Two Mules for Sister Sara
Theatrical poster
The following guns were used in the film Two Mules for Sister Sara :
Single Action Army
Hogan (Clint Eastwood ) carries a Single Action Army 5 1/2" Artillery as his sidearm in the film, as do several other characters, including the three robbers at the beginning of the film. This is historically incorrect since the Colt Single Action Army was introduced in 1873 and the French had withdrawn from Mexico in 1866.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Single Action Army 5 1/2" Artillery - .45 Long Colt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hogan aims his Single Action Army at robbers during the start of the film. Note the rounds in the chambers, which are 1960-70s style blanks, not to be confused with hollow point rounds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the robbers holds Sara (Shirley MacLaine ) at gunpoint with a 7 1/2" Cavalary Single Action Army.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hogan kills the last robber by fanning his SAA rapidly.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hogan aims his SAA at Indians after being shot in the shoulder with an arrow.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sara holding Hogan's SAA and Bowie knife.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sara prepares to hit the arrow out of Hogan's shoulder. A notch was cut in the arrow and filled with gunpowder, which he ignites right before she pushes the arrow through to cauterized the wound as the arrow passes through.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hogan kills French General LeClaire (Alberto Morin ) with his SAA.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hogan reloads his SAA while fighting in the French fort.
Colt New Service
Colonel Beltran (Manuel Fábregas ) is probably carrying a Colt New Service with stag horn grips as his sidearm, despite how anachronistic it is to the time period.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt New Service M1917 - .45 ACP.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Colt New Service with stag horn grips is seen in Beltran's waiste.(confirmation needed)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Mexican Guerilla using a Colt New Service while in the french fort.
Webley Revolver
When Hogan (Clint Eastwood ) kills General LeClaire (Alberto Morin ), he throws an unknown model of Webley revolver on the table.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing General LeClaire's uknown revolver circled in red.
Winchester 1873 Saddle Ring Carbine
Hogan (Clint Eastwood ) carries a couple Winchester 1873 rifles on his pack horse's rig, but mainly only uses the one on his saddle bag. He most notabley uses it with the help of Sara (Shirley MacLaine ) to shoot a pack of dynamite positioned to destroy a train track bridge soon to be crossed by a French munitions train. This is historically inaccurate since the French occupation of Mexico ended in 1866.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Winchester 1873 Saddle Ring Carbine - .44-40.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hogan places Winchester 1873 rifles through windows in the fort to trick the French into thinking the fort is heavily guarded.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hogan uses Sara as a rest when she asks him to dry fire the gun and see if he can hit anything in his drunken state, which he barely can. Note saddle ring.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sara chambers a round into the Winchester 1873 for Hogan.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hogan rests the Winchester 1873 on Sara's shoulder.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sara holds her breath as Hogan fires a shot at the dynamite, and misses.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing After Sara knocks some sense into Hogan (note how his hat is missing), he takes one last shot at the dynamite and finally hits it.
Remington/Berthier Mle. 1907-15
The French soldiers are seen mainly armed with Remington/Berthier Mle. 1907-15 rifles in the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington/Berthier Mle. 1907-15 - 8x50mmR.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French soldier with a Remington/Berthier Mle. 1907-15 slung over his back.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French soldier stands guard holding a Remington/Berthier Mle. 1907-15.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A stack of Frech rifles in the Fort armory.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing French soldiers in the fort armed with Remington/Berthier Mle. 1907-15s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Remington/Berthier Mle. 1907-15 fitted with a bayonet firing.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing French soldiers fix bayonets before the charge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French soldier during the charge armed with a Remington/Berthier Mle. 1907-15 rifle.
Gras Mle. 1874
Some French soldiers use Gras 1874 rifles. Mainly when defending the fort from the Mexican Guerillas at the end of the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gras Mle 1874 - 11 x 59mm Gras.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Several Gras rifles are seen in the fort armory.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing French soldiers fire their Gras rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing French soldiers fire their Gras rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French soldier fires his Gras 1874.
Springfield 1903
A French soldier is briefly seen using a Springfield 1903 before his arm is cut off by a Mexican Guerilla.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sprinfield 1903 Mk 1 - .30-06.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French soldier aims a Springfield 1903 before having his arm cut off.
Remington Rolling Block
Mexican Guerillas are seen using Remington Rolling Block carbines during the assault on the French fort. Hogan (Clint Eastwood ) briefly uses one to kill a French soldier.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington Rolling Block militarized - .45 caliber.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Mexican Guerilla rings a bell with a Remington Rolling Block slung over his back.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Mexican Guerilla is gunned down by the Gatling Gun while firing his Remington Rolling Block. It appears the weapon exploded when firing, note the flash coming out of multiple ports and how large the flash is.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Guerilla fires his Remington Rolling Block.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Guerilla drops his Remington Rolling Block when he gets shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Guerilla fires his Remington Rolling Block.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hogan uses a Remington Rolling Block to kill a French soldier.
Machine Guns
Gatling Gun
The French soldiers attempt to defend the fort by using a brass plated Gatling Gun of unknown make, before Hogan kills the gunners with a stick of dynamite. Hogan later uses the weapon to kill a group of soldiers, because apparently the dynamite killed the gunners but left the gun unharmed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An 1865 Gatling Gun .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing French soldiers fire a Gatling Gun at Mexican Guerillas.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Close up on the barrels of the Gatling Gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hogan grabs the Gatling Gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hogan readies the Gatling Gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hogan fires the Gatling Gun at the French soldiers.