Bright (2017) is a 2017 Netflix original fantasy crime film set in an alternate present reality where humans and magical creatures such as elves, fairies and orcs coexist. Will Smith stars as Daryl Ward, a veteran LAPD officer who is partnered with the Department's first Orc officer, Nick Jakoby (Joel Edgerton). The film was directed by David Ayer, the director of such films as Fury and End of Watch and who also directed Smith in 2016's Suicide Squad, and was written by Max Landis, the son of director John Landis and the screenwriter of the film Chronicle. The film was released on Netflix on December 22, 2017.
The following weapons were used in the film Bright (2017):
The Glock 17 is the standard issue sidearm for LAPD officers in the film, including Daryl Ward (Will Smith) and Nick Jakoby (Joel Edgerton). Both officers have Surefire X300 weaponlights attached to them.
A Ruger SP101 is briefly seen on Daryl's bed as he awakes.
Smith & Wesson 629
A Smith & Wesson 629 revolver is used by the gas station clerk (Greg Joung Paik). After he is shot, Daryl (Will Smith) takes the revolver and uses it during the shootout with Leilah and her henchmen.
Standard Manufacturing DP-12
Standard Manufacturing DP-12 shotguns are used by federal agents from the Department of Magic. A DP-12 with a reflex sight is later retrieved from a fallen agent and used by Daryl (Will Smith) and Nick (Joel Edgerton).
Mossberg 500 Cruiser
At the film's beginning, an orc uses a Mossberg 500 Cruiser with a heatshield to shoot at Daryl.
Remington 870
Several variants of the Remington 870 shotgun are seen in the film.
Remington 870 (Police Extended)
The standard shotguns for LAPD officers in the film are Remington 870 Police shotguns, fitted with Surefire dedicated forend weaponlight grips and an extended magazine tube. Both Daryl and Nick use the shotgun.
Remington 870 (Extended Mag Tube)
LA Sheriff's Deputy Rodriguez (Jay Hernandez) is armed with a Remington 870 with an extended magazine tube.
Remington 870 (Folding Stock)
A Remington 870 with the folding stock removed is used by Daryl. He hands the shotgun off to Nick after picking up the DP-12.
Remington 870 (Short Barrel)
A custom Remington 870 is seen in the hands of one of Poison's gangsters.
Serbu Super Shorty
A gangster uses a Serbu Super Shorty during the shootout at the strip club.