Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/ShotgunsHot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Shotguns - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesHot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Shotguns
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Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Shotguns
From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Revision as of 06:11, 9 September 2023 by VladVladson(talk | contribs)(→Over-Under Shotgun: Noted the one trigger, since that detail SLIGHTLY narrows down possible options (assuming it's not just a generic over/under))
Shotguns in H3 are split into four categories, based primarily on their feeding/reloading system; there are break-actions, tube-fed shotguns, and shotguns that feed from detachable magazines. The exception to this is the Winchester Model 1887 in all its forms; this is instead placed in its own category of lever-action shotguns.
Baikal MP-155K
Added in the firearms drop in Update #59's ninth alpha build, the Baikal MP-155K (a semi-automatic, magazine-fed sporting shotgun of Russian origin) makes its first documented media appearance in H3VR.
The Benelli M2 Super 90 was added in Update #90. Two variants are available: a "Tactical" version with a fixed stock/pistol grip, a 7-round magazine tube, and an M-LOK handguard with rails attached, and a "Threegun" version with a straight stock, a 28" barrel, and a 10-round magazine tube (the highest capacity of any single shotgun magazine tube in the game); both have aftermarket bolt release buttons, bolts, and charging handles.
The Beretta DT11 is one of the 4 shotguns added in Update #15. Following Update #46, 2 new variants were added - one with a shortened set of barrels, and one with further-shortened barrels and a cut-down stock.
The "Baby's First Boomstick" is one of the April Fools guns added in Alpha 2 of Update #102. The basic gist is that it is a SPAS-12-like shotgun that somehow merged with a Fisher Price pop-up toy; the weapon was inspired by one of Kommander Karl's tactical reload videos where he takes mundane objects and "reloads" them as if they are firearms.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Baby's First Boomstick, fresh from the wrapping paper. Gifts like these are why you should always have a baby shower.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEven if you're not actually having a kid. If they ask where it is a few months later, just get really sad and quiet - shuts 'em up every time.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the BFB is a rather unusual process - first, push all the buttons (each one putting out a pitch-varied "erp")...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and then load a shell into each one of the loading ports.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEach one accepts the shell with a similar "erp", and promptly closes itself.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRacking the charging handle chambers a shell (one of the same short 12-gauge shells as the MAG-7); the front loading port can then be re-opened to get a fifth round in, though the weapon's intended users probably aren't quite ready to understand that yet.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn a similar vein, it was designed without such complex, child-confusing systems as a set of sights. Or the provision to mount one. Or a safety.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt does, however, have a standoff muzzle device, so that the Baby's First Boomstick can be used for a Baby's First Door-Breaching Exercise. To keep things safe, this isn't done the same way as a real one - after all, real doors would be too dangerous.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile you're at it, why not try Baby's First Prisoner Execution?Error creating thumbnail: File missingDon't worry, this is safe too - through the use of advanced Not-A-Bug technology, pellets are projected well past the actual muzzle, so there's no risk of any melons getting hurt by-Error creating thumbnail: File missing"ATTENTION ALL SITE PERSONNEL. A BABY HAS BREACHED CONTAINMENT IN SECTOR 6. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. ALL PERSONNEL MUST EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. SECURITY FORCES HAVE BEEN DISPATCHED."
Cobray Terminator
The (in)famous Cobray Terminator was added in the second experimental build of Update #102, marking the weapon's first known media appearance; in reference to its real-world reputation, it goes by the less-than-flattering name "Worst Shotgun Ever Made" in-game. No, seriously, that's the actual in-game name.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingCobray Terminator - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingYep, here it is.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA steel-and-plastic jumble of poor decisions, only ultimately successful in helping to terminate its own manufacturer's business.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExtending the simple wire stock; quite comfortable, by absolutely nobody's account.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the Terminator is a rather strange affair; it starts by taking the cocking handle on the left side of the receiver, and pushing it forward. In-game, this is accompanied by the depression of the locking lug on the right side (albeit not quite far enough, causing it to clip into the receiver); in reality, this had to be done manually as well.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOnce all the way forward, the handle can then be twisted upwards into a Sten-esque safety notch.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWith the safety engaged, one can also get a good look at exactly how the weapon works. It is essentially a more advanced version of the slam-bang shotguns people make out of drainpipes, with the large spring wrapped around the barrel pushing it backwards and forcing the loaded shell into a fixed firing pin at the back of the receiver when the sear drops (as shown here - though the barrel is rather obviously not moving, since the cocking handle (directly attached to the barrel) is held forward by the safety notch); when the barrel goes into battery, the locking lug shown a couple screenshots ago locks against the ejection port to prevent the breech from opening, keeping the weapon (ostensibly) safe. The end result is, in effect, an open-bolt mechanism in reverse - instead of pushing a fixed firing pin on the bolt towards a chambered round, the Terminator pushes a chambered round towards a fixed firing pin in the receiver.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a slug shell; this is probably not the greatest idea, given that slugs (and heavy-recoiling shells in general) have been known to forcibly collapse the Terminator's stock and slam the receiver into the shooter's face. Hence the word "ostensibly".Error creating thumbnail: File missingDisregarding safety, and disengaging it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim at a distant window; the Terminator's rifle-style front sight (a tall front post, with protective wings to match) is accompanied in the rear by absolutely nothing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring; while the game can't accurately represent the Terminator's uncomfortable ergonomics, it can duplicate its notorious recoil - the fact that the entire barrel slams backward as it fires makes it kick substantially more than a conventional shotgun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling the cocking handle forward again extracts the shell, but doesn't actually eject it from the receiver.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTo do that, simply tip the weapon over. No, seriously.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDeciding to forsake all sensible... everything, and attempting a breach-and-clear drill with the Terminator. Suffice it to say, failing to break the lock in one shot (or deciding to shoot out the doorknob as well, or going for the hinges instead) makes this a somewhat uncomfortably time-consuming procedure.Error creating thumbnail: File missingActually encountering an enemy can also turn rather awkward if the first shot doesn't do the job; while this could be said of a conventional single-shot shotgun as well, they at least have a reasonably quick reloading procedure.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn such a circumstance, the Terminator can at least be relied upon as one thing: a large, heavy chunk of metal.
Crye Precision SIX12
The Crye Precision SIX12 was added in Update #90. It is the second revolver shotgun (not including the MTs 255 sawn-off) added in the game, and the first with a detachable cylinder. It is referred to in-game as the "P6Twelve".
Added in the 2019 Meatmas update, the Daewoo USAS-12 is H3's fourth fully-automatic shotgun, though only its second non-fictional one (and the second one with a stock).
Update #105 Alpha 1 brought along the ENARM Pentagun, a Brazilian prototype revolving shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingENARM Pentagun - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingNot content with having 3 revolving shotguns, H3 opted to add a fourth. Just for good measure.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the other side; this has the unintended side effect of causing the muzzle brake to achieve apotheosis.Error creating thumbnail: File missingYanking it back down to the realm of the profane with the aid of the frame hinge; setting it apart from the game's other revolving shotguns, the Pentagun is a top-break design.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt also comes with a speedloader, naturally; this was actually added (albeit not quite functionally) in a previous experimental build, and also works with the much-earlier-added MTs255. Here, the device's complement of 12-gauge flechette shells have just reached the point where they move from the loader to the cylinder.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSnapping the shotgun shut with a sharp jerk of the arm; this is probably not the best way to do it, especially given that exactly one of these things was ever built. Which, incidentally, means that half of the game's revolving shotguns can easily be acquired in greater numbers than ever actually existed.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming; the sights are relatively simple, but good enough for most conventional shotgun applications. Even if they do blend in with the target a bit.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLetting some flechettes fly, which (fortunately enough) only slightly disrupts the sight picture.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEmptying out the cylinder; not only is the Pentagun unique among the game's revolving shotguns for being break-action, it's also unique among the game's break-action revolvers for not featuring an automatic extractor - instead, the charging-handle-like ejector rod inside the carrying handle has to be pulled back, as shown here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlso of note is the Pentagun's operating mechanism; it moves the barrel back slightly with each shot (a bit like a Nagant M1895 in reverse; the resulting trigger pull may have been one of the reasons the gun didn't catch on), with one of the side effects of this being its ability to use suppressors...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...though, evidently, this ability wasn't quite put together all the way upon the weapon's initial implementation. Suffice it to say, this was later fixed.
"Four-Letter Word"
Added with the Return of the Rotweiners gamemode (on October 31st, 2018), the "Four-Letter Word" is a gamemode-exclusive weapon, serving as a reward for a quest involving clearing out a Zosig-infested mine. It is a custom (seemingly homemade) quadruple-barreled break-action shotgun, chambered in 12 gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter a long day of Zosig-killing, a reward is finally at hand.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAdmiring the prize, while pointedly ignoring an NPC's invitation to talk. Note the small lever on the side; this is a fire selector, allowing the weapon to switch between firing one barrel at a time and firing them all at once.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a close look at the barrel hinge, which shows off the weapon's home-built nature. It's not exactly clear how one is supposed to remove the hex nuts holding the forearm in place.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a look down the barrels, simultaneously showing that they're all fully-modeled inside, and that there's nothing in the center of the cluster.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in some buckshot shells, after getting kicked out of the NPC's house. No four-letter words allowed in his good Christian Minecraft server.Error creating thumbnail: File missingGiving the shotgun's tall, pointy notch-and-post iron sights a try, being sure to hold it at an invisible arm's length. Hey, can't be too careful with non-proofed barrels, especially this many.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFortunately, in spite of the visible corrosion and tool marks, this barrel works just fine.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Eat this."
Hey, what better way to celebrate one barrel working than to confidently deliver a cliché one-liner to a not-yet-dead enemy while firing out of a different un-tested barrel?Error creating thumbnail: File missingLuckily, all 4 barrels are apparently perfectly safe to use, so there's nothing to worry about. Probably.
Franchi SPAS-12
The Franchi SPAS-12 is one of the available firearms in-game, added in Update #24. 2 variants are available - a standard model with a folding stock, and a stockless model with a rail system and spare shell holder. Highly unusually for a video game, the SPAS-12's dual-mode semi-auto/pump-action functionality is depicted in H3, even more unusually with its intended purpose being exploitable (i.e. switching between semi-auto for high-pressure shells and pump-action for low-pressure ones). Unfortunately, however, the switching is performed by a simple touchpad button press on the forward hand's controller, with the pump not ever visibly moving to reflect the change in mode (always being shown in the correct position for pump-action fire, and never moving forward to switch to semi-auto); furthermore, the weapon's loading procedure is simplified, with the real weapon's requirement to hold down the bolt release in order to load shells into the magazine tube being omitted in-game.
The Franchi SPAS-15 was added on Day 22 of the Meatmas 2022 Advent Calendar event. Three variants are available: one with a long barrel and fixed stock, one with a short barrel and folding stock, and a tactical version with an even shorter barrel (fitted with a muzzle brake), a top rail in place of the carry handle, a railed pump handle, a Magpul MOE stock on a folding adaptor, and tan furniture. 3, 6, 12, and 18-round magazines are available as options.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFranchi SPAS-15 with fixed stock and long barrel - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingFranchi SPAS-15 with folding skeleton stock and long barrel - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up Day 22's box reveals not one, not two, but three new shotguns! Well, three variations on the same shotgun, but still, nothing to sneeze at.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading up the fixed-stocked SPAS, with the most restrained magazine option - a stubby little 3-rounder. Just in case you thought your T&H rolls were safe.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDisengaging the safety, while admiring the amusingly obfuscated trademarks.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the top-mounted charging handle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim at a steel target; the SPAS-15's irons are a simple notch-and-post setup, with the former nested into the top of the carrying handle, and the latter out by the forward end of the forend.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBlasting the plate with some 00 buck.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNeedless to say, 3 rounds doesn't last long, especially on semi-auto. Doubling that should help.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhether or not it does, however, will forever be lost to time. Anyway, here's the next version, and its chief distinguishing factor.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMere frames after the insertion of a 12-round magazine. This is presumably a custom job; the highest known capacity for a factory SPAS-15 magazine is 8 - an option which, amusingly enough, was not included in the box.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring a round, while noting the distinct lack of bolt cycling...Error creating thumbnail: File, unlike the previous version, this one's been set to pump-action. This uses a separate code-base from the game's other shotguns (including its previously-added dual-mode option, the SPAS-15's better-known older sibling); said code-base had a couple of since-fixed issues upon its initial release, most notably one which allowed the user to cycle the pump without dropping the hammer or pressing the manual release. Needless to say, this made running in Armswinger mode a rather quick mag-emptier, much to the chagrin of those trying to get to cover and return fire.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEven without that, it's still pretty easy to empty a 12-round mag (complete with modeled follower and witness holes) when you're having fun. Something which is definitely facilitated by actually unfolding the stock.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd, in turn, unfolding the stock is facilitated rather well by not being able to fold it all the way. As tends to happen when you stick on a stock that the gun wasn't meant to accept.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in the definitely-custom 18-round "Anaconda" magazine; as ridiculous as this mag may look, it (along with several other features of this variant) are, in fact, real.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a closer look at the custom railed forend and muzzle brake; note that the frontmost rail segment (here fitted with a tan KAC back-up front sight) is attached to the barrel/gas system, rather than the forend itself.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSwitching the weapon's firing mode also moves the handle slightly, exposing the label of the relevant mode.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim through the aforementioned KAC flip-up sights; while normally intended for rifles, the wide aperture and fine front sight make a decent combo for quick shotgun use.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCase in point. And yes, the custom dual-sided charging handle reciprocates, just like the standard version.
Heckler & Koch CAWS
The Heckler & Koch CAWS was added in Update #93. The gun fires its proprietary 12 gauge belted ammo, which according to the developer, was amplified to the degree that the designers had intended, making it one of the most powerful shotguns in the game. Like the earlier-added Heckler & Koch G11, this gun has two different variants; the original prototype, and a "TacMod" version that replaces the integrated optic with picatinny rails.
The Heckler & Koch FABARM Martial Pro Forces is one of the available firearms in-game. It was the game's first pump-action shotgun, and is tied with the Benelli M4 Super 90 for the game's first 12-gauge shotgun, both having been added in Update #6.
*Ahem* ANYWAYS, the two shotguns look more or less identical to each other, save for the bore diameter and wall thickness of their barrels.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCracking one of the shotguns open, and loading in... wait, dammit, other gun...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...there we go, loading in a 12-gauge Triple Hit shell.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCocking the shotgun's hammer.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim at a duelling tree; not exactly the sort of gun that's normally meant for this kind of target, but what're you gonna do? Come out all the way to Arizona and beat me up? I'm the one with a shotgun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring; if the hammer doesn't obscure your simple bead front sight when you do this, the recoil of a light, slim 12-gauge shotgun will.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting the now-spent shell. And no, the fact that it has an automatic ejector is not the reason that it's called the "throwback".Error creating thumbnail: File missingShoving a 20-gauge shell into the other variant; there is no 20-gauge Triple Hit shell in-game, so this is just ordinary buckshot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBlasting a trespassing watermelon; you don't need to worry about the hammer blocking your sight picture if you don't aim.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAmusingly enough, the shotgun's ejection system can be triggered before it opens all the way, so gripping the forend, pressing the unlocking lever, and giving the gun a quick shake can eject the shell without any apparent cause. Perfect for dealing with those RSOs that want you to unload whenever you move but don't let you point the muzzle at anything but the target.
High Standard Model 10A
The High Standard Model 10A, with integral 1960s flashlight, was added in Update #105's first experimental build, referred to simply as the "HS10".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHigh Standard Model 10A - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe HS10, in all its 1960s weirdness.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe opposite side; while the profile is certainly distinctive, the receiver itself is relatively simple-looking - which makes sense, as the Model 10 is essentially a bullpup-converted version of the conventional High Standard C1200.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe safety is, likewise, relatively conventional - just a simple cross-bolt at the front of the trigger guard.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in some 12-gauge shells; the rear-shifted position of the loading port makes this a somewhat awkward affair, but it's not too hard to get used to.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering one of said shells; being meant as the ideal 1960s police shotgun, it only makes sense to use the preferred combat load of the period - #4 buck. An extra shell was thrown in the magazine tube after this - more shells is always better, especially when you've only got a 4-round tube (the shorter of the two factory options; a 6-rounder that extended to the end of the barrel was also offered).Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs another consideration for police use, the HS10 was (rather forward-thinkingly) designed with flashlight use in mind; the Model 10A had an integrated flashlight in the carrying handle (as shown here), while the later Model 10B instead had a folding carry handle and a mount for a commercial Maglite. Sadly, being ahead of the curve meant being limited by the technology of the time, so both flashlight options were comically bulky by today's standards.Error creating thumbnail: File missingStepping out into the training course, and drawing a bead on (the wrong side of) an IPSC-style steel silhouette target. The sights are pretty rudimentary, but they get the job done.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDoing the job in question. One of the unfortunate side effects of a flashlight directly above the barrel is that it lights up muzzle smoke; this effect doesn't last terribly long (especially in a well-lit area), but it can still obscure a target briefly after firing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne of the distinct advantages of the flashlight, however, is its ability to highlight targets, as somewhat shown here - in hindsight, a darker map probably should've been used for this bit.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBy placing the center of the beam on a target, one can tell that the shotgun itself is pointed in roughly the same place, allowing for quick point-shooting - a bit like a crude pseudo-laser. It's not the most precise thing in the world, but it does work within relatively reasonable ranges - this system isn't unprecedented, either, with the SAS notably using MP5s with top-mounted flashlights in this manner during Operation Nimrod.Error creating thumbnail: File missing5 rounds later, and the Model 10 locks empty, prompting a quick reload...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...followed by a nice tap of the bolt release. It was a bit hard to show both the tap and the bolt at the same time; the button in question can be seen in earlier shots - it's the round button at the front of the receiver.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOf course, the HS10 brings with it certain... expectations, regardless of the explicit warning on the side of the gun to not do this exact thing. Here, the reason for that warning is apparent - firing one from the left shoulder is an excellent way to get a face full of hot brass. And plastic. And egg.
Izhmekh IZh-18
The 12 gauge version of the Izhmekh IZh-18 was added on day 2 of the Meatmas 2020 Advent Calendar event. A short-barreled 12 gauge and a 20 gauge version were later made available as well.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingIzhmekh IZh-18EM-M - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe IZh-18's weapon case; the later cases would skimp out on the perceivedly-unnecessary expense of an antigravity field generator that makes the gun float into the air and (while not shown here) spin in circles like one of the weapon platforms from Unreal Tournament.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the shotgun; the nicely-finished wooden furniture gives this hunting shotgun a very pleasing appearance.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening the IZh-18's barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading a 12 gauge flechette shell, which will come in handy against the Winter Wasteland's many autonomous enemies.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSpeak of the devil - just outside the bunker, a static drone is inching its way towards the player; they're attracted to sound, and will violently explode if they touch anything other than level geometry while moving.Error creating thumbnail: File missingShooting at the drone's red spots causes it to explode, which does some collateral damage at this short of a distance. Still, the IZh-18 gets the job done.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEmptying out the spent shell.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe two additional variants of the IZh added later that week: the 20-gauge on top, and the shorty 12-gauge below.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile the short-barreled 12-gauge variant is easy to distinguish from the original, the only way to tell whether a long-barreled IZh-18 is in 20 gauge or 12 gauge (apart from looking at the wrist menu) is to look at the thickness of the barrel walls, as seen here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming at a wall with the long 20; between its self-cocking, hammerless action, and its clear notch-and-post irons, the IZh is essentially a straight upgrade over the earlier-added "Throwback" single-shot shotgun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading a 20-gauge slug shell into the longer IZh-18...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and ejecting a 12-gauge buckshot shell from the shorter one. Note the different position of the spur behind the trigger guard; this is the IZh-18's hinge lock, which is pushed in to break the weapon open.
Kel-Tec KSG
The Kel-Tec KSG was added in Update #90, to the great joy and surprise of the many who'd requested it (and heard that, due to its dual magazine tube system, it would be impossible to implement); notably, H3VR is the first known shooter to correctly depict this system (i.e. depicting the two separate tubes as separate, rather than just treating them both as a single tube with no switching required like most games do), even allowing the user to load individual shells into the chamber by setting the selector to the middle position.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKel-Tec KSG Gen 2 with EOTech 512 sight and Magpul AFG (angled foregrip) - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingAnd he said it couldn't be done.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA cinematic shot of the muzzle, showing off the distinctive triangular front end with two magazine tubes. The furniture's gray color is a factory option; somewhat disappointingly, it is called "Tungsten Gray", and not "Dev-Texture Gray".Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading up the left-hand tube with some slugs; each tube holds 7 2 3/4" shells, as it should.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFor the impatient among you, the ammo spawning panel has an option to simply auto-fill the held object; due to the way that the KSG is coded in-game, this only fills the active tube (which is rather convenient, for this exact reason).Error creating thumbnail: File missingTo top it all off, you can flip the selector over to the middle position...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and, with the action open, load whatever specialty shell you please directly into the chamber.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDisengaging the weapon's crossbolt safety, after setting it up to match the reference image; notably, the KSG is the first shotgun in the game with a rail attached directly to the pump. While rails on moving components had been a mechanic for a while (ever since Update #52's M249 and its railed top cover), actually using them can be quite hardware-intensive, so players are generally advised against putting more than one attachment on them.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming at an idle Sosig through the attached MBUS; the engagement distance doesn't really necessitate it, but you might as well.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHey, remember that specialty shell from the chamberloading screenshot? Yeah, that was a "cannonball" shell. Essentially a firework flashbang.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSwitching over to the right-hand tube; with the selector switch in the middle position, neither magazine tube will be used, effectively turning the weapon into a single-shot breechloader.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBlasting another Sosig with some 00 buckshot (bullet trails enabled, for your viewing pleasure)...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and, following a quick tube switch, a slug.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting a spent shell. You really have to go rather impractically out of your way to see this happen, since shells come out of the same port that you load them into, but that's showbiz, baby.
Day 7 of 2018's Meatmas update added a Russian KS-23 shotgun-carbine, more specifically the pistol-gripped KS-23M variant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKS-23M - 23x75mmRError creating thumbnail: File missingDay 7's present; for a shotgun this big, you need something a little bit bigger than a rosebox. Note the supposed period of manufacture; while the KS-23 was initially developed (or perhaps began development; sources are a bit inconsistent) in 1975, it wasn't adopted for service until the eighties, and the KS-23M variant wasn't produced until 1990.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the shotgun. The slightly off-color piece on the side is a Soviet-standard dovetail rail, used for mounting sights. This is because AK-pattern rifles and their derivations have detachable upper receiver covers, making them impractical for mounting sights or rails onto. The resulting Eastern-bloc standardization of sight mounting then led to weapons like this with solid receivers also using the same side-mounted rail.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side. Come to think of it, this could make a nice backup for someone fighting for the Imperium of Man. Wonder if anyone makes 2-stage rocket slugs...Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up the action.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe in-game KS-23M can use 4 different types of shells, based on some of the real weapon's options; this is a "Баррикада" ("Barrikada", Russian for "Barricade") shell, an armor-piercing slug meant for cracking the engine blocks of cars.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSo, what better to use it on than a fragile wooden board in the shape of a hot dog?Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting a shell, after sending the hot dog target's head to the Shadow Realm. And by "the Shadow Realm", we mean an empty Home Depot parking lot at 3:32 in the morning. Either way, it's a different plane of existence.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother shell type, the "Шрапнель-25" ("Shrapnel-25"), which consists of buckshot; the "25" denotes a 25-meter effective range.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSo, of course, the ideal target must be...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...a crystal snowflake somewhere way the hell up in the sky. Note the rifle-type sights; while these might seem out of place on a pump-action shotgun, the KS-23 is somewhat unique in that its barrel is completely rifled (being made out of spare ZU-23 anti-aircraft cannon barrels), which gives it good enough accuracy with slugs to justify such a design choice. This also explains its odd designation as a "shotgun-carbine" (being a shotgun for all practical purposes, but a carbine under Russian law due to its rifled barrel), and why a 23mm shell full of buckshot has the effective range of a golf ball.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe two other shells are a bit more unique; this shell, the "Сирень-7" ("Siren-7", or "Lilac-7"), is a riot-control round...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which, in practical terms, means that it creates a cloud of CS gas on impact.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd then there's the "Звезда" ("Zvezda") round.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis one's name, which translates to "Star", is a bit more apt...Error creating thumbnail: File the effects of looking directly at either from up close are roughly the same. Another round meant for crowd control (the gun itself being initially developed for prison guards), the Star is effectively an impact-detonating flashbang grenade. Mix a few of these round types together, and you've got quite the effective CQB breaching tool. It'd be even better if its capacity wasn't a whopping 3+1.
The "KWG1" is one of the available firearms in-game, added through Update #15. It is a fictional magazine-fed full-auto shotgun, rather reminiscent of the "Bolter" weapons from the Warhammer 40K universe. It is based on an image of what seems to be some sort of stage or cosplay prop, which was then adapted into a 3D model by artist Pavel Kutejnikov. Update #105's first experimental build added a new feature in the form of attachable magazine-fed weapons; one of the flagships of this feature was a special underslung variant of the KWG1 with a cut-down pistol grip, no sights, and a female Picatinny rail on top.
The prop that the "KWG1" was based upon, which seems to have an MP5 S-E-F trigger pack. Also note the shells in the magazine; the length of the brass, the plastic-like gloss across them, and the manner in which they are stacked (parallel to each other, which wouldn't be possible with actual shotgun shells due to their rims) all point towards this being a prop, rather than an actual live-firing shotgun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter several hours of cutting, welding, and riveting, the work finally bears fruit.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading some "SWAG-12" high-explosive shells (an obvious play on the real-world FRAG-12 explosive shells) into one of the KWG1's distinctive windowed magazines. Said magazines seem to be suffering from a critical lack of springs.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSeveral shells later, it's time to load in the magazine...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...chamber a round...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and purge the realm of heretics in the name of the Emperor.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter a change of place, and a change of time, the KWG1's well-worn finish shines in the light of the (earlier version of the) item spawner.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in another magazine, this time filled with a suitably patriotic handload: "Freedomfetti" shells.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThese do exactly what you'd expect. While it's sadly not something that can be expressed through the medium of an image, firing one of these shells produces a sound like that of a paper party horn.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBack in the indoor range, our discount Space Marine prepares to screw a suppressor onto his KWG1, which demonstrates one of H3's interesting gameplay-oriented features:Error creating thumbnail: File missingUniversal suppressor compatibility. A suppressor can shrink or expand to fit any weapon, from the diminutive Beretta Jetfire to the colossal Barrett M107A1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMany updates later, the KWG1 gets... a bit smaller.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMore significantly, it gets the ability to nearly double the weight of a rifle, and put all that extra weight out front.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a magazine full of slug shells.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering one such shell. The theoretical advantage of an underslung shotgun (especially a box-magazine-fed, self-loading one) is primarily to allow for rapid, easy door-breaching; this would be much more relevant if this map still had doors in it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt doesn't, so you get this instead.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnyway, the Picatinny variant retains many of the standard version's properties; this includes the ability to affix muzzle attachments. These muzzle attachments can themselves have rails, allowing for...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...recursion. It's not technically infinitely-expandable, but you can keep adding on more shotguns until you hit either the other side of the room or 100% CPU usage.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSadly, you only have two hands, so you're limited to two mag-dumps at a time. No gun-stacking salvo shenanigans here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFurthermore, due to the way that the game handles attachable weapons (i.e. as pseudo-foregrips), you can only hold one of the attached guns at a time; to use the rest, you essentially have to "walk" your way down the stack, one gun at a time.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOnce they all run dry, you then have to walk your way back up as you yank out all the empty magazines. Which, incidentally, have (thick) modeled springs and followers; this was added back in Update #102's first alpha build.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd hey, if the Recursive KWG1 isn't sufficiently practical for you, why not try the Objective Individual Combat... Whatever-this-is? It'd almost be useful, were it not for the fact that a gun with this many attachments slows the game to a crawl upon attempting to walk anywhere with it.
Mossberg 590A1
The Mossberg 590A1 is one of the four shotguns added in Update #15, and the second pump-action shotgun added to H3 on the whole.
Day 17's gift in the Meatmas 2020 Advent Calendar event was the "MP-203", a fictional shotgun that uses the same belted 12 gauge ammunition as the Heckler & Koch CAWS, feeding from a detachable tube cluster reminiscent of the SRM Arms Model 1216 (albeit without the manual indexing capability). It has a 4-position fire selector, making it the game's first shotgun with a burst-fire setting.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe MP-203 in its case, proudly hailing from the sovereign republic of Fictional; unlike the previous Advent Calendar event, most of 2020's gifts didn't include the name of the modeler (this one being a notable exception). The magazines have a tendency to fly out of the box when it's opened.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the MP-203; the boxy upper forend with rectangular vent holes is somewhat reminiscent of the UTAS UTS-15.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHowever, as the other side shows, the receiver is more or less that of a typical autoloading shotgun, albeit rather angular (and, of course, adapted to fit the weapon's somewhat unusual layout).Error creating thumbnail: File missingTossing a magazine onto the underside of the shotgun; these have a rather large loading-detection region, causing them to "snap" into place over a longer distance than most mags, as shown here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a belted 12-gauge 000 buckshot round; at full size, the serial number ("1768909627") can be seen on the sloped portion of the upper receiver (with the last four digits repeated upside-down on the bolt), and "Cal. 12x76/12x70"/"24 SHELLS OVERALL"/"6 SHELLS EACH TUBE" on the back end of the magazine. The original model also featured a Baikal trademark on the side of the receiver, but this was removed in H3's version, for obvious reasons.Error creating thumbnail: File missingStepping out of the bunker, and setting the fire selector to semi-auto; its four positions aren't marked, likely because the original model had markings for a 3-position selector instead.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the MP-203 at a Swarm drone; this angle isn't terribly practical, but it makes for great screenshots.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPushing the selector forward into its next mode...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which comprises a devastatingly fast 3-round burst, capable of shredding almost anything in close quarters. Especially with flechette ammo.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a slug shell; given that the pointed nose of said slug comes awfully close to the end of the case, one couldn't help but worry about the possibility of chain-detonations in a tube magazine like the MP-203's. Then again, the fact that the magazines are marked as holding exactly 24 shells regardless of whether they're 2 3/4" or 3" long may suggest that the tubes have some sort of controlled-feed arrangement, which could help alleviate such issues.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlicking the selector over to full-auto; they're barely visible here, but the markings on the left side of the receiver's upper face read "MP-203-24" (implying the existence of other variants, presumably with different-sized tube clusters), "Cal. 12x76" (implying that the weapon can chamber standard 12-gauge 3" magnums in addition to its specialty belted shells (an idea backed up by the markings on the magazines), or possibly that these sorts of belted shells have become the industry standard in whatever future year this thing hails from), and "Made in Russia", implying that the MP-203 is sold on the export market.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFinally giving in and aiming properly (the Leupold LCO red-dot sight comes in the weapon's case, since it lacks irons), and letting some slugs fly at a distant Recursive encryption; the relatively low cyclic rate of the full-auto mode makes long-range use less idiotic than it may initially sound (especially given the sheer size of the target in question).
Update #55 added the much-demanded MPS AA-12 shotgun, specifically the short-barreled "CQB" model.
The MTs255 revolving shotgun was added to the game in the first Meatmas update, interestingly categorized amongst the break-action shotguns (presumably on the basis that it pivots its chambers open for direct loading and extraction, in addition to the lack of a better place for it). 2 variants are available - a standard full-length version, and a version with a sawn-off barrel and stock.
A currently unidentified Over-Under Shotgun with a single trigger was added in Update #111 Experimental Build 3. Unlike the Beretta DT11, this is chambered in 20 gauge and lacks the raised sight rib of many Over-Under shotguns.
Pancor Jackhammer
The Pancor Jackhammer was added in Update #93. According to the developer, the mechanics were "gameified" for simplicity, given that the model is based on a toolroom prototype that had to be disassembled in order to reload. This means that the cylinder magazine is simply inserted into the magwell, and the firing mechanism is closer to a double action revolver; the charging handle isn't used, and the fire selector is limited to semi-auto fire.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPancor Jackhammer (toolroom prototype) - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the Jackhammer in the aesthetically-fitting hallways of Take & Hold: Containment.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe resultant image harkens back to a bygone era of shooters, where the whole game took up less disk space than the sum of all this article's images - and we thought that was a lot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a look at one of the Jackhammer's "cassettes" (not to be confused with the actual cassettes that were used back in the aforementioned era of games); from a mechanical standpoint, this is a detachable revolver cylinder (which means that, in-game, it re-uses a fair chunk of the SIX12's code).Error creating thumbnail: File missingStuffing the cylinder into the Jackhammer; this is a fairly finnicky process, even when you aren't pulling the gun off the bottom of the screen to reload.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming through the weapon's simple v-notch/post irons while skulking around the obligatory vent/pipe area. Fun fact: the first FPS game to feature usable iron sights was Operation Flashpoint, back in 2001. Which will only make you feel older the longer this caption stays up.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPaying homage to an even older era of shooters and holding the gun at the bottom-center of the screen pointed up; this also reveals the top rail, something added to the model more for gameplay than to be authentic to the real deal.
(Look, in my defense, it looked like it was centered when I was looking through both eyes. It's not my fault that the recording software only uses your left eye's view.)Error creating thumbnail: File missingAbruptly remembering to turn off the safety (which can, as mentioned, only go to safe or semi-auto)...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and getting back to business. Which, in this case, means having the gun take up most of the bottom-right corner of the screen with no hands on it, and blasting away some early-game enemies point-blank.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHonestly, this one doesn't really show off anything new; I just thought that the red light made it look cool. Let's see, is there any trivia I can put here... oh, right! That ribbed handguard wasn't actually an original part of the design; it's actually an MP5SD forend that was put on by a movie prop house that bought the gun, because the original forend was too smooth to work easily. Which brings up another worthwhile point: the forend is actually a sort of forwards-working pump handle that can be used to cock the weapon (or cycle it when it jammed, which it did quite often), though this functionality isn't represented in-game.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving remembered to bring a cassette full of SWAG-12 shells found the special easter-egg version that fires grenades, the protagonist whose name is probably only in the manual quickly gets to work insta-gibbing some Weinerbots. They never stood a chance. Just like our youth.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington 870 Express Tactical Magpul - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingInspecting the Remington 870 Express Tactical Magpul. Note the curious addition of the number 11 on the side of the receiver; this is most likely meant as some sort of armory/rack number.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side of the... y'know what, I'm not going to type out that ridiculously long set of words again. If you still don't understand what it is after the fourth time, then you just aren't going to.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a Dragon's Breath shell. While shotguns are generally regarded as being good for room-clearing, it's usually understood that doing so requires actually firing the shotgun first.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Sosigs having realized this and returned, one finds the player character engaging in the rather unorthodox practice of attempting the "bandit shooting" technique with a pump-action shotgun, which completely defeats its point.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving come to their senses, said player character is soon merrily blasting the Sosigs with the now-correctly-oriented shotgun. The Dragon's Breath round is rather interesting: it is filled with pieces of magnesium, which catch fire as they fly through the air, and start fires where they land, as seen here. Due to the round's low pressure and high cost, coupled with international regulations on the use of incendiary munitions on human beings (and the risk of setting things on fire by accident), these incendiary shells aren't used in any sort of martial capacity, and are largely a civilian novelty.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the shotgun at a couple of Molotov cocktails bottles of Frank's Fantastic Festively Fragrant And Fiercely Flavorful Fancy Fire Fluid. These are an Update #59 addition, as is this scene (the Proving Grounds), the Sosig, the beginnings of a fire system (which renders the Dragon's Breath rounds far more useful), and the rear sight on this shotgun and the TAC-14 DM below (both previously having a smooth, blank receiver).Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring (heh), which has predictable consequences.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting the freshly-fired shell. While not seen here, the player character's expression of giddy satisfaction is somewhat dimmed by their newfound lack of eyebrows.
Remington 870 Field Gun
The Meatmas Update of 2016 added a Remington 870 Field Gun with a cut-down barrel, which heavily compromises the so-called "Field Gun's" effectiveness at its eponymous intended purpose. Update #46 added two additional variants, one with a sawn-off stock and one with a full-length barrel; it also made the latter one of the available weapons for SWBs. Rather strangely, all of the player-dedicated variants have Mossberg 500-style safeties along with the 870-styled ones (with the former taking priority, as it is the one that visually moves when the safety is toggled), which led to its item spawner designation of "MB500".
Update #92 added a Remington 870 MCS in Entry configuration, increasing the total number of 870 variants in the game to an impressive 5 (or 7, if the 3 different lengths of Field Gun are counted separately). Update #105's first experimental build brought this up to 8, with an additional cut-down variant that can be mounted to Picatinny rails.
"Hey, you. When I said "lights, camera, action", I meant it. Now get off your lazy rear and gimme some damn lighting or I'll have you on the street so fast your teeth will spin."Error creating thumbnail: File missingAh, much better... right, as I was saying, preparing for some real, authentic, definitely-not-staged breach-and-clear action with the MCS.Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and tossing a single specialty shell into the chamber.Error creating thumbnail: File missing...shoving some buckshot into the tube...Error creating thumbnail: File missingDisengaging the familiar crossbolt safety...
"...huh? Whaddaya mean you're supposed to do that last? Eh, screw it, not worth wasting film for a retake. Just have the boys in Post put the shots in order. ...nah, you're overthinking it. I'm sure they'll make the dialogue work. And they'll edit all this stuff out, too, if they know what's good for 'em."Error creating thumbnail: File missingChecking all the angles, just like the real SWAT guys do. ...because I am one. Yep, I'm acting like one because I am one. Just... felt that that was worth pointing out.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRushing into the room, and BOOM, SURPRISE CANNONBALL FLASHBANG! Haha, bet you weren't expecting that that was what I chamberloaded earlier, huh?
"...derivative? What're you talking about? ...the KSG section did it first? They can't do that? Sue them, or something!"Error creating thumbnail: File missingPumping the shotgun, blasting a Sosig with buckshot, and cycling it again. DISCLAIMER: No Sosigs were harmed in the making of this section. That mustard is fake. As are the chunks of the Sosig's head. And the absence of its head.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington 870 MCS Masterkey - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe "870 Picatinny", out on the top of Northest Dakota's scoring plinth.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt's most similar to the actual MCS's "Masterkey" configuration, but without the pistol grip, and with a female Picatinny rail on top.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe safety's the same as the standard 870 variants - a simple crossbolt behind the trigger.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening the action; while it's intended as a mounted weapon, there's nothing explicitly stopping you from using it on its own.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThough, of course, there's little point in doing so - you'd be better off sticking it on something else, like this SCAR here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the underslung 870 at nothing in particular. It never stood a chance.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOf course, in a game with an open-ended rail-mounting system, the only limit to what you can do is how much time you're willing to spend. For example, the mountable MCS can let you finally achieve your dream of having an 870 with an underbarrel bayonet. Or, as far as the game's concerned, a knife with an overbarrel 870.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd, since subtlety went out the window a long time ago, why not load it up with frag rounds?Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming through the Tasco-esque "KDR" sight mounted on the not-quite-top-rail...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and getting revenge on one of the map's many mountains for making it such a pain to get around. Note that, for whatever reason, the slug's ostensibly-bright tracer is casting a shadow.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCycling the shotgun's action. Sadly, due to how the game handles grip points, this isn't as easy a prospect as one would imagine - one hand has to remain on either the "parent" weapon (the knife, in this case) or the "primary foregrip" (the 870's trigger) in order for the weapon to count as "held"; should one attempt to grip, say, the shotgun's forend and nothing else, it'll simply fall out of their hands.
Remington 870 TAC-14
Update #90 added a Remington 870 TAC-14, a variant of the 870 with a 14" barrel and a Shockwave Industries Raptor grip, a configuration which allows it to evade NFA regulations regarding short-barreled shotguns by legally not being classified as anything other than a "firearm" (i.e. neither a rifle nor a shotgun nor a pistol). It is known as the "T14 Custom" in-game, alluding to it being modified with a non-standard magazine tube cap, an aftermarket set of sights, and the forend of a Weatherby PA 459.
The later detachable-magazine-fed variant of the Remington 870, the 870 DM, was added in Update #52 under the name "CQB 870"; as with the later-added-but-above "T14 Custom", it is in the TAC-14 configuration. The one in-game is also presumably either modified or broken, seeing as it is capable of slam-fire, unlike a normal 870.
The Remington Model 11 was added in Update #52; its first introduction was in the Valentine's Day alpha build. It is referred to in-game as an Auto-5, but lacks a magazine cutoff.
The Remington V3 TAC-13 semi-auto shotgun was added in Update #90, under the name "VT13"; like the 870 TAC-14s above, the purpose of this specific configuration is to be legally considered a "firearm" in the US, and nothing more.
A Saiga 12 with a side-folding stock is one of the available firearms in-game, added through Update #40. It can use either factory 5-round magazines, aftermarket 12-round box magazines, or aftermarket 20-round drums.
There are 5 main varieties of Sawed-off Double Barrel Shotgun in-game. The first (and also one of the first weapons added to the game, back when the game was just Anton Hand's experiment grounds and not even named H3VR yet) was the so-called "Cartoon 8 Gauge", which sounds downright painful, the second is a more reasonable 12-gauge version (seen below), and the 3rd is the same as the second, except sawn down to Killing Them Softly-level absurdity (albeit unlike that movie's shotgun, this one also has the grip sawn down even further than the standard version), which, predictably, makes the spread somewhere between hilarious and pitiful. The fourth, added with Update #52, is an 1864 Wells Fargo stagecoach shotgun with external hammers and shell loops on the forend. The fifth, added in the first major bug-fix patch of Update #98, is a Meat Fortress-styled sawn-off, rather appropriately called the "Big Boomer"; it is a classic video-gamey "super shotgun", with a massive spread, ludicrous power (due to it, in a display of one-upmanship over the OG, firing 2-gauge shells), and a single trigger that fires both barrels at once.
Originally identified as the "Cartoon 8 Gauge", before being removed in Update #52 and brought back in Update #98, "The OG" takes its name from its status as one of the first firearms implemented in the earliest prototype stages of what would later become H3VR. While 8-gauge break-action shotguns do exist, they were primarily used as hunting/field guns, and fell out of favor due to the development of more powerful smokeless powders in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; at any rate, nobody in their right mind would've produced a stockless sawn-off version like this one. The only current-production 8-gauge shotguns are used as industrial tools (and are legally regulated as such, rather than being considered firearms), such as Remington's Master Blaster; these used to blast away built-up material from the inside of various machines (e.g. coal ash or lime in rotary kilns, slag in blast furnaces, etc.).
Of course, all of the above becomes moot when you realize that, based on the size of the rounds, this is actually a 3 gauge shotgun. Accordingly, the renamed re-introduction as updated to better match this absurd caliber, with updated sound effects, tremendous damage output, and recoil strong enough to physically push the player character backwards.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Cartoon 8 Gauge", in all of its glory. The current location may be a nod to the Master Blaster's application, but the MB is mounted on a stand and fired by a cable for very obvious reasons.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading some utterly massive shells into the weapon's breech...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...before annihilating everything in front of the weapon, along with the user's wrist.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe amount of smoke produced by this weapon (and the fact that our invisible protagonist is still standing) lends itself to the likelihood that the 8-gauge rounds are using weaker black powder rather than modern smokeless powder.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemoving the spent shells from the shotgun, vowing never to do that again.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHere it is, folks - back, and just as cartoony as ever. That hole in the frame was always there; don't worry about it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim at a bench, with the shotgun a fair bit closer in than is strictly comfortable...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...before being saved from a broken face by the fact that the OG, like all of H3's weaponry, spawns empty.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEmptying the weapon of its emptiness, and shoving in some 3-gauge shotgun shells. That's nearly 30 millimeters, and it's packed to the brim with about 1/3 of a pound (over 150 grams) of 00 buck.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeeding absolutely none of the above warnings about possible facial damage, and blasting the bench with "some" (read: "lots of") conspicuously bright 00 buck pellets.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOf course, there is another use for the OG apart from bench-blasting:Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne rather unsatisfying in-flight meal later, we're back on the ground to show off the other, other new feature of the OG: automatic ejectors. Convenient, isn't it?
Error creating thumbnail: File missingLet's step it up a notch, shall we?Error creating thumbnail: File missingThat shot doesn't really give a reference point for size; to remedy that, here it is next to the sawn-off 12 gauge above.Error creating thumbnail: File missingComparing their muzzles drives the point home even further - this is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a comically massive shotgun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCracking open the Big Boomer; it holds the honor of being the game's first shotgun with modeled ejectors.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a couple of the weapon's massive 2-gauge shells - that's over 33 and a half millimeters, putting it solidly into punt gun territory.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs one would expect, such a massive shotgun can do some impressive things, to the point that it borders on magical. See the entire top half of this Sniper?Error creating thumbnail: File missingNot anymore. Ta-da!Error creating thumbnail: File missingWith both shells now being spent, the automatic ejectors can be put to good use. Note that, like the other Meat Fortress rounds, the 2-gauge shells have struck primers.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a trip over to the Proving Grounds to show just how absurd this weapon can be, in a game we like to call "Bowling for Sosigs"! The rules are simple: aim your old-school-FPS super-shotgun (like a proper old-school FPS - i.e. as centered as you can manage) at a triangularly-arranged group of 6 Sosigs...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...smack yourself in the face with the player-pushing recoil...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and see how many you can hit - this shot was a strike, hitting every single one of the Sosigs, and killing all but one. What makes this more impressive is the relatively low pellet count; as the bullet trails show, each 2-gauge shell only contains 3 projectiles, so they managed to go 6 for 6 here.
The 23rd gift added in the Meatmas 2018 event was a fictional shotgun known as the "Scalpel-LE". Created by 3D artist Patrick Sutton (who'd created several of H3's assets prior), it is a compact, stockless, magazine-fed fully-automatic shotgun reminiscent of the "Bolters" from the Warhammer 40K universe, similar to the earlier-added "KWG1"; unlike the KWG1, however, the Scalpel is a completely fictional creation (rather than being based on an image of unknown provenance), and fires from an open bolt. Visually, it appears to be primarily based on the Heckler & Koch UMP, with a full-hand trigger guard like that of rifles such as the Steyr AUG or the Tavor, a TDI Vector-esque folding charging handle, and an AR-15-like dustcover; it feeds from drum magazines that lock into a full-length guide rail on the front of the trigger guard, in a manner seemingly inspired by the AA-12.
On a sidenote, the name is somewhat bizarre; the word "Scalpel" implies precision, something that a fully-automatic shotgun about the size of a compact SMG doesn't exactly possess, and the suffix "LE" usually stands for "Law Enforcement", despite a stockless automatic shotgun hardly being standard fare for most police departments. Then again, the "LE" could also stand for something else entirely (e.g. "Limited-Edition"); the name may have also been chosen specifically for its nonsensical, ironic nature.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch UMP45 - .45 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingWell, of course that's where it's from. Who else would create such a device?Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a drum magazine; each one holds 15 rounds. These come loaded with the game's "SWAG-12" high-explosive shells, presumably to further their Bolter-like nature. Note the recoil spring, visible through the charging handle slot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFully inserting the drum causes a spring-loaded tab at the front to snap over it. This isn't the actual magazine catch (that role instead falling to the large, serrated paddle at the front of the trigger guard); based on its position, it seems to be there to stop the drum from indexing backwards (note how it sits in direct contact with the series of notches in the front of the drum).Error creating thumbnail: File missingPausing for a moment to admire the quality of 'Murican engineering.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe shotgun's other side, which shows off the dustcover.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the (reciprocating) folding charging handle...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which causes the dustcover to pop up. Like the ArmaLite designs it's based on, this dustcover opens whenever the bolt goes back sufficiently far, and stays open until the user manually closes it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOf course, no open-bolt weapon would be complete without a safety.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn the Scalpel's case, this consists of a 2-position crossbolt large enough that it could probably be used as an actual crossbolt door lock. Not that that's a bad thing; after all, "subtle" isn't exactly the first word that comes to mind when looking at this gun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUnloading at a hot dog standee. With it being 1. a shotgun, 2. fully-automatic, 3. open-bolt, 4. stockless, 5. short-barreled, 6. loaded with high-explosive ammunition, and 7. not equipped with sights of any sort whatsoever, there's basically no reason to even bother aiming.
One of two shotguns added in the Team Fortress 2-crossover update "Meat Fortress" was the "Scattergun", a recreation of that game's Scout's weapon of the same name; as in that game, it is a work of fiction, combining a pair of short, side-by-side barrels with rifle sights with a stockless lever-action receiver vaguely reminiscent of the Savage 99, with a 6-round drum magazine in the middle. Unlike its source material, however, the H3VR incarnation of the Scattergun is actually somewhat mechanically plausible, being treated as 2 separate actions operated by a common lever, rather than a semi-auto that could somehow be reloaded by working the action and ejecting spent shells without inserting any new ones.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn case you couldn't understand the written description, here's a visual one.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDoesn't really make much more sense, but that's just how it is.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the Scattergun through a port on the bottom of the drum. This port is actually present on the original model, though it's never used for anything, and the in-game animations virtually never reveal its existence to the player; it had to be widened for H3's model, since it was far too small to fit any meaningfully-sized shell on the original version. The shell being loaded is specific to this weapon, and is supposedly 13 gauge.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWorking the Scattergun's action, revealing some shells in line for chambering; the ejection port was, like the loading port, widened for the sake of realism. Of note is that 2 shells can be loaded after doing this, giving the weapon a 6+2 capacity.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring off a couple of shots in quick succession.Error creating thumbnail: File missing2 shots makes 2 shells, both of which are ejected simultaneously.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAttempting to aim at an Engineer Sosig, which reveals a bit of a problem: the Scattergun's rifle-type iron sights are too short to see over its fixed drum magazine. To be fair, it's not like they were ever intended to be usable anyway.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs such, aiming the Scattergun is best accomplished by tilting it up slightly, and aiming with the front sight exclusively, in a rather familiar manner.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhen doing so, be sure to aim below your target; after all, you are pointing the thing upwards.
A full-length version of the Scattergun, called the "Duckhunter," was added in Update #93. Besides adding a stock and longer barrel, the gun also features a tighter choke and functional iron sights. Both guns share the same ammo, including the new ammo types added in the same update.
A Remington 870-based Serbu Super Shorty is one of the weapons added in the first Meatmas update. 2 variants are available: a normal, clean version, and a "tacticool" version, complete with a door-breaching muzzle brake, a rail mount, and a set of spare shell holders that hold more shells than the gun itself does.
The second of the two shotguns added with the release of "Meat Fortress" was a recreation of TF2's "Shotgun", loosely based on a sawn-off Ithaca 37 (albeit with a left-handed ejection port, instead of the Ithaca's combined loading/ejection port).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAirsoft Ithaca 37 with sawn-off stock and barrel - (fake) 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe TF2 shotgun, in all of its glory. It's simple, but that can be a good thing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up the action...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and taking a peek inside. Unlike the original model, which had nothing but a black, featureless void inside, the H3VR rework has a fully-modeled bolt, barrel, and various other internal bits.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading a slightly too-long shell into the action; this is the same 23x75mmR shell used by the KS-23M in-game, serving as a placeholder for a proprietary shell added in a later build.Error creating thumbnail: File missingStuffing a few more 23mm shells into the magazine tube. This was, incidentally, one of the few external parts of the original model that was modified; it was slightly too narrow on the original model, and was widened a tad for this version.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Aiming" the Shotgun; there being no sights whatsoever on the weapon, this essentially amounts to point-shooting.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNot that that stops you from hitting things with it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCycling the Shotgun, while observing effect-on-target; yes, it did indeed reduce a Soldier Sosig's torso to a mess of meat chunks and mustard with a single shot. 23mm shotgun shells'll do that to ya...Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading up the finalized version of the shotgun with its proprietary yellow 7 gauge shells. These are about the same diameter as the 23mm placeholders, but substantially shorter.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd yes, even the Shotgun can take suppressors; this one is a non-railed version of the Brügger & Thomet MP9's special suppressor, expanded to fit the weapon's colossal bore.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlso like the other TF2 weapons, the Shotgun's projectiles produce massive amounts of sparks upon hitting something. While this is noticeable with the rest of the weapons, the Shotgun's spread of pellets makes the effect a fair bit more impressive.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOn the topic of impressive things, the Shotgun's special Update #83 suppressor certainly qualifies. From a visual standpoint, it seems to be based on the SilencerCo Salvo 12, albeit with a bit more of a toolroom aesthetic to it, somewhat reminiscent of the other Anton's. Also note here that the bolt is now black like in TF2, instead of matching the receiver's colour as in the other screenshots.
"Ol' Reliable"
Added in Update #103, Ol' Reliable is the full-length version of the Meat Fortress Shotgun. It features a stock (complete with a single sling hook), an eight-round tube magazine, and functional iron sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingNeed a solid, all-around capable scene for taking good-looking screenshots? Go with Ol' Reliable (the Arizona range).Error creating thumbnail: File missingNeed a solid, all-around capable shotgun? Go with Ol' Reliable (Ol' Reliable).Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up the action; the left-handed ejection port allows for a convenient view of the bolt and inner receiver while doing so.Error creating thumbnail: File missingStuffing a round of 7 Gauge Stout into the chamber; this red shell is a 12-pellet buckshot round, one of the two new types added alongside the full-length shotgun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading up the magazine tube with another two shells - the yellow one is a "triple hit" round containing 3 small stacked slugs (like the 12-gauge version, but considerably more powerful), while the green one (the other concurrently-added variety) is a simple single-slug shell.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming at a watermelon; the simple notch-and-post sights are quick and easy to acquire, if not particularly precise.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs their name would imply, the 7-gauge shells' recoil is stout - stout enough to obscure the user's view of a sufficiently small target, unfortunately enough. While this is only really a problem in-game for a couple of frames, it's a considerably more serious issue when you're trying to show off the effects of a shot with just one of those frames.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCycling out a shell; while they appear to be star-crimped when unspent, the clean, slightly-tapered end of a spent shell suggests roll-crimping instead. Or possibly a star-patterned cap that just gets blown off of the shell when fired.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNotably, both the default Shotgun and Ol' Reliable are capable of slam-fire; it's rather difficult to show this off in a single frame, so just assume that the presence of a flying spent shell in the same shot as a muzzle flash is a clear indicator of exceptionally rapid shooting.
Side-By-Side Double-Barreled Shotgun
Update #85's 4th alpha build added the "Hammerless Long", a 12-gauge side-by-side break-action shotgun of unknown manufacture; this was partly in response to some user requests for a hammerless SxS shotgun, as the only side-by-sides available prior to this were either rabbit-eared, sawn-off, or both.
A single barrel sawn-off shotgun in 16 gauge was added in Experimental Build #3 of Update #111.
Added in the fifth alpha build of Update #85, the Sjögren inertia-operated shotgun expands H3's roster of semi-auto shotguns, and serves as a second option in the category for Cowweiner Calico. Two variants are available - there's the full-length "Sjogren Inertial", and the sawn-off "Sjogren Shorty".
The Stevens Model 124C was added on day 12 of the Meatmas 2022 advent calendar event. It is the second bolt-action shotgun to be added to the game, and the first that is a straight-pull; this also makes it the first "normal" straight-pull firearm in the game (since the "Long Shot" has a recoil spring, being essentially a semi-auto with no self-unlocking system), though "normal" is used a bit loosely in this case. This is also the Model 124C's first known media appearance.
Update #85's first alpha build gave the Stevens Model 520 its first known video game appearance, going by the name "Hammerless520" (without a space, as is the case for many of the game's weapon names). Apart from the standard version (which appears to be a Riot model), a "Short" model with a sawn-off stock and barrel and a receiver-mounted shell holder is also available. Like the Remington 870 TAC-14 DM above and the Winchester Model 1897 below, the 520 is capable of slam-firing (though it wasn't initially; this feature was added in the following update); it was added in part to complement the latter, as the also-Update #85-added Take & Hold character Grumpy GI Grayson (who uses WWI/WWII-era equipment) previously had very little in the way of tube-fed shotguns.
The Techno Arms MAG-7 was added on day 5 of the Meatmas 2020 Advent Calendar event. It is the second magazine-fed pump-action shotgun in the game, and the first to use 12 gauge 2.3622 shells (referred to as "12 gauge short" in-game).
MAG-7 - 12 gauge (2.3622 inch shell)Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe MAG-7 in its case, along with a few spare mags, and plenty of spare lowercase "a"s.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a good look at the shotgun, in all its stamped-steel glory. This one's clearly seen some use, as evidenced by the wear marks along the forend's path, though it's otherwise in rather good nick.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a mag full of its proprietary shells; these are (currently) only available in one variety, #1 buckshot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlipping the gun over...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and chambering a shell. Note the "MAG-7 M1" markings; this indicates that the in-game MAG-7 is actually a civilian-market MAG-7M1 with a shortened barrel and no stock, rather than than a factory-produced MAG-7; the same goes for the gun in the reference image, coincidentally enough.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDisengaging the weapon's rather large safety lever.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAttempting to sight up a Sosig; while the large notch-and-post irons are easy enough to read for close-range shots, the lack of a stock makes holding a steady sight picture on a moving target rather tricky.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe fact that the front end of the gun jumps high enough to obscure said target whenever you fire doesn't help matters either.Error creating thumbnail: File missingStill, in the right situations, it can make short work of any enemy's head, mechanical or otherwise.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting a shell; note that, like some of the game's other rounds, the short 12-gauge shells correctly have struck primers.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs tempting as it is to use the MAG-7 one-handed, it's really not a great idea; apart from the heavy recoil...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...there's also the rather obvious fact that it's pump-action, forcing the user to do some rather creative one-handed gun-juggling to work the action. On the plus side, this does at least eliminate one of the main risks of using the MAG-7 properly; the fact that the pump slides all the way back to the trigger guard means that anyone who tries to exercise proper trigger discipline while cycling it will wind up whacking their trigger finger. Not that this is really an issue in VR, but still.
"The House Key" / "The Car Key"
The fourth alpha build of Update #76 introduced attachable underbarrel shotguns; however, as the game's codebase did not support implementing magazine-fed underbarrel weapons such as the KAC Masterkey at the time, the weapons added were a pair of fictional single-shot break-actions, the basis of which appears to have been a Magpul AFG. The two differ only in barrel and frame length; the longer variant is called "The House Key", and the shorter version is called "The Car Key".
The 18th gift added in the 2018 Meatmas event was a TOZ-106; this marked two firsts for H3VR, being both its first 20-gauge shotgun, and its first bolt-action one. Bolt action is now a fairly rare mechanism for a shotgun, although it is popular in both Russia and Britain to convert cheap bolt-action rifles to small-bore shotguns to make them easier to own legally and historically even new production examples were popular for being cheaper than pump-actions before modern manufacturing techniques made pumps even cheaper.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTOZ-106 - 20 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe notorious Blunderbuss lies in wait. A thousand years it has sat, patiently awaiting the day it will be awakened once more, to reinstate its reign of terror over well-equipped PMCs. And now, that day has come...Error creating thumbnail: File missing"AWAKEN, MY MASTERS!"Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnyway, all references aside, this is a TOZ-106. It's a shotgun. Neat, right?Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up the TOZ's stock...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which doesn't really make it look any less weird.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlipping the shotgun over only furthers the weapon's oddities, revealing another unusual detail:Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe TOZ-106, unlike most shotguns, is bolt-action.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTesting out the rifle-like iron sights, another sign that this gun doesn't really know what it wants to be.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting a fired shell, and confirming that yes, it's still a bolt-action. No matter how many times you look away, it'll always be a bolt-action. No matter how much you don't want to accept it, no matter how much you try to deny it, no matter how long you wait on it, the TOZ-106 is, and will always be, a bolt-action.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOf note is that the in-game TOZ can be fired with its stock folded; this is at odds with the actual weapon, which has a specially-designed safety device meant to prevent this very thing. The reasoning behind this odd decision is legal in nature; Russian laws regulate a firearm's minimum length in a firing-capable configuration, so folding-stocked weapons must be set up to only be fireable at their legal length. This is also the case for the aforementioned Saiga 12K, but only in its Russian civilian form.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThough, to be fair, any law-derived firearm feature only lasts as long as the patience of a man with a drill, a file, and nothing to lose.
A sawn-off version of the TOZ-63 was added in Update #101 for Meatmas 2021. It is the first 16 gauge shotgun added to the game.
The TOZ-81 Mars was added on Day 17 of the Meatmas 2022 Advent Calendar event. This is its first known media appearance.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTOZ-81 Mars - 5.45x39mm/.410 BoreError creating thumbnail: File missingThe TOZ in its gift box; a fair bit bigger than the one that it was intended to be stored in. Unless you count a re-entry capsule as a "box", in which case it's slightly smaller.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the least common of the game's TOZes; if there were any doubts about its rarity, simply look to the serial number on the frame.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIf the G11 is German space magic, then I suppose this would be Soviet space... bushcraft, maybe?Error creating thumbnail: File missingCracking the shotgun open, courtesy of the lever in front of the cylinder.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in some .410 flechette shells; the linear interpolation of the palmed rounds can cause some clipping, as seen here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSnapping it shut. Would now be a good time to mention that this is technically a bullpup?Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming at a distant snowflake - this effort is somewhat stymied by the fact that someone apparently didn't think that crash-landed cosmonauts in middle of Siberia needed any sort of sights. Maybe that's why it lost out to the TP-82...Error creating thumbnail: File missingGiving it the old college try anyway; note how the cylinder lies flush with its surrounding frame whenever the weapon is ready to fire, sticking out only when the cylinder is rotating.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTOZ-81 Mars with attached stock - 5.45x39mm/.410 BoreError creating thumbnail: File missingIf a .410 revolver doesn't seem too practical, Tulsky Oruzheiny Zavod have just the thing for you: a simple single-tube stock, with a nice little wooden cheek-rest to stop your face from freezing to the metal while scavenging for game in the expanse of the tundra.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt also contains a radio, to minimize the amount of time you have to spend doing that.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile the stock definitely aids in landing shots more easily, it also helps to pick a somewhat more reasonable target.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPopping the gun open again, and getting rewarded with a spread of nicely-modeled spent .410 hulls.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOf course, this isn't your everyday bullpup DAO top-break revolving detachable-radio-stocked .410 cosmonaut survival shotgun (caliber-convertible to 5.45x39mm); it's a bullpup DAO top-break revolving detachable-radio-stocked .410 cosmonaut survival shotgun (caliber-convertible to 5.45x39mm) with an integrated folding bayonet.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis can function as a utility knife, a saw, and, well... a bayonet.
The Tulyak was added in Experimental Build 3 of Update #111. It is the first known media appearance of this shotgun.
The Winchester Model 1887 was added to H3 with the Wurstworld update, and comes in both full length and sawn-off forms. And yes, it can be spin-cocked a laTerminator 2; in fact, one of Wurstworld's rewards is a T2-themed sawn-off 1887, complete with a darker finish, an extended lever loop with a metal handling plate, and a cut-back trigger guard.
Update #52's impressive list of new firearms includes the Winchester Model 1897, in its famous military "Trench Gun" configuration. It is correctly capable of slam-fire, and holds an appropriate 5 rounds in the tube plus one in the chamber.