Driven to Kill is a 2009 DTV (direct to video) thriller directed by Jeff King and stars Steven Seagal as Ruslan Drachev, Igor Jijikine as Mikhail Abramov and Dmitry Chepovetsky as Stephan Abramov. Twenty years after Ruslan has quit the Russian mob headed by Mikhail Abramov, the now husband of his ex-wife, he returns to the United States to attend his daughter's wedding. After a supposed robbery leaves Ruslan´s ex-wife dead and his daughter in critical condition, he decides to ignore the law enforcement officers who are ordered to look into the case and find out for himself who wanted his loved ones dead. The weapons on this movie were supplied by the Vancouver-based company Felcan Enterprises.
The following weapons were used in the film Driven to Kill :
Beretta 92F/FS
One of the two police officers entering the strip club after the brawl is carrying a Beretta 92F/FS .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The officer to the left seen carrying the Beretta 92F/FS .
Beretta 92FS Inox
Seen among the weapons in the arms dealers caches is a Beretta 92FS Inox with pearl grips. It was never picked up or fired in the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92FS INOX - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Beretta 92FS Inox , note the slide-mounted safety.
Colt M1911A1
Ruslan (Steven Seagal ) uses a Colt M1911A1 to dispatch a thug after dealing with the arms dealer. He is briefly seen with a custom M1911 after the capture of Goldstein.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pre-War Colt M1911A1 Pistol Commercial - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An M1911A1 is seen among the handguns in one of the stashes in the arms dealers shop.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ruslan (Steven Seagal ) loads the M1911A1 before engaging the Russian mobsters in the hospital.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ruslan (Steven Seagal ) fires on one of the dealers men with the M1911A1 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Note the beavertail, hammer and custom sights.
Colt Double Eagle
A thug in the illegal arms dealers cellar is armed with a Colt Double Eagle Officer's Model . Ruslan (Steven Seagal ) is also seen retrieving this weapon from one of the Russian mobsters that attempted to take him down during the beginning of the shootout in the parking garage.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Double Eagle Officer's Model - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ruslan (Steven Seagal ) picks up the Colt Double Eagle .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steven Seagal fires the Colt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing For reasons unknown the close-up of Seagal reloading the Double Eagle is used twice throughout the scene.
CZ 52
One of the sidearms used by Mikhail Abramov (Igor Jijikine ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Czech CZ 52 7.62x25mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abramov (Igor Jijikine ) shows one of the thugs originally hired to deal with Ruslan what he thinks of his failure to deliver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the first firefight in the hospital, Abramov (Igor Jijikine ) fires his CZ 52 .
Glock 19
Glock 19 is seen in the hands of one of the officers entering the strip club after the brawl. It is also used by one of the thugs working for the illegal arms dealer. During the scene with the latter a little oddity occurs: The characters are seen discarding three weapons. For an unknown reason, the editor used the same clip of a dropped Glock 19 with stainless barrel for all of them.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glock 19 (3rd Generation) - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the thugs firing his Glock 19.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The small section with the Glock 19 with stainless barrel in question.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The officer on the right is seen carrying a Glock 19.
Ruger Mk III
During the hospital shootout Mikhail Abramov (Igor Jijikine ) discards his CZ 52 and switches to what appears to be a stainless Ruger Mk III.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ruger Mk III - .22LR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abramov (Igor Jijikine ) searches for Ruslan (Steven Seagal ), his Ruger Mk III in hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Abramov (Igor Jijikine ) shortly before being confronted by Ruslan (Steven Seagal ). Ruslan later disarms Abramov and stabs him in the eye with the Ruger Mk III pistol and shoots him.
Smith & Wesson Model 640 Centennial
A Smith & Wesson Model 640 Centennial is among the weapons Ruslan retrieves from the arms dealers shop. He is then giving it to Stephan Arbarn (Dmitry Chepovetsky ), who uses it for the remainder of the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 640 Centennial - .357 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The S&W , about to be picked up by the arms dealer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The arms dealer checks the Smith & Wesson Model 640 Centennial before giving it to Ruslan.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stephan Arbarn (Dmitry Chepovetsky ) holds the S&W to the head of Terry Goldstein in a production still.
Smith & Wesson Escort
Ruslan (Steven Seagal ) pulls a nickel plated Smith & Wesson Escort , which he hides inside a bundle of dollar notes, on the arms dealer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson 61 Escort (Factory nickel with Faux Ivory Grips) - .22 Long Rifle (Blank adapted movie gun)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ruslan fires the Smith & Wesson Escort .
Smith & Wesson M&P
Among the weapons the arms dealer has on sale is a Smith & Wesson M&P
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson M&P - 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Smith & Wesson M&P (middle).
Taurus PT92
Among the weapons used in the parking garage shootout is a gold plated Taurus PT92 with pearl grips and a black barrel. This exact same gun was also used in Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball (the same armorers who supplied guns to that movie also worked on this movie).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Taurus PT92AF - 9mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Taurus being reloaded.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Walther PPK/S
Used once by one of the thugs when Ruslan (Steven Seagal ) attempts to flush the men who attacked his wife and daughter out of an apartment complex.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther PPK/S blued - .380 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shot of the muzzle of the PPK.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing After cracking off a couple of shots at Ruslan, the thugs PPK locks empty.
Assault Rifles
M4A1 Carbine
One of the firearms made available to Ruslan Drachev (Steven Seagal ) by the illegal arms dealer is a M4A1 Carbine . Ruslan uses it when he attempts to flush the men who attacked his wife and daughter out of an apartment complex.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M4A1 with 6 position collapsible stock - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A M4A1 Carbine lies next one of the Norinco Type 84 in the arms dealers shop. Note how the M4A1 does not have the same Stowaway pistol grip as the K3B Carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ruslan alerts the mobsters of his presence by firing the M4A1 in the air.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ruslan fires his M4A1 at the mobsters.
Norinco Type 84S
Used during the hospital shootout by all Russian mobsters.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Norinco Type 84S - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing As the mobsters approach Ruslan, the hooded front sight of the Norinco Type 84 is clearly visible.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Boris (Mike Dopud ) opening up on Ruslan with his Norinco Type 84 . This also appeared as a reversed shot earlier on in the movie.
Olympic Arms K3BM4-A3
After taking out the illegal arms dealer, Ruslan takes the liberty of relieving him of his excess baggage. This includes an Olympic Arms K3BM4-A3 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Olympic Arms K3BM4-A3 with detached carrying handle - 5.56x45mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ruslan Drachev (Steven Seagal ) firing the K3BM4-A3.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Olympic Arms can be read on the side of the receiver when Ruslan flicks off the safety.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steven Seagal reloads the K3BM4 during the first fire fight in the hospital. Here the Olympic Arms logo is clearly visible on the magwell. Also note the modified pistol grip.
Machine Guns
Daewoo K3
Only used once, during the final firefight in the hospital.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Daewoo K3 - 5.56x45mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Daewoo K3 modified with Paratrooper stock, railed feed tray cover, railed handguard, foregrip, and plastic belt box - 5.56x45mm. This is the weapon used in 2009 film Driven to Kill , shown in the making-of. These modifications are commonly found on K3s in live-action productions.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Boris (Mike Dopud ) gives the camera his war face while carrying the Daewoo K3 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Daewoo K3 "Paratrooper" while the mobsters search the hospital for Ruslan.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good look at the top of the weapon. Note that the mobsters have disguised themselves as police officers.
The Stunt Coordinator for the film, Garvin Cross, notes in the Making-of that the K3 's rate of fire was reduced from 750 rounds per minute to about 500.
The Daewoo K3 during the Making-of next to a Norinco Type 56 .
A good showcase of the ammunition requirements the Daewoo K3 firing sequences had.
Mossberg 500 Cruiser
Among the weapons seen in the arms shop is a Mossberg 500 Cruiser .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mossberg 500 Cruiser - 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Cruiser in the background. It is not used in any other scene.
Remington 870
Used by the owner of the strip club and one of the thugs hired by Mikhail Abramov (Igor Jijikine ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot Shotgun - 12 Gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the thugs in the parking garage with a Remington 870 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Remington 870 hidden away underneath the counter in the strip club.
M67 Fragmentation grenades
During the fight in the hospital, Ruslan builds an IED from two M67 fragmentation grenades , knives, multiple surgery tools and nails.
M67 Fragmentation Grenades
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The two M67 fragmentation grenades.