Beginning with the third season, LAPD Det. Sgt. Rick Hunter (Fred Dryer) carries an Astra Terminator with black Pachmayr grips and 3" barrel. He states in "Overnight Sensation" that it is a .44 Magnum.
Several LAPD policemen, including Capt. Charles Devane (Charles Hallahan), Lt. Ambrose Finn (John Shearin), and undercover Sgt. Katherine "Kitty" O'Hearn (Shelley Taylor Morgan) carry the Smith & Wesson Model 36 in hip holsters. Hunter's (Fred Dryer) primary backup is a Model 36, seen while searching for a suspect in "High Noon in L.A." (3.05), while on an assignment in Australia in "Down and Under" (3.12), and going fishing on vacation in "Straight to the Heart" (3.13).
Many Season 3 villians use the Smith & Wesson Model 10 Heavy Barrel, including the jewelry store robber Vaughn (Jeff Doucette) in "Overnight Sensation" (3.01). Several DEA agents, including the one who kills Corona, use Model 10 HBs in "The Castro Connection" (3.04). In "From San Francisco with Love" (3.06), Det. Sgt. Valerie Foster (Laura Johnson) handles a Model 10 belonging to David Hendricks (Mark Withers), later found in David's hand. Sheila Burke (Lauren Tewes) uses a Model 10 as her primary weapon in "True Confessions" (3.07). Pruitt's thugs in "The Cradle Will Rock" (3.10) also carry Model 10 revolvers, as does Harry (Brendan McKane) the Australian thug in "Down and Under" (3.12). In "Double Exposure" (3.15), Matthew Winfield's (George Clooney) primary sidearm is a Model 10 Heavy Barrel. Many of Shaughnessy's thugs in "Shades" (3.22) have Model 10s.
Station manager Ralph Driscoll (Alex Courtney) fires a Detonics CombatMaster at Raoul Mercado's car in "Overnight Sensation" (3.01). Hunter tells Mercado that the bullets recovered were nine millimeter. The pistol appears to be a non-gun or replica.
When Tony Melendez (Sal Lopez) goes into hiding in "Overnight Sensation" (3.01), he takes a Colt Mk IV Series 70 and a Mossberg 500 with him. Det. Rayner (Don Edmonds) carries a Series 70 as his main sidearm.
Sgt. Harry Traynor (Tim Thomerson in a much different role than the detective he played in the first season) uses a .22-caliber Röhm RG-24 with a suppressor when carrying out mob hits in "Change Partners and Dance" (3.02).
Sgt. Harry Traynor (Tim Thomerson) carries a Beretta 92SB in a shoulder holster in "Change Partners and Dance" (3.02). Drug lord Bogota (Marco Rodriguez) owns a Beretta 92SB as his personal defense weapon, fighting over it with Hunter's informant "Sporty" James (Garrett Morris) until Sporty eventually gets ahold of it in "Love, Hate, and Sporty James" (3.08). Angie Hobarts (Lar Park-Lincoln) sneaks two loaded Berettas to Hunter (Fred Dryer) and McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) to help them escape from Hobarts' Aryan Brotherhood camp in "Bad Company" (3.11).
McCall's temporary partner in "Change Partners and Dance" (3.02), Det. Riley Causland (Robert Firth), carries an M1911A1 in a shoulder holster. Drug lord Corona (Al Israel, also known as Hector from Scarface) carries a 1911A1 in "The Castro Connection" (3.04).
Victor Santoro (Héctor Mercado), one of the drug dealers in "The Castro Connection" (3.04) carries a Smith & Wesson Model 29, using it to shoot at Hunter, who specifically refers to it as a ".44". Carlos Mariano (George DelHoyo), Curuguyan cultural attache (and brother of McCall's Season 2 rapist), carries a Model 29 when he goes in search of Hunter in "High Noon in L.A." (3.05).
Carlos Mariano: "You think this is a joke?" (flashes his Model 29 in a shoulder holster)
In "Shades" (3.22), corrupt FBI Special Agent Ringerman (Jared Martin) carries a stainless Colt Python with a 4" barrel. Manolo Torres, one of the drug dealers in "The Castro Connection" (3.04), also has a stainless 4"-barreled Python, which Hunter (Fred Dryer) picks up and inspects.
The Mauser C96, referred to by Hunter (Fred Dryer) by its nickname, the "broomhandle" Mauser, is referenced often in "The Castro Connection" (3.04) and is shown to be the gun of Neil Jordan (John Beck), a DEA agent who may or may not be working undercover. The weapon is used to kill Manolo Torres, identified by the bullet. Once a police examiner tells Hunter that the bullet was 7.63 millimeter, Hunter states "The only gun I know that uses that caliber is a 'broomhandle' Mauser; very rare, should be easy to trace."
Although never seen clearly, Neil Jordan (John Beck) uses a Smith & Wesson Model 15 as his DEA-issued sidearm in "The Castro Connection" (3.04). One of Bogota's henchmen in "Love, Hate, and Sporty James" (3.08) also has a Model 15.
Sheila Burke (Lauren Tewes) keeps a Walther PP as her target pistol, giving it to Jeffrey Wyatt (Timothy Patrick Murphy) when he fears for his life in "True Confessions" (3.07). She describes it to Hunter and McCall incorrectly as a "Walther PPK" when really it is the older longer-barreled PP model. The assassin who kills Susie Q (Kelly Andrus) and nearly paralyzes McCall in "Hot Pursuit, Pt. 1" (3.20) uses a suppressed PP.
Jed Wilcox (Clabe Hartley) carries a Beretta 92SB-C in "The Cradle Will Rock" (3.13). The 92SB-C is a compact version of the 92SB that was produced between 1981 and 1991. It has a magazine capacity of thirteen rounds.
Sam Pruitt (John Hancock) carries a .357 Magnum Smith & Wesson Model 13 in "The Cradle Will Rock" (3.13). His two thugs carry identical-looking Smith & Wesson Model 10 revolvers with heavy barrels. Wally Grimes (J.E. Freeman) shoots at Hunter in "Crossfire" (3.19) with a Model 13.
A common mistake seen on Hunter is the erroneous use of revolvers with suppressors. Rena Farrell (Lydia Cornell), the model/assassin hired by Max Crane to kill Hunter in "Straight to the Heart" (3.13), carries a suppressed Hi-Standard Sentinel Revolver.
Rod Moody (Paul Lieber) uses a Smith & Wesson Model 66 Snub to shoot and kill McCall's husband, Det. Sgt. Stephen J. McCall (Franc Luz), in a 1982 flashback in "Requiem for Sergeant McCall" (3.14). During the same episode, David Lawrence (Jeff Kaake) holds a similar weapon on his stepfather Roger Duquesne.
Mob boss "Big Mick" Shaughnessy (Joseph Mascolo) carries an early snubnose Smith & Wesson Model 64 in "Shades" (3.22). A similar weapon had been handled in "Requiem for Sergeant McCall" (3.14) by Julie Lawrence (Leslie Hope).
McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) carries a third-generation blued Colt Detective Special as her backup/off-duty weapon in "Requiem for Sergeant McCall" (3.14), carrying it while arresting Julie Lawrence. Lt. Ambrose Finn (John Shearin) uses a nickel third-generation Detective Special when he teams up with McCall in "Crossfire" (3.19).
Another Soviet agent in Los Angeles carries a suppressed Ruger Mk I in "The Girl Next Door" (3.16). In "A Child Is Born" (3.18), Former Las Vegas PD Det. Sgt. Nick Roncoe (Allen Keller) uses a Ruger Mk I with an attached suppressor to carry out several attempted assassinations.
The Beverly Hills police officers (including one played by Randy Kovitz) aim Smith & Wesson Model 19 revolvers when arresting Hunter in "Hot Pursuit, Pt. 2" (3.21).
The LAPD SWAT team carries mostly M16 rifles with thirty round magazines and M16A1 bird cage flash hiders. Most of the terrorists in the National Aryan Brotherhood in "Bad Company" (3.11) use them with mostly twenty-round magazines, including Harold Hobarts (Dean Stockwell) and his henchmen Lew (Sonny Gibson) and Randy (Big John Studd).
During the gun store robbery at the beginning of "Bad Company" (3.11), several Browning BAR Safari semi-automatic rifles are seen in racks around the store, as well as a multitude of other long arms.
One of the Australian crime boss's ranch hands in "Down and Under" (3.12) carries a scoped Winchester Model 70 that he hands over to Hunter (Fred Dryer), who uses it to shoot down the plane.
Another of the Australian crime boss's ranch hands carries a lever rifle that appears to be a Winchester Model 1892 in "Down and Under" (3.12). CIB Detective Woodward (Anthony LaPaglia) takes it and uses it to apprehend the criminals.
Karl (Robert Miano), another hitman hired by Max Crane in "Straight to the Heart" (3.13) tries to kill Hunter with a semi-automatic rifle, one of the many in the collection seen on his wall. The rifle appears to be a Heckler & Koch HK770.
When Tony Melendez (Sal Lopez) goes into hiding in "Overnight Sensation" (3.01), he takes a Colt Mk IV Series 70 and a Mossberg 500 with him. Several LAPD officers who serve as backup when McCall and Lt. Finn raid the Colombian import warehouse in "Crossfire" (3.19) carry Mossbergs also.
McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) carries a Remington 870 shotgun when apprehending Victor and Neil Jordan in their hideout in "The Castro Connection" (3.04). The gun store owner in "Bad Company" (3.11) fires a Remington 870 he keeps under the counter at the Aryan Brotherhood terrorists who robbed him. One of the LAPD SWAT team officers busting the Soviet agents in "The Girl Next Door" (3.13) fires a Remington 870 at them.
Dwayne Hatch holds a Double Barreled Shotgun with exposed hammers on Lt. Finn when meeting him in "Bad Company" (3.11). Jack (Roy Summerset), a ranch hand in "Down and Under" (3.12), hands his shotgun to the constable in Northern Territory, who in turn gives it to CIB detective Evans (Michael Preston).
Det. Sgt. Dee Dee McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) carries a Remington 870 Folding Stock when she and the SWAT team saves Hunter from the Soviet agents in "The Girl Next Door" (3.16).