Wonder Woman 1984 is the 2020 sequel to the 2017 DC Comics feature film adaptation. Gal Gadot returns as Diana, the Amazonian demigod who once again is living in secrecy when she is unexpectedly reunited with Steve Trevor (Chris Pine), the former U.S. military intelligence officer who seemingly met his demise during World War I, in the 1980s. Patty Jenkins returns from the original film to direct the sequel, and the cast includes Kristen Wiig and Pedro Pascal. The film was set for release on June 5, 2020, but was first postponed to August 14, then October 2, and premiered in the US both theatrically and on HBO MAX on December 25, 2020.
The following weapons were used in the film Wonder Woman 1984:
Uniformed guards at the White House are armed with the Colt M1911A1s.
Smith & Wesson 469
A Smith & Wesson 469 pistol appears to be used by a gunman during the mall shootout. Diana Prince / Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) is seen disarming the criminal and then destroying the pistol.