Having seen Life After People, I can safely say this game's setting is less "one hundred years" and more "about a week" after the apocalypse. Evil Tim 06:13, 27 October 2011 (CDT)
Yeah, Fallout 3 is a better example. :\ - Mr. Wolf 09:59, 28 October 2011 (CDT)
The novelization is a lot better with the realism. It increases some of the distances between locations and makes them a better size so the dozens of bandits aren't camping out in an entire apartment block a few hundred yards from half a dozen settlers, and dropped a lot of the sci-fi elements to ground it more in reality. They even outright give the protagonist an M16 instead of an AK-74 (somehow the most common gun in America now) and there's no plasma cannons or energy shields. Chitoryu12 19:10, 16 April 2012 (CDT)
Settler Pistol Mode of Operation
This is something I found on the Rage wiki, and I wanted to know if anyone can see any kind of evidence pointing to it. It mentions that the Settler Pistol (apparently not having any form of real "barrel" and thus realistically being woefully inaccurate and underpowered) has a single barrel for each chamber shrouded in what looks like a large bore barrel from the outside. I took a look at the pistol model when replaying the game today, but the muzzle end is basically a flat black disc and I have yet to get any kind of close look at the inside during reloading. Can anyone figure out if this suggestion has some kind of truth? Chitoryu12 (talk) 06:32, 24 January 2013 (EST)
Nope, reload shows nothing between the front of the cylinder and the end of the barrel, it's basically a flare gun. Usual case of fanboys making dumb excuses without bothering to check if they actually fit the evidence.
Certainly explains why it takes two shots to the head to kill the weakest human enemies on the easiest difficulty....Chitoryu12 (talk) 04:11, 25 January 2013 (EST)