The SIG-Sauer P226 is used as the standard issue pistol of the German police in the series.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSIG-Sauer P226 - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingA murder suspect relieves a German policeman of his P226 and tries to kill himself with it in the pilot episode. He fails however, and police take the weapon stating that the safety catch was on, flicking it back and forth. As the P226 doesn't have a safety catch, for this shot it switches to a H&K USP. Also, the slide seems to protrude too far in front of the frame and it seems to lack the horned bottom corner of the trigger guard, so it is possibly a replica or stunt gun as it was used in a scuffle and was pressed against someone's head.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter the P226 changes to a USP, it changes back to a P226 for the next shot.
Heckler & Koch USP
A Heckler & Koch USP can briefly by seen in "H-Hour" (Series 1, Episode 1) where a continuity error causes a SIG-Sauer P226 to change into a USP, and then back again. The likely reason for this is that the dialogue was describing the operation of the safety catch, and as there is no manual safety on a P226, a USP was required to stand in briefly.
A Tokarev TT-33 is used by a Bosnian child in "Betrayed" (Series 2, Episode 1) to shoot an SAS soldier, and later to threaten the investigating SIB officers. One is also briefly visible being carried by an insurgent in Iraq in "Friendly Fire" (Series 2, Episode 5).
A bank robber in "Payback" (Series 1, Episode 6) carries a full size IMI Uzi with a folding stock. Late in "Red Light" (Series 2, Episode 3) a number of Uzi submachine guns are used by motorcycle riding criminals to abduct a witness.
As the standard issue rifle of the British Army at the time of production, the L85A1 is seen regularly throughout the series, and also in various stock establishing shots. It is used with SUSATs and iron sights, and also with BFA attached for blank firing exercises.
The main weapon used by Sgt McDonagh (Tamzin Outhwaite) and the rest of the close protection team in Bosnia in "Betrayed" (Series 2, Episode 1) is a HK53. This is the correct weapon that was used by RMP CP teams until it was phased out in favour of the C8 CQB.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch HK53 - 5.56x45mm.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSgt McDonagh escorts a General to a waiting helicopter, carrying an HK53. From the length of the magazine, it appears that the 30rd magazine made for the HK93 are being used, rather than the 25rd magazines the HK53 was supplied with.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn this shot the pronged flash hider is visible, which is the standard HK53 flash hider. It should be noted however that the majority of HK53s used by RMP Close Protection used a regular birdcage flash-hider to prevent snagging the muzzle on clothing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother shot of the HK53 as Sgt McDonagh boards Lynx helicopter.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSgt McDonagh provides cover out of the rear of a long wheelbase Land Rover with her Hk53. In this shot it is possible to see that this particular HK53 uses a Navy trigger group.
Colt Carbine
A number of what appears to be some sort of Colt Carbine is used by the SAS soldiers in "Betrayed" (Series 2, Episode 1). From the quality of the image it is not clear which version exactly, but the weapons do not have a removable carry handle, but use the A2 type rear sight. It is possibly a Model 727, but this is not definite.
German police snipers have been seen using PSG-1 sniper rifles on several occasions where an armed response was required, both with and without fitted bi-pods.
Two Sommer & Ockenfuss Griffrepetierer rifles can be seen used by German police snipers in "Payback" (Series 1, Episode 6). It is seen with both red dot sights and telescopic sights, and appear to be the "Tactical" variant based on the furniture, heavy barrel and muzzle brake.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSommer & Ockenfuss Griffrepetierer TacticalError creating thumbnail: File missingThe first version seen appears to use a red dot sight. The lighter grey part of the rifle that form part of the butt is the magazine of the weapon. From the barrel it is possible that this is the match hunting version, with heavier barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe second version of the rifle seen uses a telescopic sight.
Keppeler & Fritz KS II Precision
The Keppeler & Fritz KS II Precision is another rifle that is used by the German snipers in "Payback" (Series 1, Episode 6). It is used by the sniper who kills the escaping bank robber as he drives away
A rifle describes as a "Brno Carbine" is used by a British soldier for poaching wild boar in "True Love" (Series 2, Episode 2), which appears ot be a ZKK-601 model.
The British version of the FN MAG, the L7 can be seen in establishing shots throughout the series where it is being dry fired, cocking the weapon between shots, correctly using inert drill ammunition.
The L21A1 RARDEN can be seen at various points throughout the series and in establishing shots, mounted as the main gun on Scimitar and Warrior armoured vehicles.
Seen at various points throughout the series and in establishing shots, mounted as the main gun on Challenger 2 MBTs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne of the commonly used establishing shots from the first series features a Challenger moving through woodland.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA closer view of the main gun on the Challenger. The tank's L94A1 coaxial gun, a British variant of the 7.62mm Hughes EX-34 chaingun, is also visible to the right of the main gun.
51mm Mortar Bomb
A pair of illumination round for a British L9A1 51 mm Light Mortar can be seen in "Crush" (Series 1, Episode 2).
A Mark 8 Thunderflash is used by British soldier in "Crush" (Series 1, Episode 2) as part on an initiation ceremony.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA SOCO (Scenes Of Crime Officer) presents a thunderflash as the cause of explosive residue found at the scene of a fatal crash.
L16 81mm Mortar
An L16 Mortar can be seen used in establishing shots from the start of Series 2. They also feature prominently in "Friendly Fire" (Series 2, Episode 5) where a soldier is killed by a stray mortar bomb.