Louis Winthorpe III (Dan Aykroyd) sees (and later purchases) a Colt Commander with pearl grips at a pawn shop. He uses it to threaten Billy Ray Valentine (Eddie Murphy) and later tries to use it to commit suicide. The handgun misfires in the process, however, only to fire by itself when Winthorpe tosses it away.
When Winthorpe and Billy Ray join together to take down Randolph Duke (Ralph Bellamy) and Mortimer Duke (Don Ameche) for wrecking their lives with a simple bet, Winthorpe takes out several 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotguns, planning to shoot the Dukes' knee caps.
Clarence Beeks (Paul Gleason) draws an Astra Constable on Winthorpe when he realizes he is in disguise and holds it on Ophelia (Jamie Lee Curtis) before he is knocked unconscious by a caged gorilla and has it taken away by Coleman (Denholm Elliott).