ZombiU is a first-person shooter survival horror video game from Ubisoft, initially exclusively for the Wii U console, before later released as Zombi for Steam, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in August 2015. It takes place in London during a zombie outbreak. The game has an interesting "permanent death" feature; when the player's character is killed, he (or she) becomes a zombie and the player will continue as a different survivor. Then it is possible to kill your previous character, to reclaim your gear.
'The following weapons appear in the video game ZombiU:
The Desert Eagle Mark XIX appears as "Magnum Pistol". This is the most powerful pistol in the game. Even though it holds 9 rounds, it has a non-fluted barrel, so technically it is not a "Magnum" pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingDesert Eagle Mark XIX with brushed chrome finish - .50 AEError creating thumbnail: File missingA survivor about to kill a zombie with his nickel plated Desert Eagle Mark XIX. That un-cocked hammer could be a serious problem in real life.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading the Desert Eagle Mark XIX shows us another problem; the slide is locked back even if there was an unfired round left in the chamber. But at least now the hammer is up (for a brief second only, though).
FN Browning HP
The Browning HP is the default pistol in the game. It is incorrectly shown to operate in DAO mode, like the Desert Eagle and the P226. Listed as "L9A1".
The Heckler & Koch MP5SD3 can be used to kill zombies without notifying the other zombies around. It has a SEF-style receiver, but the selector markings are from a Navy-style receiver, even though the fire modes are swapped: instead of Safe-Semi-Auto it has Auto-Semi-Safe.
The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I is the first rifle the player can acquire. It shares ammo with the Remington 770 rifle. It is likely based on the L8A1 Reserve rifle which was a factory converted No. 4 made for .308/7.62 NATO ammunition. It is reloaded by removing the magazine, rather than loading rounds individually or by stripper clips; while this is possible, it was never done with real-life service weapons as they were only issued with one magazine, which was only detached for cleaning purposes.
The SA80 is incorrectly listed as the "SA80A2" and is the most powerful weapon in the game, with its 30-round capacity and high damage. Uses "Assault Rifle" ammunition, like the AK-47.