Hard Rain is a 1998 American disaster action film directed by Mikael Salomon starring Christian Slater and Morgan Freeman. The small town of Huntingburg, Indiana is caught in monsoon-like rains. Even the dam threatens to burst and wash the town off the map. The town has now become a ghost town with very few people left. Now, of all times, the armored truck with all the cash in the area gets stuck there. The driver Tom and his uncle Charlie ask for help, but only the aging crook Jim and his gang come. Jim wants to take advantage of the chaotic situation to improve his economic situation. He plans to rob the money transport and take the contents for himself.
The following weapons were used in the film Hard Rain:
Jim (Morgan Freeman) uses a nickel-plated SIG-Sauer P226 with taped grips. In the cemetery scene, the gun is used by Tom too.
NOTE: Due to lighting, the gun sometimes appears to be two-tone in some scenes, but several close-ups of the weapon in the proper lighting conditions reveal that it is in fact an all-nickel P226. This is most obvious at the end of the movie, when Jim is seen firing the P226 in the cemetery and a close-up of the muzzle is shown.
Sheriff Collins (Randy Quaid) carries a Glock 17 in a holster on his duty belt. It is most prominently seen in the police station and during the church shootout, but is never drawn.
Wayne (Mark Rolston) carries a Smith & Wesson Model 686. Tom also carries this gun and uses it in the final scene. From Wayne's death to the movie's end, this six-round revolver shoots about 20 shots with no need to reload!
At the beginning of the movie, Tom (Christian Slater) draws a Smith & Wesson Model 66 with a 4-inch barrel from his duty belt to protect the money. When he goes to the van's rear, the gun is in his hand but in the next scene, it is missing and he's soon forced to run to avoid Jim's men.
Wayne (Mark Rolston) holds a Smith & Wesson Model 36 in his right hand when he closes the weapons locker. This gun is visible only in a few frames and can be only seen during careful viewing.
The Ruger AC556 is used in most of the film by police and criminals. Sometimes the rifle is swapped out with the semi-automatic only Ruger Mini-14GB, which is nearly identical except for the absence of the full auto selector switch on the back of the receiver.