The Professionals (TV Series): Difference between revisions
The Professionals (TV Series): Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
The Professionals (TV Series): Difference between revisions
The character Tug uses a [[Ordnance SBML 2 inch Mortar|2-inch infantry mortar]] to attack the chemical research facility in "Lawson's Last Stand".
The character Tug Willis (John Hallam) uses a [[Ordnance SBML 2 inch Mortar|2-inch infantry mortar]] to attack the chemical research facility in "Lawson's Last Stand".
[[Image:prosmortar.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Tug moments before he fires the 2-inch mortar, from "Lawson's Last Stand".]]
[[Image:prosmortar.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Tug moments before he fires the 2-inch mortar, from "Lawson's Last Stand".]]
[[Image:prosmortar.2.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Tug in the process of attacking the research facility, another shot from "Lawson's Last Stand".]]
[[Image:prosmortar.2.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Tug in the process of attacking the research facility, another shot from "Lawson's Last Stand".]]
Inglis Hi-Power is used by Bodie (Lewis Collins) and Doyle (Martin Shaw) as their standard weapon for the first two seasons of the show. This particular version of the Hi-Power was manufactured during WWII in Canada.
Used by a German terrorist in "Close Quarters". Doyle (Martin Shaw) is frequently seen using this pistol in place of the Browning Hi-Power. A suppressed version of the Walther P38 can be seen in some episodes. The assassin Ramos uses one in "Long Shot", and members of the hit team in "Blind Run" are armed with them. Barry Martin has one taped to the back of a painting in his flat in the episode "Rogue".
Enfield No. 2 revolvers are among the weapons stolen from a military base in the episode "Old Dog with New Tricks". The character of Billy uses one to take a nurse hostage. Later in the episode one of Turkel's men can be seen using an Enfield during the police station takeover. The revolvers are described by Bodie as being "Webley .44's", but a closer look reveals them to be .38 S&W Enfields. This can be determined by looking at the hammer, which has had the cocking spur removed, a feature only found on the Enfield.
The Colt Python is used by the Bodyguard, "Tinkerbell" (Ahmed El Shenawi) in the episode "Blind Run". Can also be seen used by a "terrorist" in the hostage rescue training at the beginning of "Wild Justice". A Python is used in an attempt to kill Cowley in "The Purging of CI5". The character of Phipps (Anthony Bailey) is armed with a Python at the end of "Man Without a Past". A Python is used by the character Macklin to demonstrate his shooting skills in "Mixed Doubles". A CI5 agent can be seen using a Python at the end of "Discovered in a Graveyard".
The Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 Magnum is featured in the episode "Mixed Doubles". Bodie & Doyle each carry a Model 29 while on a special bodyguard assignment. Ironically, the assassins opposing them, Coney & Joe, are also armed with Model 29s. What could be either a Nickel Model 29 or stainless Model 629 appears in the the episode "Spy Probe", but it is impossible to determine the exact model.
The Walther PPK is seen in several episodes. Kodai carries one throughout "Stopover", Esther (Chai Lee) takes down a knife-wielding thug with a PPK in "Takeaway", and Michael uses one at the end of "Dead Reckoning".
The PPK is featured prominently in "Spy Probe". In this episode, the criminals Ferris and Twig each carry one, the latter using a suppressed version to perform an assassination. When Bodie goes undercover as a hitman he is given a PPK to use on his intended target; the target, Elizabeth Walsh, correctly IDs it as a Walther PPK.
The SIG P210 appears in the show on a regular basis, usually in the hands of the bad guys. The mercenary leader Krivas (David Suchet) uses this pistol briefly in "Where the Jungle Ends". The terrorist group in "Fugitive", and kidnappers in "Acorn Syndrome" use P210s. It also appears in the episode "Blind Run".
A Tokarev TT-33 Pistol is used by the hitman O'Leary (Billy Boyle) in "A Stirring of Dust". For some strange reason, Special Branch agents are armed with Tokarevs in the episode "Fall Girl."
The Beretta M1934 is used briefly by the German terrorist Inga in "Close Quarters". In "A Stirring of Dust", the M1934 is wielded by Italian hitman Callinari, and in the same episode, by retired spy Sorenson. A suppressed version of this pistol is used by the assassin Rahad in the episode "The Untouchables". A suppressed M1934 can also be seen in "Discovered in a Graveyard", used by Mayli. Barry Martin has one taped to the underside of a table in his flat in "Rogue".
An Artillery Luger is the weapon referred to in the episode entitled "The Gun". It is used by Gary, a drug dealer, to commit a murder, and after he discards it, it is disovered by two boys, Tony and Jerry.
The Sterling L2A3 Submachine Gun appears in various episodes of the series. All the members of the mercenary group in "Where the Jungle Ends" use this weapon. In the same episode, a crate filled with Sterlings is seen inside the house of a gunrunner that Bodie & Doyle are questioning. A Greek terrorist uses a Sterling in "Killer with a Long Arm". Bodie uses a Sterling to take down a assassin on the golf course in "Blood Sports".
The Uzi SMG is the most common SMG used in the show. Bodie & Doyle can be seen with Uzi's during the hostage rescue sequence at the end of "First Night". CI5 agents are equipped with Uzi's at the beginning of "Dead Reckoning". Bodie & two other CI5 agents use Uzi's at the conclusion of "A Hiding To Nothing". Bodie again has an Uzi during the finale of "Takeaway". Criminals and terrorists in "The Professionals" are also seen with Uzis. At the end of the episode "Heroes", hitmen armed with Uzis attempt to kill a witness. Uzis are seen in the hands of terrorists in the episodes "Blackout" and "No Stone".
Kidnappers in the episode "First Night" use MAC-10 submachine guns. A MAC-10 with suppressor is used by a member of the hit squad in the episode "Blind Run."
The Czechoslovakian Sa.25 Submachine Gun is used by the German terrorist Inga in "Close Quarters". Two members of the terrorist group in "No Stone" can be seen using the Sa.25.
Kodai's men use MAT-49 Submachine Guns when they attack the safehouse in the episode "Stopover". The terrorists in "Blackout" are also seen using them at the end of the episode.
The character of Tommy (John Castle) uses a sawed-off Ithaca 37 with pistol grip in the episode "Heroes". It also features a custom wire stock, closely resembling the type used on the MP40 SMG, which folds onto the top of the gun. It appears to be the same shotgun later used in Aliens.
A member of the hit team in Season 2, Episode 9: "Blind Run" is seen using a Savage/Springfield 67 pump shotgun. It is the Model 67 built by Springfield based on the style of the fore-end.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSavage/Springfield Model 67 - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingSpringfield Model 67 pump shotgun used in the episode "Blind Run" - 12 gauge. The Model 67 is identified by the ejection port, which opens up to the top of the receiver and the shape of the trigger guard as well as the magazine tube cap and the fore grip.
Rifles & Carbines
Mauser C96 Carbine
A Mauser C96 Carbine is used by a hitman in "Everest was also Conquered". This particular C-96 is equipped with a skeleton stock, telescopic sight, and has what appears to be a 15-inch barrel.
An Armalite AR-10 with a Thompson Gun drum magazine and primitive laser sight is seen in the episode Hunter Hunted as an "A180 .22 calibre assault rifle" also making this a famous episode. It is supposed to be a black project assault rifle that gets stolen and used on the previous user. It may be inspired by the American-180 submachine gun, which fired .22 caliber rounds from a flat pan magazine above the receiver. This rifle caused some attention to fans of this show that a .22 round is inaccurate for long ranges and the fact it is really a 7.62x51mm AR-10. This is the world's first TV show appearance to feature a laser-lock sight in the movie industry. Can be seen used here!
A specially modified M1 Carbine used as a sniper weapon is seen several times throughout the series. It can be broken down into 3 pieces--barrel, receiver/forestock, buttstock--is equipped with a scope, and sometimes a suppressor. The character of Nesbitt uses this special carbine in "Private Madness, Public Danger". It also appears in "Runner". The episodes "Blood Sports" & "Hijack" show the carbine with the suppressor attached, in both cases being used by hitmen in assassination attempts. These two episodes also show the carbine fully broken down into its separate parts and then being assembled.
Exaclty same prop is used in several episodes of British TV series Bergerac (1981–1991).
SAS troopers are seen carrying MGC M16 replica in the episode "Long Shot". Col. Lawson and Len are equipped with M16A1s during the attack on the chemical research facility in "Lawson's Last Stand".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe MGC M16 Assault rifle: a non firing metal replica built by the Model Gun Corp of Japan and one of the most used non firing replicas of the M16 in movies and television. The 'forward assist' on the early models like the one imaged here are bolt inserts to keep the receiver together. Sometimes movie prop masters cut off the three prong flash hider and weld on birdcage flash hiders to update the look.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCol. Lawson with his M16A1 in "Lawson's Last Stand".Error creating thumbnail: File missingSAS Trooper with M16A1 in "Long Shot".
SIG 510
A hitman uses the SIG 510 (Stg 57) battle rifle to kill witnesses in the episode "Heroes". The rifle is used again at the conclusion of the same episode, when the hitman uses it in an attempt to kill another witness.
CI5 Agent Murphy is seen with an AR-18 in "Foxhole on the Roof". Bodie arms himself with an AR-18 when confronting the Special Branch agents at the end of "Operation Susie".
Bodie equips himself with an AR-18S, the carbine variant of the AR-18, in the episode "Foxhole on the Roof". One can also be seen in the hands of a CI5 agent in "No Stone".
Members of an anti-terrorist unit can be seen carrying Steyr AUGs at the end of "No Stone". A variety of publicity photos exist showing Bodie & Doyle holding AUGs, but the fact is that they never once use these weapons during an actual episode of the series.
The folding stock variant of the VZ 58 is used by a terrorist during an assassination attempt at the end of the episode "A Hiding To Nothing".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingCzech SA vz-58V(Výsadkový aka "Airborne") with folding stock - 7.62x39mmError creating thumbnail: File missingA rather low quality screenshot of a terrorist with VZ 58V in "A Hiding to Nothing". The weapon is seen only briefly, and unfortunately this is the best shot available.
The Hungarian variant of the AK-47, the AMD-65, is seen used by Quinn in "A Man Called Quinn".
During a prisoner exchange at the beginning of the episode "Dead Reckoning", Bulgarian agents are seen carrying German STG44 assault rifles. When this programme aired in the late 1970s, probably none of the AK series of weapons were available in the West for use in TV shows, so most likely the STG44s was being used as "stand-ins" because of their general resemblance to the AK (STG44's were used by the East German forces and Yugoslav paratroops after WW2).
The FN FAL is used in two episodes of the series, and both times is shown firing on full automatic. The character of Tommy (John Castle) is armed with a FAL at the end of "Heroes", at one point using it to fire a rifle grenade. Bodie equips himself with the FAL in "Fall Girl".
The British variant of the FN FAL is probably most common rifle used in the show. It can be seen in the hands of British soldiers in "Old Dogs With New Tricks", "Stakeout", & "First Night". Turkel's men use stolen L1A1s when they takeover the police station in "Old Dogs With New Tricks". CI5 agents are seen equipped with L1A1s in "Blackout". Many times the L1A1 is seen with a scope mounted. Cowley uses one in "Need to Know", CI5 snipers use them in "Fugitive" & "Foxhole on the Roof", as well as the character Mickey Hamilton (Ian McDiarmid) in the "Madness of Mickey Hamilton" when he tries to shoot a doctor in the episode, also most of the L1A1 rifles shown in most episodes have the FAL handguard with 3 vents on each side of the Handguard instead of the L1A1 version with 2 vents on each side.
The prototype Enfield XL64E5 (the forerunners of the SA80) is used by Bodie and Doyle during the hostage rescue scene at the beginning of the episode "Wild Justice". According to "The Professionals" magazine, Vol. 2, No.2, these are actual experimental rifles, which at the time were undergoing testing by the military, and were loaned to the production for use in this episode.
Lee Enfield No.4 rifles and No.4T sniper rifles have appeared several times in the series. They can be seen in the hands of CI5 agents in the episodes "Heroes" and "Stopover". The police and CI5 agents are seen using them in the episode "Madness of Mickey Hamilton".
A bolt action sniper rifle, make and model unknown, is used by Doyle during the hostage situation in "Old Dog with New Tricks". The same rifle is also used by the character of Kodai in "Stopover", and by an assassin in "Backtrack".
L21A1 RARDEN autocannons are mounted on FV721 Fox armoured reconnaissance vehicles, seen in "The Acorn Syndrome" (S04E01) and "Lawson's Last Stand" (S05E04).
This British 37mm Schermuly Multi-Purpose Gun is used by the character of Roddy Barker in "Foxhole on the Roof." In this episode the weapon is portrayed as an HE grenade launcher, while in actuality it is only intended to launch 37mm less-lethal projectiles.
British No. 36 "Mills Bomb" grenades are among the weapons stolen from an military base in "Old Dogs with New Tricks". The character of Billy uses one in order to take a nurse hostage.
The Mk 2 "pineapple" fragmentation grenade can be seen in the episode "Lawson's Last Stand". Col. Lawson uses a Mk 2 to destroy a guardhouse at a chemical research facility, and later attaches one to a canister of nerve gas.
Used by a terrorist during the assassination attempt at the end of the episode "A Hiding To Nothing". Many promotional photos for "The Professionals" show Bodie (Lewis Collins) holding the RPG-2, however, he never actually uses the weapon during this episode.