The A-Team is an American action television series that aired on NBC from 1983-1988. The show followed the adventures of a US Special Forces team who were convicted of a military crime they didn't commit. After escaping from a maximum security prison, they survive as soldiers of fortune in the Los Angeles underground. The show was known for its numerous gunfights where nearly no one was shot, and for its car chases where everyone is able to get out of their vehicles even after they experienced spectacular crashes. A theatrical adaptation of the show starring Liam Neeson was released in 2010.
The following weapons were used in the television series The A-Team:
The Browning Hi-Power is one of the handguns frequently used by Col. John "Hannibal" Smith.
Colt M1911
The M1911 and many variants are carried at various times by A-Team members, U.S. Military Police pursuing the A-Team, and various bad guys.
Nickel Plated Colt Lawman MK III
Used in the first 6 episodes of Season 2 by Lt. Templeton "Faceman" Peck (Dirk Benedict). He then switches it out for the S&W Model 29 in The Taxicab Wars.
CO2 Pistol
A CO2 pistol is used to fire tranquilliser darts in The Court Martial Part 3: Firing Line.
These appear to have the early "Slimline" forearms featured on older versions of the MP5.
Intratec AB-10
Intratec TEC-9
Seen used by Robert Davi in an episode. Also, TEC-9 Mini blued carried by Hannibal in at least 1 episode.
The MAC-10 appears in two guises in the series. Both as itself (in a specific instance where Hannibal discovers it in a weapons cache inside a limo - complete with what appears to be a Psionics suppressor) and in a "fake Uzi" mode much like The Dogs of War with fake Uzi furniture mounted on the barrel and receiver. If memory serves the "front sight" of the Uzi was actually upside down!!!
Ruger Mini 14 Stainless version with Folding stock
When the show began its full run in 1984, the producers decided not to have the team use different weapons every week, primarily due to budget concerns. (Let's face it, it was a cheap show). Beginning with its second season, the A-Team favored the Ruger Mini-14 with a factory folding stock in Stainless steel. Contrary to popular belief, these were not the fully automatic Ruger AC556 rifles, but the Semi auto only Ruger Mini 14 with folding stocks. Close examination of the show reveals that the actors are pulling the triggers quickly and only a few spent brass casing as flying out, despite the sound effects of full auto fire. Also the cuts in editing, showing bullet squibs and 'dust hits' against the ground and buildings, created the illusion of full auto firing Ruger rifles. Since Americans had not yet been exposed to 'assault weapon bans' being that this was the mid 1980s, the title 1 classified Ruger rifles were easy to transport across state and local lines with no paperwork hassles. The rifles were actually purchased for the show and were kept on permanent storage in the show's props containers during the show's run.
-- The question remains...what's that handgun B.A. is holding in this shot?
-- Could it be a Walther PPK?
AKM´s can be seen is during the Season 4 finale The Sound Of Thunder, used by North Vietnamese ground troops.
Daewoo K2
Used in numerous episodes, notably by Murdock in Season 4's "Wheel of Fortune".
IMI Galil
Used by U.S. Military Police pursing the A-Team, by A-Team members themselves, and various bad guys.
Err, I almost forgot...some could have been earlier-model M16s or AR15 Sporters, but I don't remember anymore.
M16A1 with faux M203 Grenade Launcher
During the Season 4 finale The Sound Of Thunder Hannibal(George Peppard) can be seen pulling a M16A1/SP1 with a mock-up M203 from Murdocks(Dwight Schultz) bag.
Norinco Type 56-2
Ruger Mini-14
The Ruger Mini-14 is used mostly by bad guys in a multitude of episodes.
One can also spot a couple of AC556 with their characteristic bayonet lugs earlier in the same episode.
Steyr AUG
Thompson Submachine Gun
Used in the two-parters Judgement Day and Mexican Slayride.
One of the thugs uses a Thompson M1928A1 in The Out-Of-Towners.
(Fake) XM177
If someone can get a clearer screenshot, please go ahead and replace this one.
Winchester Model 1892
A wide variety of lever action rifles can be seen in The A-Team, including a Winchester Model 1892.
Earlier in the same episode a weapon rack can be seen in the sheriffs office with multiple other shotguns. The bartender in The Out-Of-Towners uses a Ithaca 37 with sawed-off stock and barrel.
Charles Parker 1878 Double Barreled Shotgun
Sniper Rifles
Winchester Model 70
The Winchester Model 70 is used in various episodes, notably in Season 2's Diamonds ´N Dust.
Machine Guns
M14E2 Light Machine Gun
This weapon is featured only once, during the final Season 1 episode.
The M60 was the regular squad support weapon in the series, always used by Hannibal Smith (George Peppard) and rarely by B.A. Baracus (Mr. T) even though he would of been the obvious choice but more often was relegated to using a chrome Smith & Wesson 639 automatic pistol.
M60 Rubber props
In the episode Cowboy George the viewer watches as two M60 are caught in just as many explosions. It should be pointed out that these aren't actual firing props.