Could the suppressed pistol currently listed as a FN Model 1910 actually be a MAB Model D? It appears to have external sights and the grip plates visible in the last shot don't match the FN, but could be those of the MAB. --commando552 11:31, 30 July 2012 (CDT)
I thought about MAB Mod.D but it seems to me that the movie pistol has less rounded shape of slide. But I found photos of MAB Model E, and this one may be the answer (?) Greg-Z 13:47, 30 July 2012 (CDT)
Looking further into it, the Model D was available in two version, the Model I pictured above, and the Model II:Error creating thumbnail: File missingMAB Model D Type II - .32 ACPThis version was introduced in 1945 and has a less rounded butt, and it doesn't have the external bushing release latch that the type I has which I believe the pistol in question lacks. I don't know much about MAB pistols but I think the E is just a D in a different caliber, and don't know a way to tell the difference. --commando552 15:03, 30 July 2012 (CDT)
I agree. Thanks for help! Greg-Z 00:56, 31 July 2012 (CDT)