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- You, your families, your friends and your countries are to be exterminated by the common decision of a few brutal but powerful men.
- To please these men, all the private affections, all the public hopes, all that has been achieved in art, and knowledge and thought
- and all that might be achieved hereafter is to be wiped out forever.
- Our ruined lifeless planet will continue for countless ages to circle aimlessly round the sun unredeemed by the joys and loves,
- the occasional wisdom and the power to create beauty which have given value to human life.
- - Bertrand Russell
Pages I have contributed to
La Linea - The Line Created, work in progress
Driven to Kill Created, complete
The Kingdom Replaced some screenshots
Demolition Man Contributed screenshots and captions
V for Vendetta Contributed screenshots and captions, minor reformatting
National Treasure Replaced all screenshots
Children of Men Screenshots updated
Ip Man Created, complete
Sgt. Bilko Created, complete
Ong-bak Created, work in progress
Star Trek: Voyager Contributed screenshots, minor additions
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Contributed screenshots, minor additions
A-Team, The Reorganized, updated all screenshots
Stargate: SG1 Contributed screenshots, minor edits
Stargate Atlantis Minor edits
Hogan's Heroes Created, work in progress
Torchwood Contributed screenshots, minor edits
The Wire Contributed screenshots, minor edits
Star Trek: Enterprise Contributed screenshots, minor edits
The Avengers (1961) Created, work in progress
George Peppard Reformatted, Updated
Ben Browder Created
Ed Lauter Reformatted, Updated
Richard Dean Anderson Reformatted, Updated
Christopher Judge Created
Bob Crane Created
Robert Clary Created
Richard Dawson Reformatted
David Dayan Fisher Created
Felice Orlandi Created
Tim Pigott-Smith Created
Eric Breker Created
Beau Bridges Created
Igor Jijikine Created
John Banner Created
Larry Hovis Created
Howard Caine Created
Bernard Fox Created
Hans Conried Created
Bob Hastings Created
Frank Marth Created
Shibuya Tenma Created
Daryl Mitchell Created
Michael Mahonen Created
Clayton Murray Created
Vince Corazza Created
Eve Myles Created
Burn Gorman Created
Naoko Mori Created
Gareth David-Lloyd Created
Werner Klemperer Created
Ivan Dixon Created
Suchao Pongwilai Created
Rosalind Chao Created
Eddie Velez Created
Roy Dotrice Created
Joseph Sirola Created
John Saxon Created
Peter Bryant Created
Cliff Osmond Created
Don S. Davis Created
Gary Jones Created
Alistair Abell Created
Matthew Bennett Created
Jack Ging Created
Claudia Black Created
Corey Parker Robinson Created
Russ Tamblyn Reformatted
Steve Makaj Created
Mitchell Kosterman Created
Gordon Lam Ka-tung Created
Judy Geeson Created
Karen Kopins Created
James Parks Created
Sergio Calderón Created
Gerrit Graham Created
Nico Minardos Created
John Dehner Created
Chad Coleman Created
Michael Potts Created
Patrick Macnee Created
Nigel Davenport Created
Roland Curram Created
Teryl Rothery Created
Tom McBeath Created
Colin Cunningham Created
Peter Flemming Created
Frank Roman Created
Dave Morick Created
Fred Stillkrauth Created
Michael Nowka Created
Slavko Štimac Created
Tony Amendola Created
Spencer Maybee Created
Peter Wyngarde Created
Hilary Wontner Created
Armalite AR-18 Reformatted
Beretta 950 Jetfire Reformatted
Colt Detective Special Reformatted
Weatherby Mark V Created
Smith & Wesson Model 637 Added tables
CZ-550 Reformatted
Bren gun Reformatted
Webley Mk V Added tables
Smith & Wesson SW99 Reformatted
Smith & Wesson Model 640 Centennial Reformatted
Smith & Wesson Model 13 Reformatted
Hotchkiss "Type Universal" Reformatted
Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising Pictures. LOTS of pictures. Also reformatted the whole thing.
Half-Life 2 Minor additions
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Overhauled
Counter-Strike Overhauled
Day of Defeat: Source Screenshots
Dead Rising 2 Replaced Screenshots, minor edits
The Saboteur Added screenshots, minor edits
Just Cause 2 Recreated, original got taken down as {{noeffort}}
Team Fortress 2 Contributed screenshots
Sleeping Dogs Work in progress
Stargate SG-1 alien weapons

The following is a summary of the most important Alien weapons featured on Stargate SG-1.
- Teal'c, what about these?
- They are intar.
- Short for?
- Intar.
- - Teal'c and Major Samantha Carter
- Teal'c, what about these?
Intars are training weapons used by the Jaffa that fire relatively harmless red energy bolts, meant only to stun, not kill. After the episode that introduced them the existing Intars, those that were made to look like Earth weapons, were taken to Stargate Command and stored. They saw use again in "Proving Ground" (Season 5, Episode 13). Interestingly, like weapons from a lot of other Science-Fiction franchises, the Intars too have a variable power setting. The user can choose the amount of pain they wish to inflict AND whether the weapon should knock an enemy out or merely make them incapable of fighting. During "Proving Ground", O'Neill sets his Intar to "Max", downing one of Elliott's (Courtenay J. Stevens) people in one shot, dealing a fair amount of pain, yet leaving the Soldier's motor control fully intact.
Transphase eradication rod
- They are indeed invisible.
- - Teal'c
First given to the SGC to combat the Re'tu in "Show and Tell" (Season 2, Episode 20). The Re'tu, a species of invisibles, decide that the only prudent course of action to combat the Goa'uld is to eradicate all possible hosts, e. g. all the people of Earth. The Tok'ra ended up giving the SGC the T.E.Rs. The lower part of the weapon emits a beam that makes the Re'tu visible to the naked eye, while the upper part fires an energy blast. The weapon would see use against Nirrti, a Goa'uld assassin and the super soldiers of Anubis.
- We're exactly one zat gun short of actually having a zat gun.
- Zat gun?
- Drop the ni'katel.
- I guess it does save a bit of effort.
- - Aris Boch and Colonel Jack O'Neill
- We're exactly one zat gun short of actually having a zat gun.
One of the favoured weapons of the Jaffa, named "zat gun" by Colonel O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson) for the sake of simplicity. The weapon fires an energy bolt, the first hit disables a target, the second kills. As a bonus, shooting a target for a third time will disintegrate it and thus leave no visible remains. This last setting was used less and less as the series went on.
Staff Weapon
- This is a weapon of terror. It's made to intimidate the enemy.
- - Colonel Jack O'Neill
Probably the most iconic piece of Goa'uld armament, the Staff weapon is the standard weapon for most Jaffa. It is usually carried deactivated. It can be activated by the push of a button and then fires a bolt of energy that will usually either gravely wound or kill a target. The weapon exists in two sizes, the normal one for infantry use and a heavier version which can either be assembled in the field or be carried as weaponry on the Goa'uld Death Gliders. While the average Jaffa can barely hit the broad side of a barn with it, more proficient shooters can take down faraway targets with relative ease.
Goa'uld hand device
- Put the hand down!
- - Colonel Jack O'Neill
Like the staff weapons, this little doohickey was already present in the original Stargate movie. While primarily employed as a means of torture by the Goa'uld, it also serves as a weapon. The first member of the SGC ever to succesfully deploy it in the field was Samantha Carter in "Seth" (Season 3, Episode 2).