Brand Hauser (John Cusack) carries a Walther P99 as his primary weapon, frequently two at once. He uses a P99 with a suppressor and laser sight to assassinate the three German men in Canada as the film opens. He later uses them in a shootout with Tamerlane shock-troops. Hauser seems to have problems with his P99s, as the slides never lock back when empty, constantly surprising him in the middle of firefights.
Brand Hauser (John Cusack) and Walken (Ben Kingsley) are both initially armed with Beretta 92FS handguns in flashback scenes. Ooq-Mi-Fay Taqnufmini is also armed with a Beretta 92FS with stainless slide, which he memorably shoots himself with when trying to tuck it into his pants. Ooq-Mi-Fay's Beretta is a Kimar 8mm blank-firing replica of the Beretta Inox, noted by its black controls.
The Uzi is first seen in the hands of a thug working for Ooq-Mi-Fay, but is commandeered by Yonica Babyeah (Hilary Duff), who initially holds it by the stock.
Brand Hauser (John Cusack) has a Steyr AUG A2 with special camera-scope that he attempts to use to assassinate the Turaqi Sheik. The barrel has a custom flash-hider that imitates the Barett M95, and is controlled remotely via joystick from Hauser's HMMWV.
Actually what determines if it is an A2 is not the scope mount (AUG-A2s are available with both the incorporated scope and the scope mount), but the fact that the charging handle can "fold", for lack of a better word, against the receiver. The A1 model, which this appears to be, has a fixed charging handle that is permenantly canted at an angle. Just as an additional note, the A1 model was also available with a Picatinny scope rail in place of the integrated scope.SAWGunner89 15:30, 12 December 2009 (UTC)
Many different AK-47 variants are seen in the hands of Tamerlane soldier, Shock Troops, and rebellious Turaqi militia. Typically the Turaqi militia are armed with older AK-47 and AKM models, whereas Tamerlane employees are armed with Arsenal ARs instead. A few Tamerlane soldiers are armed with AKMS rifles.