December 12, 2018 (PC) September 29, 2021 (Consoles)
New World Interactive
Focus Home Interactive
PC & Consoles
First-Person Shooter
Insurgency: Sandstorm is the sequel to the standalone Insurgency game developed on the Source engine. The sequel is developed on the UE4 Engine, delivering several new things like larger maps, usable vehicles, staged reload system, simulated ballistic physics, etc. The game is fictionally set during insurgency in the Middle East based on contemporary conflicts. The Security is an amalgamation made up of indigenous military, local police, government allied militias, foreign special operations teams, etc; while the Insurgents consist of local rebels, clandestine operatives, foreign mercenaries / contractors with military experience, and rogue elements of Security forces. Each faction is divided into eight classes named:
Rifleman, the backbone of the team armed with assault rifles and battle rifles.
Breacher, specialized in CQB with shotguns, SMGs, SBRs, and some explosives.
Advisor, who has access to exotic guns and optics from the opposing faction.
Demolitions, the explosives expert with access to various explosives including launchers and UBGLs.
Marksman, who takes targets out from far distances with DMRs, bolt-action rifles, anti-materiel rifles and high magnification scopes.
Gunner, who provides suppressive fire with machine guns.
Observer, who carries a radio to allow the Commander to call in fire support.
Commander, who is the team leader with binoculars to call in fire support when an Observer is nearby.
A notable gameplay feature is the ability to scavenge magazines from dropped weapons if the player is equipped with a weapon that shares the same magazines and caliber - for instance, all the 5.56mm NATO STANAG fed weapons can share magazines, including extended mags.
As with its predecessor, the game retains various competitive multiplayer modes along with a Player vs AI Co-op mode, playable on each side. Both factions in Co-op modes have access to all weapons and attachments.
The following weapons appear in the video game Insurgency: Sandstorm.
A staple sidearm of the series, the Beretta M9 is oddly available for the Insurgents rather than Security (although it is not inaccurate for the Insurgents to have plenty of stolen or secondhand older US military equipment). It costs 2 supply points. Following Update 1.10 Operation Exodus, the M9 along with other handguns have access to unmagnified optics.
The classic .45 M1911A1 returns as the Insurgents' equivalent to the Security's more modern M1911-based pistols. It has long 1911 trigger with diamond grips and blued finish. It costs 2 supply points.
The Colt M45A1 replaces the M45 from the 2014 title, though the M45 MEU(SOC) can be seen in early development footage of Sandstorm. As with the M1911A1, it costs 2 supply points and acts as Security's .45 pistol.
A tan-framed Glock 17 is one of the Security pistols in-game. In the Alpha, the Glock was designated "G17". In the Beta, the weapon was re-indexed as the "M005" likely to avoid legal issues, the name itself likely derived from the USMC M007 designation of the Glock 19M. It appears that it was still not enough to appease the Glock legal team however, and the Glock was removed from the launch version, reworked, and later patched in as the "PF940"; named after a Glock part kit created by a company named Polymer80 (specifically the V2 model for the 3rd Generation Glock 17). It costs 3 supply points.
The Desert Eagle Mark XIX chambered in .50 Action Express was added in Update 1.10 Operation Exodus for the Insurgents costing 5 supply points, making it the most expensive handgun available.
The Manurhin MR-73 was added in Update 1.10 Operation Exodus for Security, costing 4 supply points. It is the first and, so far, only revolver in the game. It comes with 5.25" barrel which can be extended into 8" by choosing the "Sniper Barrel", which boosts muzzle velocity, and penetration; while also allowing to attach a Bushnell Magnum Phantom scope (dubbed "CT Scope") in 2.5x magnification, suppressor, and bipod. Also available is the "Cheapo Suppressor" made from an oil filter which slightly reduces muzzle flash and the report of gunfire and is only compatible with the 5.25" barrel; note that a suppressor would in reality be completely useless on the weapon, as the MR-73 does not have a gas seal. Speed loaders for reloading faster when empty are also available for additional supply points.
Also usable by the Security forces is a SIG-Sauer P226 MK 25 with a threaded barrel, distinguishing it from the standard railed P226 is the presence of a MIL-STD 1913 rail instead of the proprietary one. It appears under its British Army designation of L106A1, which is incorrect for the type as the P226 in British service is designated as either the L105A2 or L106A2. It costs 2 supply points.
The Tariq, an Iraqi clone of the Beretta M1951, is another usable sidearm in the game, exclusive to the Security forces. It is the only Security pistol to cost 1 supply point.
Update 1.7 Operation Nightfall adds the Mark II Welrod from Day of Infamy; unlike the other weapons from the update (which were shown off first with official promo renders), this one was revealed accidentally in a dev stream. It is incorrectly chambered in 9x19mm, and is available to the Insurgent forces for 0 supply points. It is also highly customizable by having access to unmagnified optics, underbarrel attachments, laser sight, greased bolt, and AP / AP tracer rounds.
The First Major Content Update added in two variants of the MP5 submachine gun. The Insurgents received the older MP5A2 variant for the Breacher class, which features the early "slimline" handguard and "waffle" magazine. It costs 3 supply points.
A popular community weapon from the previous game, the Heckler & Koch MP7A1 makes an official appearance in Sandstorm. It is usable by the Security's Breacher class and uses its flush 20-round magazine, with the 40-round extended magazine being available for extra supply points. The base gun costs 4 supply points. Following Update 1.8 Operation Breakaway, the foregrip can be replaced with other underbarrel attachments for additional supply points, turning the SMG into a MP7A2. For whatever reason, it was originally chambered for 9x19mm, before an update changed that for the 4.6x30mm rounds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch MP7A1 - 4.6x30mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe weapon loadout menu image of the MP7A1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe draw animation of the MP7A1 - the operator unfolds the foregrip...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and charges the PDW.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA stock MP7 patiently waiting to operate.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe operator checks his sight alignment. These are the folded-down "pistol" sights; one of the weapon's customization options is to flip these up into the aperture/post "rifle" setup.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading gives us a good view of the gun. Note excellent trigger discipline and fire selector set to full auto. On any gun with different fire modes, the fire selector will visibly move when fire mode is changed. Also note that the empty reload and partial reload are identical, except for the character pushing the (not visible) bolt release during an empty reload. If the player performs a fast empty reload, the operator will flip the gun over and check the chamber while pressing the bolt release.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUsing the raised sights.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading with a 40-round magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch MP7A2 with RAL8000 finish - 4.6x30mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe weapon loadout menu image of the MP7A2 fitted with "Aiming Grip", extended magazine, and iron sights in aperture/post "rifle" setup. The draw animation for this changes to a simple left-handed pull of the charging handle, as the folding grip is gone.
The IMI Uzi also makes its official appearance in the game (although in the last game, there is a Steam Workshop mod that replaced the MP40 with the Uzi). A lower-profile, optics-friendly charging handle very similar in appearance to the one used on the Uzi in Battlefield Hardline replaces the default Uzi cocking knob. The Uzi is one of the few open-bolt weapons in the game and costs 2 supply points, and is usable only by the Insurgents' Breacher class. By default, the Uzi uses a 25-round magazine, with a longer 32-round magazine and a 50-round drum available via extra supply points.
The M3 Grease Gun makes its return from Day of Infamy in Update 1.7 Operation Nightfall. It is available for Security's Breacher class, costing 2 supply points. The M3 Grease Gun has access to an M9 flash hider, OSS suppressor, and a unique integral suppressor dubbed the "Advanced Suppressor" modeled after the M3 Spec Ops Gen 2 used by the Philippine Navy and Marine Corps which not only dampens the sound, but also reduces recoil as well. Following Update 1.8 Operation Breakaway, it has access to underbarrel attachments when equipping a suppressor by adding a rail mount below it.
The P90 Tactical / USG was added in Update 1.11 Operation Warlord as the SMG for the Insurgents' Advisor class costing 5 supply points. It is fitted with custom fiber optic sights on-default, transparent 50-round magazine, and a couple of nylon straps with quick release buckles on the receiver; along with a couple variants of unique USG reflex sights called "Factory Circle", and "Factory Dot", and Gemtech suppressor for additional supply points. Interestingly, when attaching foregrips its barrel will be extended while being covered with custom railed handguard.
The Sterling Mk. 4 returns from the previous game in Update 1.7 Operation Nightfall as the counterpart of M3 Grease Gun. It costs only 1 supply point for the Insurgents' Breacher class, making it the cheapest SMG available. It also has access to 50-round magazines for extra supply points.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSterling L2A3 (Mk.4) - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe weapon loadout menu image of Sterling Mk. 4.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs with the Uzi, the user unfolds the stock when spawning-in with the Sterling.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening the bolt.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe insurgent and his Sterling Mk. 4. Unlike in the previous game, the shooter holds it by the heat shield instead of the magazine. As of the Operation Breakaway update, the Sterling is held in a more conventional manner and the player character only C-clamps the weapon with the use of a specific foregrip.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the iron sights with a clear view of markings with patent roll mark behind the magazine. When firing, the magazine will noticeably wobble.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter dumping the entire rounds for smoking some vases, the insurgent begins to swap the magazine by pressing the mag release. Note the markings at the magwell that reads "STERLING SMG 9M/M MK4 (L2A3)", complete with serial numbers below it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThen, he proceeds to pull the charging handle underhanded.
Sterling Mk. 5
When equipping a suppressor, the Sterling Mk. 4 will turn into a Sterling Mk. 5 with Sterling-Hatchett integral suppressor.
The TDI Vector is the SMG added in Update 1.11 Operation Warlord as the counterpart of P90 USG / Tactical for the Security's Advisor class. It costs 6 supply points, making it the most expensive SMG available. It has 25-round magazine and can be fitted with 30-round extended magazine, and SilencerCO Osprey 45K suppressor for additional supply points. Unlike other existing firearms, it has the lowest horizontal recoil likely to depict Kriss Super V recoil system which directs the recoil downwards.
A Russian Spetsnaz Alpha Group-inspired AK carbine was added in the Beta Update - November 8th as an option for the Insurgents' Advisor class, costing 4 supply points. It features a 12.4" AK-104 barrel, Zenitco B-30 handguards, a TWS railed dust cover, Magpul MOE+ AK pistol grip, golden ATK trigger and Tromix extended charging handle. The receiver is not an exact AK-100 series variant, as it lacks the hardware for the original folding stock, and the Crane/BCM B5 stock is mounted on an AKM/AK-74 style non-folding buffer adapter. As of Update 1.12 Operation Glasshouse, it uses steel AKM magazines by default which can be replaced with polymer 7.62x39mm AK magazines by equipping custom skins.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlpha AK-105 - 5.45x39mmError creating thumbnail: File missingAK-104 - 7.62x39mmError creating thumbnail: File missingAn officially released render of the Alpha AK in-game model, courtesy of the Sandstorm Steam New Beta Update - November 8th page. Note the 5.45x39mm magazine before being rechambered to 7.62x39mm in Update 1.7 Operation Nightfall.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe anonymous 'Gray Man' armed with Alpha AK, courtesy of the Sandstorm Twitter page. His helmet is based on a SRU tactical helmet.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe weapon loadout menu image of the Alpha AK.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe insurgent prepares his Alpha AK on the range.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe traditional AK sights have been replaced by some more modern flip-up sights. You certainly won't be short of rail space.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe speed reload begins with knocking out the old magazine by hitting the magazine release with the new magazine. Interestingly, the railed dust cover has "PATENTED U.S.A. MADE" markings while the receiver has "Model AK-104-A CAL 7.62x39" markings, indicating that it is fitted with American-made railed dust cover like a TWS railed dust cover. The stock's buffer adapter here also appears to be mounted on the rear tang trunnion of an AKMN/AK-74N style receiver.Error creating thumbnail: File missingComplete with a rack to the custom charging handle with left hand from under. This happens on all AK family weapons.
The AK-74N returns from the previous game as the AK-74. The rifle costs 4 supply points and is usable by the Insurgents' Rifleman, Demolitions, Commander, and Observer classes.
The AKMN with a standard fixed stock replaces the folding stock AKMS from the previous game. Like the rest of the AKs, it is modeled with a Warsaw Pact rail, albeit a newer version lifted from the AK-74N model. The rifle costs 3 supply points. It is usable by the Rifleman, Demolitions, Commander, and Observer classes.
The AKS-74U returns as the AKS-74U, and like the other AKs, it has the Warsaw Pact rail making it an AKS-74UN. The rifle is available for the Insurgents' Advisor class, and costs 3 supply points.
The AS Val was added in Update 1.7 Operation Nightfall as a subsonic assault rifle. It is available for Insurgents' Breacher for 6 supply points replacing the AKS-74U, making it the most expensive assault rifle available. It can be fitted with 30-round extended magazines and a PSO-1 like the SVD Dragunov.
The L85A2 is available for the Advisor class of the Security faction. By default, it has its original green plastic handguard; the Daniel Defense railed forend is used when mounting a laser or light module or adding a vertical grip. Like the Uzi in the previous game, it was a favorite workshop mod among the community. The SUSAT scope can also be equipped on the L85A2 as a unique attachment whose back up sight can be used for close engagements following Update 1.9 Operation Cold Blood. It costs 4 supply points.
The FAMAS F1 was added in Update 1.8 Operation Breakaway for Insurgents' Rifleman, Demolitions, Commander, and Observer classes for 6 supply points, making it the most expensive assault rifle along with AS Val. It comes without its integral folding bipod by default and can be equipped with it as an optional underbarrel attachment for additional supply points.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFAMAS F1 - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe official artwork of Operation Breakaway, courtesy of the Sandstorm Steam August 2020 Community Update Blog page. Despite the hooded rogue spec ops having a visible shotshell holder, he is armed with a FAMAS F1 while his masked comrade is armed with a TOZ-194 instead.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn officially released render of the FAMAS F1 in-game model, courtesy of the official Operation Breakaway website. Note the RM Equipment M203PI attached at the bottom.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe operator with a FAMAS F1, courtesy of the official Operation Breakaway website. Note the removed bipod.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe shaded insurgent wearing a skull balaclava fires the FAMAS F1 with attached SU230 and compensator, courtesy of the Sandstorm Twitter page.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother shot of the same FAMAS F1's right side, courtesy of the Sandstorm Twitter page.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe 'Rogue Cop' raises his FAMAS F1 fitted with a MARS red dot, courtesy of the Sandstorm Twitter page. The pixelated uniform is based off the one used by Iraqi Federal Police.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe menacing-looking 'Rogue Spec Ops' posing with a suppressed FAMAS F1, courtesy of the Sandstorm Twitter page. His gear setup is based on the Iraqi Special Operations Forces.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe weapon loadout menu image of the FAMAS F1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe rogue police officer brings his recently captured FAMAS F1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming down the relatively narrow iron sights.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter accidentally shooting at a nearby fire extinguisher in full-auto, he switches into more sensible 3-round burst with the rear selector. When reverting back from semi-auto into full-auto, the shooter only switches the safety near the trigger without switching the rear selector again for properly reverting into full-auto.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRunning out of ammo, he loads another 25-round mag.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThen, he pulls back the charging handle.
Heckler & Koch G36K
Another popular weapon mod from the previous game, the Heckler & Koch G36K is one of the primary weapons available for the Security forces. Since Update 1.9 Operation Cold Blood, the Hensoldt ZF dual optical sight can be equipped on the G36K as the "CH Sight" with 1.5x, and 1x magnifications which can be toggled. It costs 3 supply points and is available for the Security Rifleman, Demolitions, Commander, and Observer classes. Following Update 1.7.1 Operation Clean Sweep, the G36K has a transparent magazine with animated bullets and spring.
The HS Produkt VHS-D2 was added in Update 1.3 as the VHS-2 for the Security faction, available for the Commander, Observer, Rifleman, and Demolitions classes. It costs 5 supply points.
Update 1.4 added IMI Galil SAR from the previous game with mounted bipod on default as the makeshift machine gun for the Security's Gunner class. It costs 2 supply points, making it the cheapest machine gun available.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingIMI Galil SAR - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingAn officially released render of the Galils in-game models, courtesy of the Sandstorm Steam Update 1.4 page. Note the MDG3 drum magazines on the deployed Galils. Also note the "TacPoint" on the mounted red dot sights on the Galil SAR, which is an obvious spoof of Aimpoint.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe weapon loadout menu image of the Galil SAR. Note the bipod mounting holes on the gas block to mount the bipod and the polymer handguard.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Galil SAR looking at some wooden targets.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the sights toward the questioned targets.Error creating thumbnail: File missingInserting the new magazine while ignoring the oddly mounted bipod with a clear view of the markings and the serial numbers on the receiver and the rear sights. The fast reload is similar to AK family weapons and has the player character knocking out the old magazine by hitting the mag release with the new magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling the charging handle. On the speed empty reload, the player character will rack the charging handle with their left hand from under like on all AK family weapons.
The M16A2 is a selectable assault rifle, serving as the Insurgents' counterpart to the M16A4; the rifles are nearly identical, save for the M16A2's inability to mount as many types of optics while being able to use its unique Colt 3x20 scope, called the "A2 Scope" in-game. It costs only 1 supply point, making it the cheapest assault rifle available (ironically cheaper than AK-platforms). It is usable by the Insurgents' Rifleman, Demolitions, Commander, and Observer classes.
The M16A4 returns from the previous game and is the cheapest rifle available for the Security forces, costing 2 supply points. It is usable by the Security's Rifleman, Demolitions, Observer, and Commander classes. Following Update 1.7.1 Operation Clean Sweep, the M16A4, along with the M4A1, can have the front sight post removed by choosing the "Flat Top" attachment for clearer view when using unmagnified optics.
The M4A1 makes its return in the sequel. It is one of the most expensive primary weapons available for the Security forces, costing 5 supply points. It is usable by the Security Rifleman, Demolitions, Commander, and Observer classes. Notably, the M4A1 is prominently used during the tutorial session.
The Mk 18 Mod 1 replaces the Mk 18 Mod 0 from the original game, appearing as the Mk. 18 CQBR. It can only be used by the Security's Advisor class for 4 supply points. A re-skin for this weapon transformed it from a generic Mk 18 Mod 1 into the Daniel Defense MK18 (with appropriate DDMK18 markings on the left side of the receiver).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMk 18 Mod 1 - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe PMC looks over while carrying his Mk 18 Mod 1, courtesy of the Sandstorm Twitter page.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe weapon loadout menu image of the Mk 18 Mod 1. Originally, a more correct, windowed PMag was used - but this has been changed to a stylized polymer design. It can be loaded with a regular STANAG scavenged from other rifles in gameplay.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe operator with the M4's shorter cousin.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming down the aftermarket rear aperture sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNot to be outdone, he tosses the empty Magpul PMAG. The magazine release is fully animated, and moves both when the magazine is removed and when a new one is inserted.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe operator presses the bolt release on an empty reload while observing the bolt going into battery. The charging handle is used during the initial readying animation of the weapon at the start of a game.
An interesting choice alongside Security's VHS-2, the Insurgents get access to the QBZ-03, specifically the 5.56 export version. The gun has its proprietary scope rail removed (for a clean and smooth top), while its rear sight is located at the rear end of the gun like the original domestic version (the normal foreign export version has the rear sight placed in front of the scope rail, above the magazine well). It costs 4 supply points. Following Update 1.4, it has its own unique scope called the "Type 03 Scope".
The QBZ-97 was added in Update 1.9.1 for the Insurgents' Rifleman, Demolitions, Commander, and Observer classes costing 3 supply points. The YMA-95-1 scope can be equipped on the QBZ-97 with fixed 3x magnification for additional supply points.
The QTS-11 was added in Update 1.9.1 as the counterpart of QBZ-97 for the Security's Rifleman, Demolitions, Commander, and Observer classes for 4 supply points. It features an unique adjustable "Type 11 Scope" which has toggleable magnifications in 4x and 1x, and also integrated 20mm grenade launcher which is classified as underbarrel attachment while also costing as same as other UBGLs. Depending on their class, the user can choose between smoke or HE shells.
The Q Honey Badger is the subsonic assault rifle in the Update 1.7 Operation Nightfall serving as the counterpart of AS Val. It is available for Security's Breacher class for 5 supply points, replacing the Mk 18 Mod 1. It comes with 30-round magazines and can be fitted with a suppressor for extra supply points.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingQ Honey Badger SD - .300 AAC BlackoutError creating thumbnail: File missingAn officially released render of the Honey Badger in-game model, courtesy of the Sandstorm Twitter page.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe weapon loadout menu image of an unsuppressed Honey Badger. This specific configuration is depicted with a 12" barrel, which doesn't exist for the real Q Honey Badger, as it is only available with 7" and 16" barrels.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe operator with his Honey Badger.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming down the aftermarket flip-up sights, shared with Mk 18 Mod 1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe operator drops the empty mag after watching the bolt open by tilting it, which gives a nice shot of the markings on the upper receiver that read "HONEY BADGER" and "300BLK", and markings with serial numbers on the magwell. Interestingly, the selector markings for full auto and semi auto are identical, which is probably coincidental with the lack of an auto sear pin.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFinishing off with a push of the bolt release before watching the bolt move forward.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother Honey Badger fitted with a suppressor stares at some fire extinguishers.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter shooting the extinguishers, he performs the speed reload shared by AR family rifles by swiftly dropping the empty mag...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...then inserting the new mag before pressing the bolt release.
SIG SG 552
A SG 552 has been introduced with Update 1.14, available as part of the regular assault rifle and carbine loadouts for Insurgents. It uses 20-round magazines by default, and costs 2 supply points.
Update 1.8 Operation Breakaway brought the Steyr AUG A3 as the counterpart of the FAMAS F1 for Security's Rifleman, Demolitions, Commander, and Observer classes. It costs 3 supply points, and can be fitted with 42-round extended magazines, and two unique scopes called the "A1 Scope", and "A3 Scope" in 1.5x and 3x magnification respectively for extra supply points. Along with the G36K, it also uses transparent magazines with animated bullets and spring. Despite having a double-stage trigger typically found on Austrian AUGs, the switching fire mode animation is reused from the FAMAS F1 by manipulating a nonexistent safety near the trigger.
As of Update 1.14, the Desert Tech MDR is available as a high tier battle rifle in the regular rifles for Security, at six supply points. It is chambered in the standard 7.62x51mm NATO configuration, and has automatic and semi-automatic firemodes.
The FN FAL makes its return in the sequel. It is usable by the Insurgents' Rifleman, Demolitions, Observer, and Commander. It costs 5 supply points and cannot be equipped with a grenade launcher, unlike the other rifles available for the Demolitions class.
A 7.62x51mm Galil ACE was added in Update 1.6 as the "ACE 52", available for the Insurgents' Advisor class for 5 supply points, replacing the SVD Dragunov. Despite ostensibly being the Israeli mil-spec Galil ACE N 52 (with STANAG-like rather than AK-like magwell), the in-game weapon is actually an American civilian 7.62x51mm variant, the ACE GAR1651, distinguished by its side-folding stabilizing brace adapter. While the pre-release version features the (correct) civilian two-position selector, the release version gained a three-position selector switch like the military models.
Update 1.6 added the IWI Tavor 7, serving as the counterpart to the IWI Galil ACE 52 for Security's Advisor class, replacing Mk 14 Mod 1 EBR. It costs 5 supply points.
The Heckler & Koch G3A3 officially appears in the game. It is usable by the Security's Rifleman, Demolitions, Observer, and Commander classes, and is the only rifle available for the Demolitions class that cannot equip a grenade launcher. It costs 4 supply points.
The M1 Garand returns from Day of Infamy for the Insurgents' Marksman class in Update 1.9 Operation Cold Blood, costing 2 supply points. Uniquely, the Garand has a few different reload animations that may randomly play. Sometimes, loading a new clip will result in the bolt going forward automatically and other times, the bolt may require a push by the operator. On occasion, one may even incur "Garand thumb". Ouch.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM1 Garand with leather M1917 sling - .30-06Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe official artwork of Operation Cold Blood, courtesy of the Sandstorm Twitter page.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn officially released render of the M1 Garand in-game model, courtesy of the official Operation Cold Blood website. Note the Griffin & Howe scope mount mounting M82 scope seen at the left side of receiver, indicating it is M1C Garand.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe insurgent marksman aims his suppressed M1 Garand, courtesy of the official Operation Cold Blood website.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe weapon loadout menu image of the M1 Garand.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe operator prepares to operate like it's 1944.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPeering down the classic sights and looking over the steel target, he daydreams that he is in Sicily as part of Operation Husky. The receiver has the correct markings of "US Rifle, Cal. .30, M1", and is marked as made by Springfield Armory. The serial number indicates this particular Garand was made between October and November 1939.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter firing the entire eight rounds of .30-06 and the required PING, the operator inserts a fresh en-bloc clip.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThen, he pushes the bolt with his palm. During the partial reload animation, the shooter will press the clip release, then pulls back the bolt, and removes the partially empty clip, which accurately depicts the number of remaining cartridges.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhen swapping a partially loaded clip, there is a chance the operator's thumb gets pinched by the bolt by the dreaded Garand thumb, much like in Battlefield V.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHe agonizes the eternal pain after quickly pulling back his thumb.Error creating thumbnail: File missingM1D Sniper Variant with M84 scope, M2 Flash Hider and T4 leather cheek pad - .30-06Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother M1 Garand with attached M2 flash hider.
M1C Garand
When equipping M82 scope which is referred to as "M1C Scope" in 2.5x magnification, the M1 Garand will turn into M1C Garand.
The SKS-D returns from the previous game. It has a standard length barrel with unusable "pig sticker" bayonet. Like in the previous game, it uses 20-round magazines although it can use 30-round AK mags with the "extended mags" modification, and the bolt still incorrectly locks open upon firing the last shot despite the lack of bolt hold open on Chinese AK mag SKS models. It is available for the Insurgents' Advisor class and costs 2 supply points. Its default 20-round magazines can be scavenged and loaded into the 7.62x39 AKs.
The IMI Galil ARM returns from the previous game in Update 1.4. It is available as the lighter and cheaper alternative for the Insurgents' Gunner class. It costs 2 supply points.
As of Update 1.13, the M60E6 is available for the Security, for 3 supply points. It uses 50-round belt boxes by default, though these last a bit longer in comparison to the M240B and MG3 thanks to the M60's relaxed rate-of-fire. 100-boxes can be equipped as an upgrade.
The M240B GPMG was added in the First Major Content Update as the second option for the Security's Gunner class, costing 4 supply points. It comes with a 50-round belt in a cloth pouch, but can be upgraded to a 100-round belt in a box magazine with other options of sights, barrel attachments, and laser sight. Following Update 1.7.1 Operation Clean Sweep, the M240B along with other belt-fed machine guns can be reloaded faster with speed reloading at the cost of discarding the current ammo box.
The M249 is a primary weapon usable by the Security's Gunner class, costing 3 supply points. It comes only with a 200-round belt and can be modified with optics, all barrel attachments, and laser sights.
The MG3 was added to the game during the First Major Content Update as the counterpart of the M240B for the Insurgents' Gunner class costing 4 supply points. It has a high rate of fire at 1000 rpm, but is virtually uncontrollable unless firing with bipod deployed. It comes with a 50-round belt in a drum pouch, but can be upgraded to use 100-round belts in a box magazine, along with optics, suppressor(!), and laser sight.
The PKM makes its long-awaited arrival to the series in Sandstorm. It is usable only by the Insurgents' Gunner class. It costs 3 supply points and comes only with a 100-round belt with options for optics, barrel attachments, and laser sight. The game incorrectly portrays the 7.62x54mm R belt as a disintegrating belt with visibly ejected loose links, but does show them ejecting from their appropriate port, while fired rounds eject from a different port underneath it.
Returning from the previous game, the RPK is introduced with Update 1.13. This time it masquerades as the slightly updated RPKM/RPK-203 variant, appearing under the latter designation. It uses regular 30-round steel AK magazines by default, with the same extended 40 and 75-round drums from the other AKs as upgrades. It has a price of 3 supply.
The Kel-Tec KSG (specifically the Gen 2 version) was added in 1.12 Operation Glasshouse for the Security's Breacher class, costing 4 supply points. It is accurately depicted as having two separate magazine tubes which hold seven rounds each, rather than having a single tube that holds 14 rounds like in many other video games. By default, the left tube is selected for loading which can be switched manually by double pressing reload key or being switched automatically after emptying a tube tube.
The Knight's Armament Masterkey is the underbarrel shotgun added in Update 1.8 Operation Breakaway available for the M16A4, M4A1, AKM, AK-74, and FAMAS F1 for 4 supply points. It is notable to have a faster cycling rate than the M26 MASS. However, the Masterkey (along with the M26 MASS) are incompatible with drum magazines when equipped.
The KS-23M was added in Update 1.12 Operation Glasshouse, serving as the counterpart of the KSG for the Insurgents' Breacher class for 2 supply points. It is referred to as KS-23 in-game; and so far, the only shotgun chambered in 23x75mm R (equivalent to 4 gauge). Like other shotguns, it can be equipped with the SilencerCo Salvo 12 suppressor (referred to as the "Salvo 4"), despite said suppressor only available in 12 gauge.
The M26 Modular Accessory Shotgun System is the second underbarrel shotgun added in Update 1.8 Operation Breakaway available for the M16A4, M4A1, and AUG A3 and costing 3 supply points. Compared to the Masterkey, it has higher effective range while being mag-fed.
The Remington 870 makes its way into the game, replacing the Mossberg 590 from the previous title. It features black furniture with a railed forend and scope rail added to the receiver, with a ghost ring rear sight. Strangely, it utilizes the Rem-Loc stock system found on the 870 MCS variant. This system allows for quick changes of the stock, and comes with its own unique forend, which the game has omitted in place of the police fore-end. It is usable by the Security's Breacher class and costs 2 supply points.
Also returning from the 2014 Insurgency is the Russian TOZ-194 pump action shotgun. It is almost identical to the Remington 870 in nearly all respects, including its magazine size, rate of fire, damage, and so on. It costs 2 supply points and is available for the Insurgents' Breacher class.
The Barrett M107CQ first appears following Update 1.2 as an optional weapon for the Security's Marksman class costing 3 supply points. It is referred to as the "M82A1 CQ" in-game; this isn't strictly incorrect, however, as Barrett has begun referring to the M107 as the "M82A1".
The SVD Dragunov is available to the Insurgents' Marksman class for 4 supply points. It can be used with a variety of optics including its unique PSO-1 scope, or even just iron sights.
The Knight's Armament M110 SASS was added in Update 1.9 Operation Cold Blood, serving as the counterpart of the M1 Garand for Security's Marksman class for 4 supply points. It comes in 10-round magazine, and has an access to Leupold Mark 4 3.5-10x40mm dubbed "DOS Scope" which has toggleable magnifications only in 3x and 6x (the minimum magnification is smaller than in real life which is 3.5x), KAC M110 suppressor, and 20-round Magpul PMAG 20 LR/SR for additional supply points.
The Mosin Nagant costs 1 supply point and is usable by the Insurgents' Marksman class. By default, it is the M91/30 rifle with a straight bolt handle and hex receiver, the correct PU scope and turned down bolt handle are appropriately used when opting to use a scope in a fortunate aversion of the bubba-fied Mosin from the previous game. Scopes that do not obstruct the area directly above the ejection port enable the option of stripper clips for faster reloading while empty, at the cost of extra supply points.
The Remington M24 makes its way into the game, replacing the old M40A1. It costs 1 supply point and can be used with iron sights or a variety of optics, up to and including a 7x scope. It reloads one bullet at a time and is usable only by the Security's Marksman class.
The Chinese M99 anti-materiel rifle appears as the counterpart to the Barrett M107CQ, given to the Insurgents' Marksman class for 3 supply points. Like a few other weapons, the M99 comes with its own special scope, dubbed the "Type 99 scope" in the loadout menu.
All grenade launchers, and rifle grenade launchers cost 1 supply point for smoke shells, and 3 supply points for HE shells.
The GP-25 is the underbarrel grenade launcher attachment for AK-74, and AKM. Following Update 1.8 Operation Breakaway, it can be turned into makeshift underbarrel shotgun called the "Buckshot Launcher" with improvised 40mm buckshot shells for 2 supply points.
The HS Produkt VHS-BG is the unique underbarrel grenade launcher option for VHS-D2. Depending on their class, the user can choose smoke shells or HE shells.
The M203 grenade launcher is the underbarrel grenade launcher option for M16A2. Depending on their class, the user can choose smoke shells or HE shells.
The M203A2 grenade launcher is the underbarrel grenade launcher option for the M16A4 and M4A1. It was added in Patch 1.4.2 to replace the airsoft M203s. Depending on their class, the user can choose smoke shells or HE shells.
The RM Equipment M203PI is the underbarrel grenade launcher option for the FAMAS F1. Depending on their class, the user can choose smoke shells or HE shells.
The Type 91 grenade launcher, specifically QLG-91B is the underbarrel grenade launcher option for QBZ-97. Depending on their class, the user can choose smoke shells or HE shells. Along with GP-25, it can also be turned into underbarrel shotgun called the "Buckshot Launcher" with improvised 35mm buckshot shells for 2 supply points.
The Carl Gustav M3 is the reusable launcher for Security's Demolitions class costing 4 supply points, and appears under its US Army designation as M3 MAAWS.
Another veteran from the previous game, the M136 AT4 is also available for Security's Demolitions class as their single shot launcher of choice for 3 supply points.
The Panzerfaust 3 is available for the Insurgents' Demolitions class for 3 supply points as their analogue of the AT4, being a single-shot launcher oddly enough.
The RPG-7 returns from previous games, as the obvious handheld launcher for the Insurgents' Demolitions class costing 4 supply points. Unlike in the previous game, it is reloadable with an extra warhead.
The AN-M14 Incendiary Grenade returns from the previous game as the identical counterpart of the Insurgents' Molotov, costing 2 supply points. Both the AN-M14 and Molotov are able to blow up the weapon cache with only 1 use.
The F-1 hand grenade returns from the previous game as the hand grenade of the Insurgents team. Two grenades are required to blow up the weapon cache. It costs 2 supply points.
Serving as Security's counterpart to the Insurgents' IEDs for the Breacher and Demolitions classes, the purchasable "C-4" consists of two M112 C4 Demolition Packs (pre-packaged blocks of C4 issued by the US military) duct-taped to a remote detonator, which is activated with an M57 "clacker" switch. It costs 3 supply points and unlike the IEDs, it can be stick to surfaces like walls and floors. It can also be found when rigging up Security's weapon cache which must be manually detonated.
The M18 smoke grenade returns from the previous game for both teams which is incorrectly referred as M83 Smoke. It costs 1 supply point and does exactly what you'd expect a smoke grenade to do.
The M19 anti-tank mine is available for the Security's Breacher, Gunner, and Demolitions classes, costing 1 supply point. After planting the mine, it will detonate when triggered by a passing enemy vehicle.
The M84 stun grenade returns from the previous game for both teams. It costs 1 supply point and can be used to cause a brief vision blurriness with tinnitus.
Security's AH-64 Apache (callsign "Assassin") is armed with eight AGM-114 Hellfire anti-tank guided missiles in two packs of four, as well as two Hydra 70mm rocket pods at the wing mounts. Assassin will fire its missiles into the marked area before switching to the mockup 30mm Cannon.
The Browning M2HB appears mounted on Security's technicals as the counterpart of DShK. Unusable, low-detail models can be found on vehicles as environmental props in some maps.
The DShK is mounted on the Insurgents' technicals. It has unlimited ammunition and is capable of shredding targets through heavy cover like walls. Oddly enough, it is mounted on Assassin as the 30mm Cannon, instead of the accurate M230 Chain Gun.
The GAU-19/A is mounted on Security's UH-60 Blackhawk (callsign "Cleric"), where it is used by the door gunners. The gun also ejects spent casings when firing.
The GAU-8/A Avenger is mounted on Security's A-10 Thunderbolt II (callsign "Warlock"). Warlock will strafe a marked area perpendicular to the Commander's line of sight.
The ammo crate can be used to fully restore player's gear and health.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA clear view of in-game ammo crate shows ammo boxes with an opened ammo box of visible STANAG magazines inside, along with a few STANAG and AK magazines with some scattered ammo around.
The weapon cache is an objective which must be protected or destroyed in certain game modes. Both Security and Insurgents have their own version of weapon cache.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingOn the Insurgents' weapon cache, an RPG warhead and AK magazine are seen beside the opened crate with TM-62 anti-tank mine and an AK magazine. Ammo boxes of 7.62x51mm and .50 BMG can be seen beneath the said opened crate. Another TM-62 is located on behind.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFrom behind there is another opened crate with a couple of RPG warheads with some ammo boxes of 7.62x51mm and .50 BMG around. There is also another AK magazine with clear view of the top opened ammo crate with RGD-5 marking, despite the fact there aren't any RGD-5 hand grenades inside.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOn Security's weapon cache, there is an opened crate with the warhead of a Panzerfaust 3 behind it along with a couple of M19 anti-tank mines, some STANAG magazines, ammo boxes, and scattered ammo inside. There are also two M18 smoke grenades and some STANAG magazines with scattered ammo near the case at the top of the green crate.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThere is an opened case with more STANAG magazines, scattered ammo, and an M18 beside the opened crate with a couple of warheads for the Panzerfaust 3. Another M19 is located in the middle.