When Ronnie Chang (Joey Chin) fails to strangle Stanley White in his home, Stanley White (Mickey Rourke) grabs a .357 Magnum Desert Eagle Mark I out of his living room cabinet and uses it when Ronnie tries to flee. Stanley uses it again in his final shootout with Joey Tai (John Lone). According to Magnum Research, Inc., Year of the Dragon is the first-ever use of the Desert Eagle in a film. The blank-adapted firearm was provided to the production by Weapons Specialists, Ltd. and later sold in a 2018 Heritage Auction listing.
The main sidearm of Capt. Stanley White (Mickey Rourke) is a Colt Detective Special. He uses it throughout most of the film and carries it in a shoulder holster.
After refusing to pay protection and insulting him, Lenny Carranza (Tony Lip) is killed by Ronnie Chang (Joey Chin) with a Beretta Cheetah variant with a round trigger guard.
Highlight for Spoilers: As retribution for the death of Herbert Kwong (Dennis Dun), Stanley White finds Joey Tai (John Lone) in a nightclub, where he takes him to a bathroom stall and beats him. Red Hair (Doreen Chan) and Aileen (uncredited) draw Walther PPKs on Stanley and his partner Angelo Rizzo (Leonard Termo). Joey Tai (John Lone) uses what appears to be a gold plated PPK in the final shootout with Stanley White.
The Pei Brothers (Sammy Lee) & (Kennan Leung) shoot up Harry Yung's restaurant armed with IMI Uzis, killing a great number of innocent bystanders.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingIMI Uzi - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingError creating thumbnail: File missingError creating thumbnail: File missingOne of the Pei Brothers reloading. Note the spare magazine is clipped with a bracket at a right angle to the other. This configuration, originally conceived of by Israeli Special Forces soldiers, not only facilitates a rapid magazine change, but adds a small amount of additional weight facing forward, helping to control muzzle rise. When the first magazine is empty and the full one is flipped upward and into the magazine well, the empty magazine extends backward, parallel to the arm and out of the way.
IMI Micro Uzi
After a failed attempt to assassinate Stanley White, Ronnie Chang (Joey Chin) draws a IMI Micro Uzi before trying to flee.
After hearing gunshots down the street from Stanley's house, Louis Bukowski (Raymond J. Barry) carries a Winchester Model 1897 when trying to find out what's going on.
Gen. Ban Sung (Yamamoto) handles a Type 56-1 while discussing kilo prices with Joey Tai. Gen. Ban Sung calls the Kalashnikov the best rifle ever made, despite most of his men being armed with M16A1s and also claims this specific rifle is Russian in origin, when it is actually Chinese. One soldier is seen with a milled receiver Type 56-1 when Joey Tai is given a S&W Model 27 to shoot the old General (Harry Yip).