Theatrical Release Poster
Main Cast
Gen. Mark Grayson
Carl Ottosen
Svend Viltorft
Bent Mejding
Prof. Otto Martens
Asbjorn Andersen
Lise Martens
Ann Smyrner
Karen Martens
Mimi Heinrich
Capt. Einer Brandt
Ole Wisborg
Reptilicus is a 1961 Danish-American horror monster movie directed by Poul Bang (Danish version) and Sidney W. Pink (US version). Danish geologist expedition finds a fragment of unknown giant prehistorical creature in frozen North. The fragment is brought to science institute in Copenhagen where it starts regenerating and turns into full grown monster, called Reptilicus. It is hold in special cell but in one thunderstorm night Reptilicus breaks the cell and begins rampage across Denmark, Sweden and North Germany.
The film exists in two versions, the Danish and the English that was extensively reworked and released a year later. Reptilicus is the only giant monster film made in Denmark.
The following weapons were used in the film Reptilicus :
Luger P08
When the monster breaks from its cell, Dr. Peter Dalby (Povl Wøldike) draws the old Luger P08 in the brave but suicidal attempt to stop it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Luger P08 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dr. Dalby takes the Luger from the drawer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He goes to the monster's cell with the pistol in hand.
SIG P210
Danish officers carry holstered pistols. They appear to be SIG P210 (Danish Arny designation M/49) in M/49 Web Holsters.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG P210 (1950s Manufacture) - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The officer at the left carries the pistol in holster (a small part of the grip can be seen).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The shape of the holster allows to identify the pistol.
Submachine Guns
Husqvarna M37-39
Many Danish soldiers are armed with Husqvarna M/37-39 (Danish Arny designation M/44), the Swedish version of Finnish Suomi KP/-31 SMG. The exact model is identified by the shorter barrel and the 50-round stick magazine. Note: it's not the Danish manufactured Madsen-Suomi M/41 that is identical to the original Suomi with drum magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Husqvarna M/37-39 with 50-round box magazine - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The driver in Capt. Brandt's jeep holds the M/44 SMG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gen. Mark Grayson (Carl Ottosen ) carries the M/44 SMG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The soldier at the left to the Bofors carries the M/44 SMG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier at the left holds the M/44 SMG in the final scene.
Hovea M1949
Some Danish soldiers carry Hovea M1949 (Danish Arny designation M/49) submachine guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hovea M1949 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier with M/49 SMG. The image is blurry due to fast motions.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier on the jeep holds the M/49 SMG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier at the right holds the M/49 SMG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier (Bent Vejlby) holds the M/49 with blank firing adapter (the screenshot is from the movie trailer).
M1 Garand
Danish soldiers are also armed with M1 Garand rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1 Garand semiautomatic Rifle with leather M1917 sling - .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier in center carries the M1 Garand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier with Garand rifle patrols the Copenhagen street.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Soldiers with Garand rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Soldiers with Garand rifles leave the truck at the right.
Machine Guns and Autocannons
Madsen Machine Gun
Main weapons of Danish Army, used against the monster, are Madsen machine guns . Both bipod- and tripod-mounted guns are seen. The shape of the magazines matches the 7.92x57mm Mauser version rather than prewar version in 8x58mmR Danish Krag caliber. Most Madsens are of M1948 version but some machine guns of earlier version, converted to 7.92mm caliber, are also seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Portuguese Madsen M1946 machine gun - 7.92x57mm Mauser. Danish M/48 is nearly identical.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two soldiers with Madsen machine guns in Capt. Brandt jeep.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good view of the receiver and magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The row of machine guns. These Madsens are of pre-war version (probably M1929), identified by the different shape of the muzzle, but they are fitted with magazines for 7.92mm caliber.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Madsens on tripods.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Madsens on bipods.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tripod-mounted Madsens fire at flying monster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Soldiers with Madsens wait until the monster would approach on the distance of fire.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good view of the tripod.
In one scene Danish soldiers use the SIG MG50 machine gun (Danish designation M/51), mounted on the jeep.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG MG50 Machine Gun on bipod. This is Danish M/51 version in .30-06 caliber
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jeep-mounted M/51 machine gun is used against the monster. The belt is loaded with Norwegian produced plastic blanks (thanks to Forgotten Weapons!)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The machine gun fires.
Browning M1919A4E1
Browning M1919A4E1 machine gun is front-mounted on M24 Chaffee tank.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M1919A4E1 - .30-06 Springfield
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The frontal machine gun is seen.
Browning M2HB
Browning M2HB heavy machine guns (Danish designation M/50) are mounted on the turrets of Centurion Mk V and M24 Chaffee tanks and on GMC CCKW trucks, towning the M101 Howitzers. The Maxson M45 Quadmount on Bedford QLD truck is also seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2HB on vehicle mount - .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M2HB on ring mounting on the CCKW 352 truck.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M2HB on the Centurion tank.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The close view of the ring mounting.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M2HB on the Chaffee tank.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2HB's in M51 Quad Mounted System - .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M45 Quad on the Bedford truck is deployed on Copenhagen street.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M45 readies to open fire.
Bofors 40mm
Danish army deploys Bofors 40mm autocannons against the monster. Twin Bofors is mounted on the HDMS F346 Flora .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bofors 40mm L/60 AA gun in a wheeled trailer mounting - 40x311mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Bofors is deployed in Copenhagen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Bofors on the embankment, next to the famous statue of The Little Mermaid.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The 4-round cartridge clip is seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Bofors readies to open fire at the flying monster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bofors 40mm L/60 twin mounting - 40x311mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Twin Bofors on Flora .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the twin Bofors.
Other Weapons
M2 Flamethrower
Gen. Mark Grayson (Carl Ottosen ) uses the M2 Flamethrower during the first attack of the monster.
M2-2 flamethrower
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gen. Grayson readies to fire from the turret of Centurion tank.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Grayson fires. The flame looks to be imitated by the colored water.
M20 "Super Bazooka"
In the final scene Gen. Mark Grayson (Carl Ottosen ) uses the M20 "Super Bazooka" with the rocket, loaded with sedative drug, against the monster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M20 "Super Bazooka" with rocket - 3.5"
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier prepares the rocket.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier loads the Bazooka.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gen. Grayson aims at the monster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Grayson gives the discharged bazooka back to a soldier (at the right).
M7 Rifle Grenade Launcher
In one scene a Danish soldier carries the M1 Garand rifle with M7 Rifle Grenade Launcher .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M7 rifle grenade launcher
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier at the background holds the Garand with M7 launcher.
2 Inch M3 Smoke Mortar
The M24 Chaffee tank is equpped with 2 Inch M3 smoke mortar, mounted at the left of the main gun. This weapon is identical with the British Bomb Thrower, 2 inch, Mk I smoke mortar.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bomb Thrower, 2 inch, Mk I (UK) / 2 inch Mortar M3 (US) - 50.8mm smoke bomb
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The muzzle of 2 inch mortar is seen at the left of the main gun.
Centurion Mk V Tank
Danish Army uses Centurion Mk V tanks against the monster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Centurion moves across the field.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Browning M2HB heavy machine gun and 2-inch sextuple smoke grenade launcher are seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The 84 mm QF 20 pounder tank gun.
M24 Chaffee Tank
Danish Army also uses M24 Chaffee tanks.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The column of Chaffee tanks on road.
105 mm M101 Howitzer
Danish Army use M101 Howitzers against the monster (in 1961 they were designated M2A1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M101A1 Howitzer - 105x372mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Soldiers deploy the howitzer on Copenhagen street.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view from the muzzle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M101 on position in the field.
155 mm M114 Howitzer
Danish Army also use M114 Howitzers against the monster (in 1961 they were designated M1A1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M114 Howitzer - 155mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M114 on position.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Loading.
HDMS F346 Flora
The Danish Navy corvette HDMS F346 Flora is used to attack the submerged monster. It is armed with 40mm Bofors autocannons and anti-submarine launchers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Mark 6 K-gun Projector
Mark 6 K-gun Projector anti-submarine launchers are mounted on HDMS F346 Flora .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closeup of K-gun with Mark 9 Depth Charge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing K-guns fire.