Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith (Liam Neeson) carries a Para-Ordnance S14-45 Limited and uses it throughout the film. There is a slight continuity error in the beginning: The P-14 that Tuco's henchman tries to kill Hannibal with has six front slide serrations, but the one Hannibal uses after that (also for the rest of the film) has only three. This means that one of the P-14s used on-set was older than the other.
Various U.S. Army soldiers use Beretta 92FS pistols throughout the film, including members of Lt. Sosa's Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) team. Agent Kyle (Kyle Riefsnyder) pulls a Beretta on Pike (Brian Bloom) in Frankfurt, Germany but then clumsily tries to affix what he calls a "European silencer" onto the Beretta, while holding the loaded pistol between his knees and pointed at his own head, before which he had dropped the suppressor on the floor while chambering the pistol. Meanwhile, an exasperated Pike corrects him by saying that it's a suppressor, and also reminds him it threads on counterclockwise. Pike disarms the agent and hands the gun to the other agent sitting on his right side; that agent then awkwardly holds the gun against his head while trying to cover his ear during a phone call. Pike also has a Beretta 92FS in his tactical vest during the harbor shootout in the climax.
Brock Pike (Brian Bloom, the film's writer) uses a SIG-Sauer P226 pistol when he kills the rest of his Black Forest guys in Baghdad, and while pursuing the A-Team in Frankfurt. Lynch (Patrick Wilson) also carries a P226 throughout the film and is seen pulling it on Pike in the car in Frankfurt.
Lieutenant Templeton "Face" Peck (Bradley Cooper) uses a Glock 17 as his sidearm throughout the film. In addition to his Glock 17, he carries a Walther P99 in a cross-draw holster during the Baghdad mission.
A Remington 870 is used by a US Army MP during the escape of Sgt. Bosco "B.A." Baracus. There is also a Remington 870 Slug Gun with synthetic furniture and an extended tube magazine seen in the hands of one of General Tuco's men.
CIA Special Activities Division/Special Operations Group agents and U.S. Army soldiers both use Heckler & Koch MP5A3 submachine guns during the film's finale.
Lynch (Patrick Wilson) uses a Heckler & Koch MP5K in the film's finale. Like Pike's stockless SG 552, it's fitted with a single-point sling, allowing the user to pull the gun tight against the sling for additional support in place of an actual stock.
A guard at the bank during the exchange of the printing plates carries a Heckler & Koch MP7 submachine gun. It is hard to see due to being a black gun held in front of a black trench coat. An MP7 is also used by a CIA SAD/SOG agent at the harbor in the film's finale.
The classic Ruger Mini-14 with a factory folding stock in stainless steel is used by Col. "Hannibal" Smith to rescue Face in Mexico. This was done as a tribute to the original TV series where the Mini-14 was a favorite of the A-Team.
Col. John "Hannibal" Smith and Lt. Templeton "Face" Peck are both seen using M4A1 Carbines with tan furniture, Magpul CTR stocks and vertical foregrips during their final mission in Baghdad. Hannibal's M4A1 has an EOTech XPS sight while Face's has an Aimpoint M4S. Face also wields an M4A1 in the harbor shootout in the climax.
Pike (Brian Bloom) carries a SIG SG 552 with a micro red-dot sight and a foregrip while pursuing the A-Team in Frankfurt. The rifle's stock has been removed and replaced with a sling, allowing Pike to conceal the weapon under his jacket. Pike can be seen reloading the rifle at least four separate times throughout the chase.
Pike uses a Heckler & Koch G36K fitted with rails and a foregrip during the film's finale. This weapon is also carried by Black Forest contractors in Iraq and by a CIA SAD/SOG agent during the film's finale.
An F-22 Raptor defending US airspace in the prologue is seen armed with an M61 Vulcan cannon. American F-18 Hornets in Germany (actually Canadian CF-18 Hornets) are also armed with Vulcans.
Face uses a Browning M2HB machine gun mounted on an M8 Buford light tank (which in reality never entered service with the US military) to shoot down an attacking MQ-9 Reaper UAV; the Buford and Reapers are both referred to by name. The Reapers themselves are armed with an exaggerated loadout of eight AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles, along with a fictional internal machine gun (possibly a pair), the muzzle flash appearing under the nose near where the drone's camera is.
An M249 SAW Paratrooper is seen carried by a "Black Forest" contractor early in the film. Note that since this film was shot in and around Vancouver, this could also be a Daewoo K3 mocked up as an M249.
An AC-130 sent to eliminate the A-Team uses its Bofors cannon to utterly demolish a large building. The AC-130 is also armed with an M102 howitzer and GAU-12/U rotary cannon. Watching the live footage, Lynch comments "Wow, that's awesome. It looks exactly like Call of Duty, doesn't it?".
A Mk 19 Grenade Launcher fitted with a night-vision scope is briefly seen used by the CIA team at the port. It's implied to be what causes many secondary explosions on the cargo ship, though it's not explicitly seen firing, nor are tracers visible.