This movie was filmed in Sofia Bulgaria, so the weapons are probably mockups of western guns made from Eastern European firearms, as is common with MANY other movies shot in Bulgaria. MoviePropMaster2008 03:01, 6 June 2012 (CDT)
They are the same mock M16s used in Universal Soldier: Regeneration. From the look of the lightening cut above the magazine well in the universal soldier caps I thought this may have actually been a Valmet, but from this cap it looks more like a normal milled receiver as found on the Arsenal AR which has had the front bottom of the receiver machined away to line up with the handguard. --commando552 03:38, 6 June 2012 (CDT)
Assault rifle
I think it could be a SIG SG 540, do you have any more shots of it? --commando552 15:18, 6 June 2012 (CDT)
That was my first guess too, but no dice. Look at the handguard in the profile shot in the third screencap of the rifle; the handguard is longer, is oddly shaped at the front, and has five vent holes - I think the handguard is that of a 550, though the rest of the rifle pretty clearly is not. The front sight block is also wrong for a 540.--PistolJunkie 18:42, 6 July 2012 (CDT)
Found this weeks ago but totally forgot about it, think it is a crappy springer replica of a SG 550:
Not sure if it is this exact model, but there are a lot of similarites, including the G3 pistol grip, the crappy looking cocking handle on the left side of the receiver, and the same malformed handguard. --commando552 19:32, 6 July 2012 (CDT)
I would go with the crappy spring airsoft rifle. After thinking about it, it sank in that this is a crappy LOW budget movie shot in Bulgaria. Why would they have a rare rifle like the REAL SIG SG 540 and secondly, why would they use THAT to impersonate a current U.S. military rifle? MoviePropMaster2008 21:51, 6 July 2012 (CDT)
That's the closest match so far (and it would explain why the charging handle is on the wrong side), but the one in the movie appears to have a solid stock, and the other version of that (labeled the 922A) has a different handguard. Is it possible the stock is just wrapped in something to make it look like a solid stock?--PistolJunkie 23:08, 6 July 2012 (CDT)
In the first screenshot, to me it looks like it is a skeleton stock which is possibly broken on the top corner. In the next screenshots the stock looks different, and there are kind of ripples on it almost as if it has a piece of cloth wrapped around it or something. Also, in the second screenshot you can see that the top surface of the stock is totally flat, which would never happen on a rifle, leading me to believe that they have MacGuyvered the stock together to hide some damage. This thing costs $22, i'm surprised more of it hasn't fallen apart. --commando552 04:26, 7 July 2012 (CDT)
Bolt Action Shotgun
The bolt action shotgun might be a Mossberg 695. --Wicket1138 18:32, 6 June 2012 (CDT)