The Black Windmill
Theatrical Release Poster
The Black Windmill is a 1974 British thriller directed by Don Siegel , based on the novel Seven Days to a Killing by Clive Egleton and starring Michael Caine as MI-6 agent John Tarrant whoes son is kidnapped. The ransom is half a million pound sterlings in uncut diamonds which is the exact amount that MI-6 prepared for funding some operation. Only special service personnel is aware of the diamonds, and Tarrant's boss Cedric Harper (Donald Pleasence ) suspects that Tarrant himself staged the kidnapping.
The following weapons were used in the film The Black Windmill :
Error creating thumbnail: File missing WARNING! THIS PAGE CONTAINS SPOILERS!
Webley .38 Mk IV
In the opening scene a fake Royal Military Policeman (John Rhys-Davies ) carries a revolver in holster. The holster appears to be a Pattern 1937 which was issued for Webley .38 revolvers so Webley .38 Mk IV would be a best guess.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Webley Mk IV - .38 S&W
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A grip with lanyard ring is seen.
In the scene in Paris, Drabble (John Vernon ) is seen with an M1911A1 -style pistol. Later he gives it to Ceil Burrows (Delphine Seyrig ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing World War II Colt M1911A1 Pistol - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Drabble draws a 1911.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ceil holds the pistol.
Walther P38
In the same scene Drabble's henchman carries a Walther P38 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P38 WWII dated with black grips - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A little blurry but recognisable P38 is held by a henchman.
SIG P210
In the scene in MI-6 shooting range Cedric Harper (Donald Pleasence ) trains with a SIG P210 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG P210 (1950s Manufacture) - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harper holds his pistol.
Unidentified pistol
During the hunt for Tarrant in Paris a fake policeman fires an unidentified pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The fake policeman holds his pistol.
Submachine Guns
In the final scene Drabble (John Vernon ) and Pinkus (George Lane Cooper ), one of his henchmen, are armed with MAC-10 SMGs, most likely in 9x19mm version. John Tarrant (Michael Caine ) manages to disarm Pinkus and uses his MAC-10 in the final shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ingram MAC-10 open bolt submachine gun - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two MAC-10s (one fitted with a sound suppressor) are seen in MI-6 shooting range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pinkus (George Lane Cooper ) holds a MAC-10.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He drops the gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Unfolded stock can be seen when Tarrant rushes through the fire.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Drabble waits with MAC-10 in hands.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Flour-covered Tarrant appears from the hatch.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tarrant fires.
Other Weapons
Firearms in MI-6 Shooting Range
Numerous handguns and long guns are briefly seen in the scene in MI-6 underground shooting range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Numerous pistols and revolvers are seen on the green table.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A MI-6 agent trains with a Sten or Sterling SMG. Several SMGs, one of which appears to be an MP40 , are seen at the background.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sniper rifle, mounted on a tripod, is seen at the background. Numerous posters with firearms adorn the wall.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two MAC-10s (one fitted with a sound suppressor), several Stens of unclear model, several Madsen M50s and other long guns are seen behind Harper and Tarrant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A better view of two Madsens.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Federal Gas Riot Gun is seen behind Tarrant.
Firing Briefcase
A Q-style briefcase with an integrated rocket launcher is a valuable plot device.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tompkins (Paul Humpoletz ) shows the briefcase to Cedric Harper and John Tarrant. The red trigger button is seen on the handle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tarrant readies the briefcase for his mission.