Diane Norwood (Tia Carrere) uses an American Derringer DA 38 during the opening wedding sequence when she arrests her fiancé's father, the leader of the Russian mafia.
Parrish's PT92 changes to a Beretta 92FS Inox during the final shootout. Norwood later takes the gun for herself to use. A Russian mobster is seen briefly with one in the wedding shootout.
Max Parrish's (Thomas Ian Griffith) main sidearm is a 2nd Generation Glock 17 for about 3/4ths of the film. Other characters use a similar (or possibly the same) weapon as well.
Diane Norwood's (Tia Carrere) sidearm of choice is a SIG-Sauer P228. She uses it in several scenes throughout the film. Due to the low budget of the movie, at least a few other mobsters can be seen using the same P228.
When Livingston's men catch Parrish and Norwood, the Train Yard Hood uses a Taurus PT92, as noted by its frame mounted slide stop safety. It then switches to a Beretta Centurion, noted by its slightly shortened barrel and slide mounted decocking safety.
Parrish keeps a stainless Taurus PT100 with wood grips and no third position safety-decocker as one of his spare pistols. It is noted by its frame mounted slide stop safety. It is identified as a PT100 based on Lawton claiming it is a .40 caliber. It is later replaced by the 92FS in the film, which appears to be a continuity error.
Parrish keeps a Walther PPK as one of his backup guns. He shows some trouble finding the gun towards the end of the film, finally finding it after the action is over.
Parrish uses a Winchester 1300 when Lawton is busted out of jail. He uses it to shoot a LAW rocket out of the air, a feat which would be nigh-impossible in real life.
The Heckler & Koch MP5K is used by Norwood and a mobster during the finale. Norwood uses it in the standoff between the four main characters. One is also seen briefly used by the Russians during the wedding shootout.
A Chinese mobster briefly uses a Ruger AC556, fitted with a thermal protective magazine. One can also be seen used by a Russian during the opening wedding shootout.
Most of Thomas Livingston's men are armed with the Norinco Type 84S, noted by their less curved .223 caliber magazines and hooded front sight. Several Russian mafia members use them as well. It is most likely the same gun used multiple times throughout the film. The rifles used in the film are not in the standard Type 84 configuration- they are most notably outfitted with an underfolding spike bayonet (aka "pig-sticker" bayonet).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingNorinco Type 84S modified with a "pig-sticker" bayonet, no cleaning rod and milled front end with no detent pin - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingNorwood's disgruntled fiancé, Ivan Krezinsky (Andreas Aspergis), at the wedding with a Norinco Type 84S before he is gunned down by SWAT.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Russian mafia member fires his Type 84S at Parish.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Russian mafia member aims his Type 84S at the Chinese mafia car. Note the hooded front sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Russian mafia member with the Type 84S. It appears someone broke the forend grips as evident by its "rawhide" repair. Probably from being used so much for the film.
Machine Guns
Maxim 1910/30
A Russian Maxim M1910/30 is used by the Russian mobsters during the mobster shootout.
Parrish fires an ARWEN 37 MK1 from a car window during the final action scene. Projectiles from the weapon do not explode upon impact, so it is likely loaded with smoke or tear gas rounds.
All mobsters at the wedding have to check their guns at the front table. As this is a low budget film, probably half of these guns are seen used by other characters throughout the whole film. Seen are all the revolvers listed on this page, three M1911-type pistols, and a Glock 17. A Norinco Type 84S later used by all the bad guys is also seen, as is the MP5K later used during the wedding shootout. A Ruger P89 pistol is visible in the next shot, along with the Beretta Centurion, the Taurus PT92, and the Beretta 92FS Inox, which are all later seen used in the film. Of note, an unknown Smith & Wesson handgun is visible along with a nickel plated SIG-Sauer P225, which are not used by any characters in the film.