Zombieland is a 2009 horror/comedy directed by Ruben Fleischer that follows four survivors of a Zombie Apocalypse who are traveling west, looking for a place free of zombies. Wichita (Emma Stone) and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin) are sisters on their way to Pacific Playland, an amusement park which they believe is zombie-free. Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) and Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) are not so sure. In the film, survivors usually don't share their real names for fear of getting too attached, so people are known by the city they are from. On the poster, the characters of Wichita and Little Rock are carrying a chainsaw and a shovel, items carried in the film by Tallahassee before he met the girls. A decade later, the four would return in the 2019 sequel, Zombieland: Double Tap.
The following weapons were used in the film Zombieland:
Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) fires dual wield with two pistols in the shootout at the amusement park. The one in his right hand is a nickel plated M1911A1 - 45 ACP. Actually in closeups, Tallahassee is holding an MGC replica M1911A1 in bright nickel. Continuity is broken with his handguns many times in the stuff animal booth battle sequence.
During the battle Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) has a Nickel M1911A1 in his right hand and a Nickel SIG-Sauer P226 in his left hand, but by the end of the battle, (in a continuity break) he has two M1911A1 pistols.
Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) holds a Satin Nickel SIG-Sauer P226 Pistol in his left hand. Which causes confusion is that during the fight, this gun switches to an ISS Non-Gun Silver "Flashpaper" Pistol (which is shorter than the full sized P226) which made viewers believe it was a P228.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA nickel SIG-Sauer P226 pistol chambered in 9x19mm.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) prepares to dump his magazines, it is clear that the pistol in his left hand is a SIG-Sauer P226 in Satin Nickel - 9mmTallahassee (Woody Harrelson) gets ready to slam down his pistols to reload them during his apocalyptic battle with the zombies at the Amusement Park.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHe has preset the magazines on the shelf so that he can slam down the pistols, note the high caps in foreground and the single stack magazines in the background.
Glock Non Gun
During Columbus's explanation of Rule #2, "The Double Tap", a Glock 17 Non Gun pistol (also referred to sometimes as a 'flashpaper gun') is used by an Asian businesswoman to shoot a zombie on a chaotic Atlanta street. The actress is using a "flashpaper" Non Gun, due to the close proximity of the stunt-person. It is also the first Non Gun to appear in the film (the later Non-guns being Tallahassee's pistols that he uses in the final battle at the theme park)
When firing in close proximity to the actors portraying zombies, it is obvious that Tallahassee is using Non Guns (also known as "flashpaper" guns) for safety reasons. He uses an M1911 Non gun and a SIG Non gun to fire at the rampaging zombies during the final battle at Pacific Playland.
Wichita (Emma Stone) carries a Maverick Model 88 with rear pistol grip, forward pistol-grip and side-saddle shell holder. It can be identified as the cheaper Maverick 88 model as opposed to a Model 500 by its lack of a top mounted safety. In usual movie fashion, she fires more shots than the magazine tube of the gun can hold.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMossberg Maverick Model 88 - 12 Gauge with pistol gripError creating thumbnail: File missingWichita (Emma Stone) checks the power supply room of "Pacific Playland" with her Maverick Model 88 shotgunError creating thumbnail: File missingWhen the zombies overrun "Pacific Playland", Little Rock (Abigail Breslin) and Wichita (Emma Stone) runs towards the Vertical Drop ride to escape. Wichita fires her Maverick Model 88 shotgun. Her shotgun has a rear pistol grip and a forward tactical pistol grip and shell holder.Wichita (Emma Stone) with her custom Maverick Model 88. In this shot the lack of top mounted safety can be seen.
IGA Coach 12 gauge shotgun
Despite having a choice of more suitable weapons, Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) insists on using and keeping an IGA Coach double barreled shotgun, despite it's very slow reloading time compared to the submachine guns and pump shotguns carried by his friends.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingStoeger/IGA Coach imported side by side shotgun - 12 GaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingColumbus (Jesse Eisenberg) carries an IGA Coach double barreled shotgun when he is forced to evade zombies in the amusement park by ducking into a Haunted Horror maze.Error creating thumbnail: File missingColumbus (Jesse Eisenberg) with his double barreled shotgun, Tallahassee has his Mare's leg in a holster.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLEFT: Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) prepares to kill the zombie that came out of the Indian Reservation gift shop with his IGA Coach Gun as per following of Rule #2 (The Double Tap). RIGHT: Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) holds his IGA Coach Gun while both him and Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) look on at the three obese zombies that they just killed in the supermarket.Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) struggles to get into a car with his double barreled shotgun and thus proves the wisdom of Rule #1: Cardio (always be in shape when running to avoid zombies).
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP7A1
Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) uses a Heckler & Koch MP7A1 against the zombie hordes several times in the film. Another H&K MP7A1 is seen at the beginning of the film lying discarded (since the Secret Service agents have now become zombies) on the ground next to the President's limo as the chaos unfolds in Washington D.C.
Note: In the above screenshot, if you look carefully you can see horizontal 'lines' in the frame. This is because the movie was filmed using Digital video, not actual film. The production used the Panavision Genesis digital camera (a high definition video camera) and then transferred to film later. These 'shock-wave lines' occur when an explosion or shock-wave happens near the camera, creating flaws in the image. This problem occurs with ALL video technology currently. It is not a problem with actual FILM cameras because they use actual film and mechanical gates which are not affected by the shock-waves of gun fire.
Winchester 1892 "Mare's Leg"
In his endless quest to find a Hostess Twinkie and kill Zombies, Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) carries a 6 shot Winchester 1892 "Mare's Leg" with a standard lever, not the enlarged loop of other famous versions of the gun (such as the one from Wanted: Dead or Alive ) - .44-40.
A modified Norinco Type 84 with a folding "Pig Sticker" bayonet is used by a survivor to fight zombies with little success.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingNorinco Type 84 modified to take a folding bayonet -5.56x45mm. This particular rifle was the type used in the film Hollow Point.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Survivor in the opening credits defends himself with Norinco Type 84 with a folding bayonet. Even though it is filmed in ultra slow motion, the gun is firing full automatic in the sequence.
Seen during one of the vistas of destruction, Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) and Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) walk through a destroyed town, with a tan painted British Chieftain tank sitting in the street. Because of the Gun Control Act of 1968, it is nearly impossible to get an M1 Abrams tank for private use (i.e. a movie prop vehicle company), so many of the "M1" tanks that you see in TV and films are actually modified British Chieftain tanks. Sometimes, as in the case of this film, the tank isn't even modified to look like an M1 Abrams tank. Because it is a Chieftain, we have to assume that it's mounted with an L11A5 120 mm rifled gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Chieftain tank in the middle of the street of the destroyed town as Columbus and Tallahassee search for an alternate means of transportation.
Zombieland was a 2013 pilot ordered by Amazon.com based on the film written by original screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, with Kirk Ward, Tyler Ross, Maiara Walsh, Izabela Vidovic taking over the roles of Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita and Little Rock, respectively. Reviled by fans of the film, Amazon declined to pick it up as a series.
The following weapons were used in the television series Zombieland:
Mossberg 500
Columbus (Tyler Ross) carries a Mossberg 500. It is equipped with wooden furniture and an extended magazine tube.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Mare's Leg" with standard lever loop and rounded barrel - .44-40. This is the configuration seen in the movie however this Mare's leg has a case hardened receiver and the one in the film has a blued steel receiver. As well it appears the one in the film has a front sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingError creating thumbnail: File missingNote how Tallahassee holds the Mare's Leg like a carbine, rather than a handgun.