Team America: World Police
Team America: World Police is a 2004 action movie about the elite counter-terrorism organization Team America: World Police. They are tasked to deal with a conspiracy between North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and a group of idealistic American actors to destroy Western civilisation with weapons of mass destruction hidden all over the world.
As the movie was filmed entirely using marionettes, all firearms used are purpose-built plastic props. However, the creators seem to have been inspired by real-life firearms used in popular action movies so most weapons used have a good degree of details. For this reason, when a certain gun is described below as e.g. ‘M16’ it should be read ‘inspired by M16’.
The following weapons were used in the animated film Team America: World Police :
Auto-Ordnance M1911A1
Members of Team America use a M1911A1-type pistol with target sights as their secondary weapon. It is also seen handled by “Kim Jong Il” and Spottswoode, the leader of Team America. It is probably an Auto-Ordnance M1911A1 due to the slanted grooves on the slide.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Auto-Ordnance M1911A1 - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Spottswoode holding Gary at gunpoint at the Team America HQ, note the small compensator on the Auto-Ordnance M1911A1 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chris holding the Auto-Ordnance M1911A1 as he and Gary make their way through Kim Jong Il’s palace in the finale.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An angry-looking “Kim Jong Il” raises his Auto-Ordnance M1911A1 to settle a commercial dispute.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A5
The Heckler & Koch MP5A5 is the main weapon of choice for the American actors during the final shoot-out at the peace conference at Kim Jong Il’s palace.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler and Koch MP5A5 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An angry “Tim Robbins ” takes a Heckler & Koch MP5A5 from Kim Jong Il’s armory to confront Team America. Note the ‘A5’-style trigger group.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another American actor to face Team America is “Liv Tyler ” holding her Heckler & Koch MP5A5 with her left hand dangerously close to the barrel.
Heckler & Koch MP5KA4
Gary is armed with a pair of Heckler & Koch MP5KA4’s , mounted in shoulder holsters. Most of the time, he is seen dual-wielding them with deadly efficiency, not bad for somebody who just learned to shoot a few days earlier…
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5KA4 with 15-round magazine - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A promotional image for Team America showing Gary holding his Heckler & Koch MP5K A4’s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gary disposing of some palace guards, his crossed-arms stance with the Heckler & Koch MP5K reminiscent of Keanu Reeves in The Matrix .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good view of one of Gary’s Heckler & Koch MP5K A4’s as he is attacked by “Tim Robbins ”. Note that from up close the fire selector is just a bunch of random red dots.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gary’s Heckler & Koch MP5K A4’s are well visible in the special shoulder holsters as he addresses a crowd at the peace conference.
Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW
During the opening scene in Paris, Carson carries a Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW with stainless steel navy suppressor and some kind of scope. It also looks like he has two magazines taped together ‘jungle style’.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MP5K-PDW with its extended barrel with 3 lugs & folding stock - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Carson making his way towards terrorists, note that his Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW seems to have two magazines taped together.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The business end of Carson’s Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW as he pops up in front of escaping terrorists.
Several terrorists as well as a few American actors at the Kim Jong Il hosted ‘peace conference’ carry the IMI Uzi during fights with Team America.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing IMI Uzi with buttstock collapsed - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Several terrorists can be seen armed with Uzi ’s during the shootout with Team America in Egypt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ”Ethan Hawke ” with an Uzi as he searches for Team America members in the hallways of Kim Jong Il’s palace.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gary is confronted by an Uzi -wielding “Susan Sarandon ” during the final shootout at the palace.
Blaser R93 Tactical
Lisa carries a Blaser R93 Tactical sniper rifle but she’s never seen firing it. This rifle is equipped with a 10-shot magazine and the distinct muzzle brake of its successor the Blaser R93 LRS2 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Blaser R93 Tactical - 7.62x51mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lisa disembarking from the Team Amercia helicopter, note the characteristic receiver and bottom section of the stock of the Blaser R93 Tactical .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lisa (left) as she and Sarah are guarding the front door of a terrorist hide-out, note that her bipod seems to have fallen off as opposed to above screenshot.
Chinese SKS
Several terrorists are seen carrying the Chinese SKS rifle . One of the differences that set it apart from the original Russian model is the spike-bayonet that is clearly seen in below screenshots.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chinese Type 56 Carbine aka the Chinese SKS rifle - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The terrorist on the right is holding a Chinese SKS rifle , the distinctive spike-bayonet and the slanted magazine are well visible.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing As Gary is talking to two terrorists in their hide-out in Egypt, there’s a detailed view of the spike-bayonet and barrel of the Chinese SKS rifle .
Zastava M76
In the scene at the terrorist hide-out in Egypt, one terrorist is seen with a Zastava M76 on his back. The rifle can be identified by the long barrel and the massive wooden hand guard with three vent holes.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Zastava M76 Sniper Rifle - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Just an average afternoon at a terrorist’s bar; lots of guns and a belly dancer. Note that the front sight of the Zastava M76 appears to be mounted up-side down!
Assault Rifles
During the opening shoot-out in Paris, one terrorist is seen armed with an AIM assault rifle, easily recognizable by the wooden vertical foregrip under the handguard.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AIM - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A terrorist holding up Chris, his left hand clearly on the wooden vertical foregrip of an AIM .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing After Chris challenges the terrorist to a martial arts fight, the distinctice lines of the terrorist’s AIM can be seen on the right.
An unlucky terrorist during the Paris mission handles an AIMR , recognizable by the stubby front section with shortened barrel plus the front sight being attached to the gas pipe.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AIMR - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An AIMR -wielding terrorist meets his end in a Parisian fountain, note the typical front section of his rifle.
The AKM is seen handled in many scenes by members of all sides, most prominently by guards in Kim Jong Il’s palace and in one notable scene, by Kim Jong Il himself.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AKM, stamped steel receiver with slant muzzle brake - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two guards to Kim Jong Il stand at guard with AKM ’s next to the globe with pin-sized missiles indicating the locations of planned terrorist attacks.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A nice shot of Chris with an AKM at Kim Jong Il’s palace. Note the AKM details such as the slant compensator on the tip of the barrel and the AKM typical receiver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing “Tim Robbins ” meeting his end with an AKM in his right hand. A good view of the slant compensator.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing With an angry look on his face, “Kim Jong Il” decides to take matters in his own hand and starts shooting participants at the peace (…) conference with his AKM .
Throughout the movie, most terrorists carry an AKMS as their weapon of choice. Both the regular version, as well as the version with shortened barrel is seen used.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AKMS, stamped steel receiver with slant muzzle brake and under-folding stock - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two terrorists during the Paris mission, the one on the right holding an AKMS with two magazines taped together ‘jungle style’.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same terrorist as above, now taking cover near a bakery. Note the improvised way the two magazines are taped together.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Custom AKMS with shortened barrel, slant muzzle brake and under-folding stock - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good view of a short-barrelled AKMS being carried by the terrorist on the left, his rifle actually being very detailed for an animated movie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Three heavily-armed terrorists in the Cairo hide-out, the one on the right carrying an AKMS . Note what appears to be a green hand grenade in the fruit bowl (…) on their table.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the raid on Kim Jong Il’s palace, Team America encounters “George Clooney ” shooting at them with a short-barrelled AKMS .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another actor confronting Team America with an AKMS is “Sean Penn ”, while on the left “Danny Glover ” joins the shoot-out with a generic revolver.
Gary can be seen training at a shooting range with some kind of hybrid M16 showing a muzzle flash indicating a 3-prong flash hider but closer inspection reveals an A1-style A1 "birdcage" flash hider.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16 with an A1 "birdcage" Flash hider - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing If only our local gun range could look as neat, clean and well-illuminated as this facility…
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Note the muzzle flash indicative of a 3-prong flash hider for an M16 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same shot half a second later, without seemingly aiming Gary realizes an amazing score on full auto with his M16 (from the hip!).
M4A1 with M203 grenade launcher
During the Cairo raid, Joe ropes down from a Team America helicopter with an M4A1 with M203 grenade launcher .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M4A1 with M68 Aimpoint red dot scope, flip-up rear sight, and M203 grenade launcher 40mm - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A promotional image for Team America showing Joe holding his M4A1 with M203 grenade launcher .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joe roping down with his M4A1 with M203 grenade launcher , note the collapsible stock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing From this angle, the hand guards with holes are somewhat reminiscent of those for a M4A1 with M203 grenade launcher . Also note the absence of sights for the grenade launcher.
Machine Guns
M249-E2 SAW
Chris can be seen carrying an M249-E2 SAW during the Cairo raid. It has some kind of scope and is fed from a 100-round Beta-C magazine; impossible but cool-looking nevertheless.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M249-E2 SAW - upgraded M249 with heat shield and full synthetic Stock, equipped with a 200 round ammo drum - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A promotional image for Team America showing Chris holding his M249-E2 SAW .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good view of the business end of Chris’ M249-E2 SAW with a small scope on top.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The typical stock of the M249-E2 SAW is visible as well as the drum magazine.
GE M134 Minigun
Both the hand held as well as the wing-mounted version of the GE M134 Minigun make an appearance in this movie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing General Electric M134 - 7.62×51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The GE M134 Minigun can be seen mounted on small wings on the sides of the Team America Blackhawk as it exits the Mount Rushmore base.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A GE M134 Minigun on the Team America helicopter spews death and destruction as they chase terrorists across the Middle East.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In this still the limitations of the look-alike GE M134 Minigun become painfully visible; no ammunition belt and 4 barrels instead of the standard 6.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Airsoft handheld M134 Minigun with 'chainsaw grip' to handle the recoil force - (fake) 7.62×51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A promotional image for Team America showing Sarah holding her M134 Minigun .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sarah, on the right, holding her M134 Minigun as she and Lisa are scouting a terrorist hide-out in Egypt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing With her hand held M134 Minigun , Sarah decimates the insides of a bar in Cairo after their cover is blown.
Remington 870 Police
Lisa can be seen carrying a Remington 870 Police during the mission in Paris. The shotgun has a Surefire dedicated forend weaponlight, pistol grip, synthetic stock and a heat shield.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 870 Police with a Surefire dedicated forend weaponlight - 12 Gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A promotional image for Team America showing Lisa holding her Remington 870 Police .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ”Hey terrorist, terrorize this!”
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good view of Lisa’s Remington 870 Police as she tends to Carson who’s been shot by a terrorist. Note the spare shells attached to the stock.
Winchester Model 1912 Riot Gun
During the final assault on Kim Jong Il’s palace, Chris carries a Winchester Model 1912 Riot Gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Winchester Model 1912 Riot Gun - 12 Gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chris peeking around the corner with his Winchester Model 1912 Riot Gun as Gary prepares to throw a grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chris and Gary checking the damage caused by a grenade. Note that the external extractor that seems to have been added for no reason.
Short barreled side by side shotgun
Gary carries a short barreled side by side shotgun in a holster on his hip, but he is never seen firing it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stevens 311R (sawed-off) - 12 Gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chris with the short barreled side by side shotgun on his right hip. Note his extreme firepower; next to the shotgun on his hip, he has two Heckler & Koch MP5KA4’s in shoulderholsters and an Heckler & Koch MP5A5 in his left hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good view of the short stock of the short barreled side by side shotgun as Gary liberates Lisa from being held hostage by Kim Jong Il during the peace conference.
Rocket Launchers
Lots of scoped RPG-7 ’s are seen lying around the terrorist hide-out in Cairo as Gary sneaks in to get information about upcoming attacks.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing RPG-7 with PG-7VM rocket and PGO-7 scope - 40mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing As Gary is being led away, two RPG-7 ’s are seen on the right as decoration material.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing For no apparent reason, an RPG-7 can be seen standing against the bar of the terrorist hide-out.
M136 AT4
During the mission in Paris, Joe uses a recoilless launcher that is based on the M136 AT4 launcher. It is fitted with Hollywood embellishments such as a pistol grip and a magazine with additional rockets.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Prop M136 AT4 recoilless launcher with M16 lower receiver and AN/PVS-4 night-vision scope - 84mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An interesting screenshot showing Joe with preparing to fire the modified M136 AT4 launcher, seemingly using a night-vision scope in broad daylight…
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joe fires the M136 AT4 at fleeing terrorists, interestingly no rocket is loaded after his shot. Note the obvious pyrotechnics muzzle flashes.