Killing Floor 2 (also referred as KF2) is a first-person survival coop shooter video game developed and published by Tripwire Interactive for PC and Linux. It is the sequel to Killing Floor. The game is developed on a modified Unreal Engine 3. Killing Floor 2 came out on April 21st 2015 as a Steam early access game, and saw a full retail release on November 18th in 2016. A PlayStation 4 installment was released on the same day, and a port to the Xbox One was made available on August 28, 2017. Changes from the first game include new perks and weapons, as well as a VS Mode where a second team of players controls the Zeds. As with the first game, some weapons can share bonuses from other perks, though unlike the first game this is clearly noted in the trader inventory, as any weapon compatible with a different perk will be shown under both perk listings.
The following weapons appear in the game Killing Floor 2:
With the exception of the fictional HX25 and Medic pistol, all handguns can be dual-wielded.
Beretta 92 Hybrid
The "9mm Pistol" is the starting pistol for all classes. It seems to be a odd combination of a Beretta 92FS frame (noted by the hooked trigger guard) with a 92A1/90Two Picatinny rail and a Beretta 92G Elite 1A slide (without the markings), with the gun as whole having an Inox finish. Given Tripwire's extensive experience with realistic weapons depiction from other proprietary titles (such as Red Orchestra), this was probably done to avoid possible legal issues.
As of the 'Incinerate 'N Detonate' update, the player can dual-wield 9mm Pistols like in the first game. Also like in the first game, a second pistol will be identical to the first save for lacking a weaponlight on the underbarrel rail; despite this, randomly-spawned or dropped pistols will always have the light attached.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBeretta 92FS Inox - 9x19mm. The frame and the overall finish.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBeretta 92G Elite 1A - 9x19mm. The slide and barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBeretta 92A1 - 9x19mm. The Picatinny rail.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA player prepares to check the mag of his 9mm Pistol. Note the front and back slide serrations as well as the protrusions on the location of the chamber evident to the Beretta 92G Elite 1A. Also the barrel does not protrude past the slide. Also note the flashlight fitted to the pistol.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe player peers at the Beretta's magazine before loading it in. Note the shape of the cut-out in the hammer, and that the butt of the grip is rounded, evident to the 92FS.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe player character spins his 92 hybrid around his finger, giving us a better look at the barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPerforming a brass check, showing the round in the chamber and his proper trigger discipline.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUnlike the first Killing Floor, where the slide locked open on its own once the reload animation was triggered, it properly only locks open when the gun runs dry now.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe speedy reload animation when one has the "Tactical reload" perk. First, an overdramatic chamber check is performed. The magazine is empty but appears to lack a follower.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAbout to mash in a new magazine. Note that the trigger is in double-action mode even though the hammer is cocked.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJust frames away from using the slide release. The basic reload animation has the character racking the slide.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnton Strasser dual-wields Berettas.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUnlike in KF1, where 'aiming' with dual pistols was just a zoom and holding the two pistols slightly closer to the center of the screen, the characters in KF2 are slightly smarter; they only aim down the right-hand pistol. This doesn't explain how he's aiming the left-hand one, though.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnton Strasser opens fire on a nearby Stalker with his dual Berettas.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter an intense battle, Strasser reloads his right-hand pistol...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...then his left-hand pistol. Note the 92A1/90Two Picatinny rail and the 92FS hooked trigger guard.
Beretta 93R
A Beretta 93R with neon embellishments appears as the "HRG 93R Pistol", it was added in the "Last Hans Standing" update in October 2023. It is an alternate choice to the Beretta 92FS in the perk selection menu. It is available to every perk, anyone playing as the SWAT class will also spawn with dual 93Rs if they have the Close Combat Training skill selected. It deals less damage than the 92FS, but it's made up for with its magazine size and burst fire. Unlike the Glock 18C intended for the Gunslinger, it is not possible to change the firing mode, even when you have just the single one equipped.
An engraved Remington 1858 New Army was added in the "Return of the Patriarch" update with the Gunslinger Perk, titled as the "Remington 1858 New Army". Anyone playing as the Gunslinger class will start every match with two dual-wielded.
An ornate Colt M1911A1 with a nickel finish, pearl grips, and gold assortments was added with the "Return of the Patriarch" update along with the Gunslinger Perk, titled as the "M1911 Pistol". The pistol has an eight round capacity in game using flush fitting 8-round magazines.
It likely is a reference to Supernatural, a show about humans hunting supernatural creatures (including the undead) and a patriarchal figure returning, as it very strongly resembles Dean Winchester's custom M1911A1.
The Desert Eagle Mark XIX returns in Killing Floor 2 with a chrome finish, this time properly titled as the "Desert Eagle". It returned in the "Return of the Patriarch" update as the Gunslinger's third-tier weapon. It holds 7 rounds.
An interesting note is that the Desert Eagle in Killing Floor 2 makes ring-shaped muzzle flashes, which they also make in real life.
The Smith & Wesson Model 500 Bone Collector with custom wood grips was added with the "Return of the Patriarch" update, known generically as the "500 Magnum Revolver" in-game and titled as the "T&W 500 Zed Collector" in outside material. The player character will always cock the hammer after every shot and they can be dual-wielded, a feat that even surpasses the Desert Eagle's dual-wielding antics in sheer ridiculousness. It's very powerful in-game, even on hard and above.
A modified version was added in the "Grim Treatments" update, known as the "HRG Buckshot"; as the name implies, this variant fires shotgun shells (presumably around 36 gauge), featuring a shorter barrel, and the same gray/white/blue color scheme as the other "HRG" weapons. Being a shotgun, it is used by the Support Specialist class, serving as a Tier 3 weapon. Like the standard variant, the Buckshot can be dual-wielded.
As of the "The Descent" update, the "Flaregun" returns from the first Killing Floor, this time called the "Spitfire Revolver". It's still a heavily modified Colt 1851 Navy that shoots fireballs.
The "Yuletide Horrors" update added an additional variant known as the "HRG Winterbite". Like the other HRG weapons, it features a black/gray/blue color scheme, though the main functional change is in its ammunition; rather than firing flares, the Winterbite fires miniature grenades that can freeze enemies (similarly to the Sharpshooter's Freeze Grenades).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt 1851 Navy - .36 ballError creating thumbnail: File missingAn officially-released render of the Spitfire Revolver. Despite being top-break in-game, it lacks any sort of visible frame hinge.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMasterson watches the sunset, Spitfire in hand.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThinking that the sun must be running out of fire, he aims for the sky, showing off the rather small iron sights.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn official promo render of the HRG Winterbite. Seeing as the revolver now fires the exact opposite of incendiary ammunition, it's not quite clear why it still needs a pilot light at the end of the barrel, nor why the muzzle is still thermally discolored.
Arsenal Firearms AF2011-A1
Rounding out the current list of double-barreled firearms, the Arsenal Firearms AF2011-A1 was introduced alongside the MAC-10 in the "Infinite Onslaught" update (Update 1062 on PC). The AF2011-A1 is available to the Gunslinger, and can be dual-wielded, for those not content enough with a single double-1911.
Added in the "Grim Treatments" update, a Chiappa Rhino 60DS can be purchased; it serves as a Tier 3 weapon for the Gunslinger perk, and can be dual-wielded. It is known in-game simply as the "Rhino", featuring a Walther MRS reflex sight and (of all things) explosive fragmentation rounds. It notably re-uses the M500's animations, including the visible cocking of the hammer after every shot, despite the Rhino's "hammer" actually being a cocking lever that doesn't stay back once pulled.
The "Yuletide Horror" update added a 3rd-generation two-tone Glock 18C as a (purchasable) weapon for the SWAT perk; it is loaded with a 33-round magazine by default, and is paired with a glass-paneled riot shield (which is broken, for some reason).
The "Perilous Plunder" update introduced another paid-for, Dredd-inspired G18C variant for the Gunslinger perk that features a unique Fischer Development 917 suppressor and all black finish. It can be dual-wielded as well.
The Colt 9mm Submachine Gun appears as the "AR-15 Varmint Rifle" and is the first weapon available for the Commando Perk (spawning with one in their inventory upon starting a game). It fires in semi-auto and 3-round burst modes. This version of the Colt 9mm Submachine Gun features a forward assist, tan furniture, RIS foregrip, tan rail covers, RRA Tactical Mount rear sight, usable flashlight, and tan Magpul furniture, including an AFG, MIAD grip, and CTR stock. Despite being an SMG, it is not one of the weapons buffed when using the SWAT class, and is for all intents and purposes treated as an assault rifle by the game, including a damage profile that is nearly identical to the 5.56mm L85.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt 9mm SMG aka Colt R0991 with RIS handguard - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe player character peeks into a nasty looking room, his RO991 at the ready.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA player withdraws his SMG. Note the Tripwire logo on the magwell. Also note how the weapon is set to semi; while that is a possible fire mode in game, the model's selector won't actually move when flicking between them.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading while showing off that the front sight is far too low to line up with the rear sight. Checking the chamber...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...inserting a new mag...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and pushing the bolt release. This reload animation is only used when the player has the "Tactical Reload" perk; exactly why the player character needs special training (read: a fair bit of level grinding) to push a button instead of pulling a lever is not explained.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading any weapon in the game that uses a magazine while it still has bullets in it will show the player character wisely keeping the magazine instead of dropping it.
Heckler & Koch MP7A1
The Heckler & Koch MP7A1, appearing as the "MP7 SMG", returns in the "Tactical Response" update along with the "SWAT" class. Compared to its appearance in the original game, it's fitted with a suppressor and a C-More red dot sight instead of the Trijicon RX01. It also fits 40-round magazines by default, but which start out only holding 30 bullets; like with the Medic in the first game, leveling its associated perk increases the amount of bullets per magazine, with the maximum level allowing for an unrealistic doubled capacity of 60.
The Heckler & Koch MP5A2 was added in the "Tactical Response" update. It appears as the "MP5RAS SMG". It has an incorrect 40 round capacity despite its 30-round magazine (presumably as part of an effort to make it a proper upgrade over the starting MP7). It can fire in either full-auto or three-round bursts.
Introduced with the "Krampus Christmas" event (Update 1059 on PC), the Heckler & Koch UMP is another SMG available to the SWAT perk. As with the MP5, it can fire in either three-round burst or full auto, and holds 30 rounds in its box magazine. It is also outfitted with an EOtech holographic sight and folding foregrip.
Along with the "Tactical Response" update, the KRISS USA Vector was added into the game. It appears as the "KRISS SMG", and is the Tier 4 weapon for the SWAT perk. It is fitted with a Sightmark Sure Shot or similar model reflex sight.
Another fan favorite from the original game, the MAC-10 (referred to as "Mac-10" ingame) is available to the Firebug and SWAT perks since the "Infinite Onslaught" update. It still features a suppressor and fires incendiary rounds, regardless of whatever perk is being used. Both semi-auto and full-auto fire modes are available.
Brought back with the "Twisted Christmas: Seasons Beatings" update for December 2018, the M1928 Thompson is available to the Commando and SWAT perks. It feeds from the signature 50-round drum magazines, and is capable of either semi-automatic or full-automatic fire.
The Mossberg 500 is the first weapon for the Support Perk, who spawns with it already in his inventory, and can occasionally be found on the ground during a wave. The distinct muzzle device shows that it is the Rolling Thunder model. Attached to the rail under the muzzle device is a usable flashlight. Rather than the 5+1 12-gauge shells that the real model holds, in-game it holds 7+1 20-gauge shells.
The Benelli M4 Super 90 shotgun with an NP3 mariner finish is the third weapon available for the Support Perk. Just like in the first game, it is equipped with a weaponlight mounted under the magazine tube as well as a red dot sight on the top rail. It originally had a 5+1 round capacity similarly to the first game, though this has been changed to a 7+1 round capacity in a patch, better reflecting the tube-magazine model.
The 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun, known here as the "Double-barrel Boomstick", makes its return from the first title, and is the second weapon available to the Support Perk. It deals more damage per shot than the standard pump-action and has the ability to fire both barrels for even greater single-shot power, but has a wider pellet spread and is restricted to two shells at a time. Unlike in the previous game, it can be reloaded when only one shot was fired, although the animation will still show the character extracting and dropping both shells.
The AA-12 is a tier 4 weapon for the Support class. It is a fully automatic shotgun and fires from 20-round drum magazines. It is possible to fire the AA-12 in semi only via changing the fire mode, something which isn't possible nor even necessarily required with an actual AA-12 as the low rate-of-fire means it's easy to get single shots with quick squeezes and releases of the trigger. It sports Navy blue and gray digital camouflage and a pump-shotgun-like foregrip tacked onto the existing foregrip. There is a laser sight mounted on the left side end of the foregrip and a flashlight mounted on the right side end of the foregrip, neither of which can be used.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMPS AA-12 CQB - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingA player fires his AA-12 into a Scrake at close range in one of the game's beta advertisements from the first game.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother player, having cunningly disguised his AA-12 as a tree to better blend into the streets of a burning Paris, lulls a Scrake into a false sense of security.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe AA-12, ready to tear up some Zeds. Note the digital camouflage.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe player character takes a look at the right side of the weapon, noticing the closed bolt, much to his frustration. The AA-12 is an open-bolt weapon, but in-game it is shown as a closed-bolt. It is nonetheless strange as it was shown properly with an open-bolt in the first Killing Floor.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the charging handle shows this oddity, the bolt doesn't move at all!Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe issue of the closed bolt has since been fixed, the shell is however a little bit too far down into the drum. Also, occasionally the bolts of weapons will glitch out from Zed Time; in the case of the AA-12, the bolt will lock closed as it used to be.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling the charging handle is still useless as the bolt never closes in the first place. Note however that the shell is in a more proper position in this particular animation.Error creating thumbnail: File missingInserting a new drum.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming reveals the front sight is a bit low, not that it really matters when using an automatic shotgun in the apocalypse.
Saiga 12 variant
A heavily stylized Saiga 12 variant appears as a paid DLC weapon, under the name of "S-12 Shockgun". Holds 10 rounds in a magazine, it has an interesting alt fire where it releases a 360 degree shockwave. Convenient for the player if they were to get swarmed. The electrical component has its own ammo supply, like the underslung M203 on the M16A4. It also must be reloaded.
The Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" returns from the first game, again loaded with 'Dragons Breath' shells and correctly holding 5+1 shells. Referred to in-game as the 'Incendiary Trench Gun', it is the Tier 2 weapon for the Firebug Perk. Like the previous game, enemies hit will take normal shotgun damage, ignite, and will take additional fire damage over time. This makes it a good backup to the Flamethrower when high spike damage is needed.
The Standard Manufacturing DP-12 appears in game as the slightly modified 'HZ-12 Multi-Action' shotgun in the Support's arsenal. Introduced in the 2017 Summer Sideshow update, it is an alternate Tier 2 weapon, alongside the Double-barrel Boomstick, costing £750. The primary difference from the real weapon, like the version of the KSG-12 added to the first game, is the replacement of the twin 7+1 tube magazines with a single 16-round detachable box magazine, with two separate stacks for feeding the inline barrels. This means that all rounds are resupplied in one action to make reloading from empty faster, but also means that quicker top-ups after only a few shells are impossible, unlike its real-life counterpart.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingStandard Manufacturing DP-12 - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingProfile view of the HZ12 Multi Action.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPerforming a mag check, clearly showing the two stacks for feeding the two separate barrels. This weapon, and its real-life counterpart's method of feeding two barrels from two mags, is at odds with the design of other bullpup shotguns, such as the Kel-Tec KSG and UTAS UTS-15, which feed from two mag tubes into a single barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLt. Masterson performing a brass check, showing the Horzine-branded shells loaded.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming down the weapon's sights. Note that the sights are misaligned, an error which was fixed in a later update.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe gun in mid-recoil. The HZ12 fires 10 pellets per shot, making it one of the more powerful shotguns. However, it has a wider spread, making it less effective at range.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCorrect to the real steel's mode of operation, the user only re-chambers two fresh shells after two are expended. However, someone on the dev team apparently didn't tell the effects guy that the weapon used a new shell texture, instead reusing the red shells of the M4 and AA12.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLt. Masterson reloads his weapon during a break in combat.
Winchester Model 1894
The Winchester Model 1894 is a returning rifle from the original Killing Floor. Designed for the Sharpshooter and first teased with a render released on February 19 2016. The weapon was eventually added along the prison map, the crossbow and some other stuff as part of the "Revenge of the Zeds" update on April 7 2016. It shares similar characteristics to the version from the original game, though its power has been reduced somewhat, its magazine capacity has been increased to 12 rounds, and it utilizes a standard rear sight rather than the rear tang peep sight it originally had (though its image in the Trader's menu still shows it with that peep sight).
A Mossberg 464 SPX Centerfire with a red-dot sight was introduced in the 2017 Summer Sideshow event, being an alternate Tier-2 weapon for the Sharpshooter, alongside the existing Crossbow.
Added in the "Yuletide Horror" update as a paid DLC weapon, the Mosin-Nagant M91/30 is an available rifle for the Sharpshooter, with its main distinction (aside from being the game's only normal repeating turnbolt-action) being increased melee damage, courtesy of its permanently-attached spike bayonet.
The L85A2 is the second weapon for the Сommando Perk. It replaces the L22A2 from the original and is fitted with an EOtech 553 holographic sight. It also sports Magpul PMAGs as its standard magazines. Interestingly, it has the knob-shaped charging handle of the L85A1 instead of the comma shaped A2 style charging handle. It doesn't appear to be an actual A1 however, as it has the magazine-release fencing of the A2.
The AK-12 is the third Commando Perk weapon and replaces the AIMR from the first game. It is fitted with a Kobra red dot sight and a vertical foregrip. It can be fired in full-auto at 600rpm or three-round burst at 1000rpm.
The MKb 42(H) returns from the first game, originally dual-wielded by Doctor Hans Volter, a boss that appears on the final wave. Hans will use his two assault rifles he calls his "Twin Vipers" on the players when they are at a distance, unless he resorts to his nerve gas grenades. His MKb 42s have the stocks removed and are fitted with bayonets, which he gladly uses when the player gets close to him when he's firing the assault rifles. If he is knocked down he will drop his MKb 42s but by using some sort of magnetic device they are pulled back in his hands as he gets back up.
As of the October 2018 "Halloween Horrors: Monster Masquerade Update," the MKb 42(H) can be unlocked through completing a series of event challenges. It is a Commando perk weapon and falls in between the AK-12 and SCAR-H in terms of performance.
The "Halloween Horrors: Monster Masquerade Update" of October 2018 added, among other things, the "HMTech 501 Grenade Rifle". Unlike the Medic's other HMTech 01-series weapons (which are all the same fictional pistol in increasingly massive carbine stocks, apart from the pistol itself), the 501 appears to be a heavily-modified SIG-Sauer SIG556R, fitted with an underslung FN EGLM. This is another critical difference from the Medic's other weapons: unlike the rest, which have a secondary option to fire ally-healing darts, the 501 can instead fire (apparently caseless) grenades; these work the same way as the Medic's hand grenades, releasing gas that harms enemies and heals allies. It is fitted with the same red-dot sight as the other HMTech weapons, complete with ammo counter; other notable features include a thumbhole stock, a 30-round magazine that resembles a shrunken, stretched-out 7.62x39mm AK magazine, and a reciprocating, left-side-mounted charging handle. Interestingly, when the rifle portion is reloaded, the grenade launcher's barrel slides forward and the body drops down, returning to place when the new magazine is inserted; on an empty reload, the charging handle also locks itself back until a new magazine is inserted. The EGLM is reloaded much the same way as the M203 below.
The G36C is available exclusively to the SWAT perk as a paid DLC weapon added in September 2022. It is the only assault rifle in the SWAT's arsenal, as well as the only one that has maximum penetration stats, making it the most ideal weapon to deal with armored zeds, such as rioters. It comes with a suppressor, as seen on most SWAT weapons. It also features a laser sight, like the M14 EBR. However, the weapon itself was criticized among the community for its horrid animations, and seemingly low quality model and texture work; especially when compared to the rest of the weapons with quality animations available in the game.
A FAMAS F1 incorrectly utilizing thirty-round STANAGs (as seen only on the G2 variant) under the name of "FAMAS Masterkey". As the name implies, it is fitted with an underslung magazine fed shotgun. It was added in 2021 also as a paid DLC weapon, the shotgun is incorrectly referred to as an "M26" in the weapon's description when viewed in the trader pod. This time around it is a cross perk weapon between the Commando and Support perks. The shotgun itself is based on a Remington 870 TAC 14 DM with some design liberties taken with it
An M16A4 fitted with an M203 grenade launcher was added in the "Tactical Response" update for the "Demolitionist" class. It is set up similarly to the Demolitionist version of the M4A1 from the first game, using the same MATech flip-up BUIS and Magpul MIAD pistol grip.
Yet another weapon returning from the first game, the Barrett M99 was introduced with "The Summer Sideshow: Treacherous Skies" update in June 2018. When equipping the Barrett, the player character sets the bolt handle fully down; when putting it away, the character quickly unlocks and disengages the bolt handle, possibly as an added safety measure or just to look flashy.
The FN FAL also makes a return from the first game in the 2018 "Halloween Horrors: Monster Masquerade Update." It retains the ACOG scope, and compared to the Mark 14 EBR, it has select fire functionality and starts with one more extra mag's worth of ammo at the expense of having slightly less damage and the full-auto recoil is severe.
The FN SCAR-H CQC appears as the "SCAR-H Assault Rifle" and is the most powerful weapon for the Commando Perk. Like in the first game, the SCAR-H is equipped with a 20-round magazine and a Tango Down vertical foregrip (now in black). Unlike the first game however, the charging handle is flipped onto the right side and the barrel is short, indicating it is the CQC model. It sports an Aimpoint CompM2 red dot sight instead of the CompM4s on a riser and it has an InForce WML flashlight attached to the left rail.
The Mk 14 Mod 0 Enhanced Battle Rifle returns from the first game with the addition of the Sharpshooter perk. Referred to as the US Army "M14 EBR" like in the first game, it is the Tier 3 weapon for the Sharpshooter perk. Its usage and attributes are for the most part similar to that in the first game, being a semi-automatic rifle with a laser sight, but its model has many changes and differences - it uses the Mod 0's pistol grip and sliding stock rather than the fixed Sage CA-Mandatory stock, it has the usual Kydex handguard instead of rail covers, the laser aiming module is actually present on the model (mounted ahead of the handguard) and permanently powered on rather than acting as a toggle function to force a laser to emit from the ether, the body is given a tan finish, and a scope rail mounting an ACOG is attached above the action.
Another weapon brought over from the first game, the Milkor MGL was made available to the Demolitions perk with the "Twisted Christmas: Season's Beatings" update, under the "M32 MGL" designation. It appears to mount a Meprolight M21 reflex sight.
The M79 returns from the first game as the Tier 3 weapon for the Demolition Perk. An optional skin, available from random loot drops, adds an orange tiger-stripe paint job, which is a homage to the Vietnam War movie Apocalypse Now. Like in KF1, the grenade will not detonate at very short ranges, but will deal 'impact' damage only. Firing large 40mm grenades, it can easily take out a group of weak enemies, or deal heavy damage to a single large ZED. However, its single-shot nature means it is slow to reload, which can be dangerous if the player becomes boxed in.
The RPG-7 appears in Killing Floor 2 as the "Rocket Launcher" and is the Tier 4 weapon for the Demolition Perk. Interestingly, the back blast from the RPG-7 is actually simulated in-game, it is possible to damage or kill Zeds with it.
The General Dynamics XM301 appears as a weapon for the Patriarch Boss that was added in the "Return of the Patriarch" update (as one might guess). It is fed from what can only be explained as a "Horzine ammo cache" from an outward appearance, located behind the weapon and mounted under what appears to be the weapon's power source.
The Stoner 63 was added with "The Descent" update. The machine gun is a commando weapon in-game, it deals less damage per shot than all other commando weapons but it makes up for it in rate of fire and capacity. It holds 75 rounds in a box magazine and is locked to full-auto.
The MG3 appears under the name of "MG3 Shredder", added in the Halloween 2023 "Hans Last Stand" update. Available to the Commando perk, like the Stoner 63, it's the closest one can get to playing Rambo. It deals a bit more damage but has the same magazine size as the Stoner. It has an unusual alternative mode where it has the weapon shoot excluisvely in a horizontal spread, while using up three times the ammo in the user's belt box.
The Halloween 2020 "Infernal Insurrection" update introduced a hand-held M134 Minigun for the Commando class. It feeds from attached belt boxes that contain 90 rounds of ammunition and fires at 1200 RPM, tame by the standards for a rotary gun but still a very capable zed-shredder nonetheless. It also cannot be aimed; using the aim function slightly zooms in and winds up the barrels.
The Mk 2 hand grenade is used by the Support perk. Unlike the M67 "HE" grenades, the "Frag Grenade" throws a shower of shrapnel that will tear through Zeds.
Doctor Hans Volter also has access to Model 24 Stielhandgranates in his arsenal. They vary in function, from being standard high-explosive charges to being used to deploy either harmless smoke or his favorite nerve gas. He generally tosses them out in a cluster around himself to scatter players when surrounded.