Talk:The Walking Dead (TV Series): Difference between revisions
Talk:The Walking Dead (TV Series): Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Talk:The Walking Dead (TV Series): Difference between revisions
On the actual subject of the firearms used in the finale, I think Lori uses the Charter Arms Pug that Carl had earlier in the season. Daryl used a revolver I couldn't ID.... Looked like a .38 of some kind with a 4 or 5 inch barrel, but I'm not sure. [[User:Krakydak|Krakydak]] 22:02, 18 March 2012 (CDT)
On the actual subject of the firearms used in the finale, I think Lori uses the Charter Arms Pug that Carl had earlier in the season. Daryl used a revolver I couldn't ID.... Looked like a .38 of some kind with a 4 or 5 inch barrel, but I'm not sure. [[User:Krakydak|Krakydak]] 22:02, 18 March 2012 (CDT)
To add to that, Glenn was seen using Shane's Mossberg with the M4-style stock in the finale. (Shane no longer is needed it)
Hershel was also seen using, what I believe is the Remington 870 Wingmaster used by Dayrl in "Vatos"
That's Norman Reedus with the crossbow. He plays Daryl Dixon, who was not in the actual comic that I can recall. I like that though, he's a cool actor. I'm also a little bummed that they didn't use the guns drawn in the comics. Rick uses a HK mk.23. For those of you who might think that it's impossible to tell that from the comic the artist wrote HK MK.23 on the barrel. humanzie3
I read some where that the Walker are attracted to loud noises. that might be why he is carrying a crossbow
It is smart to use a crossbow; because it saves on bullets and in most all undead literature and movies the undead always react and swarm when they hear a gunshot. Very good show, have never read the comic but look forward to.-GoshMr.Peabody
It's pretty amazing. I recommend buying the trade paperbacks. humanzie3
Not only does a crossbow save on ammo and is silent, crossbow bolts can be retrieved and reused repeatedly before they bend, dull, break, or otherwise can't be used any longer. In effect, Daryl has essentially a near-infinite source of ammunition. As for Rick, I think the Python suits him better. It has personality, the Mark 23... not so much. Spartan198 16:43, 27 February 2012 (CST)
I loved the comic, when the hell did it get a tv show?
The idea was revealed a while ago. It comes out on Halloween. -SasquatchJim
honestly , its like two hours till the show ,i cant wait. simmons 8492
Well it kept my interest. I'll watch it again next week to see if it can maintain the momentum.--Jcordell 18:30, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
honestly it took some time to realy get things going , but now hes in a populated zone with other survivers . and if i was him id start that tank up! simmons 8492
I coulda sworn the 50 on that tank was still loaded with ammo and in the next scene, it had no ammo Excalibur01 01:30, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
Just watched it again. The .50 on the tank doesn't appear to be loaded, but there's another one in a sandbag fort that is, in the foreground as he goes by. -IGemini 04:15, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
iv watched it from the start and i have to say its great simmons 8492
Crappy dialogue
In the trailer, one of the cops told the other to make sure he had a round in the chamber and that his safety is off. First off, the man he was talking to, had a Glock, so no safety. And since he's a trained cop, ready to open fire on a suspect that's hostile, why wouldn't he have a round in the chamber and his gun ready to go? That line just threw me off Excalibur01 22:58, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
Hey guys, just watched it. Its brilliant, easily as good as the comic. The 'crappy dialogue above does jar a little tho. Hes telling him to make sure he had a round in the chamber and that his safety is off as it is implied the officer in question is a bit useless, however after doing a brass check the officer in question then presses down on the slide release (even tho the slide is forward) as if to pretend it is the saftey catch. Morgan has a 5 shot snub revolver (which someone else will have to identify as im not too good with em). Rick pull a 92fs (standing in for an m9) from a dead soldiers shoulder holster at the end of the episode, and i'm fairly sure the SIG is a tutone P228 or 229 not a P239 --Captain Snikt 00:21, 22 October 2010 (UTC)
Maybe Basset is so damn useless that he hasn't even figured out that Glocks don't come with manual safeties... --Euromutt 07:28, 25 June 2011 (CDT)
The funny thing about the thing with the safety is that you can hear the sound of a safety being click off.--Mattattack07 04:03, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Remember that the dialogue was written long before it was decided the cop would be holding a Glock(unless the writer is Michael Mann). So maybe the round in the chamber thing may have been unwarranted, but maybe he was a rookie, he did seem sort of skittish. Regardless, it's unfair to call that crappy dialogue. I think you're letting your knowledge of guns get in the way of enjoying good stories.--Mr-Jigsaw 04:32, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Dont know if its worth noting, but the cop he tells that too, is actually, the first zombie he ends up shooting, after leaving the police station. Rick commented he was careless and dumb, so reminding him, makes sense.
And, of course, Rick committed a cardinal sin; he referred to a magazine as a clip :P -SasquatchJim
I'm not surprised, Sasqatch. The cop I talked to called his Glock 17 a "Glock 9". I'm sure he would have said clip to. Not all cops are into guns. Haha
He also could have meant "Glock 9mm", you know, since "9" is common shorthand for 9mm. When has anyone referred to .45 ACP as "11.43mm"? Hell, I once had a conversation with a Korean War vet about 1911s and when I referred to the cartridge by its dimensions, he had a dumbfounded look on his face and "corrected" me, telling me that the 1911A1 was "a 45, not no 11-something". Spartan198 16:51, 27 February 2012 (CST)
This doesn't look like a P239 to me; more like a P226 or P228. It's too big, and it has nickel controls (which the two-tone P239s don't have). -MT2008 01:45, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
P228 because of the slide length. --Predator20 01:49, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Remember, on low resolution screencaps like the ones I had to use, feel free to correct the Gun IDs. :) MoviePropMaster2008
Watching the scene I agree that it is somewhat larger. Sounds fine to me - I'll change it. The first episode was pretty good. I'm adding a Beretta 92FS (M9) entry - Grimes indeed takes one off a 'dead' soldier inside the Abrams tank he gets into, as noted by the above section. Also, I never did get a good glance at the snub revolver, though I'm fairly certain it's a S&W. They're replaying the show so I'll keep an eye for it, and some of the other guns. StanTheMan 02:21, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Spoiler Comment and Morgan's Revolver
Its nice to see the page updated but arn't some of the descriptions (mainly the colt python) a bit spoilerific for anyone who hasn't watched it yet? --Captain Snikt 04:07, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Whoa, yes they are, I sure as hell didn't add those. :b I'll reword them somewhat. Also! The revolver Morgan uses is a Snub S&W Model 66, I can almost guarantee it. Bah, wish I could get screencaps. Still, I'll add that as well. StanTheMan 04:34, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Are you sure its a 66? I remember it having a 5 round cylinder --Captain Snikt 04:52, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
I could have sworn it was a S&W. But it's definitely not a Model 66, since there's no rear adj. sights, nor of course a 6-shot cylinder. But Smith snubbie J-frames (5-shot) all have flat 'bull-nose' ejector rod shrouds, not curved. Bah, now I'm kinda stumped. My best guess at this point would probably be a Ruger SP101. Convert that image there to JPG and upload it on the site. It's not great, but it's better than nothing. StanTheMan 05:05, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Looks like it could also be either the Taurus Model 617 or possibly a stainless steel Taurus Model 85. Biu it is difficult.--Jcordell 12:45, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
From the barrel it looks like an early Taurus Model 85 in stainless or nickel plated. It was a five shot cylinder definitely.GaBoy45 17:11, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
After posting I did consider it being a Taurus, many of them are awfully S&W looking to begin with. I doubt it's a 617 but it easily could be an 85. Hell, could be anything for all I know at this point. I guess it'll just be another 'unidentified' until we get more/better screencaps. I'll modify the S&W 66 entry I posted and just call it un-ID'd snub revolver, noting the 5-shot capacity and stating the possible choices. StanTheMan 17:34, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
I am almost certain it is actually a Ruger SP101, two inch model. No other snubbie, as far as I know, has the upper rear of the frame shaped into a rear sight notch like the SP101, as both of those Taurus models just lack rear sights - you can check the Taurus website as both models lack a "rear sight" category under specifications. Also, if you check out the behind the scenes vid here, there is a pretty decent side shot of the revolver. The general shape is very close to a SP101, and even from the front, the lines on Morgan's triggerguard and barrel are cut much closer semi-melted look on the SP than the very sharp ones on a Taurus oR S&W.
All said, the easiest way to tell would be if they showed the damned cylinder release at some point. --John 234 07:41, 8 November 2010 (UTC) (Corrected typo --John 234 02:35, 9 November 2010 (UTC))
It's not an SP101. The recoil shield shown is a simple traditional shape, not the bulkier contours Rugers have in that part of the frame. Also, the ejector rod shroud is cut back more sharply from the muzzle, and the revolver in the show seems to lack the small hole on the front of the frame for the front crane lock. Rule .303 14:56, 2 December 2010 (UTC)
Judging by the screens uploaded I'd say definately not a 617, 617 is a 7-shot, also can't see a ported barrel. Still think it's a Taurus though. ZombieKiller 09:22, 30 November 2010 (UTC)
If you watch the Making of the Walking dead Season 1 it shows the side of the revolver.. Looks exactly like the Ruger SP101 from Breaking Bad. I'm guessing its the same prop. (Just like I think the RV is. )
It's definately not a Ruger SP101. As to the comment of the SP101 being unique with regards to the rear notch site. Nope. All snubbies have that. I have both the Taurus 85 (old shape) and the Taurus 85 Stainless. Looks much more like that due to the unique underlug on the revolver. Also look at the SP101's front. Definately not what we are seeing in these screen captures. Potentpoefie 07:25, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
It appears to be a Taurus 405 to me. Looks large-bored, probably .40S&W so that would match the 405. The front sight is tiny from that back angle which also matches the 405, the cylinder backing plate is the same etc. krispic 21:36 Feb 22 2012
What kind of tank was that?
Its oviously a stand-in for an M-1 but I'm not sure what it is. I'm thinking possibly a Chieftain, but I'm not sure. Also, note that a real M-1 woulnd't have worked for the scene since it lacks the floor escape hatch.
I'm also reasonably certain the 82nd Airborne Division doesn't have tanks in their TO&E, yet the (un)dead soldier in the tank had an 82nd patch on his left shoulder. --Euromutt 07:32, 25 June 2011 (CDT)
Well i would imagine that in the chaos of the zombie apocalypse lots of soldiers ended up with other units doin jobs they aren't really trained for.
Actually smaller units are frequently attached (I believe the Brits call it seconded) to other units for mission purposes. Some armor battalions spent the whole campaign in France (WW II, 1944-1945) being attached to various infantry units - to include the airborne. After all the elements of the 9th and 10th armor divisions that were in Bastogne during the siege fell under the 101st Airborne for the duration of that battle. Funny how the airborne mafia always seems to forget about all the other troops that fought in that battle. --Jcordell 13:17, 23 August 2011 (CDT)
At this point I'm not sure, but I do suspect it's the same tank that shows up in Zombieland. Both shows are filmed in Georgia and the voice-over commentary on Zombieland states that the tank is owned by a private collector.--Jcordell 16:34, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Definately a Chieftain.
I concur, Chieftains are often used (mocked-up) as stand-ins for Abrams tanks. I also noticed the bottom escape hatch, which as far as I can recall, indeed isn't on an actual Abrams. StanTheMan 23:49, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Other comments posted on main page-
(Perhaps it is just me, but the Abrams featured in this appears to be a mocked up British Chieftain Tank, I didn't get a good look at the tank but it didn't seem to be a genuine Abrams, although it could simply be an older pattern M1 without the TUSK upgrade, reactive armor and the more apparent loaders hatch. Yet that would not explain the escape hatch.- Doc345)
Older M1s didn't look that diffrent, from the later ones, aside from the most recent upgardes.
Also, the angle of the frontal turret armor is wrong to be an M1.
I think this may be the same tank which appeared in, among other series, Jericho. The vehicle, if I remember correctly, is built on an old Centurion chasis to resemble an Abrams with some obvious differences. --Charon68 00:06, 9 November 2010 (UTC)
On a random note, where was a Striker seen in the episode? It says on the page that there was one with a fifty cal on it, but aside from the tank, the only other military vehicles I saw where some HMMWVs, what looked like a deuce, and a half, and some abandone Hueys.
Intrestingly, in the trailor, the one Rick first sees after leaving the hospital lacked a rotor blade making me think it was edited in post-production. Also, the one off to Ricks left appears to still be lacking one.
at the begging seen when the main cerictor walkes out of the hospital he sees a ebandoned military equpent you can see a Stryker IFV --Armyguy277 21:33, 9 November 2010 (UTC)
heres a picture
I can say without a doubt that the 'M1' is a Chieftain, not a Centurion. The long sloping frontal 'nose' armour, the front idler wheel and the lockers/storage bins are features of the Chieftain, not the Centurion. Not too sure about the 'escape hatch' though. I wonder if this is the same 'M1' that appears in the 2010 remake of Red Dawn? It looks the same to me. Spanner
Naw, that one they've actually made some modifications to like building up the hull and turret to be more Abrams-like and putting an M1-style bulge over the cylindrical fume extractor. This is just a Chieftain with a fake M2 awkwardly perched on top of the hatch weapon mounting. Evil Tim 09:07, 25 June 2011 (CDT)
Things I noticed
Did anybody else notice that when Morgan cocked the hammer back on his gun and threatened to shoot Grimes if he didn't talk, the cylinder didn't advance to the next chamber like it should?
And what about Grimes' personal arsenal in his backpack? Is it safe to assume that rubber/resin mockups? He was getting bounced pretty hard by that horse and the guns kept bumping him in the back. That's at least 40 pounds of gear to be carrying around.
More than safe to assume that. Most of them even appeared to have solid barrels. Probably rubber.-- 04:04, 24 November 2010 (UTC)
The cylinder did rotate, I remembered that happening when I watched the scene. As far as the bag -o- guns, I have no idea. If they were all rubber, they were modeled after some hard to find shotgun configurations and looked very real. --Yournamehere 20:59, 2 November 2010 (UTC)
According to Grimes in episode 3 his duffle bag was holding six shotguns, two "high powered" rifles, a dozen handguns, and 700 rounds of assorted ammo. That's easily 80-90 pounds of gear. There's no way Grimes could be carrying that around in one hand with a gas can in the other. Or getting bucked and having the bag sag to the side and the stuff not come falling out.
Did anybody else notice that Dale seemed to switch between carrying a rifle with a sling, to carrying one without a sling between scenes?
I rewatched the first episode.
Two of the Sheriffs deputys from the neighboring county had shotguns. One looked like and 870 Remington. The other looked like a Mossberg.
The gun used to shoot Rick, I'm pretty sure was either 1911, or a Glock. It seemed to have an extended slide.
I noticed the shotguns too but it was hard to get a decent look at them, mainly the second one (Mossberg I guess). I will concur at least one of the other shotguns was indeed a standard 870. No idea what the pistol is/was. StanTheMan 16:19, 3 November 2010 (UTC)
Almost positive the other two deputys, from the neighboring county had Glocks, like the other deputys from Ricks department.
You can see one of the shotguns fairly well, after Rick gots shot, one of the two deputys joins Shane in trying to help Rick. Like Shane, he drops his gun, and it can be seen fairly well.
Looking at the pick on here, I'm more positive than ever that the last gunmans weapon was a 1911.
Good eye on my part, since it was litreally visible for like less than a second.-AC.
Andrea's gun
I believe Andrea is packing a Smith and Wesson 3913 Ladysmith humanzie3
I also agree about it being a 3913 Ladysmith. We also saw a M67 'baseball' grenade in this latest episode (actually the training version, you could still spot some blue paint on it). StanTheMan 05:21, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
What kind of rifle did Meryl have?
Looked like possibly a Model 70, but I'm bad at identifing bolt actions.
Seriously, does anyone know what kind of rifle he had?-AC
Compare the bolt heads (or whatever the end of the bolt closest to the butt is called); the Remington 700 seems to have more of a protruding portion, while the Mod. 70 is tucked in and more square-like.
At least, that's what it seems like. There used to be a generic page for comparing Bolt-Action Rifles, like the shotguns have now. Where did that page go?
Can anyone identify the pistol Shane is carrying? It looks like either a Glock or possibly a Sig Pro. humanzie3
Probally a Gock. There very common cop guns, in both hollywood, and real life. Also, severael of the cops, at opening shootout had them, so evedently the prophouse they went to had some.
Definitely a Glock. Although it's only shown briefly, it looks like a 17. He carries it in a thumb break holster. Mmarlon brando
After looking at the screenshot on the main page, can anyone identify the holster?
In the finale you can see its a Glock 19. Not 17. (Also the firing M4s looked like they had blank firing adapters as flashiders)
Definitely a 17 in the last episode when shane opens the barn doors and shhots all the walkers he fires too many rounds for it to be a 19
This is getting tiresome now, stop identifying guns based on the amount of rounds that they fire! It's a TV series where in editing they can easily make a 15 round magazine last for 80 rounds (see John Woo films) --cool-breeze 05:27, 2 January 2012 (CST)
It's Merle not Maryl or Marle
I really like how Rick actually checks the dead soldier's vest for more ammo instead of just taking the weapon like every other film. I also like how when his Beretta runs dry he doesn't toss it away like some generic action hero but he keeps it and stows it in Glenn's backpack. --AdAstra2009 02:03, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
Oh yeah, that was good stuff. Have yet to see the Beretta again though. humanzie3
Did you also notice that his Colt Python is still in his hoslter even though he ran out of ammo for it? I liked that touch as well. --Jcordell 14:29, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
You never know what you might find ammo for at a latter date.-AC
Which he does in the third episode. Anyway Python's are too expensive to be tossing away on a whim. Even after the Zombie Apocalypse has happened. --Jcordell 17:32, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
If I recall right they've been outta production since the late 90s.
The last Python was manufactured approximately six years ago. --Jcordell 18:30, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
Still outta production than. If I recall right, for a while it was outta generael production, but could be special ordered.
Yes the last five or six years it had to be ordered through the custom shop.--Jcordell 01:54, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
The Python, and The Anaconda, where the best revolvers Colt made since the SAA imho-AC
IMO, the Official Police and Detective Special should be included as well. -SasquatchJim
Too bad that still fully loaded .50 next to the tank is too heavy to take back Excalibur01 23:16, 22 November 2010 (UTC)
If he can walk and ride a horse with a 90lb bag on his back like its nothing, he could carry a M2.--FIVETWOSEVEN 01:44, 23 November 2010 (UTC)
And he brought buddies with him to GET that bag he left behind. They can lug around an M2 with ammo. Sure it doesn't look like there's any extra, but it's an M2 with AMMO! Excalibur01 03:11, 23 November 2010 (UTC)
But honestly, what would be the purpose, in this story? I mean, they're already getting guns and ammo, and it's not like you need a lot of penetration to kill a zombie, so they don't really need a .50 caliber machinegun. All it would really do was kill a couple of zombies while making a shitload of noise, attracting every zombie in a mile radius. Acora 05:04, 29 November 2010 (UTC)
I bet one would've come in handy on top of the camper during the attack on the camp. That's One Angry Duck 04:07, 30 November 2010 (UTC)
Possibly (I posted that before I saw that episode, sorry.), though I doubt any of them have any training or even any practice with military grade machine guns, and so I'm betting that during the chaos of the attack, they would have killed more of their own people. Acora 02:43, 1 December 2010 (UTC)
Woulda been kinda hard to use that thing in the dark, too, since the only source of light is that campfire. Scoring headshots on zombies without friendly fire in a situation like that? No way even TV-land can pull THAT one off.
Talking about scavenging guns, even when they were rushing back to the vehicles in front of the CDC wouldn't it have been a good idea to at least grab a couple of the discarded weapons lying around out front?
Ok, tonight I think I've seen a S&W model 10, a Colt Detective Special, and possibly a S&W mosel 28 in the hands of the mexican gangsters and it looks like T-Dog was using a BAR. The bag had some Sigs and Glocks and Daryl had a Remington 870 and I think that Rick is using a Mossberg 590 not a 500. humanzie3
Just so everyone knows, I didn't edit the page tonight, I just wrote on here. humanzie3
Daryl took at least one Sig from the bag. T-Dog used a Mossberg later, but I think his scoped rifle was a BAR. The shotty Glenn ended up with, looked the same as Daryl's. Also, Shane drew his pistol at one point, but it was hard to see.-AC
Picture added and changes made. --Jcordell 19:20, 23 November 2010 (UTC)
Was that an XD?
The handgun, that Daryl takes from the bag of guns. At first I thought it was a SIG, but after rewatching it, I think it may have been a Springfield Army XD.
Nope, definitely a bi-tone Sig of some kind.
Yeah, the XDs don't have all that stuff on the side of the gun and the slide is actually more Glock like than the more rounder Sig slides Excalibur01 17:36, 28 November 2010 (UTC)
that looks like a SIG-sauer P226 or P228. simmons 8492
I agree with simmons 8492, i'd say p228 myself.
How did you think that was an XD?--Jackie.45Cal 14:48, 30 November 2010 (UTC)
Not sure. When I stuck it in his waistband, it looked like a combination between a Sig, and a Glock. As far as handguns go, I'd say the XD is closest to that description. Course I was rather sleep deprived at the time.-AC
i also think that in episode 5 shane pulls what looks to be a sig when the sister is coming back to life . im not sure because i know shane has a glock but this isnt in the holster , its carried mexican style and is only seen for seconds. can some one verify ?simmons 8492
Rick also pulls a gun carried similarily in that scene. Ricks looked like a Glock.
but shanes looks more like a sig or something .simmons 8492
Some ones gotta move that pic into the 228 spot.simmons 8492
It's not a P228. The screencap doesn't show it well, but I checked the episode again, and it's possible to see that it has the squared trigger guard of the P226, rather than rounded, as on a P228. -MT2008 23:16, 28 January 2011 (UTC)
Faking recoil
Its a littlle overdone but nice to see it (a HP in 9mm doesnt kick as much as shown, but its better than most shows, and handling is pretty good or tv.
may be because he hasent realy fired a 9mm in a while he wasnt use to it or because hes used to the revovler
That makes no sense, .357 Magnum (I'm guessing thats what is loaded) has alot more kick, if he can handle a .357 than he could easily handle a 9mm.--FIVETWOSEVEN 23:02, 5 December 2010 (UTC)
and im sure that a python has more kick than that highpower . and being that he killed a hand full of zombies with that in the first episode it wont matter .-simmons 8492
Just a FYI, its Hi Power, not High Power.--FIVETWOSEVEN 03:07, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
Since most people don't know the distinction between a Hi-Power and a Colt M1911, and the show is known to have certain..flaws when it comes to reality, they could have just been assuming that it was a .45, and Hollywood logic states that if it's larger than 9mm, it makes your wrist fly up and sends bad guys flying.
Or it was just because they wanted Rick to seem cool with a stainless steel firearm (like his Colt Python, which he points at other survivors so often, it could be a drinking game).
But being seriously, this is the same show where Glocks have external, slide-mounted safeties in the US and headshots can be made off-hand with a sidearm at 50 meters while running.
I haven't been able to watch the series only the first episode (no cable) but... The Python is a heavy revolver and could be loaded with .38 Specials. Also with the Hi-Power being a semi-auto and able to shoot more rapidly. Would have more perceived recoil. Seeing guys on YouTube handle .45s with very little recoil, it's shotguns and full auto rifles where movies get recoil wrong. --Predator20 02:34, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
DShK heavy machine gun?
I believe there was an abandoned DShK heavy machine gun flanked by sandbags when they headed towards the CDC building by the looks of the muzzle. (This was the best episode so far, I think.) - Angel_956
Most likely a mocked up M2 but I definatly saw that distinct muzzle brake.--FIVETWOSEVEN 18:20, 29 November 2010 (UTC)
I added a cap but you cannot really tell one way or another if it is a mock up or not. Either makes no sense for it to be there in the first place!!! --Charon68 23:46, 29 November 2010 (UTC)
That's exactly what I was thinking. Why would an outdated Soviet Union machine gun even be in the show, but it might be cleared up in the next episode. I clearly remember the guy in the CDC building saying something about some French soilders, I think. If so it might of meant that there was an international response to the zombie outbreak, trying to control it, explaining the DShK. Angel_956
Now your just over-analyzing, it's in all likeliness what they used because it's what was available to use when they were shooting the scene. --AdAstra2009 05:46, 30 November 2010 (UTC)
Maybe somebody "requisitioned" (read: looted) it from the National Infantry Museum or Fort Benning; both are in or around Columbus, GA, which isn't exactly close to Atlanta, but it's the closest place I can think of where you might plausibly find a DShK. When you need more HMGs, you grab what's available. --Euromutt 20:18, 24 June 2011 (CDT)
Weird though, since they obviously had M2s available for filming.-AC
Not necessarily. Armorers can change during filming and weapons may not be available even though they were previously. Also remember that only the first episode had the M2 so the armorer could have changed since then. --AdAstra2009 22:43, 30 November 2010 (UTC)
Actually, those M2HBs are still there in episodes 2 ("Guts," when Grimes escapes from the tank) and 4 ("Vatos," when Glenn goes to retrieve the Bag O' Guns) and they pass at least two M2HBs on the way to the CDC's front door after they pass the DShK. They weren't just there for the pilot. --Euromutt 09:18, 25 June 2011 (CDT)
My thought was militia that made a last stand with the army to protect the people gathering at the CDC (notice the weapon is surrounded by bodies in civilian clothes), the DShK having been purchased by one of the members (legitimately or otherwise) and subsequently put to use following the outbreak. - Wolfblade670
Maybe the Russians dropped in tom VDV to help protect the CDC. -Jakezergling
I, umm, highly doubt that... - Mr. Wolf 03:30, 7 September 2011 (CDT)
Yeah, Russia would have enough trouble fighting the Walkers on their own turf, considering that Russia is easily 2 times the size of continental United States. Besides that, do the Russians even use the DshK anymore? I do believe it's been phased out by the Kord since the late 90s/early 2000s. Spartan198 18:18, 27 February 2012 (CST)
Daryl's knife
In the third episode, when Daryl is told about his brother, he attacks Rick with some sort of hunting or combat knife. He's later seen with it in a sheath on his left thigh, and you get a fairly close (But very brief) look at it when they're walking through the building at the beginning of the forth episode. Anyone have any clue what it is? I mean, from the brief glimpse I got of it in the forth episode, it looked like it was possibly a TOPS Steel Eagle 107C, the same kind of knife that the character Royce had sheathed in Predators, but I'm not sure. Can anyone confirm, or give an alternative? Acora 07:42, 29 November 2010 (UTC)
It's actually a Busse Combat Team Gemini with a bead blasted finish and black and tan layered g10. Gerber is now supplying knives to the show as well, as seen in the season 2 premiere when Carl finds a full roll in and abandon vehicle. The list of models is on their FB page. Mmarlon brando
I would agree that Daryl does have a Busse Combat Team Gemini. A clear profile-type photo of Daryl's knife was featured in the "story sync" for the eighth episode of the second season on the AMC website. Here's a link to that image: --Kepiblanc 12:24, 23 February 2012 (CST)
What kind of gun did he give Morales?
He said it was a .357, but I have no idea what it was.-AC
He held it in his hand for a profile shot; maybe you should try screencapping it at that point and going from there. There should be an ID for it though, unlike Morgan's snubnose.
I lack the equipment needed to screencap.-AC
Use IrfanView (freeware) or the PrtScn button on your computer (press it on the frame you want to capture, and then paste it into Paint to crop it).
After Rick gives the 590 (it wasn't a 500, someone should change that) to Guillermo, he uses one with an 18 inch barrel, a blued type finish and wood furniture. I think some people commented on it being a Mossberg, but it has a rounded bolt like a Remington 870. However, it's not an 870 since the trigger guard isn't round enough, the magazine tube is longer than the standard 4 shot tube, and it doesn't have an extension attached, and the wood furniture has a single rib on the side for gripping. After doing some research, my best guess is that it's an earlier H&R Pardner Pump, possibly in some sort of police configuration. I know it's neither a Mossberg or a Remington, though.
It's indeed an H&R Pardner Pump. The humpback receiver is unmistakable. [Ballistics_Expert2]
I'd PrtScn/screencap the shotgun in question before making any comparisons. We still haven't definitively IDed Dale's bolt-action, so maybe you should get one of that as well.
A few things distinguishing the shotgun in the picture as a Pardner Pump as opposed to an 870, 500 series, or whatever:
-Some type of thin rib on the top of the barrel.
-The foregrip has the distinctive groove in it as seen on the Pardner Pump.
-The agnle that the receiver curves at the butt end is a sharper angle rather than a bend type (you can tell by the shadow).
-The magazine tube is longer than a 4 shot, but it's not screwed on like other models, nor does the endcap and barrel link resemble that of other models.
Some other things that you can't notice in the picture, like the flatter trigger guard or a good shot of the angled receiver, are seen in the series very easily, namely in Episode 5 during Rick and Shane's patrol, when this cap takes place, and one instance in Episode 6 where the doctor is drawing blood and the gun is sitting behind Rick as he waits. This good enough? --Yournamehere 10:08, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
I think you're right, it's not a Remington, Mossberg, or a Winchester. It looks like a Pardner, more like the Pardner pump compact, due to the shorter barrell. --Warejaws 23:43, 7 December 2010 (UTC)
-Rick's first shotgun was a 500 with the extended tube. It didn't have the bayonet lug, just check some of the promo pics on - MarkXIX
Ah, so it is, I could have sworn I saw the 590s tube cap on it. I can notice a buncha stuff on an H&R, but I get that wrong, lol. --Yournamehere 17:47, 9 December 2010 (UTC)
Rick's shotgun, from the end of Vatos and on, was a Pardner Pump, but I don't think it was a 20 gauge. Sometimes, hunting model guns can have the vent-rib barrel cut down, to where it is a riot shotgun. I see that as being more plausible. --1897Reloaded 11:46, 29 October 2011 (UTC)
Think its funny
Rick misses several close range shots (so do long gun toting officers) in the beginning against chase suspects, then later in series hes nailing headshots left and right....
Noticed that too, although zombies don't shoot back. They just charge straight ahead.
It's a screenplay-direction thing. The show is already a bit overdramatized in general, so little things like the 'clip' and 'safety' dialogue or the headshot ratio aren't really all that important to the screenwriters, at least not compared with inserting dramatic bits into it.
When the police were shooting the chase suspects, their targets were live people. An accurate marksman or not, if you're not used to firing live rounds at live humans your subconscious may not want you to hit that kill shot. Zombies are different.
also he has had weeks of shooting live targets ie the zombies so he as probaly leared to shot them really well --Armyguy277 20:21, 10 December 2010 (UTC)
Unless you're superhuman, you can't learn how to make a shot that is off-hand, behind you, at a 1.5 x 1 ft target at 50 meters, while RUNNING, in a few weeks. Few people would be able to make that shot, period. The gate-zombie shots were just...unfeasible.
Well it is a show about the dead walking around and eating the flesh of the living. I'm willing to overlook the amazing skill that Rick displays with headshots.--Jcordell 17:28, 20 June 2011 (CDT)
Question about Shane's shotgun technique
Just a question for those who may know, is it considered proper technique to hold the gun that high on the shoulder, with his cheek resting on the receiver? I figuered it was an adjustmant made due to the M4-style stock, as Rick and other survivors wielding unmodified weapons don't do this.
I noticed that too, I figured it was just the actor's preference (possibly due to inexperience) but I guess it could be because of the M4 stock. I dunno. That's One Angry Duck 01:39, 1 December 2010 (UTC)
It's standard practice in the US military. They teach you to ride the stock high so that your sights are level with your eyes. Spartan198 13:56, 2 December 2010 (UTC)
Thats with the M16/M4, not a shotgun.--FIVETWOSEVEN 20:58, 2 December 2010 (UTC)
the stock on the shotgun is a Knoxx Industries SpecOps NRS Shotgun Stock
My dad has one on his 870.--FIVETWOSEVEN 22:59, 5 December 2010 (UTC)
-i noticed that . i dont think that stock has a single thing to do with it . it probably prefrances simmons 8492
Considering the US military teaches you do to that with a M4, the stock is pretty much the same as the M4 so I could see why he's doing it. Also I don't get the feeling that any of the actors are really inexperienced, they all seem to be trained well in regards to weapons. Least Rick and Shane do.Bristow8411 22:18, 8 March 2012 (CST)
Series Finale
I noticed a nickel finished pistol tucked into Daryl's waistband mexican style early on in the episode, looked like a SIG.
I'm thinking that Daryl's pistol was probably the same Hi-Power Rick took off merle in episode 2.
Does any one else think the grenade description is a bit of a spoiler as it is a deus ex machina. I suggest only saying it is used in episode 6 and not how. I know this has absoloutely nothing to do with firearms but i loved the ax decapitation amidst the headshots at the end --Captain Snikt 02:39, 7 December 2010 (UTC)
The grenade wasn't a deus ex machina, but a textbook example of Chekhov's gun. He found it in the first episode even. It would have been a deus ex machina if they found it there.(I expected him to actually bring it out against the guys in the city in episode 3, myself)--Mr-Jigsaw 08:28, 8 December 2010 (UTC)
Hi, New guy here. When Jenner allows the the others to enter the facility at the start of the episode, he's seen holding an M4, and he mentions that "There're a lot of these lying around. I familiarized myself." And yet, none of the others ever even think of finding a couple of the guns for themselves. Shame, considering a couple of those and a few mags would've come in pretty handy outside (especially if there was a suppressor to be found) Anyone else bugged by this?
They've been sitting outside for like a month. The M4 is a fine, gun, but you need to clean it regularly.-AC
Only if your in the desert sand, sitting around like that outside would be fine but not how I would store my guns.--FIVETWOSEVEN 21:32, 14 December 2010 (UTC)
I was definitely bugged by this fact. Supposedly a lot of M4s and 30 round magazines lying around, and Jenner's the only guy who has one. But then again the supply of ammo might've been low, considering everything that'd happened. Ballistics_Expert2
first off all there are no M4A1`s seen inside all out side wicth iswere he probily got it second they were only out side for a few momints ehter runing away from the bulding or trying to get in before they are over welbed with zombies tird as he said ammo is preety rare as you can see when they are out side there are hunderdes of dead zombies witch had to be killed by something --Armyguy277 19:51, 9 December 2010 (UTC)
To Do List.
1. Shotguns used by deputies in opening shootout.
2. Morgans revolver.
3. Merles rifle.
4. The guns, Rick, and Shane pull after Amy turns.
5. The gun given to Morales.
6. Daryls handgun.
7. Whether Shanes Glock is a 17 or 19.
8. Whether Ricks first shotty was a 500 or a 590.
9. Ricks second shotty.
I miss anything?-AC
Short Season Huh?
At least season 2 will be twice as long, whenever they get around to making it.....
At least there will be a seaon two, I thought this was a miniseries at first and was very dissapointed that it was over so soon. 01:45, 10 December 2010 (UTC)
It's definately already in production. Normally when a series gets picked up production on the second season gets rolling ASAP. This became a pretty popular show, show I'm guessing AMC got the ball rolling right away when they realized they had demand for the show. Anyone here read the graphic novel series? I want to try and get into it but want to know if it's worth the time and money--Burgershot621 05:09, 14 December 2010 (UTC)
They really are worth it. I buy the trade paperbacks, they are like $12.00 a book. There are 13 of them up to now. humanzie3
Personaaly i prefer the graphic novels. Dont get me wrong i love the series, but the comics are much more grim and dark, in the series everyone seems to be more willing to get along and its more zombie orientated, the comics are much more grim, its about the characters and in the comic no characters are safe, even mainstay ones. The tv series feels slightly more commercialised and main characters have outlived their comic book life already. I do love the tv version, and darly dixion is the best non comic character creation to be added to the series, I just hope Carl gets a gun next series, that said and cant belive i have to wait till october to see series 2.- Captain Snikt 23:58, 14 December 2010 (UTC)
Popular Cop Guns
An answer above said that the Glock was "a very common cop gun, in both hollywood, and real life." This is true, but I was wondering if their were any other cop guns in hollywood and in real life that are as popular as the Glock.--MarineCorps1 21:49, 17 December 2010 (UTC)
The Beretta 92 is the only one that comes to mind for me. -SasquatchJim.
There aren't too many police depts issuing the Beretta 92F anymore, even though Hollywood still shows them being carried by cops. Anyway, Glock holds just under 2/3rds of the U.S. law enforcement market, SIG-Sauer holds about 1/3rd, and a number of other makes (S&W, H&K, Beretta, etc.) are constantly fighting each other for what's left. -MT2008 16:00, 22 January 2011 (UTC)
SIG-Sauer P226, S&W M19/66, AR-15, and many more... --nkingman
Ah, that's right.
Some older ones include the S&W Model 10, S&W Model 28, Colt Trooper, and a 12 gauge pump shotgun (namely a Remington 870.)
Another new one is the S&W M&P -SasquatchJim
There was once a time when the S&W Model 15/67, the S&W Model 13/65. Colt Official Police, Ruger Six Series revolvers, the S&W Model 19/66 and the Colt Lawman/Trooper Mk III were also very popular Cop revolvers.--Jcordell 14:40, 28 March 2011 (CDT)
Flash suppressor on M4A1
Did anyone else notice the flash suppressor on the M4A1 held by the soldier that gets grabbed is different than normal?
I thought it was a nongun.-- 01:22, 19 December 2010 (UTC)(thePotShot)
Yeah, it's a Non Gun M4. Look at the range at which he's shooting at his comrades. Blanks are dangerous if an actor is shooting at other actors who are that close, so they probably had to use the Non Gun instead. -MT2008 15:57, 22 January 2011 (UTC)
Actually, the Aimpoint M68 CCO (in this case I believe it is a Comp M2 or ML2) can be used with the foreward lens cover closed. Used in this method, it forms an occuladed eye-sight, which were one of the first types of weapons optics employed. Using an occuladed eye-sight is very similar in principle to the BAC method employed in some Trijicon ACOGs, both eyes are left open and due to the way the brain processes images from the eye, what the left (or right eye sees) downrange has the red dot from the other eye (which is looking down the sight) superimposed on it. This is useful as there are rumors that the red dot (particularly in the Aimpoint family) can in fact be detected from in front of the weapon due to the intensity of the light, espiecially in night battle conditions. So the sceintist might really know what he is doing, but it is just as likely it was a mistake by the prop department.SAWGunner89 22:17, 1 March 2011 (UTC)
I liked Rick's reaction when he pulled the pin on the grenade in the last episode
He was thinkin "ohshitohshitohshitohshit" and then hauled ass outta there haha. I liked that little detail, along with him getting knocked off his feet as he tried to get as far away from it as possible, instead of the clichè "walk slowly towards the camera as a bomb goes off behind you with a bad-ass grimace on your face". This show had a lot of nice little details like that. That's One Angry Duck 03:46, 28 January 2011 (UTC)- Yeah but its a grenade bro, you have like what 7 seconds so you can't walk away slowly from it..and also the building was about to total..-jake
Yeah, I liked that too. i hate when like the everyday joe can slowly walk away from a huge explosion,Simmons 8492
I like the way that he pulled the pin and had the "Oh my GOD!" moment when he suddenly realised that he needed to run fast. --cool-breeze 07:49, 2 July 2011 (CDT)
Season 2
Anyone seen the trailer yet for the second seaons? It's been out for a few weeks now. I jus--Jcordell 19:57, 11 August 2011 (CDT)t thought it was interesting that it hasn't been mentioned here.--Jcordell 19:57, 11 August 2011 (CDT)
I don't have the equipment for getting screencaps from TV, but the revolver Daryl took from the camper who committed suicide looks like either a Colt Cobra or Detective Special. The structure doesn't look right for being a S&W Model 10 or Model 36/37. And the slender grip profile and lack of an ejector rod housing eliminates the possibility of it being a Taurus.
I was rewatching the season 2 premier episode and I noticed something that irked me a bit concerning the scene at the tent where Daryl found the Colt revolver. This is a series known for a great deal of firearms safety and consideration. But here we have an example of typical Hollywood gun handling. Nobody checked to see how many live rounds were in it, they just assumed it was still loaded and ready to be used. For all we know Daryl handed Laurie an empty weapon for taking on the trail back to the RV.
Gerber Bag of Knives
Carl (Chandler Riggs) found this bag in the first episode of the second season which contained six different gerber tool knives and machetes.
In the Season 2 props video on the AMC website, they explain the endorsement and show some of the gear. The prop master also gives a look at Rick's character specific items, which includes a DMF Folder. --Mmarlon brando 15:58, 29 October 2011 (CDT)
Some of this bag is anachronistic though, as the knives were not invented until after the zombie apocalypse destroyed humanity, and presumably the Gerber factory. --commando552 19:21, 29 October 2011 (CDT)
How do you know that though? As far as I can remember there hasn't been a date mentioned for when the zombie apocalypse happened, it could be set in the very near future. --cool-breeze 01:30, 30 October 2011 (CDT)
What I meant is that some of the knives have been released since the series started airing, and I'm assuming that the first episode wasn't set in the future. --commando552 04:41, 30 October 2011 (CDT)
Fair enough. I do think of it like well they haven't really set an actual date on when it occurs so anything "new" that shows up in the show is either there to look cool or it's there for some sort of product placement. --cool-breeze 12:33, 30 October 2011 (CDT)
It can't be the Model 60 because of the curved ejector shroud. SmithandWesson36 13:38, 21 November 2011 (CST)
Season 2 spoiler-ish descriptions
I feel like a lot of the description "updates" on the guns used (or re-used, as applicable) in Season 2 are giving too much info away. Definitely enough to qualify as spoilers to some people (like me). One shouldn't need to narrate the scene and context in which the gun appears, at least not to the extent some of the descriptions are- especially if it's giving away future happenings.
I think the caption about the doctor not noticing the covers for the M68 is a little of a moot point. The doctor stated he wasnt familiar with the weapon, and simply picked it up when soldiers started dying or running away. -MissySummers-
Dave and Tony's guns
In the eighth episode of the second season - "Nebraska" - two newcomers walk into the bar where Rick and Glenn found Hershel drinking alone. The strangers introduce themselves to Rick, Glenn, and Hershel as Dave and Tony. I had a difficult time identifying these two guns that Dave and Tony had. Dave's gun looked to me like it might be a SIG-Sauer P226. Tony's gun looked to me like it was some sort of sawn-off double-barrel shotgun - maybe an over/under style double barrel shotgun too. Did anybody get a good look at either one of these guns? Kepiblanc 12:52, 21 February 2012 (CST)
After watching the episode "Triggerfinger" it looks like hershel picked up Dave's pistol which looked to me like a SIG-SAUER P228 to me. And the big guy had a cutdown pump shotgun that I think was a Remington 870 and Rick was duel weilding it with his Python when they left the bar. The kid on the roof appeared to a have a bolt action rifle but it never showed a clear pic.
I just watched the "Nebraska" and "Triggerfinger" episodes again back to back. I would have to agree with you now on Dave's gun. It appears that Dave actually did bring a SIG-Sauer P228 into the bar in the "Nebraska" episode. I got a better look at this gun in the "Triggerfinger" episode when Hershel was armed with it. I could tell this gun was a P228 because the trigger guard was curved instead of hooked like the P226 has, plus the barrel and slide on this gun were shorter than what the P226 has. I looked very closely at Tony's shotgun too, but I don't agree with you on this one. There's no way it could have been a Remington 870. I would still say that it is a sawn-off, over/under, double barrel shotgun. (Just my opinion here, but a sawn-off shotgun would be a piss-poor gun for defending yourself against a zombie horde that is coming at you. The shot spread pattern on a sawn-off shotgun would be way too wide to be effective on any zombie's head beyond short range, and it's better to kill multiple zombies from a distance than at point blank range, right?) I also noticed that Glenn had Tony's shotgun later on in the "Triggerfinger" episode. I agree with you about that the kid on the roof though - he sure seemed to have a bolt action rifle with a scope mounted on it. What happened to it is the question now. Kepiblanc 15:59, 22 February 2012 (CST)
I just watched it again and I swore I heard a cocking sound so that could make it a pump action shotgun. You were right its not a pump action i believe its a over/under gun. Balin21
TV shows and movies usually have the cocking sound effects for guns added in for dramatic purposes. (For example, it seems that we often hear the cocking sound effect every time the script calls for one character to point a gun at somebody or something. In real life, guns are normally silent when this happens.) The Walking Dead seems to be just such a TV show. I don't know how to screen capture this yet, but I paused episode 208 at the 43:15 mark. I could clearly see the underside of Tony's gun there, and I did not see things on this gun such as a loading port, or a slide piece, both of which would be consistent with a pump action shotgun. It was all dark on that part of the shotgun instead, which to me seems more consistent with a double barrel, over/under, break action shotgun than with a pump action shotgun. --Kepiblanc 12:55, 23 February 2012 (CST)
I couldn't get a good look at Tony's shotgun in either "Nebraska" or "Triggerfinger". At first glance it looked like a cut down Winchester 1887 (like in T-2). I was wondering if anyone else happened to think that too? Also it almost looked like it had a synthetic stock on it which made me think it could have been the Chiappa T-Series 1887, but I don't know if those are availible yet, but again I didn't get a good enough look at it.--Fenderfiver03 20:10, 23 February 2012 (CST)
It is a sawn off over and under (although it may be purpose made as it appeared to have a front sight present). You get a look at the gun when the guy gets up to piss, and after he is shot you see a front view of the gun showing that it is two open barrels rather than a barrel with a magazine tube underneath. --commando552 20:37, 23 February 2012 (CST)
You're right. After rewatching the episode online and pausing just after he gets shot I could see the two barrels and also could see there is no lever either.--Fenderfiver03 22:57, 23 February 2012 (CST)
Tony's shotgun looks VERY much like the MOSSBERG HS12 after another look at episode 9. When Rick searches Tony's pocket and picks up two (probably 12-ga) shotgun rounds, you can clearly see the Top/Locking Lever for opening/locking the breech contrasted against the background. In the shot just before that you can see a Picatinny or Weaver rail on top of the receiver. This clearly says "HS12" to me...and though it pretty clearly does not have a rail on the bottom of the under barrel, not all HS12s have the under-barrel rail, I think. --dryfireandy 27 Feb 2012
Had to Google Mossberg HS12, and I must admit I giggled a little bit at the concept of a "tactical" over/under. I watched the episodes in question the other day, and from memory at least I'd have to agree with you. It'd be nice if someone could post a picture, though.... Krakydak 18:05, 27 February 2012 (CST)
I will try to get an appropriate screencap uploaded; ditto for the Sig P228/229 to help resolve that one. PS "tactical" double-barrels have made ground in the last couple years or so- check out Stoeger's "tactical" SxS...just remember to bring your barf bag- they're charging the same prices for one as you'd see for a good 870 or Mossy pump. Outrageous! In any case, stupid people waste their money on them- but I digress. Tony's apparent choice of shotgun bespeaks his desperation and/or seriously limited tactical reasoning ability- which I guess we already could've figured out around the time his body hit the floor. =P --dryfireandy
Does the Mossberg HS12 come with sling swivel studs? I noticed that Tony was carrying his shotgun by a sling that was looped over his shoulder. Since the buttstock of this shotgun had been sawn off, there was no way to just let it hang there - he had to keep holding onto the sling with his hand instead. --Kepiblanc 09:00, 29 February 2012 (CST)
What caused it?
Does the comic ever reveal what the cause of the outbreak was? I'm not asking for spoilers as to what the cause was, I'm just asking if it's ever revealed, like a "yeah, they find out what it was" or "no, they build a rocket ship and fly to Mars to restart human civilization", or something like that. Spartan198 16:59, 27 February 2012 (CST)
I don't think any reason has actually been given, and Robert Kirkman (writer of the comic) has stated that he doesn't plan to ever give a definitive cause. In the comic characters have speculated that it is caused by a virus that everyone in the world is infected with that causes them to reanimate after death. Because I've read the comic I already knew this so can't remember if it is made clear in the series, but it is the kind of zombie apocalypse where everyone who dies turns into a zombie, even if they die from non zombie causes (zombie bites cause infections that are 100% lethal). --commando552 17:10, 27 February 2012 (CST)
For Example a certain Main Character is shot dead at the end of the first book (in the comic they never went to the CDC, instead they just got the guns and left, but before they left the character is killed) and later in the series (maybe a book or two later, Rick returns to the place where they buried said person, and he was a zombie even though he had died by a bullet and not bite/scratch --Smish34 09:34, 29 February 2012 (CST)
Unidentified pistol
In the most recent episode, S02E11, Carl takes a pistol out of Daryl's bike. Presumably it is the same pistol Daryl used in episode S01E4. There were some pretty clear shots of the pistol when Carl is holding it, looked like a Browning, but I could be completely wrong. --Animalmenace 23:51, 5 March 2012 (CST)
It was a Browning BDA, not sure if this is the same gun as in S01E04 as it looks like that has a larger beavertail on the back of the grip, but is hard to tell from the shots available. --commando552 06:56, 6 March 2012 (CST)
Shotgun stock?
What type of stock is on Shane's shotgun?
--Zombie Killer 1995 09:24, 6 March 2012 (CST)
It says on the main article, a KNOXX SpecOps NRS stock. --commando552 11:40, 6 March 2012 (CST)
Daryl's pistol
I think Daryl's unidentified pistol might be a CZ-75 series, the frame/grips seem to match it as does the general size.
Looked more like a Browning Hi-Power to me. --cool-breeze 13:18, 6 March 2012 (CST)
Yeah, I concur with Cool-breeze. Spartan198 01:41, 7 March 2012 (CST)
Looked more like a Browning BDM to me.
Hey, it does not really matter at this point as the stupid kid loses in the leafs and then books it..
He didn't lose it in the bushes. But even if he had, it still matters what it is, considering the purpose of this website. Spartan198 15:22, 12 March 2012 (CDT)
That actually seemed to best the best look at the handgun we see and it appeared to be a Browning Hi-Power to me as well.Bristow8411 22:15, 8 March 2012 (CST)
People are talking about two different guns here. The easily identifiable one is the one that Carl takes out of Daryl's saddle bag in the most recent episode, which is definitely a Browning BDA. There is also the pistol that only the grip is seen sticking out of his waist band in S01E04, which I think is a different pistol. One of the only features that you can make out on this pistol is that fact that it has a prominent beavertail/grip spur at the back which is does not match the BDA or BDM. Hammer is wrong for the Hi-Power, my best guess would be a CZ-75 from the relationship between the hammer and the grip spur but it is not possible to tell from this pic. --commando552 04:57, 9 March 2012 (CST)
Their for sure would tons of M4'S and possibly m16a4's lying around in the streets of Atlanta with moer Berettas. Why does no one go for one and why do they not ask jenner for some. Would an assault rifle not be good to kill hordes of undead? Also why did rick not get on the .50 on the tank and take out some before. Even when I see police cars don't they raid them. The only time I have seen anyone do that is when Shane and Otis use the flares from the cruiser to distract the walkers..And yes I know it is a scripted show.
Don't forget that the show starts a while after the zombies take over so any M4s,M16s, etc would have already been scooped up from the Atlanta streets, at least the ones people could get before the city was overrun. And they didn't ask Jenner for any because an assault rifle is actually quite cumbersome and the ammo could weigh them down even more then they already are. Also it would be pretty hard to find any ammunition for M4s/M16s as that doesn't seem to be a commonly used weapon in this show beyond the military. They don't search cop cars because as I stated, the show starts a while after the initial overrunning of cities so if people had any brains, they would have raided cop cars a long time ago. As for the Beretta statement, it seems like that is more of a military firearm as well and not a police weapon, plus they can't search every single corpse they find in the city. As to the .50 cal on the tank, notice how fast the zombies crawled on top of the tank? Rick would never have lasted, plus I don't believe there was any .50 ammo in the tank, nor in the gun. Bristow8411 22:14, 8 March 2012 (CST)
- -
Sorry I'm new at posting on here. Good point I forgot it starts 2 week after the outbreak. But I was thinking if Otis and Shane both had automatics it may have ended differently. Also we do Rick's beretta again with Shane and Andrea in the housing developments she has it no and perfers it to her ladysmith. And as to the .50cal their was one zombie when he came out to escape he shoveled it in the face. The .50 just is a bad idea in my opinion caue its one loud mother. Also I don't understand why people carry bolt actions around, look what happend to Dale. Imagine how smooth the show would run if everyone had silenced weapons. One more thing, is anyone else hoping for the variety of guns to switch up? We know that the kid's camp has 30 men+(jude,jury,executioner)so assuming Rick's group comes up on top cause the shows been renewed for season 3. Will they get some real artiliery? (User:n Gunfan1996)
If I remember in the first episode, Rick did bump into a tank and I coulda sworn I saw ammo in that 50 cal, but it is a bit heavy for one to carry. An Assault Rifle plus ammo is not heavy at all. A shotgun with ammo is actually more heavy and cumbersome to carry and limited range 12:46, 9 March 2012 (CST)
There was no ammo in the tank gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA closeup of the mounting; note that the mounting is designed for the L7 GPMG, an FN MAG derivative, and the fake M2 simply sits on top of it. Compare to the real M2 in the foreground of the shot above.
Besides, Rick was on horseback. What's he going to do, mount the .50 on the head of his horse? And it's also worth noting that he didn't have any weapons that used that ammo. A belt of .50 would be dead weight (no pun intended). Spartan198 15:37, 12 March 2012 (CDT)
Yep pretty good. I knew that eventually Shane was going. If I remember the comic book correctly it was Carl who killed Shane when he was going to kill rick and then Rick finished him off when he came back as a walker. So in the television show they reversed that. Liked the ending. I wonder if next season they will deal with the Governor and the Prison? --Jcordell 15:30, 12 March 2012 (CDT)
If you search for news of the show, te actor has already been cast, looking forward to the next season.--Dillinger 17:14, 12 March 2012 (CDT)
The Governor has indeed been cast and no it is not Merle. Bristow8411 17:55, 12 March 2012 (CDT) [[1]]
Nothing you guys said makes any sense because i don't read comics. Don't tell me though. I'm going to read the comics after the series finally ends. I know a friend with the complete collection who sai he is going to sell it along with DVD copies when they all come out. I WANT THAT!!!!! Check on ebay after the series comes to an end.--Yo dawg 111 18:56, 12 March 2012 (CDT)
All I'm wondering is why did they make it so all you have to do is die to become a zombie instead of being bitten/scratched? Do they explain this as well? ZombieKiller 10:00, 13 March 2012
Almost every zombie story I've ever read, movie I've ever seen, or game I've ever played has it the same way as The Walking Dead TV series and comic book has had it - When a person dies for any reason, that same person later becomes a zombie, unless their brain has been damaged or destroyed first. So far, no explanation has been given as to exactly how this happens. My guess would be that it's all due to an airborne virus. --Kepiblanc 10:56, 13 March 2012 (CDT)
Can anyone identify the knife Rick used to finally put Shane down? Was it one of the Gerbers seen frequently throughout this season, or something else? I couldn't get a close enough look.--Mmarlon brando 15:35, 13 March 2012 (CDT)
I paused S02/Ep12 at the 39:09 mark. That was where I could get the best look at this knife. As best I can tell, Rick used a Gerber DMF folder on Shane. I think Rick has had that same knife all throughout Season 2. --Kepiblanc 13:19, 14 March 2012 (CDT)
I also wanted to know about a knife from episode 10 of season 2 (18 Miles Out). The knife in question is the one that Rick leaves for Randall to use. I don't know if it can be seen any better in any other episode but I know that Randall does eventually use it and I think I remember a few semi-close up shots of it.
Yes, there are a few close-up shots of the knife Randall uses in Episode 10 of Season 2. It appears to be a sheath knife without any serrations on the blade, finger grooves on the grip, and a clip point. I checked the official Gerber website, but I was unable to see any knife pictured there which resembled this one. --Kepiblanc 19:20, 18 March 2012 (CDT)
On the actual subject of the firearms used in the finale, I think Lori uses the Charter Arms Pug that Carl had earlier in the season. Daryl used a revolver I couldn't ID.... Looked like a .38 of some kind with a 4 or 5 inch barrel, but I'm not sure. Krakydak 22:02, 18 March 2012 (CDT)
To add to that, Glenn was seen using Shane's Mossberg with the M4-style stock in the finale. (Shane no longer is needed it)
Hershel was also seen using, what I believe is the Remington 870 Wingmaster used by Dayrl in "Vatos"
Logo on Carl's shirt
This is way off topic for IMFDB, but the logo on Carl's shirt in the episode "Better Angels", a black bear paw in front of a red atom, I know I've seen it elsewhere but I can't place it. At first I thought it was the old Blackwater logo, but the BW logo is a black bear paw in a red scope crosshair. Does anyone recognize it? Spartan198 19:13, 18 March 2012 (CDT)
The logo on Carl's shirt is for "Science Dog" - another comic book by the creator of TWD, Robert Kirkman. The comic book version of Carl has this same exact logo on his shirt too. Adding this level of detail to Carl's wardrobe in the TV series was a nice touch, I would say. --Kepiblanc 07:01, 19 March 2012 (CDT)