"The Border", also known as "Raja 1918" and "Border 1918", is a 2007 Finnish movie starring Martin Bahne set in the immediate aftermath of the Finnish Civil War of 1918.
The year is 1918. The Finnish Civil War has just ended. Captain Carl von Munck (Martin Bahne), newly returned from the victorious Civil War, is posted near the border to Soviet Russia to prevent "illegal" people from crossing the border. In the tense aftermath of the Civil War, with thousands of Russian refugees fleeing from the aftermath of the Russian bolshevik victory in Russia, no one with Russian heritage is allowed to cross, unless they are willing to face a Finnish firing squad.
The leader of the "Reds" Heikki Kiljunen (Tommi Korpela) is seen using a Arisaka Type 38 Carbine with an attached Arisaka bayonet.
Luger P08
Mauser C96 "Broomhandle"
Several "Whites" are seen armed with the Mauser C96 "Broomhandle"
Nagant M1895 revolver (including probable)
A "White" soldier is seen firing a revolver at the beginning of the movie. It would be logical to assume it is a Nagant Revolver as the Finns in 1918 on both sides were mostly armed with Russian weapons.