Evita is a 1996 musical drama film, adapted from Andrew Lloyd Webber's 1978 musical about the life of Eva Perón, the wife of Argentine President Juan Perón and First Lady of Argentina. The film is directed by Alan Parker and stars Madonna as Eva Perón, Jonathan Pryce as Juan Perón, and Antonio Banderas as Che who acts as the film's narrator.
The following weapons were used in the film Evita:
In the scene of the 1943 Argentine coup d'etat, some soldiers are armed with Halcón submachine guns. The guns themselves are unclear but the Halcón Modelo 1943 seems to be the best guess.
1893 Spanish Mausers are the most commonly seen rifle in the hands of Argentine soldiers. As many scenes with mass amounts of extras were filmed not in Argentina but in Hungary, the usage of Spanish rifles may be explained by the insufficient number of available 1909 Argentine Mausers (though some rifles of correct model appear on screen, see below).
In the scene when the members of the overthrown government are sent into exile, military police personnel hold short rifles that are supposed to be 1909/20 Carbines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingArgentine Mauser M1909/26 Cavalry Carbine - 7.65 x 53mm MauserError creating thumbnail: File missingMP personnel hold short Mauser rifles with turned down bolt handles. The general look, especially the shape of the business end of the barrel, allows to identify the rifles as 1909/26 carbines.
Mauser short rifles/carbines
Mauser short rifles and carbines of unclear models are briefly seen in several scenes.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA soldier in center holds a Mauser carbine of unclear model, most likely some Mauser 1898 derivative.Error creating thumbnail: File missingError creating thumbnail: File missingMP personnel arrest General Perón. They carry Mauser short rifles. The rifle at the right has a visible auxiliary bayonet lug, but it looks different from a 1909 rifle. Note the definitely empty holster on the belt of an MP - it is a British pattern for Webley and Enfield revolvers.
Machine Guns
Browning M1917
In the scene of the 1943 Argentine coup d'etat, Argentine Navy sailors use a Browning M1917 machine gun in the battle for the Navy Petty-Officers School of Mechanics, the most violent episode of the event.
Two unidentified machine guns, mounted on motorcycles, are very briefly seen in one scene. They are likely of different models as the barrels are quite different.
Two FV721 Fox armored reconnaissance vehicles are used in the movie. This vehicle was never used by Argentine military. The decommissioned armored cars have their RARDEN autocannons removed and replaced with mockup short-barreled cannons that makes the vehicles distantly resemble the Panhard AML with 90mm cannon (the AML was really used in Argentina but of course later than 1943).
A Skoda 100mm M1914 field howitzer is seen when soldiers and police suppress a street riot. This weapon was issued by Austro-Hungarian Army as 10cm M.14 Feldhaubitze and widely used during The Great War. While the howitzer was never supplied to Argentina, the scene was probably filmed in Hungary where old Austro-Hungarian weapons are available.