Sorry, your last edit in Tiger I Tank section is a little incorrect. The exact replica of Tiger was build specially for filming, but due to some reasons it was completed too late and wasn't used, while the screen Tiger is a vismodded IS-2. So the caption for Belyy tigr-Tiger.jpg "Replica of the German Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I tank which must was be used in the film" is correct, this image is of the proposed screen tank but not of the one that really appeared on screen. Greg-Z (talk) 08:03, 2 January 2015 (EST)
I reupload screenshots and correct some ID. What I should doing now? Pyramid Silent (talk) 14:30, 13 January 2015 (EST)
Adding "The World Wars (miniseries)", which is part documentary and part live-action sequences
Can the miniseries "The World Wars" be eligible to be added onto this site? Its part documentary from interviews of experts, but it also contains live action sequence depicting life in WWI and WWII with actors and all.
Hey, I am glad you finally made a page for these guns. However, I am not sure that "Timecop Custom Assault Pistol" is a good name for them because as far as I can tell, Felcan Enterprises (the armory that owns the guns) built them long before Timecop. Those guns appeared in episodes of The X-Files and The Highlander (the 1992 TV series) before they were in Timecop.
I think we should just go ahead and give the guns a name. Since they were made by Tom Felcan's company, we should call them the "Felcan MP" or something like that. Also, keep in mind that there are two variants of the gun - long- and short-barreled versions. I propose that we call them "Felcan MP" and "Felcan MP-C". It will be a lot easier than writing out, "Timecop Custom Assault Pistol" for every page on which they appear. -MT2008 (talk) 13:08, 16 January 2015 (EST)
Also, a lot of the information you wrote in the summary is not correct. Tom Felcan used to have fake MP5Ks in their inventory, but those guns are a different type of weapon, and Felcan is a Canadian armory, so import restrictions in the U.S. are irrelevant. I will re-write the summary in a bit. Still, this is a good start, and I am glad we have a page for those guns now. -MT2008 (talk) 13:16, 16 January 2015 (EST)
You raise a good point - they could have been made for Timecop and used on those shows before filming on Timecop began. But I'm still skeptical because there are two versions of the gun, and only one version appears in Timecop (the short-barreled version). I doubt that they would have built two types of guns for the same movie if only one type actually appeared in the film, though I suppose it's not impossible. But I still suspect they were made for another sci-fi movie that we haven't seen yet.
I still think we should name the guns just so that we don't have to refer to them as "Timecop Custom Assault Pistol" constantly. It's too awkward to write out, and the guns have been in so many movies and TV shows that I think they qualify for a fictional name. Kinda like the way we refer to the rifles from Deep Rising as the M1-L1 (their name in that movie) on that weapon's page - and those guns were also built by Tom Felcan's armorers. -MT2008 (talk) 13:36, 16 January 2015 (EST)
Yeah, I realize you were following that convention, but this is a case where I think the name you chose would just be too awkward. Plus, the name on the page fails to distinguish between the two variants of the gun. As Stan and I agree, we need to have a name that makes it easy to distinguish between them.
Compare the two pictures that you posted - the short-barreled version is the one that appears in Crying Freeman, while the long-barreled version was in Smallville. Both guns use the same lower receiver and magazine well, but the long-barreled version (Felcan MP) has a front sight, which the short-barreled version (MP-C) lacks. The MP also seems to have a flash hider as standard, while the MP-C only has a MAC-10-style threaded barrel (though in Timecop, it has a custom barrel shroud). You can also see other distinctions - see how the front of the receiver on the MP has four elongated slits, while the MP-C has six holes? The back of the receiver on the MP is also longer than the MP-C.
(And you will notice how much easier it is for me to have a conversation about these guns when I am calling them "MP" and "MP-C" - hence my preference for giving them a name with variant distinctions). -MT2008 (talk) 13:57, 16 January 2015 (EST)
See what I mean? You can tell that the top gun has a longer barrel and receiver than the bottom version. -MT2008 (talk) 14:05, 16 January 2015 (EST)
Either way, it means that there are essentially two versions of the gun with different upper receiver units, so I think we'll want to distinguish between them. Same as we would for MP5 variants, for instance (i.e. an MP5A2 and MP5A3 are the same gun with different stock types). -MT2008 (talk) 14:21, 16 January 2015 (EST)
William B. Davis page
Thanks for that, I had planned to make it today but the sudden stomach bug I got last night had other plans for me... There's an entry or two missing, but otherwise, appreciate you starting this one for me. StanTheMan (talk) 19:21, 17 January 2015 (EST)
Screenshot ratio
I'm sorry, I don't understand, what I doing wrong? In my DVD this ratio was 720 × 360 pixels. So, I dont understand, what is correct ratio. Please, change one screenshot to correct size, and I correct and reupload another. Pyramid Silent (talk) 10:16, 19 January 2015 (EST)
Hey, Ben, when you get a chance, please send me a PM on the forum. Have some info to share. -MT2008 (talk) 13:22, 31 January 2015 (EST)
Since I have now confirmed that both the Timecop and Smallville/Battlestar Galactica guns are part of the same family of weapons, I think we need to merge those pages. It should be called "M91 series machine pistols" (not "assault pistol" - that's a VPC term that I prefer not to use). -MT2008 (talk) 15:00, 2 February 2015 (EST)
On second thought, let me do it. I got this covered. -MT2008 (talk) 15:07, 2 February 2015 (EST)
Wild Zero
Hello, Ben41! I have one request: a few years ago you delete article Wild Zero Now, I want create this page. May you restore page code to discussion page, where I can work with it? Thanks! Pyramid Silent (talk) 17:06, 5 February 2015 (EST)
This film contain four revolvers, one pistol, one rifle and one launcher. Pyramid Silent (talk) 17:44, 5 February 2015 (EST)
So, it couldn't be restored: the code was lost? Pyramid Silent (talk) 17:55, 5 February 2015 (EST)
I need old page due I can't ID the rifles: it may be Howa Type 89 but also may be some sort of Heckel & Koch. Pyramid Silent (talk) 18:03, 5 February 2015 (EST)
Thank you very much!!! Pyramid Silent (talk) 18:10, 5 February 2015 (EST)
X-Files finalization
I'm done.. But I'm not! Well sorta. First off, I never think you're totally done on these kinds of things.. That said, I have finished the main pages especially the images and all (despite having to go back and get an episode worth of screencaps because my old computer, which for months I've been waiting to get back online, and did for a couple weeks, took a total shit on me the other day and might be fried for good.. Bah). Mostly the last set of cross linkings/listings for the gun pages and stuff is what's left, also toying with putting the Infoboxes on the pages.. We'll see. Otherwise, I've got the series pages more-or-less as complete as can be at this point, and I certainly am proud and happy about that. Hopefully we can get HD images for all of it in due course and we'll be totally tip-top. Meantime, though, I'm quite happy with what we got right now. I wanna thank you again for the help you've given on this, with the template and the HD caps for the first two seasons. StanTheMan (talk) 21:52, 9 February 2015 (EST)
RoboCop 2014
Do you have a lot of images you're planning to upload for this one? I only ask 'cause I watched it at the start of the month and took quite a few caps myself - They're HD caps and should look good once I finalize them proper - Just haven't had time to mess with it the last few days. If you plan on doing (or have done) a wide screencapping here it's good - Load 'em up and if there's any I got that you didn't do, I'll load those. If you got 'em all, no biggie. It's fine either way to me, just a heads up would be good. StanTheMan (talk) 00:09, 10 March 2015 (EDT)
Just started looking at my batch when I noticed a slight issue - It seems the streaming version has the film cropped to a 16:9 ratio and not 2.35:1 as the actual release.. I still got some good sharp images though, so I think I'll go ahead and load them up anyway. I have a log of the images so if you or anyone wants to update them with ones in the proper aspect ratio, they can at least be pinpointed. StanTheMan (talk) 17:50, 15 March 2015 (EDT)
They seem to be mostly cut off on the sides, but they do also have a bit extra on top and bottom when I compare to the existing ones. With that, I'll go ahead and upload them, as I said they are good shots, and I have a couple weapons in them that aren't presently listed. I'll get them all online later this evening if I can. StanTheMan (talk) 21:46, 15 March 2015 (EDT)
I just uploaded a few, what do you think? StanTheMan (talk) 22:02, 15 March 2015 (EDT)
Re:Is Paris Burning
Thanks, I missed the incorrect aspect ratio. I'll correct the problem as soon as possible. Greg-Z (talk) 03:12, 16 March 2015 (EDT)
OK. Sorry, but glock pistols are very similar, so it hard to ID. Pyramid Silent (talk) 18:50, 16 March 2015 (EDT)
The Water Diviner
Oops! I was unaware of that fact..(my bad) Dudester32 (talk) 03:01, 20 March 2015 (EDT)
Adding credit eventhough weapon not used
Question: One of the actors in the movie "Aces High" is Simon Ward and he has his own page here on imfdb for other movies. In "Aces High" however he does not actually fire any weapon at all. Can I still make an entry on his page that he starred in "Aces High" eventhough he did not fire any weapon in it? Dudester32 (talk) 05:33, 20 March 2015 (EDT)
Indy Jones
Roger that! Dudester32 (talk) 13:13, 25 March 2015 (EDT)
Ok, so I have not mastered the art of Disambiguation yet :P...Dudester32 (talk) 16:45, 4 April 2015 (EDT)
Aye! I just noticed that. Thank you! Dudester32 (talk) 16:48, 4 April 2015 (EDT)
Re:Glock captions
OK, I'll concentrate efforts on movie/tv pages. I think that I'll correct all Glock links when I have some spare time. Greg-Z (talk) 07:12, 17 April 2015 (EDT)
Deadwood & Hell on Wheels
Hi Ben, just a short message to congratulate on the above pages that you put online earlier in the week. Must have been a massive job, but the pages look great! - PeeWee055 (talk) 03:05, 6 May 2015 (EDT)
American Ninja 2
Sorry, I have to ask: what was the reason of moving unidentified guns in AN2 to talk page? Wild Bill's revolver cannot be identified at all, and two other unidentified guns have more chance to be identified when they are on the movie page, as I don't think that many users scan talk pages in case there is something unidentified. At least we have a category Unidentified but discussion pages doesn't appear there while movie pages do. I still think that unidentified firearms must retain on the pages. Greg-Z (talk) 16:39, 7 May 2015 (EDT)
I agree that it's a good practice when the page is recently created, and numerous users visit it and discuss the problematic weapons. But I'm not so sure when it concerns a page that is here for some time (sometimes a very long time). But OK, let it be if you think that it's a better way. Maybe in such case it's worth to add the talk page to Unidentified category? Greg-Z (talk) 16:49, 7 May 2015 (EDT)
Actor's page
I'm sorry, I don't know: should I create page for actor, who holds only one firearm in only one movie or TV series (but, probably can holds more in other movies and TV series). But all actors that I marked [[]] holds firearm in this TV series. Pyramid Silent (talk) 06:33, 9 May 2015 (EDT)
Re: Suicide Squad
You previously deleted my Suicide Squad page for the reason that the weapons in the promo images might not appear in the film itself. However set photo's have been leaked that show the cast members using the weapons from the promo images, while the set photos are not official, they have been taken while filming, confirming that the weapons will in fact be used, is it okay now to re-instate the page using the official promo images (Not the unofficial on set photos)? --RedRobinAlpha (talk) 17:18, 11 May 2015 (GMT)
RE: MI-5
I'm currently capping from Netflix, it will take me a while, but I am planning to cap the entire 10 seasons of the show, am uploading as I go so I don't forget what I have and haven't uploaded, sorry about changing the title, completely forgot it was called MI-5 in the US, hope I changed it correctly (one of my first title changes) --RedRobinAlpha (talk) 01:51 12 May 2015 (GMT)
Yeah don't worry I have every intention of getting the whole show up, it was one my favourites during my teens but I missed the last few seasons, so this is my chance to catch up with it and contribute more here, two birds, one stone. --RedRobinAlpha (talk) 01:57 12 May 2015 (GMT)
23 The Homesman
That percussion pistol isn't a "Dueling Pistol" - it has a belt-hook, which would never be present on a "Dueling PIstol" (It's actually doubtful if many or indeed any pairs of pistols were primarily intended for dueling anyway. Gentlemen's quality pistols were sold in pairs, often cased. They could be used for dueling and some of course were but they weren't marketed as such, they were just pairs of pistols.) That pistol is sold in repro form by Lymans as a Plains Pistol, a workmanlike un-fancy frontiersman's weapon.
Re: Screen Used
Sorry, didn't know we had a category for that. I'll go through and add my images to it.--Quarax (talk) 16:48, 18 May 2015 (EDT)
I created the template {{SU}} to make it easier to add images to the category.--Quarax (talk) 21:02, 18 May 2015 (EDT)
My initial intentions for the Ongoing flag was as the TV counterpart to the NowShowing flag. Prior to the DVD release date, there are legitimate reasons for a page to be incomplete, not so afterwards. And a lot of the roll backs I made were for pages where the show hadn't been updated past one or two episodes, or in one case, hadn't even finished airing. Sorry I can't be more articulate here, I'm traveling now. --Funkychinaman (talk) 20:27, 23 May 2015 (EDT)
Well, episode air dates should be checked against the page histories before declaring a page finished. We can't just transition a page to finished just because the season ended. --Funkychinaman (talk) 15:18, 28 May 2015 (EDT)
Re: First Blood
Oh, then I probably overstated that prop's use in the film. I got it from here. I'll adjust the page to note that real M60s were also used.--Quarax (talk) 19:44, 3 June 2015 (EDT)
Good idea. I have my doubts about it as well. Profiles in History has made some mistakes about props in the past.--Quarax (talk) 18:17, 4 June 2015 (EDT)
Re: Hell on Wheels
Yeah, no problem. I'll be sure to remember the proper screenshot naming in the future, altough this is not the first time you're giving me this advice (Walking Dead S04). I've had the earlier seasons of HoW lying around on my pc for a while, and after recently watching the series again, I thought I'd finally bring 'em here. So, yes, I'll be redoing both seasons 3 and 4. And most definitely 5 in the future.
PS. How can I get an archive for my talk page, such as yours? --Warejaws (talk) 02:41, 16 June 2015 (EDT)
Remington 700 with Choate Super Sniper Stock
Ben, thanks you for the great help in identifying weapons! But here on the rifle do not know where the gun enroll - for any particular type. On their site there are many models and nowhere this image.--Pandolfini (talk) 01:36, 17 June 2015 (EDT)
RE: Deadpool
As stated by the rules " Watermarked images should be regarded as placeholders. Images which contain watermarks, especially logos from other websites, should be replaced with images which do not as soon as it is practical to do so. While in some cases it is not possible to obtain a non-watermarked image, in all other cases the image should be regarded as low quality (regardless of resolution) and its replacement as a high priority. "
Once an un watermarked image becomes available I will update, but for now it's allowed by the rules of the website, so I'm gonna put the image back on the page. --RedRobinAlpha (talk) 22:37, 02 July 2015 (GMT)
Les Miserables Incomplete
The Les Mis page is still incomplete, as stated it is missing several weapons including An XIII flintlock pistols and at least one (I think maybe two, cant remember as I haven't seen this since the cinema) types of Charleville carbine, along with credits for a lot of actors. Any particular reason you removed the tag? --commando552 (talk) 19:13, 2 July 2015 (EDT)