The Alsatians or the Two MatildasThe Alsatians or the Two Matildas - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesThe Alsatians or the Two Matildas
The Alsatians or the Two Matildas is a 1996 French miniseries consisting of four episodes and tells the story of Alsace between 1870 and 1953 through the history of fictional families. It is also the story of a region: Alsace, the "beautiful province" with a glorious past. This region was shaped by the history and rivalry of the two great powers, Germany and France, which for a long time considered each other as "hereditary enemies". Therefore, for centuries Alsace was the scene of conflicts, torn between two cultures and two nations. Within a century, Alsace had to change its nationality four times: French after the Thirty Years' War under Louis XIV, it remained German for almost fifty years from 1870. In 1918 it belonged to France again, from 1940 to Germany, and finally, in 1944 it became French again.
The following weapons were used in the miniseries The Alsatians or the Two Matildas:
Mle 1892 Revolvers are carried by Charles de la Tour (Jacques Coltelloni) and Ruprecht (Jürgen Zwingel) during the first episode set during the Franco-Prussian War, which is an anachronism. A better choice would be Lefaucheux Revolver. Louis de la Tour (Michel Voïta), Ernst von Wismar (Richard Sammel), Max Seligman (Marc Berman), and a German sailor are seen with Mle. 1892 revolvers in the second episode which takes place from 1904 to 1919.
Hauptmann (Captain) Kiener (Peter Semler) (since he is in the Waffen SS, his rank should be a Hauptsturmführer) is briefly seen with a Walther PP pistol in Ep. 04.
Several German soldiers in Ep. 03 and 04 are armed with MP40s, which are also used by Louis-Charles Kempf-de la Tour (Stanislas Carré de Malberg), Peter Imhof (Jean-Michel Fête), and Antoine Roederer (Philippe Polet) in a flashback.
French troops in 1870 are seen with Gras Model 1874 rifles standing in for period-correct Chassepot 1866 rifles. Yerri Laugel (Lucas Belvaux) is also seen with one of them.
Rifle mockups that resemble Dreyse Model 1841 rifles are wielded by Prussian soldiers. Compared to the real Dreyses, they have longer muzzles and no rear safeties.
Free French and US Army troops carry M1 Carbines in the fourth episode. All the M1 Carbines are equipped with late WWII bayonet lugs, which is anachronistic for 1944.
Unknown Mauser Short Rifles are used by German Wehrmacht, SS soldiers, and Polizei officers. Therese rifles have turned-down bolt handles, grasping grooves, under-mounted sling swivels, tangent-leaf rear sights, and parade hooks. A possible guess could be the Brazilian M1922 or M1935 short rifles manufactured by the Czechoslovakian Zbrojovka Brno company.