Killing Floor (also known as KF) is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by Tripwire Interactive for the PC and Mac OS X. It is a stand-alone version of the original total conversion mod for Unreal Tournament 2004, officially announced on March 2009, and was built on a heavily modified version of the Unreal Engine 2.5 owned by Epic Games. The game was released on May 14, 2009 for the PC and on May 5, 2010 for the Mac OS X.
The story of Killing Floor follows the aftershock of a mutant clone breakout from multiple labs in London run by the biotech company Horzine. Various police and military units are called in to deal with an alleged "protest", only to find hordes of cloned, mutated humans called "Specimens" waiting. By the end of August, these specimen have destroyed London, ripping anything living to shreds and spreading to the rest of the country. The British Government, fearing this outbreak will spill to other neighboring countries, sends various people into infected areas to deal with the specimens and contain them before they spill into Europe and beyond. These survivors contain a mixture of British army troops, riot police officers, civilians, surviving Horzine scientists and workers and such. Aided by the mysterious Trader who sells arms and armor to the players, these survivors are sent to various infected locations, from the streets of West London to abandoned Horzine labs to an experimental Moon Base to combat the specimens.
Following the annual Christmas update in 2012, most event updates have coincided with the release of DLC that gives players the option of buying versions of existing weapons with alternate skins. There are currently 16 weapons with alternate skins - eight gold-plated (only five of which are proper firearms), four given a neon black-and-red or black-and-blue scheme, and four properly camouflaged. Weapons with alternate DLC skins are noted.
The following weapons appear in the game Killing Floor:
The Beretta M9A1, fitted with a functional weaponlight, appears as the "9mm Tactical" and is the default sidearm for all survivors. Like in many games, the hammer is always shown as uncocked.
The H&K Mark 23 Mod 0, appearing as the "MK23", was introduced during the Summer Sideshow 2012 event as a new weapon for the Sharpshooter Perk. It has comparable power to the .44 Magnum (which is rather absurd since it's chambered in a much smaller cartridge) with twice the capacity, though it shares the same price as the Handcannon and has the slowest reload speed among the automatic pistols, particularly when dual-wielded. The Mark 23 is notable as it's the only sidearm in the game with its hammer cocked. It also has green tritium night-sights that glow in the dark.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch Mark 23 Mod 0 - .45 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingA survivor readying his Mk23 on the "Hillybilly Horror" map.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe iron sights, the tritium inserts are very useful for most KF maps.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading. Dropping out the dry mag while showcasing remarkably better trigger discipline than with the other pistols.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a new magazine. Note that the slide release is up, a nice touch. Slightly less nice is the missing texture on the inside of the slide.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a round with the use of the slide release.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFeeling that one Mk23 isn't enough, he buys himself another one on the "Waterworks" map.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Mk23 has a rather unusual reload animation when dual wielding. First the magazines are dropped (which is more believable in comparison to the M9 and Desert Eagle as the Mk23 actually has an ambidextrous mag-release), then the character will holster the gun in the right hand before inserting a new magazine in the left one and then racking the slide.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe same process is repeated one the right-hand gun, but instead of racking the slide with their left hand, the character will instead grab the other gun before smacking the slide with it. Atleast proper trigger discipline is shown.
IMI/Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark XIX
The Desert Eagle Mark XIX, appearing as the "Handcannon", is a Sharpshooter Perk weapon. While it features an 8-round magazine, it is modelled after the .50 AE version, which should hold only 7 rounds. The "Handcannon" is the most powerful handgun in the pistol lineup, the trade off being its high recoil and small magazine. It has been given a gold-plated variant with the second Golden Weapons Pack, with the "Golden Handcannon" coming in Magnum Research's Tiger Stripe finish.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingDesert Eagle Mark XIX - .50AEError creating thumbnail: File missingA survivor taking a look at some sort of abomination on the "Transit" map. Like with the M9, the hammer is uncocked. Unlike the M9 however, the Desert Eagle is a SAO weapon, meaning it can't ever be fired with an uncocked hammer.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter finding a magic energy thing, the survivor threatens it with his Desert Eagle's sights.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading. The Desert Eagle shares the exact same reload animation as the M9. Note that the slide isn't far back enough for the slide catch to actually catch it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA survivor brings his akimbo handcannons to Hell.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading. Inserting a magazine in the right hand gun in a rather awkward fashion.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPromo image of the Golden Handcannons, with a gold tiger-stripe finish on everything but the grip. Note that whoever made this image apparently forgot the game is trying to pretend the "Desert Eagle" name isn't a thing.
Smith & Wesson Model 29
The Smith & Wesson Model 29, as the ".44 Magnum", was introduced during the 2011 Twisted Christmas event and is a weapon for the Sharpshooter Perk. It is sort of a middle ground between the 9mm Tactical and the Handcannon: more powerful than the former, cheaper than the latter, but with less ammo and a longer reload time than both.
With the 2012 Halloween event came the Community Weapons Pack DLC, which among 3 other weapons added the "Flare Revolver", a modified Colt 1851 Navy. As with the other handguns it can be dual-wielded, but unlike the rest it is meant for the Firebug Perk, and as such it is modified to launch .36-caliber flares rather than bullets. The Flare Revolver's an interesting weapon, while being lighter than most of the other Firebug weapons, its damage is pretty mediocre and the Siren's scream can destroy the flares.
A Heckler & Koch MP5A4, referred to as the "MP5M", was added in late 2011 as a second weapon for the Medic. Like the MP7, it is equipped with a Trijicon RX01 red dot sight and a medication dart launcher. The model in-game also features OD green furniture and a Surefire 628 dedicated forend weaponlight, though due to the medication dart launcher already taking the secondary-fire function, the light cannot be used. Its magazine holds 32 rounds by default. The MP5M is a solid SMG for any medic, with its easy to read sight, high capacity, and plentiful back-up ammo only nullified with a rather weak damage per shot and a long reload time. It is one of four weapons given proper camouflage with the "Camo Weapon Pack" DLC - it is given a blood-splattered woodland finish referred to as "Blood camo".
The first of the Medic Perk's primary weapons is the Heckler & Koch MP7, referred to as "MP7M" in-game. As a Medic weapon, it is equipped with a medication dart launcher attached to the left side of the gun, which allows the user to heal teammates from long range. It is also fitted with a Trijicon RX01 red dot sight and 20-round magazine (though with a sufficiently-leveled Medic perk that can be doubled, unintentionally setting the precedent for future Medic weapons to have ridiculously-incorrect capacities at high perk levels). The real rate of fire for the MP7 is 950 RPM, but in-game its rate of fire is near 1200 RPM. The MP7M is another solid medic weapon choice, with a high rate of fire, low weight and even serving as a spawn weapon for Level 6 medics. Its MAC-10-like rate of fire is a pain to deal with though, forcing short bursts to stay on target and a ton of reloads.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch MP7 - 4.6x30mmError creating thumbnail: File missingA medic with his MP7 on a map based of the game Portal.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming on some Zeds with the red dot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading by dropping out the empty mag.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThen in a needlessly awkward fashion, the character will grab a new mag with their right hand will still holding onto the weapon via the foregrip. Note that the bolt isn't depicted as locking back. The left side hasn't been modelled with the ambidextrous safety and bolt-release an actual MP7 has. While not visible here, the magazine does have cartridges modeled in it, though the fact that they aren't visible from here demonstrates that they're seated rather too deeply.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter all that, the charging handle is pulled instead of using the bolt-release.
Thompson Submachine Gun
Multiple versions of the Thompson Submachine Gun have been added to the game. The first was the M1A1 added in in the first of four Community Pack DLC weapons.
The other two are both M1928s fitted with the distinctive drum magazines and pistol-grip forend. The normal variant is gained by owning both Killing Floor and Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm, and is named the "Rising Storm Tommy Gun". The Rising Storm Thompson is very similar to the standard M1A1 in raw power and damage, reliably decapitating weak enemies with a couple of shots. The bonus with the Rising Storm is that it packs the largest base magazine size for all the Commando weapons (50 rounds, upgrading to 62 when fully leveled) and isn't too expensive in comparison with its counterparts. Its faults are its even weaker power against bigger enemies, its low ammo reserve, very heavy recoil, especially when hip-fired, and the fact you have to own Rising Storm, a completely different game, to actually use it.
The second Community Weapon Pack includes a "steampunk" version of the weapon referred to in full as "Dr. John T. Thompson's Lead Delivery System", and loads from drums that hold 40 rounds instead of 50 because Steampunk. Again, it has the same pros as both other versions of the Thompson, but with some more annoying cons added on, such as producing smoke when firing and an even slower reload.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M1A1 Thompson - .45 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingColt M1928 Thompson - .45 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingA member of what once was the British army prepares to enter a not particularly amusing amusement park.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a look at a rather gruesome scene. Note that the weapon is aimed through the top notch rather than the lower peep, which would normally mean the shots would go high as thats the 150 yard setting.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading, first by pulling out the magazine without actually using the mag-release.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn with a new 30 round stick mag.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe pulling the charging handle, showing that the bolt does not actually move when doing so.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile wandering an underground destroyed research lab, a survivor brings his M1928 "Rising Storm Tommy Gun" to bear.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSomewhere else in England, a hungover Mall Santa stumbles out of The Trader's store with a freshly acquired "Dr. T's Lead Delivery System".Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the steampunk Thompson at a small horde of Zeds.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHip firing at an uncomfortably close Fleshpound.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving emptied the gun while constantly backpedaling down the hill, Bill Weeks (the aforementioned hungover Mall Santa) goes to reload his steampunk Thompson. First, the actuator magically locks forward, which is already slightly confusing because it only does this when the reload animation is initiated, not when the Thompson runs dry...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...then the magazines are swapped, which only further compounds said confusion because Thompson drum magazines should not be able to be removed while the bolt is in the forward position. At least Bill correctly removes the old mag and replaces the new one sideways. He even has his finger off the trigger, which certainly can't be said for some of the other trained soldiers on this page...Error creating thumbnail: File missingFinally, the actuator is yanked backwards, and Bill is ready to start indiscriminately opening fire into the Zed hordes again.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving defeated another wave of Zeds, Bill takes a breather and rests his steampunk Thompson down on the asphalt.
A Firebug weapon, the MAC-10 is equipped with its distinctive Sionics two-stage suppressor and has a 30-round magazine. The MAC-10 can be fired in semi-auto and full-auto fire modes, and features damage comparable to the Bullpup. If used in conjunction with the Firebug Perk, bullets which do not instantly kill specimens will set them on fire. The MAC-10 is a good starting round weapon for a Firebug, being a effective mid-range weapon and with a high rate of fire in comparison to the other Firebug starting weapons. Its rather obtrusive iron sights and high recoil makes the weapon less effective in later rounds.
Named the "Schneidzekk Medic Gun", the TDI Vector was added with the 2012 Twisted Christmas update, possessing a high rate of fire. It has a correct 25-round magazine capacity and the usual healing dart launcher. Unlike the other medic guns, it does not possess a red dot sight of any kind, relying solely on iron sights. The Schneidzekk, which means "Zed Cutter" in German, is an interesting weapon choice for a medic wanting the power of the Thompson while still being able to use medical darts. The downsides of the weapon would be its high price, poor accuracy, and ridiculous fire rate combined with a relatively slow reload. It is one of the four weapons given a neon-themed version with the Neon Weapons Pack, given an overall black finish with bright blue highlights, including a medic cross printed on the magwell.
A double barreled hunting shotgun is available in the game. Called the "Hunting Shotgun", it is incredibly powerful at close-range, especially when both barrels are fired at once via the secondary-fire function. Support Specialists at the highest level spawn with one. The weapon's accuracy is rather poor and reloading it takes time, additionally, it cannot be reloaded unless one has fired both barrels.
The main weapon of the Support Specialist Perk is an AA-12 CQB automatic shotgun. It uses 20-round drum magazines and has the largest reserve ammo pool of the shotguns at 80 rounds, something it goes through quickly due to its fully automatic nature however. While it's very powerful and has a quick reload compared to the tube-fed shotguns, the AA-12 is heavy and very expensive. Unlike the real AA-12, it has a semi-automatic fire mode. It is the second of two firearms given a gold-plated variant with the second Golden Weapon Pack and is one of the most elaborately plated guns in the pack.
The basic shotgun in the game is a Benelli M3 Super 90, called the "Shotgun", it comes with a working forend dedicated weaponlight and holds 8 rounds despite it being modeled with a 5-round tube magazine. While the real M3 can be toggled between semi-auto and pump-action, in-game it is locked to pump-action only. The M3 Super 90 is a solid shotgun for earlier rounds, and is the weapon that level 5 Support Specialists can spawn with, but loses its effectiveness at later ones and its iron sights are a bit obtrusive. A variant with the same blood-splattered woodland camouflage as the MP5M was added with the Camo Weapons Pack.
The Benelli M4 Super 90 shotgun was added in the Twisted Christmas 2011 update, appearing as the "Combat Shotgun". Like the M3, it has a weaponlight attached to the magazine tube as well as a red dot sight on the top rail. It is about on-par with the M3: the two deal equal damage, but the M4 has a much higher rate of fire in return for slightly slower per-shell reloading and a lowered capacity of 6 shells, indicating the use of three-inch shells; incidentally, the two combined mean that both weapons take the same amount of time to fully reload from empty. This is one of three firearms that can be given a gold finish by way of the first Golden Weapons Pack DLC added for the Twisted Christmas 2012 update.
Appearing as the "HSG-1 Shotgun", a modified version of the Kel-Tec KSG appears as of the 2012 Summer Sideshow event. It is a pump-action shotgun and feeds from a magazine placed in the loading port for the dual tube magazines, holding 12 shells per magazine. It comes with an adjustable choke - pressing the fire mode button switches between wide and tight shell spreads. In keeping with its "futuristic" appearance, the KSG makes strange "power-up" type sounds when a new magazine is inserted or when the pump-handle is cycled. While it is lighter and has a better effective range, the HSG-1 does less damage than the other shotguns. It is one of the four weapons given a neon-colored variation with the Neon Weapons Pack, painting the weapon in an overall black finish with bright red highlights.
Added in the "Summer Sideshow: Pier of Pain" event, the "Multi-Chambered Zed Thrower" is a lavishly-decorated steampunk shotgun based on the Pancor Jackhammer. As with the real weapon, it is fully-automatic (with a stupendously low rate of fire), uses a bullpup arrangement, and holds 10 rounds; unlike the Jackhammer and its unique detachable-cylinder feed setup and blow-forward operation, however, the MCZT appears to use a more conventional drum magazine and is recoil-operated. It lacks sights (though it can still be aimed), and possesses a unique alternate firemode wherein it blasts enemies with steam (fittingly enough); this deals no damage and consumes no ammunition, but is capable of pushing groups of enemies away, allowing it to be used as an escape tool in tight situations.
Added to the game with the 2012 Halloween update is the Trench Gun version of the Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun", unsurprisingly called "Trenchgun" in-game. As a Firebug weapon, it is the only shotgun in the game to load incendiary "Dragon's Breath" shells, setting any specimen it doesn't immediately kill on fire. It holds a semi-incorrect 6 shells in the tube - the real weapon could hold this many, but you have to load a round in the chamber then load the other 5 shells in the tube, in contrast to the game animating the player characters as loading six before chambering one.
One of the cheapest weapons in the game is a Winchester Model 1894 called the "Lever Action Rifle". In previous versions, it has been referred to as the "Winchester". It is equipped with a rear tang peep sight. It deals nearly twice the damage of the Mk 14 EBR per bullet, though with half the capacity, a slower reload and slower rate-of-fire due to its lever-action nature. At high Sharpshooter levels, it can kill anything weaker than a Scrake with a single headshot.
Added in the second Community Weapon Pack DLC. As with the other weapons in the pack, it is not an original Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I, but rather a "steampunk"-style weapon based on one named the "Single-Piston Long Musket". As a Sharpshooter weapon, it is effectively a longer-ranged version of the lever-action rifle, with a short-ranged scope attached. Instead of the usual procedure of reloading via stripper clips, it is reloaded by replacing the detachable magazine - Killing Floor shares the distinction with the earlier Call of Duty: Finest Hour and the later ZombiU of being some of the only games ever in which a Lee-Enfield is reloaded in this manner.
The M4A1 was introduced during the 2011 Twisted Christmas event. Available in two configurations: the cheaper one for the Commando Perk appears as simply the "M4", fitted with an Aimpoint CompM2 red dot sight and compared to the AIMR it has a higher fire rate and more reserve ammo, but a slower reload and less damage per bullet. The much more expensive version for the Demolitions Perk appears as the "M4 203", using iron sights rather than the Aimpoint and fitted with a Knight's Armament M203A1 grenade launcher which gives it more raw firepower than the standard version.
Both M4A1 models feature a Vltor Improved Modstock, MATech rear flip-up BUIS (which is used on the Demolitions version), Magpul PMAGs and a Knight's Armament Company M4 RAS handguard with rail covers. The Commando M4 is also available with a desert-style digital camo pattern for those who own the "Camo Weapons Pack" DLC.
The first of the Commando Perk weapons is the L22A2, dubbed the "Bullpup". It has a mounted EOTech XPS red dot sight (which is unrealistic, as the rail on top of the L22A2 is not a Picatinny rail and as such would be unable to hold the EOTech in place) and uses 30-round magazines that hold 40 rounds in-game. It's very weak and inaccurate with heavy recoil.
L22A2 with 20-round magazine and SUSAT scope - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingA British soldier with his L22A2, preparing to defend the last of the phone boots from the Zed hordes.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe sight picture of the EOTech; how it fits on top of the SUSAT's rail is a mystery.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading begins by pressing the magazine release; it does move when pushed, though it simply slides straight in instead of pivoting in in the front and out in the back, causing the back end of the catch to clip into the magazine well.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThen mashing in a new mag. No attempt at using the bolt-release or yanking the charging-handle is done however, the round seemingly chambering itself.Examination of the L22A2 on the ground shows that the right side of weapon is a mirror of the left, thus no ejection port or charging handle. Note the lightened A2 fore-end and the bit of Picatinny rail sticking out behind the top of the non-proprietary vertical grip.
Romanian AIMR
The AIMR, referred to as an "AK47", is the second Commando weapon. The AIMR serves as a rather good all-rounder weapon with higher power in comparison to the M4A1, though is tempered with rather lackluster accuracy, a high recoil on par with the SCARMk17 on full auto and always recoiling into the right, requiring a lot of re-aiming. It is unique for having two versions with different finishes - the first Golden Weapons Pack DLC adds a version with a golden finish on the metal components and gold engravings in the wooden parts, and the later Neon Weapons Pack gives one with an overall black finish and bright red highlights.
The Halloween 2012 event added the MKb 42(H) to the game as another Commando weapon. Sporting a reference to Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad, the MKb 42 is another all-rounder weapon, with rather controllable recoil and rate of fire in return for somewhat cluttered ironsights.
Added for the 2012 summer event, the FN FAL "G Series" is a powerful Commando weapon called the "FNFAL ACOG", likely standing-in for the British L1A1 SLR. It shares the SCAR-H's high power as well as having lower recoil than the SCAR-H, though with a higher firing rate and a higher cost. The FAL in-game is customized with a wooden pistol grip, an original FAL 50.00 flash-hider, a rail on top of the receiver, and an ACOG scope mounted on said rail giving it a higher zoom level than the SCAR.
The FN SCAR-H, appearing as the "SCARMK17", is one of the most powerful Commando Perk weapons available in-game, alongside the FN FAL. Although the real-life cyclic rate is about 625rpm, it has one of the fastest RPM in the game as well as the highest recoil on par with the AIMR. It features a Tango Down vertical foregrip and the newer version of the Aimpoint M68 Close Combat Optic, the Aimpoint CompM4s, without lens cover caps and mounted on a high riser mount. It is the last weapon given a neon-themed variation with the Neon Weapons Pack, sharing the same bright blue highlights as the neon Vector.
One of the primary Sharpshooter weapons in the game is a Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR, a model with a fixed Sage tactical stock, using rail covers instead of the standard Kydex hand guard, and is equipped with a laser aiming module. In-game it is referred to as the "M14EBR", the US Army designation. While it has a high price at the trader and rather high recoil, it comes with 20-round magazines, a high DPS, and usable laser sight for accurate hip firing.
A futuristic Kel-Tec RFB Carbine-looking weapon, called the "M7A3", was added in in the 2012 summer event. It is fitted with a red dot reflex sight (with a digital ammunition counter below the sight itself), a vertical foregrip, and a medication dart launcher. It bears some resemblance to the similarly-named M7 rifle from Darkest of Days.
The M7A3 packs some mean recoil and a rather slow rate of fire, but comes with a futuristic red dot sight and good DPS, making for a stronger weapon than the other medic guns that is also capable of launching medic-darts.
Appearing as the "M99 AMR", a Barrett M99 with black and gray urban camo is one of the Sharpshooter weapons added in the 2012 Summer Sideshow event. It is an incredibly powerful and heavy weapon, capable of killing nearly every specimen in the game with a single headshot, but only Support Specialists have the carrying capacity to take any other weapon aside from the 9mm pistol alongside it. Since it's a single shot weapon, it must be reloaded after every shot, which takes a very long time without high Sharpshooter levels, and on top of that its ammunition is prohibitively expensive at £250 per bullet.
The standard grenade players are equipped with are L2A2s. Unlike the knife and other melee weapons having a dedicated slot, they are thrown by simply pressing a key. Players can carry 5 grenades (though Demolition or Support Specialist levels allow greater carrying capacity for grenades, up to 11). A grenade caught within the blast radius of another will explode immediately alongside it rather than needing its fuse to burn down, widening the blast radius. The Firebug and Field Medic classes get unique variants of the grenade at level 3; the former gets incendiary grenades that light Zeds on fire, while the latter gets grenades that release a green gas similar to the effect from their medication dart launchers, which simultaneously heals teammates and damages Specimens that are within the cloud.
An M79 grenade launcher can be used in the game. It is the third firearm that can be gold plated by way of a DLC pack released alongside the 2012 Christmas update.
The M79 is a rather solid explosive weapon, useful for crowds of low level enemies and is rather light, though its single shot capacity gives it low DPS.
A Milkor MGL Mk 1S with a Trijicon RX01 red dot sight can be used in the game, incorrectly called M32, which is the USMC's designation for the Mk 1L. It is the fourth and final weapon to be given an alternate camouflage pattern with the Camo Weapons Pack, gaining the same digital pattern as the M4A1. The M32 packs a large blast radius and damage, and can quickly fire all six grenades in an emergency, but takes a long time to reload; the upside is that, like the shotguns and Winchester, the reload can be interrupted.
A missile launcher called the "LAW" is obtainable in the game; before a balancing patch and the addition of the above M99, it was the heaviest and most destructive weapon available. The SAS insignia and motto, "Who dares wins", is printed on the side of it. It has a passing resemblance to the LAW 80.
Added in the 2nd Community Weapons Pack DLC, the "Orca Bomb Propeller" is a fictional Steampunk-esque grenade launcher resembling an early wheellock hand mortar (a class of weapons which served as an early predecessor to the modern grenade launcher). While muzzle-loaded, the in-game weapon is not a wheellock, instead using caseless grenades the approximate shape of (and slightly bigger than) an egg with small fins on the back, presumably functioning similarly to a GP-series grenade launcher (though, unlike such launchers, the round has to be locked in manually, with the player character flipping a lever near the muzzle each time a new round is inserted). It is comparable to the M79, with its main distinction being the use of video-gamey smart grenades that explode on contact with enemies and on a timer otherwise (unless the round kills an enemy by impact force alone, in which case it will still explode on a timer), making long-distance and area-approximation shots (e.g. dealing with Sirens) more difficult in exchange for greater utility in close-quarters maps (being able to bounce shots off of walls and the like), a fact further cemented by its complete lack of sights.