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Zombie Panic! Source

Zombie Panic! Source is a free multiplayer Half-Life 2 first-person shooter modification.
The following weapons appear in the HL2 mod Zombie Panic Source:
Glock 17
The Glock 17 in Zombie Panic: Source appears to be modelled on a 3rd generation model. It holds 17 rounds of 9x19mm Parabellum ammunition. It is the baseline pistol in the game and given at random to some players on a beginning round.

Glock 18C
The Glock 18C is almost identical to the Glock 17 - both pistols hold 17 rounds. Originally, unlike its real-life counterpart, it does not fire fully automatic for balance purposes; however with the v3.1 release, the Glock 18 is now full-auto. It seems to have been modelled off the Tokyo Marui Airsoft line of Glock pistols instead of the real Glock 18C.

Heckler and Koch USP .45
The H&K USP pistol appears in the mod. According to the game, its chambered in 9mm, with a 15 round magazine despite being modeled on the .45 caliber version. In-game name is simply "USP".

Walther PPK/S
The Walther PPK/S appears in the mod as "PPK". It is incorrectly shown to have a slide release when reloading and uses the same ammunition as the other pistols for gameplay reasons even though this gun is chambered for .380 ACP rounds (9mm Kurz or Short). It has a lower magazine capacity than the other pistols but weighs slightly less than other pistols. Before the 1.5 update, the PPK was a weapon used as a punishment weapon should a player join the survivors just after a round has started.

Smith & Wesson Model 66
A lot of guesses have been put into the true origin into this particular revolver, but after discussion with the 3D modeler of Zombie Panic!: Source, it's identified as a Smith & Wesson Model 66 with 4 inch barrel and regular wooden grip. Though it has been pointed out that the revolver has a Taurus logo on it.

Remington 870
The Remington 870 Shotgun appears with a pistol grip and holds six shells of 12 gauge shotgun ammunition. Called the "Remmy 870" in the game.

"Winchester" Double Barreled Shotgun
An unknown make of double-barreled shotgun manufactured by Winchester. The longer barrels of the shotgun allow a much tighter shot grouping allowing the shotgun to be used at medium range without much loss in damage. The barrels can be fired singly or simultaneously. In early renders of the shotgun, it was previously known as the "Winchester 1878 Hammerless". It is often nicknamed the "Fail Chester" because of the limited two shot capacity and the inability to kill more than one zombie.

Serbu Super Shorty
The Serbu Super Shorty holds three shells and only takes one slot in the inventory. Has a wider spread than the other shotguns. Called the "Super Shorty" in the mod. Despite its small capacity of three rounds, the player characters still somehow reload very it slowly.

The AK-47 holds 30 rounds and has the lowest rate of fire of the automatic rifles but does the most damage at 21 points. It also has the highest amount of recoil among the automatics when fired in full-auto and is highly inaccurate when fired this way.

The M4A1 holds 30 rounds and does slightly more damage than the MP5 and has the highest rate-of-fire of the automatics.

The Heckler & Koch MP5A4 appears in the mod. It holds 30 rounds and has a 4-position trigger group. Originally depicted as (correctly) using 9mm ammunition, it was later switched to "Rifle" ammo due to its incredibly fast ammo consumption, the reason for this change was because it was deemed "wasteful" and unbalanced due to the commonality of Handgun Ammo in most of the mod's maps making, the weapon overpowered. Called "MP5" in the game. It is one of the more commonly found automatic weapons.

HE/ Frag Grenade
The HE Grenade was shaped like an M18 Smoke Grenade in earlier releases of the game, but with version 3.x it is imaged as a fragmentation grenade. In-game name is "HE Grenade", but on the model itself the words "Frag Grenade" can be read. The weapon is not a fragmentation grenade as it does not produce explosive shrapnel, instead it relies on direct explosive power with a 4.5 second fuse.

See also
- Contagion, the spiritual successor to Zombie Panic! Source