The Sixth of July (Shestoe iyulya)
Original Theatrical Poster
The Sixth of July (Shestoe iyulya ) is a Soviet 1968 B&W historical movie directed by Yuli Karasik. It depicts the events of Left Socialist Revolutionary Party (Left SR) uprising against the Bolsheviks in July 1918. The immediate cause of the conflict between Bolsheviks and Left SRs, who were previously formed coalition government, was the disagreement about the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk that was signed between Soviet Russia and the Central Powers. The uprising started on July 6 with the assassination of the German envoy Count Mirbach by two members of Left SR party. The uprising lasted for only one day and was crushed in the morning of July 7 by the troops, faithful to Bolsheviks.
The following weapons were used in the film The Sixth of July (Shestoe iyulya) :
Nagant M1895
Nagant M1895 revolvers are used by several Left SRs, notably by Chekists Yakov Blumkin (Vyacheslav Shalevich ) and Nikolay Andreev (uncredited) who assassinated Count Mirbach.
Note: see additional images on talk page .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nagant M1895 Revolver - 7.62x38R Nagant. Note the angular front sight which was used from 1930s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Blumkin fires at Mirbach (Nikolay Volkov, Sr. ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of Blumkin's revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Andreev holds a Nagant in the same scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The member of Central Committee of Left SR party Donat Cherepanov (Grigori Ostrin ) confiscates a Nagant from the head of Cheka Felix Dzerzhinsky (Vasiliy Lanovoy ), arrested by Left SRs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the members of Popov's Battle Squad holds a Nagant (at the right) when convoying Dzerzhinsky.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good view of Nagant holster of a member of the Battle Squad.
Mauser C96
Several Left SRs, notably the commander of the Battle Squad Dmitry Popov (Aleksandr Yanvaryov ), and Bolsheviks carry Mauser C96 pistols. The pistols are mostly seen in holsters.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pre-War dated Mauser C96 "Broomhandle" Commercial Version - 7.63x25mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Mauser in holster is seen on the wall in Blumkin's office in Cheka building.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Chekist , accompanying Felix Dzerzhinsky during the visit in Popov's Battle Squad, carries a Mauser in holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Popov carries a Mauser in holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the Left SRs, convoying arrested Dzerzhinsky, holds a Mauser.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Left SR of Popov's Battle Squad (Aleksey Vanin ) carries a Mauser in holster.
FN Model 1922
Out of time FN Model 1922 is a personal weapon of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Yuriy Kayurov ), the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (in reality Lenin owned an FN Model 1900 ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN Model 1922 - .32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lenin takes the pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The long barrel of Model 1922 is seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lenin inserts the magazine.
Mosin Nagant M1891
Both sides of the conflict use Mosin Nagant M1891 rifles. These rifles appear to be a mix of Infantry and Dragoon (or similar looking M91/30) models.
Note: see additional images on talk page .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Imperial Russian Mosin Nagant M1891 Infantry - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Imperial Russian Mosin Nagant M1891 Dragoon - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sailor carries an M91 Infantry rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rifles of Left SRs of Popov's squad. These guns appear to be M91 Dragoon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rifles in stand. Both Infantry and Dragoon rifles are seen (note the longer and shorter barrels).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A fighter breaks a closed door with the buttstock of his rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of Popov's cavalrymen carries a rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sailor of Popov's squad (at the left) carries an M91 Infantry rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sailor of Popov's squad in action during the attack of Left SRs on the Fifth All-Russian Congress of Soviets.
Various rifles
Various rifles are seen in documentary photos, showing German and Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War in 1918. They are mostly seen unclear, but the context of photos allows to make quite an educated guess.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lebel Mle 1886 - 8x50mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Berthier Mle 1907-16 - 8x50mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing French colonial troops in Arkhangelsk. Note the typical French bayonets, nicknamed "Rosalie". They were issued for Lebel Mle 1886 and Berthier Rifles .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III - .303 British
Error creating thumbnail: File missing British sailors, supposedly in Vladivostok. They carry Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III rifles with P07 bayonets.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mauser Gewehr 1898 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing German troops in Kiev. Soldiers carry rifles that appear to be Mauser Gewehr 1898s .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Arisaka Type 38 rifle - 6.5x50mmSR Arisaka
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Japanese troops march on Vladivostok streets. While their rifles aren't seen good, they must be Arisaka Type 38 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Springfield M1903 Mk 1 - .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Soldiers of the American Expeditionary Force Siberia march on Vladivostok streets with Springfield M1903 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing For comparison: Carcano M91/38 Cavalry Carbine with folded bayonet - 6.5x52mm. Original Carbine M91 looks nearly the same.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Italian Carabinieri in their typical bicorn hats somewhere in Russian Far East or Siberia. They carry Carcano rifles, that seem to be carbines rather than full length rifles. These soldiers most likely are of the unit Legione Redenta .
Machine Guns
Maxim M1910/30
Maxim M1910/30 machine guns are used by both sides of the conflict.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxim M1910/30 - 7.62x54mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxims of Popov's Battle Squad.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Maxim on Austin armoured car of Left SRs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guards of the Fifth All-Russian Congress of Soviets repel the assault of Left SR fighters.
Other Weapons
F-1 Hand Grenade
An out of time F-1 hand grenade is used by Yakov Blumkin (Vyacheslav Shalevich ) during the assassination of Count Mirbach (it is unclear what grenade Blumkin used in reality; most sources call it an unspecified "hand bomb").
F-1 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Blumkin readies a grenade while Andreev fires a Nagant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Blumkin throws a grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing F-1 on the floor.
76.2mm M1902 field guns are used by both Bolsheviks and Left SRs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A 3-inch cannon of Popov's squad.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bolsheviks deploy artillery against the headquarters of Popov's squad.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fire!
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A cannon of Popov's squad.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A destroyed cannon. It appears to be a mockup, judging by too thin and long barrel.
Austin armoured cars (modern replicas) are used by both Bolsheviks and Left SRs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Left SRs armoured car in street combat.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Latvian Riflemen, the mainstay of Bolshevik forces, enter Moscow. An armoured car is seen in the column.