Fury is a 2014 World War II film starring Brad Pitt as a US Army tank commander fighting during the closing months of the war in Europe. The film was directed by David Ayer and the cast includes Logan Lerman, Jon Bernthal, Michael Pena, and Shia LaBeouf. The film's production went to great lengths to provide accurate weaponry and armor for the period, including utilizing the only working Tiger tank left in existence.
The following weapons were used in the film Fury (2014):
Staff Sergeant Don "Wardaddy" Collier (Brad Pitt) carries a Smith & Wesson M1917 revolver with custom plexiglass "sweetheart" grips as his sidearm throughout the film. He is notably seen using this revolver to coax Norman Ellison (Logan Lerman) into killing a German soldier.
At the beginning of the film, "Wardaddy" is seen holding what appears to be a Luger P08 that was presumably taken from the German officer on horseback that he killed. The film's script also says that the German carried a Luger.
Grady "Coon-Ass" Travis (Jon Bernthal), Boyd "Bible" Swan (Shia LaBeouf), and other US soldiers use the M1A1 Thompson. It should be noted that the profusion of submachine guns in a tank is actually historically accurate and not an invention of Hollywood. A Thompson was issued along with every tank as part of the armament, and a long-service crew like Fury's who had used several tanks over the years could easily accumulate several.
The MP40 was the most common submachine gun of the German army during WWII. In the film, it is used by the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS, mostly wielded by officers. Interestingly, some American soldiers are also seen using captured MP40s.
Staff Sergeant Don "Wardaddy" Collier (Brad Pitt) carries a captured Sturmgewehr 44 throughout the film, likely commandeered from a German soldier. The Sturmgewehr 44 was the first such rifle to be termed an "assault rifle" and was introduced by the German army late in the war. When it is first shown, it is missing its front sight hood, but is seen with it in every scene afterwards. Near the end of the film, several German SS troops also use the Sturmgewehr 44 as well. "Bible" (Shia LaBeouf) also acquires one temporarily.
The Browning M1919A4 machine gun is mounted on the Fury M4 Sherman tank. The Fury also mounts two more M1919s; one in a coaxial mount next to the M1A1C 76mm main gun, and another mounted in the bow of the hull. Norman Ellison (Logan Lerman) operates the bow-mounted M1919A4 throughout the film and Grady "Coon-Ass" Travis (Jon Bernthal) operates the coaxial M1919A4. Boyd "Bible" Swan (Shia LaBeouf) also uses the coaxial M1919A4 in the climax battle. During said battle, a case rupture destroys the coaxial M1919A4 so the crew dismounts the M1919A4 atop the tank to replace it. One of US soldiers assaulting the town wields a Browning M1919A4 and fires it from the hip. Note that having two machine guns atop the turret is very unusual for Sherman tanks; they were sent initially with a single Browning M2HB, switched briefly to an M1919 on a low-profile mount before reverting back to the M2 due to experiences in the field. It's possible they kept the M1919 during a transitional period.
The Browning M2HB heavy machine gun is mounted on M4 Sherman tanks, including the Fury. "Wardaddy" (Brad Pitt) uses this machine gun in the final battle, where it has dramatic effect on human targets.
The Tiger I tank has a mounted MG34 on its bow and would also have one as a coaxial machine gun mounted to the right of the main 88mm KwK 36 cannon. A short clip during the credits shows a German soldier firing an MG34.
Several German grenadiers are seen using Panzerfaust anti-tank recoilless weapons. Early in the film, a Hitler Youth soldier uses one to take out a Sherman tank.
An abandoned 88mm FlaK 36 divisional anti-tank cannon can be seen in one shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingGerman FlaK 36 (note two-piece barrel with locking collar) - 88x571mmRError creating thumbnail: File missingThe FlaK 36 can be seen in the background: note the bulge indicating the locking collar of the two-piece 36 barrel. A 7.5 cm Pak 40 can be seen in the foreground.
Note: All American M4A3 variants portrayed in the film are actually British M4A2, though the only difference between M4A3s and M4A2s is the engine deck cover and that M4A2s run on diesel rather than gasoline. Of the Shermans, only the Fury tank was acquired from the Bovington Tank Museum in England.
M4A2E8 Sherman
This is the Sherman tank used in the film for the titular tank Fury. Fury is supposed to represent the M4A3E8 variant (also known as the M4A3 (76) W HVSS Sherman) with the HVSS system and a 76mm M1A2 gun which comes with a muzzle brake to further distinguish it from other Shermans. It is commanded by Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier (Brad Pitt). In addition to the real tank, two mockups were also constructed for close-up filming of the actors. The M4A2E8 was donated by the Bovington Tank Museum in England and can still be seen there with all of its film set-up still.
The Lucy Sue, one of the tanks in Wardaddy's platoon, appears to be an A2 model with a 75mm M3 gun. It seems to be one of the early models given the protruding crew hatches on the glacis. It is commanded by Sgt. Davis (Brad William Henke).
Old Phyllis is an M4A1(76)W Sherman tank, given the full cast hull from its rounded body shape. It is fitted with a 76mm M1A1 gun, which does not have a muzzle brake like Fury. It is commanded by Sgt. Peterson (Kevin Vance).
Matador is an M4(105)HVSS with a T23 turret and 76mm M1A1 gun. It is commanded by Lt. Parker (Xavier Samuel). The M4(105)HVSS also doubles as Fury in scenes where the actual tank died on the set.
Murder Inc. is an M4A4 Sherman tank with a 75mm M3 gun. It is distinguishable from the greater distances between the bogies on the suspension. It is commanded by Sgt. Binkowski (Jim Parrack). This is an unusual Sherman variant to be commanded by a US tank crew as the M4A4 Sherman variant is usually loaned to other Allied countries in the Lend-Lease Act.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMurder Inc. far left in the tank platoon.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMurder Inc. to the left of Fury. The M4A4 difference from the other Shermans is the greater distance between the bogies (where the wheels are) and the longer back part, which are both easily seen here.
Tiger I Ausf. E
The majority of Tiger tanks seen in the World War II films prior to Fury were either stock footage or mock-ups constructed from other tank chassis. The Tiger seen in Fury is a real World War II Tiger Ausf. E, number 131, loaned from the Bovington Tank Museum in England like the other tanks seen in the film. While there are several actual Tiger tanks still in existence, this particular Tiger is unique as it is the only Tiger I tank left running in the world (largely achieved by Bovington cannibalizing spares from the engine of their Tiger II). This is the first time Tiger 131 has been used in a feature film. Its German commander is played by David Rae, one of film's technical advisers on tank warfare. Its cannon is the infamous 8.8 cm KwK 36 gun.
At the beginning of the film, a German officer on horseback passes what appears to be a disabled German Panther Ausf. D tank. It would have the 7.5 cm KwK 42 gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPanzerkampfwagen V Ausf. G "Panther", for comparision.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe tank seen here appears to be a German Panther. Its an Ausf. D due to the commander's drum cupola shape, plus with the top-swinging hatch rather than a side-swing one seen on later variants.
Panzer IV Ausf. H
At the beginning of the film, a German officer on horseback passes what appears to be a disabled German Panzer IV Ausf. H tank. It would have the 7.5 cm KwK 40 L/48 gun.
A Jagdpanzer 38(t) "Hetzer" can be seen very briefly during the scene before "Wardaddy" breaks down. It would have the 7.5 cm Pak 39 gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Hetzer" in the background behind the marching soldiers. This image shows the right bulge on the hull where the cannon would be and the small black slit to the left of the cannon is a viewing port.