The Real Glory
Movie poster
The Real Glory is a 1939 action film directed by Henry Hathaway starring Gary Cooper and David Niven .
The following weapons were used in the film The Real Glory :
Colt New Army & Navy
The Colt New Army & Navy revolver, chambered in .38 long colt caliber, was adopted by the U.S. Army in 1892, and it remained in service until it was replaced by the Colt M1911. The round's dismal performance against the Moro tribesmen in the Philippines (as displayed in this movie), forced the Army to re-adopt the 1873 Colt Single Action Army in .45 Colt, as a emergency response.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt New Army - .38 Colt Mfd 1889-1905
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dr. Bill Canavan (Gary Cooper ) pulls his Colt New Army & Navy revolver in "The Real Glory".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lt. McCool (David Niven ) fires from his revolver in the final fight.
The revolvers used by Gary Cooper and David Niven in the movie, have Stag grips (or, probably, a plastic imitation).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt New Army revolver in "The Real Glory"
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt New Army revolver in "The Real Glory"
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Capt. Steve Hartley (Reginald Owen ) (second from left) with his sidearm in holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Top Sergeant (Luke Chan ) fired his gun.
Winchester Model 1897
The Winchester Model 1897 pump-action shotgun is prominently displayed in the movie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Winchester Model 1897 - 12 gauge. This is an imported copy of the non-take down version of the Winchester 1897 Shotgun (a Norinco 97W shotgun, imported by IAC).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lieutenant Yabo (Rudy Robles ) aims an his Winchester 1897 shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dr. Bill Canavan (Gary Cooper ) carrying a Winchester 1897 shotgun in "The Real Glory"
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Capt. Steve Hartley (Reginald Owen ) holds a Winchester 1897 shotgun in his hand.
Krag-Jørgensen M1899
The Krag-Jørgensen Rifle was actually a Norwegian design. The United States version, chambered in .30-40 Krag, was adopted by the US Army. This rifle had a distinctive magazine, that was integral with the receiver, featuring an opening on the right-hand side with a hinged cover.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Krag-Jørgensen US Model 1899 Constabulary Carbine - .30-40 Krag
Error creating thumbnail: File missing US Army soldiers with his rifles on back.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Krag-Jorgensen rifle in "The Real Glory"
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alipang (Tetsu Komai ) (left) holds M1899 Philippine Constabulary Krag-Jorgensen rifle.
Gatling Gun
We can see 2 different Gatling Machine Guns in the movie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Gatling Gun - .45-70.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Model 1883 Gatling Gun - .45-70
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lt. Terence McCool (David Niven ) firing a Colt Model 1883 Gatling Gun in "The Real Glory".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dr. Bill Canavan (Gary Cooper ) with a Colt Model 1873 Gatling Gun.
Hotchkiss Mountain Gun
US Army troop also equipped with a Hotchkiss Mountain Gun .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1886 Hotchkiss light mountain rifle - 42 mm (1.65 in)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The rebels seized a gun.