Dead Rising 2 is a zombie action-adventure developed by Capcom, released in 2010. Set five years after the original Dead Rising, the motocross champion Chuck Greene finds himself in a zombie infested Fortune City. After getting to the sole reinforced shelter he sets out to figure out who framed him for the outbreak and to retrieve the anti-zombification vaccine Zombrex every 24 hours in order to save his daughter.
The following weapons appear in the video game Dead Rising 2:
A stainless steel CZ 75B can be wielded by Chuck. Noted by the front and rear slide grooves, high profile of the frame, and two-handed trigger guard. This is the only pistol in the game. It has a 30 round capacity.
In the side mission WWJWD, a crazy sheriff has an engraved Single Action Army. It holds 60 bullets and can be picked up once he dies.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSingle Action Army w/ 5.5" barrel aka "Artillery" model with wooden grips (this is a Cimarron reproduction - and an actual movie gun) Note lack of 4th screw on revolver frame in front of cylinder. The Colts all have this.Chuck toys around with the SAA in the High Noon Shooting Range.Chuck rapidly fans the SAA just outside the safe house.
Maverick Model 88
The Maverick Model 88 appears in the game with a silver heat shield. The Maverick has it's safety located on the trigger guard, unlike the Mossberg 500, where it is placed on top of the receiver. One of the combo weapons, known as the "Boomstick", is equipped with a taped-on Pitchfork. It also appears in the Dead Rising 2: Case Zero Debut trailer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMaverick Model 88 with pistol grip - 12 GaugeChuck holds the "Boomstick" just outside the safe house.Chuck holds the Maverick Model 88 inside the High Noon Shooting Range.
Colt AR-15 Sporter Carbine
A Colt AR-15A2 Government Carbine appears ingame, modeled with a six position collapsible stock and twenty round magazine, although Capcom wouldn't let a little thing like that stop it from holding 60 shots at a time.
Three SIG SG 552s are seen attached to a wheelchair and called the "Blitzkrieg". One has a sight attached and the other has a side-loading magazine. Called the "Merc assault rifle", has a 30 round magazine and is fitted with a scope and a vertical grip. The weapon is usually carried by the mercenaries the player has to face.
The M82A1 Barrett .50CAL appears in the game simply as the "Sniper Rifle". It is the main weapon of the four Hunters Chuck encounters on the rooftops around the Royal Flush Plaza. The weapon is modelled without a charging handle. It incorrectly holds 20 rounds.
Called the "LMG", it can be found in numerous locations throughout the game. It holds 200 rounds in a 100-round drum, is the standard weapon of Dwight Boykin and is part of two combo weapons.
Found throughout the game and can be combined with various objects to create improvised weapons.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingReplica of Dynamite (inert and non-hazardous), manufactured by Inert Products, LLC.Chuck prepares to throw a stick of dynamite.Chuck holds the Blambow outside one of the Workshops.
Unusable Weapons
Colt Walker 1847
Colt Walkers can be seen on a sign used at a casino.
The United States Army soldiers can be seen carrying Colt M4A1 Carbines as they arrive in Fortune City in Case 6-1 "Help Arrives". Oddly enough these rifles are modeled with the right side being a mirror of the left.
The helicopter in Case 5-2 "The Getaway" has a GE M134 mounted on its side. Oddly, the gun appears to be based on a hand held M134 Minigun, having a forward "chainsaw" grip and single rear vertical grip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAirsoft handheld M134 Minigun with 'Chainsaw grip' to handle the recoil force. This variant was seen in Terminator 2: Judgement Day. This is an airsoft version which retains the half-circle attachment point for the M60 foregrip from Predator; the real T2 minigun did not have this - (fake) 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingThe chopper attempts to lift off after Chuck has been spotted.