Ultraviolet is a 2006 sci fi action film, written and directed by Kurt Wimmer, most known to IMFDB users as the writer and Director of Equilibrium. Many of the elements are similar, particularly Violet's version of Gun Kata, however, like most of Ultraviolet, this and many other possibly interesting story points are never explained.
The following weapons were used in the film Ultraviolet:
Daxus tries to fire his napalm gel gun at Violet, but she flicks her blood and puts out the pilot light on the weapon. Daxus then fires the gun at her, only to propel a glob of flammable gel, which Violet deflects with her sword. The Incendiary Gel Pistol is a rebuild of the Sandman Flame Gun from Logan's Run with various parts covered in silver metallic shrouds. There are many slight design and dimension differences which indicate that this was an mockup shamelessly built upon the original Logans Run gun design.
A completely custom and fictional machine pistol is used in 'flattening technology' and hidden on Violet's body. This is her primary weapon in most battles (and it strongly resembles a staplegun...)
Pre-Production Concept Artwork of a multi-barrel "Gatling Gun" pistol (or that's what the artist called it). It was not implemented and remains a concept art weapon.
Rifles / Carbines
SIG SG-552
The SIG SG 552 is one of the two most common weapons of the Ministry security forces (The other being the H&K G36C). When comparing the SIG SG-552 rifles to real SIG SG-552s, these appear to be Airsoft copies and not real gun. Note the side rail on the foregrip, which is common on the Airsoft 552.
One of the Ministry guards has a heavily modified AR-15 variant. It has a huge buttstock pad (more akin to a Boys Anti Tank Rifle), and a large free floating combination hand guard and heat shield. Violet disassembles this gun to use the parts as martial arts weapons.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPre-Production concept art of the Custom AR-15 rifle, initially designed to break apart, so from the beginning the weapon was designed to be a modified M16-type weapon.Error creating thumbnail: File missingViolet grabs the gun during a burst. Since the custom gun has a very large free floating heat shield, Violet could conceivable do this during a long burst from the weapon. What is interesting is that the flash still has the 'star burst' pattern from a standard M16 Flash hider, but the weapon has no flash hider.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCloseup of the Custom AR-15. Of interest is the actual Ministry logos and 'Thaihindi' language writing on the receiver.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhen Violet realizes the weapon is empty she quickly disassembles the gun and uses the parts as weapons. Probably the only reason an AR-15 variant was used was because of this feature. The SIGs or HK guns could not be so quickly field stripped.
Submachine Guns
Futuristic MAC-11 / Katana "Combination" guns
Violet has a pair of what seems to be MAC-11-like Sub-machine guns with a twist - Japanese style "Katana" blades extract out of the bottoms of the grips to create a 'combination weapon'. They retract on her command. Though the weapons are design based on the MAC-11, they are in fact completely fabricated fantasy guns, made out of synthetic materials and aluminum.
Used by ministry troops in pursuing helicopters, this "Minigun" is far too large to be a 7.62mm or even a .50 cal weapon. And it is too small to be a 20mm (the only common "Western" calibers currently available in fast rotating barrel crew weapons). It appears to be a completely fabricated 'fantasy' Minigun. Note also the massive ammo rounds (larger than a .50 cal).
Daxus (Nick Chinlund) wields a massive sword with unusual Saw tooth pattern on the leading edge. Though visually intimidating, this actually would greatly reduce the effectiveness of the blade.
Violet (Milla Jovovich) holds her signature sword with an unusual flat 'chisel' shape, with mystical 'Thaihindi' writing on the surface. Again, this design, though intriguing, is an inefficient design for a combat sword.
Pre-Production Concept Artwork of Violets Sword.Error creating thumbnail: File missingViolet's signature battle Katana.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDuring the battle in the dark, Daxus tries to exploit his advantage that he is full Hemophage and he can see in total darkness, however, Violet still has the Incendiary gel on her blade (having deflected it previously) and strikes the sword on the ground to create sparks and ignite blade so that she can see.