an interesting round, being up toward the higher end of what most would call "intermediate", giving it a bit more punch than most assault rifles, while not quite reaching into battle rifle territory.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDisengaging the M1 Garand-esque trigger-guard safety switch.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAttempting to aim at a Junkbot through the EM-2's integrated optic; being designed as an advanced rifle through and through, the EM-2 was one of the first rifles to feature an integral optical sight as standard equipment. An unfortunate consequence of this is that it's not a particularly good optical sight (with an extremely narrow field of view and a less-than-helpful negative zoom level), hence "attempting".Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs such, the backup irons tend to be most players' go-to.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOr you can just dial it in and spray, especially when your target is a giant, immobile Recursive drone.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA few extra shots from a separate gameplay session, just to cover all our bases; here's a shot of the charging handle being pulled, which flips down the dustcover on the ejection port. And yes, this magazine is empty. C'est la vie.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHere's the fire selector, which is kept separate from the safety; when it pops out on this side, the rifle's in full-auto, and when it's flush on this side, it's on semi. Ironically, the later-adopted (and, unlike the EM-2, actually-adopted-for-more-than-five-minutes) L85 would use a lever-type fire selector and a crossbolt safety (the opposite of the EM-2's arrangement); also ironically, the later-adopted L85 would have so many initial issues that it's a wonder it made it into (and, for several years, stayed in) service in its initial A1 form (likely due to political reasons more than anything else, given that the higher-ups denied these issues for quite a while), whereas the relatively well-received EM-2 was almost immediately pulled from service due to, you guessed it, political reasons (specifically, a desire for NATO to standardize on FN FAL variants in 7.62x51mm NATO).Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd, to help you cool off from that impromptu history lesson/rant about military bureaucracy, here's a gratuitous glamor shot of the rifle firing. Just because.
FN F2000 Tactical
The FN F2000 Tactical was prominently featured in the trailer for the 2019 Meatmas event, referencing a running community in-joke about game developer Anton Hand's personal distaste for the rifle (and the repeated assurances that, no matter how many times it is requested, it will never be added to the game).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingF2000 Tactical with CAA FVG5 folding foregrip - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingAfter announcing that he needs to "throw some more garbage in the fire", the Gronch reaches his downright terrifying green sausage-hands (an option for those using Valve Index controllers, minus the "green" bit) for an F2000 Tactical, one of many in the nearby garbage can. The rifles are all fitted with underbarrel flashlights, and loaded with 30-round STANAG magazines fitted with Magpul Ranger Plates; these hopefully aren't loaded...Error creating thumbnail: File he immediately proceeds to chuck the rifle straight into a fireplace, and poke at it with his bayonetted "garbage rod".
The FAMAS F1 was the first weapon in the "Bullpup Trifecta" that was added in the ninth day of the first Meatmas update, alongside the L85A2 and the AUG A3. The sixth alpha of Update #99 gave the F1 a new model, and the weapon's rails were made a seperate attachment.
In addition to the F1's new model, Update #99's sixth alpha also brought along the FAMAS G2.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFAMAS G2 - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingIn a slightly different part of the same map as above, here's the G2.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBecause hey, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing efficiently. The modeler understood that - hence why, given the choice between making a FAMAS G2 with a smooth barrel or a ribbed one (since both are known to exist), they chose the one they'd already modeled for the ribbed-barrel-only F1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMashing a speed plate-equipped STANAG magazine into the FAMAS; one of the G2's chief distinguishing features is its ability to take these, as opposed to prior variants' use of proprietary mags.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a round; this could also be seen as a distinction between the two variants (with the F1 generally using steel-cased ammo instead of brass, due to its tendency to tear up brass cases), though as neither steel-cased ammo nor case tearing exist in H3, the point is a bit moot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnyway, the trigger guard is the other main distinguishing feature between the two variants (with the G2 having this distinctive full-hand guard instead of the F1's conventional single-finger setup); it also highlights a similarity between the two in-game: both have selector positions of "borked"...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and "borkeder".Error creating thumbnail: File missingAdditionally, both rifles' stock-mounted burst/auto selectors were spared this terrible fate, though the G2 seemingly had to sacrifice a bit of its magazine's alignment to keep the selector safe.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe two rifles' irons are likewise identical; to save time, why not skip straight to the big new feature: the attachable optics mount? This convenient little puppy sticks right into the carrying handle of the F1 or the G2, and lets you put more modern optics on top. Or anything else that'll fit a Picatinny rail, for that matter.Error creating thumbnail: File missingYep, that's definitely why we're skipping straight to the EOTech sight here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTotally didn't forget to grab some good iron sight footage before shoving a giant block in the way of the irons. This was all part of the plan.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDeciding to finally stop ignoring everything going on in the background, and heroically charge into the thick of the fight. We'd tell you that this resulted in something other than near-immediate death, but IMFDB policy limits us to one blatant lie per section, and that quota's already been met.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOr was it zero lies per section? Oh, and the bipod works on this one, too. Not that it was terribly helpful in this case.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs with the F1, the G2's fire selector was fixed in the full release of Update #99; to keep things interesting, this one's been festooned with a variety of different non-standard equipment.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe semi-auto position works, too. Of note is that, unlike on the F1, neither of these selector positions are marked; if you ever forget which is which, just remember: "left" means "lots", and "right" means "regrettably, only one".Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiddling with the flip-up apertures; in the interest of transparency, we are obligated to inform you that this functionality was also missing on the alpha-build version of the rifle, and attempting to flip up either aperture instead somehow broke every other gun present in the scene. Ain't coding fun?Error creating thumbnail: File missingAttaching the optics mount still makes this a moot point.
The 24th day of the Meatmas 2018 event added another frequent fan request, the Heckler & Koch G11; more specifically, a G11 K1, the penultimate variant of the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch G11 K1 - 4.73x33mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe G11 in its gift box. Rather fittingly-timed for the gun enthusiast community; the very next day, a very long-awaited Forgotten Weapons special on the G11 was released, to the joy of watchers everywhere.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUnlike the rifle in that video, however, the G11 in H3 is an earlier K1 variant, as noted by its somewhat more smooth, less boxy appearance.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a look at one of the G11's magazines; this holds 50 rounds of (proprietary) 4.73x33mm caseless ammunition (essentially a bullet and a primer embedded in a block of solid propellant, without a brass case around it like most normal ammunition). As opposed to most modern rifle mags, which use a staggered-column arrangement, the G11's magazines just have one big stack of 50 rounds, sitting side-by-side. Try not to load them in backwards.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis magazine goes into a well in the front of the rifle, which can be a bit awkward to get used to. This is one of the other differences from the later K2 variant; the K1 just has 1 magazine out front, whereas the improved K2 has 2 extra ones along the sides for faster reloading.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA stray bolt of Kraut Space Magic results in a temporary impromptu teleportation trip, and a good look at the rifle's molded-in markings, which read "ACR 167 Cal. 4.92 MM 2/88"; the "ACR" presumably implies that this particular gun was involved in the US military's Adaptive Combat Rifle program. These markings also used to include "HK" at the start of them, but was later removed; it also reveals that the in-game weapon is chambered for the wrong cartridge, as it uses 4.73mm.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Hello, is this Customer Service? ... I'd like to file a complaint, please. ... Well, it seems that you forgot to put charging handles on the rifles you sent me. ... Yes, I have looked on the left side of the stock. There's no charging handle there, just this weird flat plastic thing. ... Wait, what do you mean "that IS the charging handle"?!"Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe G11's charging handle, as the above conversation implied, is another unusual aspect of its design; as it uses caseless ammunition, it has no need for a normal ejection/extraction cycle. Instead, it uses a unique rotary chamber setup, and is thus chambered by rotating this handle at the rear. Should the user encounter a dud, this can also be used to push it out through a small hole in the bottom of the rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe selector switch is one of the relatively normal parts of the rifle; just 4 positions, in easy reach of the user's thumb.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThen again, it's not quite normal...Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming at a crystal snowflake, using the G11's integrated low-zoom scope. Being a next-generation rifle, it wasn't even designed with iron sights as an option.Error creating thumbnail: File missingShattering the snowflake with a 3-round burst so quick it sounds like one shot. This was one of the rifle's main selling points; thanks to lack of a need for a traditional extraction/ejection cycle, the G11 can cycle incredibly quickly, firing 3-round "hyperbursts" at 2,100 RPM. This, coupled with a unique system where the entire barreled action, magazine and all, reciprocates inside the rifle while firing (which is actually shown in-game, though it's not visible here), the end result is a rifle that can fire 3 rounds before the first one's recoil impulse hits the shooter, theoretically tripling the odds of a hit.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFor those who like to live in the past, the full-auto setting forgoes this system entirely, instead firing at a steady 460 RPM.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile it seemed like a brilliant idea on paper, the G11 just wasn't meant to be. Despite having an internal mechanism so complex that those who've seen it (and lived to tell the tale) simply describe it as "Kraut Space Magic", and having a price tag to match, the G11 was on the cusp of German military adoption. However, the heavens frowned upon the G11, and destroyed it through their dark, forbidden magic of geopolitics; with the fall of the Berlin Wall hitting at just the same time, the German government simultaneously lost both their budget and their need for a new, advanced rifle, and scrapped the project. Now, it only exists in our hearts. Goodnight, sweet prince.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd now, for a look at what could've been, look no further than Update #90's "G11 Tacmod", which features a tri-rail handguard (the placement of the magazine preventing a top rail) and a railed carrying handle in place of the default scope, the latter somewhat resembling the carry handle of a ShAK-12.Error creating thumbnail: File missingGrabbing the energy pistol from Compound (added in Update #90, with the blessing of that game's devs), and preparing to put the poor thing out of its misery.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch G36 with ZF 3x4° dual optical sight - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingAlways have to enjoy a well-modeled full size G36.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 100-round dual drum magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the G36's charging handle. Note the bipod; H3 correctly depicts the G36 with a functional integrated bipod, which, when combined with the ability to use 100-round magazines, makes for a handy light support weapon.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLooking through the top red-dot portion of the ZF 3x4° dual-mode optic, another rarity in video games.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe bottom portion of the ZF optic, which consists of a 3x magnified scope.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChoosing the former of the two options, and opening fire with the G36. When it's deployed on its bipod, the G36 is precise enough that one can quite literally sign their initials on the indoor range's target in full-auto, if they so desire.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA close-up of the receiver's markings; these read "NH", "G36", "Kal. 5.56mmx45", "85-001337", and "2016", top to bottom.Error creating thumbnail: File missingInterestingly, though the G36 can accept a bayonet, it isn't one of NATO origin; this is actually an AK bayonet, as the G36 was designed after the reunification of Germany, and there was no need to develop and produce new bayonets when there were plenty of leftover MPi-AK-74N (East German AK-74) bayonets lying around.
After a great deal of community begging (and the completion of a challenge), Update #90's second alpha added a Heckler & Koch HK416. It goes by the name "H416" in-game, and is fitted with a Command Arms UPG-16 pistol grip and a Magpul MOE stock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch HK416 - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingAdmiring the piston-driven fruits of other people's labor.Error creating thumbnail: File missing(In my defense, I didn't even know that the challenge was happening; I assure you, I would've participated if I'd known. Trust me.)Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a round; the magazine that found its way into the magwell between these shots is a Magpul PMAG with the same company's Ranger Plate; this was added along with the rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingToying around with the extendable stock, and simultaneously disengaging the safety. The ability to multi-task is the mark of a true operator, after all.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAttempting to aim the HK416; like many modern weapons in H3, it comes sightless by default.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLuckily, the factory-default HK irons are rail-mounted, and were thus added concurrently as an optional attachment.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe rifle also features a flip-up front sight; using both this and the rail-mounted sights is pointless, but harmless.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming through this set of 3 sights provides a relatively standard sight picture.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIf hundred-meter notch sights aren't your cup of tea, the classic diopter-drum rear sight features 3 different aperture settings, for 200, 300, and 400 meters.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDumping out a PMag midway through a game of Assault and Pepper in the Cappocollosseum, preparing to deal with more doubled-up consonants.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a Magpul D60 drum; this was also added along with the rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSpraying down a Sosig in spectacularly awkward fashion. Hey, it makes for good-looking screencaps.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReturning to the menu for debriefing and snow cones, our gladioperator discovers an issue; initially thought to be a scaling bug with the rifle's model, this was actually an issue with certain STANAG magazines being slightly off-center (which was hidden by the thicker magazine wells of most rifles, but enough to clip through the 416's thinner-walled magwell).Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd speaking of clipping, shoving your face into the stock reveals an interesting easter egg. For those unaware (and thus likely confused by this section's repeated references to a challenge of some sort), Anton Hand had agreed to add the HK416 if enough members of the game's official Discord server posted pictures of themselves sitting at tables, enjoying a meal/drink/etc. with their guns. These are their pictures.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe first patch of Update #111 saw the HK416 given a proper face-lift in the form of a new, much more dimensionally accurate model.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side of the refreshed assault rifle, featuring some spoofed markings. Everyone knows the "HK" in HK416 stands for "Heckle & Mock GmbH", which is famously headquartered in Bumpass, Virginia.
The 5.56mm assault rifle version of the IMBEL IA2 is one of the available firearms in-game; it was added in the 1st Meatmas Update.
The L85A2 is the 2nd part of the first Meatmas update's "Bullpup Trifecta", alongside the FAMAS F1 and AUG A3. Initially, there were 2 variants available - one with iron sights, and one with a SUSAT scope - but Update #52 removed the latter version, replacing it with an attachable version of the SUSAT.
The M16A1 is one of the available firearms in-game, having been added through the first Meatmas update. Update #51 brought along 2 unique scopes for the weapon: a 6-24x variable-magnification scope, and a fixed-magnification 3x20 scope. Update #107 Experimental Build 3 replaced the M16A1's model with a more accurate version, featuring a birdcage flash hider instead of a 3-prong one; this also conveniently fixed the previously-largely-unnoticed issue of the original model being based off a civilian semi-auto variant, with no autosear pin and a two-position selector (the third position being selectable, but unmarked).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM16A1 with 20-round magazine - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingWhile he isn't a GI in 'Nam, our invisible range buddy ponders why 2+2 is on his mind.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe right side of the rifle, which shows off the serrations on the bolt; these are meant to interface with the forward assist (the button behind the bolt), so that it can be forced into battery, should you find your rifle in a (little hometown) jam.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 20-round magazine. While other 5.56mm STANAGs can be used in it as well, they just aren't the same as the classic straight 20-rounder.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the M16A1's charging handle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLooking through the sights...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and showing Paper Charlie up ahead that Private Invisible Hands was born to kill.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAttaching a 3x20 scope...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which interfaces with a hole in the top of the carrying handle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming through the 3x20 scope. No, this scope isn't attached upside-down; that's what its reticle is supposed to look like, for whatever reason.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFinding this reticle easy to lose among the trees, Pvt. Hands decides to switch it out for a different optic.Error creating thumbnail: File missingConfident that the scope will stay in place, he decides to proceed.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHe then adjusts the scope's magnification, while wondering where the small floating box is coming from. Probably the drugs.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming with the 6-24x scope reveals a much clearer duplex crosshair reticle, perfect for fighting someone else's war.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn M16A1 with an M9 bayonet; while the bayonet itself had been in the game for several months prior, it served only as a knife, with the ability to attach it to the M16A1 (along with the game's various M4A1 variants) came along later in Update #76's first alpha build.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNew model, same war.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlthough, the more authentically-modeled rifle certainly merits some more appropriate scenery. It's not quite a Southeast Asian jungle, but it'll do.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a slightly longer-than-normal straight magazine; this is a 25-rounder, tested with some early AR-15 variants but ultimately unsuccessful. Brownells makes repros, if you're interested.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a round in the old poodle-shooter.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHearing some suspicious rustling in the foliage, Gee Eye Schmo sends a .223 through the leaves. Can't be too careful out here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDeciding that he'd rather see what he's shooting at, Pvt. Schmo decides to stick a scope on the carrying handle. This, too, is a new model - a Leatherwood ART 3-9X scope on an M16-carry-handle-specific mount.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim at a friendly trooper - although, out in the jungle, "friendly" doesn't stretch much further than "probably not going to kill you". Though, in fairness, it'd be a bit hypocritical of Schmo to criticize such behavior at the moment.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDeciding he'd rather see things a bit more clearly, he dials the magnification up to 9X - "ART" is short for "Adjustable Ranging Telescope", not a self-aggrandizing statement by the scope's manufacturer. Sadly - though understandably - the real scope's complex automatic range compensation behavior isn't represented in-game - not leastly because it revolves around gradually adjusting the magnification until a known-sized target fits in the range-finder (with this camming the scope up or down accordingly), while H3's magnification adjustment is both step-wise and completely separate from the zero distance adjustment (as seen here).Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt does at least bring the reticle closer, as it's supposed to - this makes said reticle's details much easier to see, along with any prospective target's helmet art, beard stubble, and bun crumbs.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt also allows you to use the irons, just in case those that rustling starts getting a little too close for comfort. Don't ever let your guard down - that's when they'll get you.
The M16A2 was added in the full release of Update #107.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM16A2 - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingStanding guard over the (incomplete) Institution's northbound train line with an M16A2.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter all, grayscale 80s-90s firearms and angular brutalist architecture go together like concrete and rebar.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a standard aluminum 30-round STANAG magazine. While familiar now, there was a time when these were still relatively novel. Granted, that was back in the late sixties, so they were pretty much standard by the time the A2 rolled around in '82, but still.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a round...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and shutting the dust cover. There's not much practical point to this - even if guns could jam due to dust accumulation in-game, the air in the Institution is impeccably clean - but it's a nice detail to have nevertheless, and is shared across more or less every gun in the game with such a cover.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDisengaging the safety; the longer word in the third position is a surprise tool that'll help us later.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLooking through the sights. While the sight picture is pretty much the same as usual, the sights themselves have seen some noticeable alteration, being much more finely-adjustable than the older variants', and allowing for windage adjustments without the aid of a tool (or a live round).Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring, on the other hand, is pretty much the same. The thicker barrel (generally just called an "A2-profile" barrel, as opposed to the earlier variants' "A1" or "pencil" barrels) could in theory help keep the recoil down a bit, but in practice, the recoil of a 20" 5.56mm rifle in semi-auto is pretty much negligible anyway.Error creating thumbnail: File missingShould the normal aperture prove insufficiently precise for you, simply give it a flip...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and you'll get this. Probably not the best choice in an area where some halls aren't too far off the color of the sights themselves, but it's there if you want it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRight, back to the main thing about the A2 that people care about: the selector. Rather than the earlier versions' Safe/Semi/Auto trigger packs (excluding some experimental models), the A2 introduced a new Safe/Semi/Burst selector, to discourage inexperienced soldiers from clutching the trigger and wasting ammunition.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Oh, they think I'll waste ammo? I'll show them "wasting ammo"..."
Along with its burst-fire cousin, the M16A3 was added in Update #107's full release.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM16A3 - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingMeanwhile, a short distance away, another trooper stands guard over the sorthbound line with an M16 that's exactly 1 A greater than his compatriot's. After all, an M16A3 only seems appropriate for an operation in a metro - even more so if it's a real one.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSadly, said real M16A3 is almost visually indistinguishable from its even-numbered predecessor (to the point that the first image could very well have been an A2, and you'd be none the wiser); to prevent this section from being completely redundant, it's been spiced up with a few of the concurrently-added attachments, for some nice vintage tacticool action.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDisengaging the safety, and viewing the only real visual distinction between this and the A2 in-game: the markings. Aside from the obvious differences in the selector (which'll be addressed in a moment), the in-game M16A3 is apparently made by "FUN MFG, INC." in "COWARD, SC" (with a manufacturer code of "H3VR0"); this is presumably meant to represent an FN-produced rifle, in a similar vein to the "Dolt" markings on the game's earlier Colt-produced ARs. Also plainly visible here is the 40-round USGI-pattern magazine; while not officially adopted in any known capacity, magazines of this type have existed for a while, and have been produced by various third-party manufacturers, with frustratingly little concrete info on their actual origins.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim; the "goose-neck" rail seen here is one of two in-game solutions for mounting optics onto AR carry handles, and was a relatively popular option for this purpose in reality during the early days of widespread infantry optic use and optic rail standardization. Its main advantage over a simple vertical adaptor is the lower mounting, allowing for a better cheek weld and making the rifle take up less vertical space; a side effect of this is that it also allows for co-witnessing with certain optics, such as this relatively-appropriate Aimpoint.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBut hey, why use two sets of sights at once when you could use zero at once? Especially when the selector manages to sneak its way over to the full-auto position, I swear, it just did that on its own.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSee, the A3 was a relatively lightly-produced variant, only used by a few select Navy units who were apparently thought trustworthy enough to not waste their entire magazine in one go if given a gun that allowed it. Clearly, the individual to whom this rifle was handed gave that impression falsely.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne quick mag swap, one tap of the (visually popped-up) bolt release, and nobody's any the wiser. Except for the empty mag on the floor. And the 40 spent cases a few feet away. And the 40 bulletholes in the concrete. Minor details, easily ignored.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNot really segue-able, but as an aside: the suppressor on the end is known in-game as the "HEM4", shortened from its more complete name of "HEL M4" (with "HEL" referring to the Army's not-at-all-concerningly-named Human Engineering Laboratory); this was developed during the sixties, and intended specifically for full-length M16s (whether or not it'd fit onto an A2-profile barrel is not entirely clear), fitting over most of the exposed portion without extending as far past it as a normal suppressor would. In-game, as with the real suppressor's need for a specialized bolt carrier to handle the increased back pressure (remember, this is before the days of ARs with adjustable gas regulators), this proprietarity is omitted for the sake of gameplay convenience; its backwards-tucked nature is instead facilitated by making the entire back end of the suppressor completely intangible, as demonstrated here.
Update #92 added the long-requested M16A4 with a railed handguard as a modern counterpart to the earlier M16A1; notably, it is also the only select-fire weapon in the game with no full-auto option, firing in either semi-auto or 3-round bursts. Like the M16A1 above, the A4's model was replaced in Update #107's third experimental version.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM16A4 - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingM16A4 with railed handguard & rail covers, Trijicon ACOG scope, Magpul back-up rear sight, vertical foregrip, and AN-PEQ/15 laser sight - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingScouting out some locations for a good gun photoshoot; sadly, the featureless white void that reference images are taken in isn't present in-game, so a plain white wall will have to do.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe fact that the gun doesn't really fit on screen at an arm's length also doesn't help.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 30-round STANAG magazine; this is a slightly revised magazine model, added concurrently with the M16A4 itself.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling the charging handle, and getting a good look at both the bolt head and the still-opening dustcover.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe M16A4 comes without a rear sight by default; should you desire one, there are many options, including the classic carry handle sight. (Oh, and the safety found its way off while I was talking. Don't tell the DI).Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe resultant sight picture should be a familiar sight to fans of most modern FPS games.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe KAC backup aperture sight added in the same update is another good choice, especially given that it is calibrated specifically to work with this rifle's front sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIf neither of those is sufficiently tacticool for you, the rails leave plenty of space for creativity; this particular rifle is meant to emulate the lower reference image, with its rail covers, vertical foregrip, Trijicon ACOG scope, Magpul backup sight, and AN-PEQ/15 laser.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming through the ACOG at a faraway Weinerbot; suffice to say, this encounter ended poorly for him. Note the rear sight clipping into the scope; sadly, the Magpul sights weren't modeled foldable, so they can't be folded down in-game.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking out another robot-elf-sausage with a quick 3-round burst of 5.56.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting an empty magazine from the rifle...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...along with any last traces of common sense, as evidenced by this harebrained bayonet charge with rifle that's already been reloaded. Visible here is the red dot from the laser sight (which is also the reason why the ACOG in the screenshot 3 up from this one seemingly had a large dot mashed into its reticle); only the visible laser function of the AN-PEQ/15 is usable in-game, as H3 can't support infrared lasers. Or, to be precise, it can't support anything that would actually render them useful, like IR goggles or optics.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeading somewhere (presumably) warmer to show off the new M16A4.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNot much has changed, so we'll just get straight to decking it out with attachments. Similar to last time, but with a USMC-style bayonet. Plus, now the foregrip's tan.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs is the magazine, a windowed 30-round PMag. Black and green versions are also available.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming through the carry handle's rear sight; the picture hasn't changed much...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...but the sight itself has, now being adjustable out to 800 meters in 100-meter increments. How helpful that is in a place like this is debatable.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMaking a strong, confident statement on the debate, and declining to use the sights entirely. To be fair, it's a bit easier when you've got bullet trails enabled.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPlus 30 holes in some wooden cubes, minus 30 rounds in the mag. Not only are the spring and follower modeled, but the PMags' distinctive orange-painted spring coil (meant as an easy indicator of remaining ammo once it gets past the window) is depicted as well.
The Malyuk, a Ukranian bullpup AK derivative, makes its media debut in H3, being Day 11's gift in the 2018 Meatmas event; it is classified as a carbine in-game.
Update #107 added a Mk 18 Mod 0 to replace the fictional "M4A1 Shorty"; to distinguish it from the Mk18 Mod 1, this one still retains the gas block front sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMk 18 Mod 0 with LMT rear sight, Crane stock, and RIS foregrip - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingHaving been assigned as part of a watermelon protection detail, a guard examines his issued Mk 18.Error creating thumbnail: File missingYou know the drill by now, so let’s just cut to the chase and stick some attachments on. And adjust the stock, while we’re at it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 30-round magazine - to make things a little more tactical, this one’s got some extra texturing, and a handling loop to boot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a round. For maximum speed and minimum drag, make sure to cover up any unused rail space - optics rail included.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDisengaging the safety.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim at a distant threat; the LMT rear sight gives a familiar picture for anyone used to the usual carrying handle. Which makes sense, since it basically is a carrying handle rear sight, minus the actual carrying handle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd, just like a carrying handle rear sight, it’s got two differently-sized apertures. For all that precision shooting you’re gonna be doing with a 10.5” carbine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLetting some rounds fly, and noting the nicely-rendered primer dimple of the new spent casing model.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother view, showing the rather considerable muzzle blast generated by 5.56 coming out of a barrel this short. It’s a good thing that melons don’t have eardrums.
Mk 18 Mod 1
Update #10 added a Mk 18 Mod 1, fitted with a non-standard railed handguard with rail covers, a Command Arms UPG-16 pistol grip, a Crane stock, and a Magpul AFG, all (save for the handguard) in tan; the latter was removed and turned into an attachment in Update #52's 3rd alpha build. The 4th alpha build of Update #70 attached the word "Custom" to the end of its name, presumably to reflect some of its non-standard features. Interestingly, despite being developed as a shortened variant of the M4A1 Carbine, it was originally categorized in-game with the assault rifles. Update #92 replaced the model entirely, and placed it in the carbine section instead; this version had standard furniture, with the pistol grip and stock being brown, and the handguard being black. Update #107 replaced this model to make it more consistent with the others; this version is referred to as the "M4A1 Block 2 CQBR," which is a correct designation for the Mk 18 when not used by the Navy.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMk 18 Mod 1 with Crane stock, vertical foregrip, and folding sights - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingA tactical operator observes his Mk. 18 before preparing for some high-intensity training. He's so tactical that sights aren't necessary.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe rifle's other side, which gives a good view of the aftermarket handguard's distinctive vent holes.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA look at the fire selector, which has 3 positions: safe...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...semi...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and, interestingly enough, 3-round burst. While Mk 18s are normally fitted with safe-semi-auto trigger groups, they are often modified in various ways; furthermore, since the entire CQBR program (Close Quarters Battle Receiver, the program that lead to the development of the Mk 18) was designed around creating a short-barreled upper receiver for the M4A1 carbine, it isn't inconceivable that one could wind up on the lower of a burst-firing M4 instead. The aforementioned alpha build of Update #70 rendered this whole discussion a bit moot, replacing the burst setting with full-auto.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTactically loading in a 30-round magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the charging handle, using a tactical technique.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTactically aiming, using the aforementioned high-level tactical "lack-of-sights" method...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and firing a few bursts. Tactically.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFollowing a tactical reload so fast and so tactical that it happened before the next screenshot could even capture it, The Operator checks the locked-open bolt of his Mk 18.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHe then remedies this, tactically slapping his rifle's bolt release. As with the above M4A1, the Mk 18's bolt release subtly pops out when the bolt locks open.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"What? No! It's not like I need a sight or anything. I can pull 0.5 MOA groups without sights at 300 yards, no problem. But, y'know, it's not like it'd do any harm to attach a magnifier and a holosight..."Error creating thumbnail: File missing"...or two..."Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile attaching two holographic sights might seem a bit pointless, there is one distinct advantage in H3: the fact that they can be individually zeroed for separate ranges...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...allows for this. This dual reticle setup is used for quick transitions between ranges; in this case, the smaller, higher reticle (from the front holosight) is zeroed for 50 meters, while the rear holosight's larger, lower reticle is set for a whopping 2.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Of course I don't need this! My 6 years of tactical operator training have given me the ability to see 20/20 in total darkness! I'm just... doing it... ironically! Yeah, that's it! I'm attaching this flashlight ironically!"Error creating thumbnail: File missing"That's also why I'm attaching this laser! I don't need a laser to aim. I don't even want a laser to aim. I'm just using one for the sake of irony."Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Good, now that he's gone..."Error creating thumbnail: File missing"...I can finally get to business."Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking full advantage of the currently-loaded Beta-C drum magazine, and sending out a few (dozen) 3-round bursts.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Ahhh... perfect. Er... wait, no, I mean... uhh... pointless? Haha, yeah, of course! Perfectly pointless! I don't think that this is good or anything, I'm just doing it as a joke! What kind of non-tactical pleb would actually need all this stuff to operate? Am I right? Heh... heh...
...right?"Error creating thumbnail: File missingStanding out at the wrong end of the Sampler Platter's Soup Station. It sure has been a while, hasn't it?Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe carbine's other side. If you think that the receiver looks conspicuously similar to that of the M16A4 above, you're on the right track; both models were made by the same person, and thus use the same receiver (albeit with slightly different textures to account for the different pistol grip colors and selector markings).Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a magazine...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...then flipping the rifle not-quite-over to pull the charging handle, giving a not-so-good view of the bolt and ejection port, but a great view of the charging handle's locking hook.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiddling around with the adjustable Crane stock. We don't advise doing this while the safety is off period, let alone disengaging it just before doing so, but you do you.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming at a conspicuously large (and conspicuously raw-looking) bird floating around in the soup, using the aforeaforementioned... wait, what was that? You have something for me, Mister Barrel?Error creating thumbnail: File missingYes, as it turns out, Mr. Barrel does have something special in store: a set of actual sights. These KAC flip-up sights, known as the "Knight Iron Sights" in-game, were added concurrently with the Mk 18's replacement model.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs such, it only seems fitting to put the two together. The resultant sight picture is clean and easy to read, perfect for bird blasting.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWell, at least when the birds in question are already dead.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlipping the selector over to full-auto, and trying to hit some birds that aren't already headless. Even if you were actually looking where you were shooting, this probably still wouldn't work all that well.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPerforming a quick reload, having gone through an entire magazine before realizing that this map doesn't even have any birds on it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn a fit of blind rage, the operator lashes out at the first person he can find, not sparing the slightest thought for all the good memories with his friend that he's throwing away, or for the irreversible consequences of what he's doing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOr, y'know. That.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOh, and Update #93 changed the tan on the furniture and some of the attachments to match. Neat.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter showing exceptional skill and valor in his prior melon-defending mission, the former guard gets a promotion to a specialized unit, and a promoted carbine as part of the package. Apparently, they had a gap to fill.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNew rails, new attachments. Well, the same ones as before, but re-modeled to be more consistent - including the tan, which is once again a nice, uniform shade.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a tan 20-round PMag, which makes its own attempt at stealth by disguising itself as a 30-rounder. Being this far out of the magazine well, it exposes the giant "20" molded into its body, making this disguise a bit less than satisfactory.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter convincing the magazine to abandon such silly antics and get into proper feeding position, the operator chambers a round...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and then flips the rifle to semi-auto, taking advantage of its aftermarket ambidextrous selector switch. Perk of being in a more important position: nobody can force you to shoot right-handed - even the sling mount's ambidextrous.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim at the mission's target; the flip-up KAC sights offer a nice, clean picture, though one can't help wonder why such an ostensibly-important operator wasn't given an optic.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking the mission-critical shot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe situation having escalated, our hero flips the ambidextrous selector one position further...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and abandons any hope of going prone.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFortunately, while it shrugged off the first shot, the target doesn't manage the same feat with the next 40. "Target down. Don't suppose you'll tell me why you sent me to assassinate a truck?"
Micro Draco Pistol
Alpha 3 of Update #96 added the Micro Draco Pistol, a compact carbine variant of the AIMR categorized under US law as a pistol. Interestingly, the one in-game is select-fire; in fact, it consists of an AKM receiver rebuilt with Micro Draco parts, given the Russian АВ-ОД selector markings, as well the two-rivet pattern of an AKM at the rear of the receiver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRomanian AK Micro Draco Pistol - 7.62x39mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe Micro Draco in all its glory. Interestingly, it is not purely from one source; this particular model was a conversion of the game's AKM, done by a different 3D artist.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile its origins are still visible, more or less everything that would make an AKM not a Draco has been appropriately replaced - the sights, the handguard, the barrel, the rear sight block (now with 100% less rear sight), and even the receiver trunnions have all been replaced with new, Draco-appropriate models.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRocking in a standard steel AK magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDisengaging the safety, and chambering a round.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the Draco; as mentioned, it has non-standard-for-an-AK sights. Since the length of its barrel would render the original barrel-mounted rear sight impractical (in that the sight radius would be all of four inches), the Draco instead uses a simple notch-style rear sight mounted on the receiver cover.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBlasting away a clay pot. As one would imagine, the Draco has rather harsh, jumpy recoil.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSo, of course, the most effective way to use it is obviously to flip the selector switch up a position...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and then spray away gangster-style. Visible here is the weapon's muzzle blast, which is remarkably bright even in broad daylight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile not terribly practical on its own, the Draco does serve as an interesting starting point for all manner of attachment-laden carbine setups, like this one.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRinging some steel with tracers, while looking through the attached Kobra reflex sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSwapping out the 20-round PMag for something with a little bit more... dacha.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHosing down some plates, having long since progressed past the need for aiming. The red dot is coming from a laser sight, which does an excellent job of looking like a part of the Kobra rather than something shoved into it; attachments in H3 have no collision relative to each other, allowing for physics-defying setups like this.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd hey, if that's not sufficiently horrendous for you, why not give the Draco Tactical Sniper Carbine a whirl?
Norinco QBZ-95
The sixth day of the 2018 Meatmas event brought along a Norinco QBZ-95, the game's first Chinese firearm (and, as such, the first and currently only one to use 5.8x42mm ammunition).
Added in Update #53, the SIG SG 550 is one of H3's usable assault rifles, and is fitted with a quad-rail handguard and a permanently-attached folding bipod; the latter was removed in the 3rd alpha build of Update #90, wherein rail-mounted attachable bipods were made available.
The SIG SG 552 is one of the available firearms in-game, and was added in Update #39. Update #46 added a version with additional rails for mounting attachments; both are categorized as carbines.
Alpha 1 of Update #94 added the SR-3M, along with a long-requested thirty-round 9x39mm magazine that's interchangeable with those of the AS Val and VSS Vintorez.
Rounding out the "Bullpup Trifecta" of the 1st Meatmas update is the Steyr AUG A3, categorized in-game as a carbine. Of note is that the weapon's 2-stage trigger is correctly simulated, something which is very rare in games. Update #89 replaced the weapon's model, with the replacement one having an underbarrel rail segment in place of the original's integrated foregrip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSteyr AUG A3 with 16-inch barrel - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingA look at the left side of the AUG reveals a pretty well-done replica of the real steel. Or rather, real plastic, considering the nature of the majority of the AUG's body.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a fresh 42-round magazine, which is a solid brown color; as mentioned, the real weapon's magazines are normally translucent.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the charging handle...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and locking it into its notch. This functionality wasn't present on the AUG when it was first added, but it was made possible in Update #52.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDoing this allows for the rather odd use of an "HK Slap" on a weapon that isn't actually made by HK.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Aiming" the rifle, which immediately reveals a lack of any actual sights.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis, of course, doesn't stop anyone from dumping all the rounds out of the magazine anyway.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSteyr AUG A3 with 16-inch barrel, scope, and rail-mounted foregrip - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingRelaxing out in the ruins of the Sampler Platter's restaurant with the newer AUG A3.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe rifle's other side; note that the underbarrel rail block is (correctly) asymmetrical, with rails on the bottom and the left.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 30-round magazine, just like the A1. So much like it that they're literally the exact same magazines.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling the charging handle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs with the older models (both the old model of this rifle, and the concurrently-added older version of the AUG), said charging handle can be locked back...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and then slapped to release the bolt.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn attempt to aim at a portable generator is thwarted by the rifle's lack of integrated sights. Considering the previous screenshots, I don't know exactly what you were expecting.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWell, it's nothing that some aftermarket rail-mounted irons (and disengaging the safety) can't fix.Error creating thumbnail: File missingGranted, they're shotgun ghost-rings, so the amount of help they actually provide is a bit limited, but it's better than nothing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEspecially since the target in this particular instance is close by, can't move, and is a generator.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSwapping mags before the maintenance crew shows up; this technique of resting a fresh magazine on the rifle while removing the old one is a relatively common sight in H3 (though it's more common on non-empty reloads, since one of its main benefits is that it minimizes the amount of time the rifle spends without a magazine inserted).Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving successfully escaped getting a kiss on the head from a pair of Kleins, the vandal stops by the item spawner to give his rifle a muzzle brake, a "Car Key" underbarrel shotgun, and an overall more future-y aesthetic.
Stoner 63 Assault Rifle
The Stoner 63 in its Assault Rifle configuration was added on Meatmas Day 2020.