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Talk:Call of Duty: Black Ops/Archive 2
Snub Nose
I went over to cod wiki and there is a page about a snub nose attachment for the colt python Confirm?
I swear I saw snub nose in the new Multi-player trailer. Maybe faster draw?--FIVETWOSEVEN 17:14, 10 August 2010 (UTC)
Went back to the video and I saw it, the guy is switching to it. 17:20, 10 August 2010 (UTC)
Hmm...Snubnosed=less accuracy+shorter range= more XP per kill? BeardedHoplite 01:51, 13 August 2010 (UTC)
Probably the same logic that it somehow gets more damage with a shorter barrel like the double barrel shotgun in WaW. I'm leaning more towards a faster draw.--FIVETWOSEVEN 16:36, 13 August 2010 (UTC)
Apparently, it leads to more accuracy and less damage. Hmm BeardedHoplite 02:15, 5 September 2010 (UTC)
Can we please not say that the guns are anachroistic on the actual page? Because Me, along with alot of other people, agree that we really don't care about anachrosisms so please can we just limit comment about anarchistic guns to th talk page please? Thank you. Drjuki 20:54, 10 August 2010 (UTC)
- Then what's the point of a discussion page if we can't DISCUSS about shit? Excalibur01 22:34, 10 August 2010 (UTC)
Also, since this ISN'T the Call of Duty Wiki, where it is full of people who can't accept REAL facts, I am undoing all the erasing of pointing out that the guns are anachronistic. Cause that's how I roll Excalibur01 22:45, 10 August 2010 (UTC)
- I'm one of those people who don't think it'll affect the quality of the game, but I do believe it should be pointed out. I also believe we'll be able to make a better judgement call on whether or not these are truly anachronistic or just victims of an alternative timeline once the game actually comes out. --funkychinaman 22:59, 10 August 2010 (UTC)
- Drjuki, the whole point of this whole site is the guns and this page is to discuss the ones in the game. And like Excalibur said, this isn't the Call of Duty Wiki where factual real world information about said guns is against the rules. So, yes, we are going to point out anachronisms. Spartan198 01:13, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
- Although I do think it should be noted on the page when a certain firearm is anachronistic, I also think it should be simply noted, not ridiculed. Not sure if there really is any on this page, actually haven't looked at it in a while, but it's been a problem on other pages, with commments such as "Aparently they did no research" and such. Our job here is to jot down the facts, not intermingle them with our own thoughts. That's One Angry Duck 03:04, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
- Well that's just it, we don't have the facts. We have images, and no context. Why not just wait until the game actually comes out? --funkychinaman 03:11, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
- Although I do think it should be noted on the page when a certain firearm is anachronistic, I also think it should be simply noted, not ridiculed. Not sure if there really is any on this page, actually haven't looked at it in a while, but it's been a problem on other pages, with commments such as "Aparently they did no research" and such. Our job here is to jot down the facts, not intermingle them with our own thoughts. That's One Angry Duck 03:04, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
The context of the trailers and images is that the game takes place during the Cold War period and we have a gun like that AR-15 carbine. No forward assist or brass deflector and the weird magazine. Excalibur01 03:24, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
- The context of a three minute trailer, or multiple three minute trailers that tell us nothing? I'm fairly certain I've seen all the trailers, and yet I can't tell you what the overall goal of the campaign is. What are we fighting for? To prevent nuclear war? Assassinate rogue agents? Who's the villain? Is there one? It can all be a dream, or a fevered hallucination for all we know. And it wouldn't surprise me at all if the plot was paper thin. It's MP that sells the game. The only reason why there's a campaign at all is because they can't sell the game for full price if it's only MP. --funkychinaman 16:03, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
- We can ridicule anachronisms if we want, it's a discussion page where we can say what we want. And yeah they didn't do their research or worse straight up ignored the fact these guns didn't exist back then. I think more of us would agree that Treyarch failed on the firearms.
- Seriously. Only firearms ?
- We can ridicule anachronisms if we want, it's a discussion page where we can say what we want. And yeah they didn't do their research or worse straight up ignored the fact these guns didn't exist back then. I think more of us would agree that Treyarch failed on the firearms.
I wasn't talking about the discussion page, I was talking about the main page. Say whatever you want here. 15:24, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
- No one was really talking in the main page. Excalibur01 15:25, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
- Well good, let's keep it that way. It's been a problem on other pages, with much less incorrect details than this game, so I was just trying to keep it clean here. That's One Angry Duck 15:35, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
--Jackie.45Cal 12:18, 12 August 2010 (UTC)Im sorry but if you are going to put a gun that wasn't even in development until 2001 in a game set pre 1989 then you may asweel put an ipod in too. It's just silly, those guns were made with materials and machinery that didn't even exsist. I'm personally hoping that there is a surprise mission that takes place in a more modern setting.--Jackie.45Cal 12:18, 12 August 2010 (UTC)
Watch the ending of the Campaign reveal that....
The SOG soldiers are back in time to prevent a nuclear war, and they brought all their guns and equipment from the future with them. That would just make my day, would be so awful it's hilarious. That's One Angry Duck 16:26, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
- Honestly, I'll cry if that happens. In the metaphorical sense, of course. Acora 22:46, 12 August 2010 (UTC)
In the new Prestige Trailer [[1]], people have speculated that the rifle the sniper is carrying at the end is a Dragonuv. Anyone concur?
watch ust before he blows up, the stock and the positioning are from the draganuv --Smish34 20:02, 12 August 2010 (UTC)
Its a dragonuv. Also I noticed the Dragonuv style scope in the very begining. Do we finally get different redicles for the different rifles?--FIVETWOSEVEN 21:17, 12 August 2010 (UTC)
I think the action diver had one, too
R/C car
For Modern warfare 2 it was the nvgs and now we have a R/C car with a camera and a microphone. what are your thoughts on this?
Dumb crap makes my wallet giggle... -- 09:51, 13 August 2010 (UTC)
Retarded gimmick is retarded.
Some prototypes photos
So... When Treyarch decides to put prototype guns, why not choose actual prototypes ?
For exmaple prototype Famas.[2]
Post more prototype photos. I wish to see AUG, SPAS or AWM prototype.
And i have one question - May be Stg. RH-70 some kind of AUG Prototype ?
I just looked it up, its not a AUG Prototype, its a gun that was meant to be a 5.56 x 45 rifle to replace the G3 as the service arm but its not a AUG prototype.--FIVETWOSEVEN 04:02, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
The way things are nowadays if it doesn't look cool its not gonna be in the game. Wouldn't surprise me if the G11 is covered by rails.--FIVETWOSEVEN 16:42, 13 August 2010 (UTC)
- Probably. It also bothers me that in WaW and CoD4 they actually tested and recorded most of the weapons. We all know there is no way they got their hands on a G11 to test it or record sounds from it.
Probably gonna take sounds from another gun. IMO though that gun is UGLY! --FIVETWOSEVEN 19:03, 13 August 2010 (UTC)
- Who would know what a G11 sounds like? --funkychinaman 19:22, 13 August 2010 (UTC)
There is a youtube video which i'll post here for you guys of it, probably already infested with CoD nerds posting dumbass things and arguing about MW2.--FIVETWOSEVEN 19:45, 13 August 2010 (UTC) 19:47, 13 August 2010 (UTC)
Huh, so that's what caseless ammo looks like. BeardedHoplite 01:11, 17 August 2010 (UTC)
The SPAS 12 prototype: (note the shorter barrel and different folding stock): [3] The AUG prototype (with many differences from the final product): [4]----Markit 03:13, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
Looks just like the shorter model, combat model I think. I forgot.--FIVETWOSEVEN 03:56, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
Never mind that gun is pretty much the AUG prototype. --FIVETWOSEVEN 01:04, 17 August 2010 (UTC)
If the AUG in the game looks like the prototype, I can ignore it, but it looks like the modern variant Excalibur01 03:14, 17 August 2010 (UTC)
Looks like it's made by Heckler and Koch judging by the stock.But that's just me.It could be and AUG prototype but who knows?---Matchgradeweapon
Can someone put that pic on the page in "RPG-7" section? I got this image from here:
Time period and Guns
There is a lot of stuff on this page so I don't know if this has been said or not, but this game takes place in different time periods so that's probably why there is such an array of anachronistic weapons. humanzie3
Finally someone said it. The developers said the game takes place in the COLD WAR not just Vietnam. Everyone keeps complaining about this gun and that gun being anachronistic to 1968 but it looks like a decent amount of this game will take place after that time. I've heard talk as late as the 80's so wouldn't that then make the AUG, SPAS, and FAMAS technically time period correct? --Subiefan98 17:35, 15 August 2010 (UTC)
- That point has been made before, and it becomes moot when a SPAS-12 (developed in the mid 1970s) turns up in the middle of the Tet Offensive in 1968, or likewise when an unchanged AUG A1 rifle appears in the late 1960s when it wasn't even patented until 1974. The "but black ops are so awesome they get secret prototype weapons!" argument would have made more sense if the weapons in question actually existed in the years that specific levels take place in. What the developers are doing is tantamount to giving you an AK-47 in 1943 and telling you that its presence is historically accurate because it was designed in the same era. --Markit 19:27, 15 August 2010 (UTC)
- Even if the game would take place in 1989 ( And i guess it wont ) FAMAS FELIN will be still anachronistic.
The Best Thing About Black Ops.....
.. None of that goddamned overpowered burst-fire weapons!!!!!! Now, before you all fly off the handle at me. I just want to say a few things. 1- I am not a member of this site, but I visit it every time I want to identfy a gun used in a movie. 2- I do have real-life gun knowledge, unlike the fools who play Call of Duty and suddenly assume they're gun experts. I do realize that many people find 3-round bursts useful in real-life. I see it as unecessary and useless. I'm also going to add that I am a Call of Duty player and I know for a fact that they intentionally make the burst-fire weapons overpowered, which is why I am so glad that it won't be featured in Black Ops.
- While I can agree with you that the kids who think that playing CoD automatically qualifies them as firearm experts are annoying (I've actually had a kid try to tell me that the AUG, the normal one, is a machine gun and not an assault rifle), and while I can also agree that I don't prefer burst fire weapons to automatic ones in real life, I have to disagree on your main point. The three shot burst weapons in Modern Warfare 2 are not overpowered. How many shots, without stopping power, does it take to kill with the M16A4 or the Famas? One burst, or three bullets, though on extremely rare occasions, it takes four bullets. How many shots does it take, again without stopping power, to kill with a SCAR-H, or a TAR-21? Again, three. So no, the burst weapons aren't over powered. Acora 20:49, 18 August 2010 (UTC)
- That doesn't neccessarily mean it's balanced. It also has a much higher rate of fire, even less recoil, if that's even possible, and a farther range, if I remember correctly. Now the M16A4 in MW2 was pretty balanced, but really only because it had a bit of spread with it's shots. The FAMAS, however, was the most unbalanced piece of work in gaming history. That's One Angry Duck 00:42, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
- Which is really strange to me, since I was much better with the M16 then I was with the FAMAS. Acora 08:02, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
Actually they may have the M16 be some sort of burst fire prototype, after all they got the cool stuff before it exsisted and produced so they just might.--FIVETWOSEVEN 03:58, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
Well in Metal Gear Solid 3, they got away with having an XM16E1 with a 4 selector capability Excalibur01 02:17, 1 September 2010 (UTC)
first , i had a kid tell me that the moddel 1887 is a rifel , based only on the fact that it has a lever and not a pump. i own no guns and also only pop on this site to win bets with my brother but i know that. but dose any one know if the m16 or famas have selector switches that can be changed?
Yes they do. The FAMAS can shoot on semi auto, and the M16a4 also has semi auto.Greywolverene
New pics
IGN has some new BO pics:
Theeeere's that forward grip on the AUG.
Okay, the AK mag IS a little off. And the holster looks like the holster for a Walther P38/P1. Any ideas on that shotgun (?) on his back? Or is it an M79?
- AK has a proper 545 plastic clip with little ribs on the side. But I would more like to see AKS74 in game...
- Magazine is the proper term.--FIVETWOSEVEN 03:55, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
Shotgun is probably china lake laucher.
- Yes, it is. Russians with China Lake GL? Yeah, thats even more stupid, anachronistic and epic failing than Russians with SPAS.
- dude...thats the KS-23 shotgun. Orita Md.41
- What makes you think he's Russian? And even if he is, it could be multiplayer for all we know. --funkychinaman 05:36, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
- He has SP´s russian model. And i think its SP mission - Because all other "new" screens are from SP :)
- What about the Russians running around with FALs in MW2? or TAR 21s?--FIVETWOSEVEN 20:00, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah. It was really stupid too...
- What about the Russians running around with FALs in MW2? or TAR 21s?--FIVETWOSEVEN 20:00, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
Inception had the MW2 dream, so you know people are going to call this the "Inception level."
A) This doesn't really look like a new picture, and B) it looks like he's using 20 round mags, but with 30 round ammo pouches. (Epic fail. WTF?! I'm going to cancel my preorder this instant!)
--funkychinaman 21:32, 18 August 2010 (UTC)
I think they did it again...
With the fictional flattop ARs, I mean. A screenshot of Frank Woods on the Call of Duty Wiki looks like the M16 he's holding has a flattop just like the AR Carbine. Take a look for yourself [9]. Spartan198 08:53, 20 August 2010 (UTC)
It does look like the carry handle is missing. Wouldn't surprise me if this M16 is also burst fire.--FIVETWOSEVEN 16:27, 20 August 2010 (UTC)
- You are wrong. It will have burst fire ( well, you are right in that ) but it will have RIS Rails all over the place. NV Scope and lasers.... sure.
I can believe it if it has the early night optics that are as large as a professional camera. Excalibur01 03:41, 22 August 2010 (UTC)
- Eww.. Its Treyarch. Those optics will be even smaller than they are in our days.
- Oh right, they'd just take something that DID exist and turn it into something stupid for its time and say black ops can do it Excalibur01 05:27, 23 August 2010 (UTC)
Galil and KS-23 confirmed at Gamescom 2010 & Orita Md.41
- + Makarov. But get some proper screenshots first. Those from cod wiki are terrible quality.
- Couldn`t find anything better. Well see more in the upcoming days. Orita Md.41
- I'm impressed. I don't think I've ever seen either in a game before. --funkychinaman 14:14, 20 August 2010 (UTC)
- KS-23 maybe, but the Galil was Counter Strike. Orita Md.41
- I'm impressed. I don't think I've ever seen either in a game before. --funkychinaman 14:14, 20 August 2010 (UTC)
- Couldn`t find anything better. Well see more in the upcoming days. Orita Md.41 Crap quality! I know, but that was the only way he could smuggle the footage. Makarov pistol around 9:50, KS-23 near end. Orita Md.41
- Makarov! :D, Then again we are gonna get a crapload of new Makarov "experts"--FIVETWOSEVEN 15:12, 21 August 2010 (UTC)
- I counter them with my Hi-Power! Orita Md.41
- No! Then there will be Hi Power "experts"! Not my favorite handgun!--FIVETWOSEVEN 02:38, 22 August 2010 (UTC)
- I counter them with my Hi-Power! Orita Md.41
I wonder if they classify KS-23 as shotgun or rifle/ carbine.
- Given the capacity (four rounds) and the fact a lot of the available rounds appear to be grenades, maybe a grenade launcher, a Russian equivalent to the China Lake launcher. --funkychinaman 14:48, 21 August 2010 (UTC)
- The guys at Treyarch must have heard your rants about "Spetsnaz didn`t use the SPAS" and the put the KS in. Orita Md.41
- KS is yet another anachronism.
- I think at this point that's a given. That's One Angry Duck 16:58, 21 August 2010 (UTC)
- OMG GUYS STOP IT! If you point out any more of them we`ll be walking into a soviet base with nothing more then knives and pointy sticks, forced to do roundhouse kicks every 10 seconds to conserve ammo! Treyarch means serious biznis! Orita Md.41
"Black Ops is said to be set in various locations, including Vietnam and Cuba, [3] and judging from weaponry and dates given in the trailer, it is set between 1960 and 2010." I must paste it once again...[(BTW in CoD4 we had that Pripyat mission in 1995, so I guess Treyarch made another "American/English commandos in Russia after Cold War" mission)(Sorry for my crappy English)]
- It seems like you are trying to protect Treyarch´s weapons choice, right ? But dont forget that both already seen missions took place in 1968. And they had SPAS-12 and AUG......
I find it hard to believe when they say that this game will take place during the Cold War and now you say there will be a mission taking place in present day? How did you come across that information? Excalibur01 03:47, 22 August 2010 (UTC)
Info is from CoD wikia, but yeah, I forgot that in leaked video those guys had "CCCP" written on their backs, so the mission takes place before 1990s. Sorry for mistake.
- And what is even better. It has been confirmed that WMD mission takes place in 1968.
AI Arctic Warfare
Man, That sucks! IW now decides to put in the awesome AI Arctic Warfare and now it doesn't even fit because it's very anachronistic in this game (as is the Walther WA 2000 and other weapons). Why was it not in the MW series? It would of fit perfectly in the first MW, it would of made more sense in the mission All Ghilled Up than the M14s because )1 it's British )2 it was available at that time (1995 right?). And it would have been far better than stupid Remington 700 in MP, I mean come on, the Remington 700 IS the M40A3! They just decided to make the scope wobble more and gave it the same damage as the .50 cal Barrett M82A1 WTH! MW2's main menu art even has a sniper with AI AW (and also a soldier with a SCAR-L) but it's not even in the game. Well, at least they put the CheyTac M200 Intervention in the game.
You seem to have overlooked the fact that this isn't an Infinity Ward game, it's being developed by Treyarch, who have no affiliation with IW. -- K 20:30, 24 August 2010 (UTC)
- Well, they do share the same parent company, Activision. --funkychinaman 20:39, 24 August 2010 (UTC)
- Even so, I doubt Treyarch would have any say in what weapon IW would put into their game, or vice versa. -- K 20:48, 24 August 2010 (UTC)
- OK, Then I meant Treyarch/IW. By the way, did Treyarch make both MW games? I'm just making sure.
- Treyarch had nothing to do with Modern Warfare, IW made both. Treyarch did COD5. -- K 10:23, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
- Alright thanks for clearing that up. I'm just saying it would have made more sense if IW had the AW in the MW games. As I said, it would have fit well both sense wise and realism wise.
- "The Accuracy International Arctic Warfare rifle is a family of bolt-action sniper rifles designed and manufactured by the British company Accuracy International. It has proved popular as a civilian, police and military rifle since its introduction in the 1980s." If you want the real date, it's actually 1982 when the L96A1 came into British Military service. Oh, and the Walther WA 2000 was desgined in the 1970s - 1980s and first produced in the same year as the L96A1 came into service, 1982. Hoot471 08:35, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
- Thank you. Didn't the mission All Ghilled Up take place in 1995? That's why I think the AW/L96 would have fit better in MW because your playing as British snipers, Price and the other guy (sorry, can't remember his name). As for the WA2000, what the hell is it doing in MW2?! it's not a Military rifle! (guess it's in there cus they thought in looked cool *sigh*). And in BlackOps, both the AW and WA2000 are highly anachronistic.
- Treyarch had nothing to do with Modern Warfare, IW made both. Treyarch did COD5. -- K 10:23, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
- OK, Then I meant Treyarch/IW. By the way, did Treyarch make both MW games? I'm just making sure.
- Seriously, why can't Treyarch pick weapons that have NOT been in the previous game? Excalibur01 13:35, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
- I think they're trying to compromise, including familiar favorites like the SPAS and the FAMAS and putting in more obscure (at least by gaming standards) weapons like the Galil and the KS-23. --funkychinaman 14:31, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
- Who the hell is using the Israelite Galil in the this game?! I hope not the Russians.
- They just needed to have a jew gun in the game instead of TAR.
- Oh course, it's that vast international Jewish video game weapon conspiracy. How could we forget? (Jew gun? What are you, a hillbilly?) --funkychinaman 20:13, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
- Don't forget that most of those "Jew guns" could rip you apart, or are you forgetting the Uzi family, Desert Eagle, Jericho, and Tavors? Not to mention what they can do in the hands of Mossad. Don't make the mistake of underestimating Israel, it'll likely be the last mistake you ever make.:D -- K 00:21, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
- I don't see nothing good about those "kosher" weapons. All of them are inferior compared to western (and even russian) designs.
- Great the WA2000 again, That thing is ugly, rare, and definatly not a combat rifle. IW was playing too many hitman games when they thought of that. Treyarch copying it is just really stupid.--FIVETWOSEVEN 03:24, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
- You gotta admit, Israels got some great weapons; this coming from a guy who loves German and Russian weapons, and also good ol' Browning's designs. :D Oh, and the big reason the WA2000 is not used in the Military is the same reason the awesome HK PSG1 is not used: it's too heavy and delicate for Military use.
- The WA2000 is a expensive and rare gun. I believe that 200 something of them were made. There are many better guns in all aspects than the WA2000. Its not just that its too delicate, its expensive, bulky, and rare. --FIVETWOSEVEN 01:03, 27 August 2010 (UTC)
- Name a few?
- The WA2000 is a expensive and rare gun. I believe that 200 something of them were made. There are many better guns in all aspects than the WA2000. Its not just that its too delicate, its expensive, bulky, and rare. --FIVETWOSEVEN 01:03, 27 August 2010 (UTC)
- You gotta admit, Israels got some great weapons; this coming from a guy who loves German and Russian weapons, and also good ol' Browning's designs. :D Oh, and the big reason the WA2000 is not used in the Military is the same reason the awesome HK PSG1 is not used: it's too heavy and delicate for Military use.
- Don't forget that most of those "Jew guns" could rip you apart, or are you forgetting the Uzi family, Desert Eagle, Jericho, and Tavors? Not to mention what they can do in the hands of Mossad. Don't make the mistake of underestimating Israel, it'll likely be the last mistake you ever make.:D -- K 00:21, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
- Oh course, it's that vast international Jewish video game weapon conspiracy. How could we forget? (Jew gun? What are you, a hillbilly?) --funkychinaman 20:13, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
- They just needed to have a jew gun in the game instead of TAR.
- Who the hell is using the Israelite Galil in the this game?! I hope not the Russians.
- I think they're trying to compromise, including familiar favorites like the SPAS and the FAMAS and putting in more obscure (at least by gaming standards) weapons like the Galil and the KS-23. --funkychinaman 14:31, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
Somebody needs to stop learning everything they know from movies and games. Open your eyes, or maybe you should just go back to your Klan rally. -- K 20:24, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
- My facts about guns are only based on REAL LIFE information, never games or movies. (by the guy who started the AW discussion)
- Should make an account and sign your posts, easier that way.--FIVETWOSEVEN 04:39, 27 August 2010 (UTC)
You should also get me some "real life" statistics that PROVE beyond a doubt that Israeli designs are "inferior." -- K 14:22, 27 August 2010 (UTC)
- Are you a hater like that guy who hates the Beretta 92? Oh and thanks FIVETWOSEVEN, I will consider making a account. :)
- Not at all, I happen to love the Beretta 92, I think it's one of the best handguns ever made. I just don't like when people make biased statements like that without giving a reason to back it up. -- K 00:44, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
- I was talking about a guy on the Beretta 92 discussion page that hates the 92 for no real reason. and what IS wrong with the Uzi, Jericho, and the Tavor? What "facts" do you have that make these weapons "inferior"? Do you hate Israel or something? (note, I am not trying to rude, a jerk, or a wise-ass) The Uzi is more or less the SMG equivalent of the AK, it is simple, reliable, and cheap like the AK, the Jericho is, from what I heard, is a very good all-steel handgun, and the Tavor is a great step forward for Israel's assault weapon technologies. If I'm wrong, please tell me and prove it with real facts.
- Correct me if I'm wrong, but you may have misread something, cuz it seems like that post was directed at me. I agree 100% with every point you just made there. -- K 18:07, 29 August 2010 (UTC)
- I honestly think you two have gotten confused and started arguing with each other when you both support the same position. This is why it would be much easier if everyone had an account. As to my opinion on the topic, I love Israeli made weapons. You're right about the Uzi family. It's extremely rugged, though not terribly accurate (But you can always do worse). As to the Tavor and the Jericho? I've only fired the Jericho once, but it handled great, though I still prefer the 92FS to it. And the Tavor, I love the Tavor. Honestly, if I was going into combat and I was given the choice, I'd take the TAR-21 over an M4A1 any day. I mean, the M4A1 is a great gun, but I just have a thing for bullpups. Acora 01:43, 30 August 2010 (UTC)
- I'm really sorry about that, my mistake, I thought you were the same guy who said "I don't see nothing good about those "kosher" weapons. All of them are inferior compared to western (and even russian) designs."
- I honestly think you two have gotten confused and started arguing with each other when you both support the same position. This is why it would be much easier if everyone had an account. As to my opinion on the topic, I love Israeli made weapons. You're right about the Uzi family. It's extremely rugged, though not terribly accurate (But you can always do worse). As to the Tavor and the Jericho? I've only fired the Jericho once, but it handled great, though I still prefer the 92FS to it. And the Tavor, I love the Tavor. Honestly, if I was going into combat and I was given the choice, I'd take the TAR-21 over an M4A1 any day. I mean, the M4A1 is a great gun, but I just have a thing for bullpups. Acora 01:43, 30 August 2010 (UTC)
- Correct me if I'm wrong, but you may have misread something, cuz it seems like that post was directed at me. I agree 100% with every point you just made there. -- K 18:07, 29 August 2010 (UTC)
- I was talking about a guy on the Beretta 92 discussion page that hates the 92 for no real reason. and what IS wrong with the Uzi, Jericho, and the Tavor? What "facts" do you have that make these weapons "inferior"? Do you hate Israel or something? (note, I am not trying to rude, a jerk, or a wise-ass) The Uzi is more or less the SMG equivalent of the AK, it is simple, reliable, and cheap like the AK, the Jericho is, from what I heard, is a very good all-steel handgun, and the Tavor is a great step forward for Israel's assault weapon technologies. If I'm wrong, please tell me and prove it with real facts.
- Not at all, I happen to love the Beretta 92, I think it's one of the best handguns ever made. I just don't like when people make biased statements like that without giving a reason to back it up. -- K 00:44, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
Nah, I think he ran away under our combined onslaught. xD Anywho, if it isn't signed as K, it isn't me. :) -- K 14:42, 31 August 2010 (UTC)
Just pitching in here but isnt the Galil what the israelis made as an improved AK-47 ? I think i heard that on the millitary channel or something (btw the price for the WA2000 these days is minimum 40 000 $ THE 2ND VERSION IS MIN 75 000 $ there was only 176 built (thank you wikipedia)--℗Λ✝r][©Κ 04:29, 20 November 2010 (UTC)
- Hopefully there will be an SKS in game because with the part of the game taking place in Vietnam, it would make sense to see it in the hands of the Viet Cong.--Mpe2010 21:17, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
- It would make sense. This is only and biggest reason why they wont put it in.
- As much as I agree with you, I wouldn't get my hopes up. Spartan198 22:11, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
- Even if they include it, would anyone use it? It doesn't do anything better than any other weapon you can get in the game. As much as I like the SKS in real life, I wouldn't use one if I had an AK or an AR-15 available. --funkychinaman 22:16, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
Oh you silly people, even if they included an SKS they'd bastardize it with enough railmounts to drive a train on, and then make it have an attachable grenade launcher/katana/lasersight/ammo dispenser. :) -- K 00:34, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
- Well. It would be RAIL with SKS attached.
- I never really had my hopes up.--Mpe2010 22:06, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
- If they have the correct grenade launcher on it, probably will work just like it did in WaW. Firing a round through the grenade.--FIVETWOSEVEN 00:58, 27 August 2010 (UTC)
- Actually, only the yugoslavian version of the SKS had the grenade launcher. Not the Russian or Chinese version that would appear in game if it is put in.--Mpe2010 01:56, 27 August 2010 (UTC)
Oh I was wrong then, never have payed too much attention to the SKS, also doesn't help that the most common seems to be a Yugo.--FIVETWOSEVEN 03:41, 27 August 2010 (UTC)
- Its Romanian WASR there. So why not yugoslavian SKS ? Oh, and i think they will put it there with M203 or GP-25 on it.
- Tats not WASR but just a retarded AK-74
- Well, i think they just googled "AK" and modelled first gun they have seen.
- Or some crappy airsoft gun. I can't wait till a game is made where EVERY ASPECT of firearms is 100% CORRECT and not tacticool.--FIVETWOSEVEN 19:05, 27 August 2010 (UTC)
- Blame the internet then, not the 3d artists or the company. It's hard enough to find a high enough resolution orthographic picture of the gun you want to model. Sometimes you have to make do with a similar model. 3d artists just can't model a gun out of thin air, you need references to use as a backdrop during modeling, and let's face it, the artist is going to use the high res sideview of an AK-74 over a low res slightly off sideview of a genuine AK-47. As for airsoft, take note that airsoft companies often provide a perfectly aligned sideview of their guns, which works great for modeling. I'd take a 1000x700 picture of an airsoft M4 over a 400x300 picture of the genuine gun. And if you were a 3d modeler, you would too.--Mr-Jigsaw 02:30, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
- Or some crappy airsoft gun. I can't wait till a game is made where EVERY ASPECT of firearms is 100% CORRECT and not tacticool.--FIVETWOSEVEN 19:05, 27 August 2010 (UTC)
- Well, i think they just googled "AK" and modelled first gun they have seen.
- omgz they could check this site. Or... photograph a real deal when they were recording gun sounds. And if they for some f-ing reason left off muzzle break from AK74 that would be a fail
- Or maybe get a real gun, don't even have to guy one, just rent or borrow one from someone that owns one. That isn't so hard is it? They did that with Lord of War with about 3,000 CZ rifles.--FIVETWOSEVEN 14:09, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
- Lord of War was a feature film, starring Nicholas Cage. I'm sure they had a lot more money than the average game does. Why pay extra money on something that isn't integral to the quality or enjoyment of a game? Besides, airsoft guns are relatively cheap, and a number of companies sell full metal near exact(and exact in some cases) copies of the real weapons. But ultimately, if you can't look beyond an Mp5's lack of a paddle release, you are playing games for all the wrong reasons. And really, no muzzle brake is fail? Seriously, learn to live with it. Also, most of the pictures on this site are too small for modeling accurately off of. Some are large enough, but most aren't. And not all games record real guns in person for their sounds, and some that do simply use similar models or completely different guns.--Mr-Jigsaw 21:00, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
- You do realize that this game is gonna rake in millions. They can't rent or buy a $400 AK 47?--FIVETWOSEVEN 01:08, 29 August 2010 (UTC)
- This is not exclusive to this game. You said you wanted to see any game that got everything right. Also, Treyarch is based in Santa Monica, California. If you knew anything about Californian gun laws, you would realize how difficult it would be for them to get their hands on a genuine Ak47. Besides, the 3d artists don't really get to decide how all the company's money is spent. And I doubt a higher up would care enough(for somewhat good reason) to waste a thousand bucks on a post-ban Kalashnikov that is not the correct model anyway.
- You do realize that this game is gonna rake in millions. They can't rent or buy a $400 AK 47?--FIVETWOSEVEN 01:08, 29 August 2010 (UTC)
- Lord of War was a feature film, starring Nicholas Cage. I'm sure they had a lot more money than the average game does. Why pay extra money on something that isn't integral to the quality or enjoyment of a game? Besides, airsoft guns are relatively cheap, and a number of companies sell full metal near exact(and exact in some cases) copies of the real weapons. But ultimately, if you can't look beyond an Mp5's lack of a paddle release, you are playing games for all the wrong reasons. And really, no muzzle brake is fail? Seriously, learn to live with it. Also, most of the pictures on this site are too small for modeling accurately off of. Some are large enough, but most aren't. And not all games record real guns in person for their sounds, and some that do simply use similar models or completely different guns.--Mr-Jigsaw 21:00, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
- Or maybe get a real gun, don't even have to guy one, just rent or borrow one from someone that owns one. That isn't so hard is it? They did that with Lord of War with about 3,000 CZ rifles.--FIVETWOSEVEN 14:09, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
- Tats not WASR but just a retarded AK-74
- Once again, they could either rent or borrow one. Doesn't even have to be an actual Russian AK 47. It would be fine if it was a Yugo, Bulgarian or whatever, they are similar enough to not be a problem. The point is going alittle further and not basing the model off a crappy airsoft gun or the wrong picture.--FIVETWOSEVEN 21:10, 29 August 2010 (UTC)
- The always present problem with game designers is that they forget the extreme details on a gun and when they do CGI modeling, they always make mistakes and forget somethings. Excalibur01 03:26, 29 August 2010 (UTC)
- I think you missed a word.--FIVETWOSEVEN 17:11, 29 August 2010 (UTC)
- I think it would be cool if they put the AS VAL in as a weapon of the Soviet Forces
- No.
Where in Sam Hill did you guys get that from? I never saw anyone holding one in the Teaser. That's One Angry Duck 01:23, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
It's on that wall of guns in the insight video, and theres apparently a pic at Call of Duty Wiki with someone holding it from the teaser. If you ask me, its still not 100% confirming it --FirearmsNewbie 02:19, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
This is the image they're saying is an AKS-74U [10]. Not very convincing, if you ask me, but I wouldn't put it past Treyarch as they've already failed epically by the looks of things so far. Spartan198 14:27, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
Definatly is a short AK something.--FIVETWOSEVEN 01:05, 29 August 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah, it looks like a short AK, but we can't be sure exactly what it is. Hell, it could be a full length AK at a weird camera angle. Acora 01:47, 30 August 2010 (UTC)
There are so many AK variants out there they can pull out of their asses, why another AK-74U? Excalibur01 02:15, 1 September 2010 (UTC)
Because I doubt they know any others and they don't want to confuse players.--FIVETWOSEVEN 04:53, 1 September 2010 (UTC)
New details released
This confirms a whole bunch of stuff, too much for me to list. Dannysaysnoo 02:10 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- Almighty, there's a mini-gun....a handheld minigun...
- Wow! I'm so pumped for spaying batches of n000bs with that thing WOW
- Who cares?! An Ithica! And an L96! I'm in love. Dannysaysnoo 02:13, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- I just watched the video...HOLY CRAP...A MINIGUN?!...Im in heaven! User:SeanWolf
- "Payback Time!" Swamples 03:22, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- New weapons we see are the WA2000, Makarov, Ithica, RPK (first in first person), MP5K (first person), Skorpion, HK21 (Awesome!), M14 (wood!), M134 (nicknamed Death Machine), M16 (first person, burst), AKS-74u, and also that new blue-tinted scope, maybe a new version of thermal? Alex T Snow 06:09, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- Who cares?! An Ithica! And an L96! I'm in love. Dannysaysnoo 02:13, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
You can THROW A TOMAHAWK?! That's awesome! Now if only you can melee with it... --funkychinaman 20:16, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
Over and Under shotgun, HK21 plus even moar footage
As seen in this video:
There's also more new MP footage up on Game Trailers and floating around YouTube. Swamples 06:46, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- If you didn't notice, the handgun at the beginning was an ASP. Alex T Snow 07:08, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- This killicon, taken from this video: looks like a full sized Uzi: -The Unsigned
Create A Class Video
WAY too much to write, just take a look, and at his other BO vids while youre there. Also, awesome pistol selection :) Alex T Snow 07:03, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- While looking at the Create-a-class 2.0 vid shown here, I found it rather odd for the choice that Treyarch was going with on the weapon selection for the pistols at the 0:23 mark. Wouldn't it make more sense to place the Makarov PM as the starting pistol because of it's weak 9x18mm cartridge? I'd personally would have liked to see it like this:
- Makarov PM
- 1911
- Colt Python
- CZ75
Draco122 10:52, 11 September 2010 (UTC)
Full Weapon List The video's not too interesting, most of this is stuff from other videos, the cool part is in the description. Note that he wrote MAC-11 instead of CZ-75.
SMG: MP5K, Skorpion, MAC-11, AKS-74u, Uzi, PM63, MPL, Spectre
Assault: Enfield, M14, FAMAS, Galil, AUG, FAL, AK-47, Commando, M16, CLASSIFIED (There's actually no M1 Garand)
Shotguns: Olympia, Ithica 37, SPAS-12
LMG: HK21, RPK, M60
Sniper Rifles: Dragunov, WA2000, L96A1
Pistols: ASP, M1911, Makarov, Python, CZ-75
Launchers: M72, RPG-7, Strela, China Lake
M202 & M134 are apparently Kill Streaks and personally I think the Classified AR is the G11
- ASP seems like an odd choice to put in a CoD game. Relative to the game, it seems like they went out of their way to put in a pistol that isn't that much different in function to a Makarov. (A small pistol with a small magazine.) Why not just a Walther P1? Or a SW M39? Looking down the sights of the guttersnipe will be interesting though. And I again applaud Treyarch for bringing in guns that have been otherwise neglected in gaming. --funkychinaman 15:58, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
I don't know if these are all the weapons or if there are less in this public version, though since it is a full reveal and they make sense how they are, it's reasonable to assume these are all of them. Alex T Snow 08:46, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
EDIT: The KS-23 isn't on the list for some reason, meaning this build may not have all the weapons, or the person who made the list simply missed it as it is the only known weapon not there. Alex T Snow 09:55, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- Someone found a screencap of the ingame M60.
- I don't think the M202 or the M134 are Killstreaks as if you look at the "Create a class" video above around the 0:36 mark it lists all the Killstreaks. As far I've seen in the trailers, the M134 is rather ironically called "Death Machine", so it might just be a high level machine gun class weapon that the user has to buy. Draco122 13:28, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- I think the M202 and M134 might only be in the "Wager" game modes, were everyone has a chance to earn one.
This is going to be worst CoD game. Minigun ? Flamethrower attachment ? Jesus . Even most stupid game from most stupid studio with most stupid gameplay will be better than this shit.
- If you say so.
Whatever you say, man, and what's wrong with a flamethrower attachment? BeardedHoplite 00:48, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
Its completely idiotic.--FIVETWOSEVEN 04:32, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
- I think it sounds fucking AWESOME. No, it won't be realistic. But it's rule of cool, brohan.-protoAuthor 11:00, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, once you get over the fact that this game is inaccurate as hell, it starts to look pretty badass BeardedHoplite 11:38, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
Peh, I'm past the point of even expecting this to be a realistic game. I'll enjoy it for what it is, but there's no way in hell that we're getting realism out of this. Acora 06:46, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
. reality and videogames are like an amish hacker , never gonna happen . this is going to be FUCKIN EPIC . simmons 8492
Iron sights
Whats with all the guns having that same back sight, i was ok with the CAR 15 and even the FAMAS having it, then i thought that it was pushing it with the AUG. Then i saw that the M60 has those sights too??!!! I hear you can customuzie your sights and i hope to god you can, cause i would be pissed if all the guns had extremely similiar iron sights --FirearmsNewbie 11:43, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
IS WONT BE CUSTOMIZATED ! Its just cool to have them, you dont understand ? 7-year kids / 99% of BO players ) wont even recognize M16 and M4. SO WHATS THE PROBLEM ? Epect nuclear grenade flamethrower tactical launcher screen in nearliest days.
- ...a little excited there, bro?
From what I've heard, there will be an 'improved iron sights' attachment. Acora 06:49, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
it looks like famas had a field day and fucked everything up . the pig dosent deserve that . and for all the idiots out there reading this and thinking"whats the pig, can you use farm animals as weapona" the pig is the name for the m60 , that gun hold a special place in my heart . simmons 8492
It really looks like they just took a lot of stuff from mw2 (like those god damned iron sights) and whats the deal putting Troy industries sight on an AUG? How stupid does that even look, couldnt hit shit in real life cuz there is no spacing between the front and rear post! Come on Treyarch i tough u could do better --℗Λ✝r][©Κ 02:45, 13 November 2010 (UTC)
Has anyone else noticed then in the create a class trailer when he goes in to primary weapons it says enfield ? anyone wanna put that up ?
- I would but it's too little info to draw a conclusion on what EXACTLY "Enfield" is. It could be the SA80 but at the same time it could be something else, it's best to hold off for now until more info shows. Draco122 15:50, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah, it is most probably a SA80 but it can also be the L1A1.--SB2296 15:55, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- When I saw Enfield, I had assumed it would be the EM-2. When was the last time anyone referred to either SA-80 or L1A1 as an "Enfield?" I google in "enfield prototype," and a picture of the EM-2 is the first thing that comes up. --funkychinaman 16:01, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
Ya id say its going to be the EM-2 because on the killfeed for a teamdeathmatch i saw there was a weapon that looked like it
If not the EM-2, it could be one of the Enfield SA80 prototypes (E60-, XL70-...etc) - Enfield did start the SA80 program in the late 60's so it could be possible for them to show up. It might also explain why Treyarch had that airsoft L85 on their wall.
It's an XL64, at least according to the create-a-class picture. The Wierd It 17:06, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
I think - not sure though - in the multiplayer overview video, at 6.41 to 6.49, it is possible to view the Enfield with iron sights in first person - it has the SA80 type rail, a green-ish cheek rest on the left of the reciever and a green-foreguard. I could be mistaken though. If someone could get the screen shots up for closer inspection, it might be easier to tell. Spanner
You mean like this? The Wierd It 19:13, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
Bingo! You can see the real SA80/British 'dovetail' 19mm optics mounting rail (under those weird iron sights...)Cheers Spanner
It's the XL64 for sure, saw it in the video a couple sections down ;) Alex T Snow 20:53, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
Which is the same video I pulled the create-a-class image from in the first place. The Wierd It 21:00, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
Yeah... not my best moment there, lol. ;) Alex T Snow 04:21, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
Regardless of SA80 or EM2, is anyone else irritated by the way he seems to reload with the wrong hand? Correct reload is with right hand still on pistol grip, change mag with left hand (as with most rifles), but in campaign at least the animation clearly shows the pistol grip bare. And don't try left-handed as an excuse, as you can't fire it left-handed or the cocking handle would hit your face and the empty cases go down your neck. Also I reckon, given the teething troubles of the SA80 first version, he should have to do a 'forward assist' and shove the cocking handle forwards every time. That would slow the reload and make the game harder, but the first version of the SA80 was a bit rubbish like that.--HLDR 08:17, 27 April 2011 (CDT)
I have edited the claim that 'prototypes' of the XL64 (nonsensical since it is itself a prototype) existed in the 'early 1960s'. See 'The Last Enfield' by Steve Raw, for example.Big les
Burst M16?
When I saw the recent multiplayer trailer, I coulda sworn that the M16 was firing in 3 round bursts. Excalibur01 16:57, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- It was, and while idont mind it being Burstfire, i do mind that they call it the M16 Raffica.--Smish34 17:03, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
Well I do cause there's no such thing as a burst firing M16A1. Excalibur01 17:51, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- In the Black Ops world there is. GET WITH THE TIMES EXCALIBER!!!!1--FIVETWOSEVEN 04:11, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
And why should they call it the "Raffica"? (I know it's Italian for burst, but whatever.) The Wierd It 18:17, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
On the extended trailer thing on the xbox dashboard there is a Burst M16 and its called M16 raffica
A burst M16A1 is stupid. Havent these guys seen a Vietnam era movie? Excalibur01 05:22, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
I agree it's stupid, but I suppose it will help make up for all of those full-auto A4s that are in every single movie. ;) Alex T Snow 05:41, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
First off, FIVETWOSEVEN, what does "get with the times" have to do with anything? That made no sense. In the Black Ops world, they operate outside of ordinary methods of operations and tactics. They go into extreme conditions and use the best equipments they can get their hands on but as I said before, they don't acquire guns that havent been invented yet and the military mentality of soldiers back then are different than they are now. A soldier during the Cold War would see any new technology pointless instead of an advantage because of the training and mentality, the if it isn't broken, don't fix it. Special Forces were no exception. Sure they were outside the ordinary, but they wouldn't have just say "hey, I want a gun that can do the following thing, can I have one? If it doesn't exist, I'll just get a gun smith, invent the parts and materials and make it exist." That's not how things work in real life. Yes this is a game and I've just given up on trying to convince people otherwise. Excalibur01 23:11, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
- WHOOSH* That was the sound of the obivious sarcasm flying over your head.--FIVETWOSEVEN 04:31, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
- I think he means it's now obvious Treyarch doesn't care, so why fret over it? Short of some weird plot twist that we're currently unaware of (and again, we know absolutely nothing about the plot,) Treyarch simply doesn't seem to care about historic or technical accuracy. They're selling games to kids and stoners, not history buffs and gun dorks. After seeing all the recent videos, I'm resigned to the fact that all we're going to get is a vastly enjoyable game with a lot of replay value. --funkychinaman 00:53, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
Remember, it's still full-auto in Singleplayer, as it should be. It's just 3-shot burst in MP so it doesn't make pot-head COD kids heads explode. Also, where do they call it the M16 "Raffica"? In the Create a Class videos they're listed simply as M16. That's One Angry Duck 02:36, 5 September 2010 (UTC)
Oh it's only burst in multiplayer? Good. In multiplayer, anything goes. Excalibur01 03:28, 5 September 2010 (UTC)
Does no one notice for one fact that the 20 round mag amazingly holds 30 rounds in game?--ZuluSix 07:26, 16 May 2012 (CDT)
- It's mentioned in the Colt Commando section, and the M16 section points out it's the same with that weapon. Evil Tim 07:36, 16 May 2012 (CDT)
- I notice that now, thanks. --ZuluSix 09:03, 16 May 2012 (CDT)
Another video
You get the see the M14 stock, the Enfield, and it confirms the G11 (There's a contract called "G11 Cruelty." --funkychinaman 20:13, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- Ah, that would explain that one single classified weapon. Dannysaysnoo 21:51, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- Looks like they're leaving a lot of old stuff in - killstreaks, perks, sentry guns, weapons.
- As opposed to a CoD game without weapons? Acora 06:54, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
A Question about guns
Do you think there are any possibilities of Daewoo K1A or K2 appearing in this game?
I think its about time some major game has put in guns made in Asia.
K2 is a really accurate rifle, it could serve as the 'ACR' of this game and K1 can be like MP5K or UMP of this game
- Men of Valor had a Type 56. Does that count? --funkychinaman 20:14, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
We've already seen all the guns that are going in game. So quite slim chances there. Also, sign your posts. The Wierd It 08:56, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
- I don't think we've quite seen all of them. We've seen all of the Assault Rifles and Handguns, and only some of the LMG's, SMG's, Sniper Rifles, and Shotguns. And that video a few sections up with supposedly all of the weapons in the game in it's description, is most likely incomplete. I seriously doubt there are only 3 sniper rifles. That's One Angry Duck 02:41, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
- Didn't people doubt only 4 sniper rifles with MW2?--FIVETWOSEVEN 04:30, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
- Perhaps, but they only needed 4 to fill out the basic sniper rifles roles of COD. A bolt-action, a large caliber, a jack-of-all-trades, and a low recoil-low power. But with only 3, and moreso because of the 3 that we've seen, we should expect more, because so far we've only seen the bolt-action and two normal semi-auto sniper rifles that shouldn't be all too different from each other. That's One Angry Duck 05:33, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
FAMAS correction
That's not a G2 FELIN, it's a F1 FELIN prototype. The one in the screenshots is based off the F1 model (note the small triggerguard and straight magazine). The G2 FELIN platform is based off of the FAMAS G2 and is distinguishable by the sheer massive amount of stuff strapped to it.--PistolJunkie 18:47, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
All the photos of the G2 FELIN I've seen have the small trigger guard. The Wierd It 22:57, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
- Spartan198 14:16, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
Unknown Machine gun or Assault rifle?
Here is a picture seen in new multiplayer tralier.
- It's a HK21. Watch in HD, it says in the bottom right. Dannysaysnoo 15:57, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
Unknown rocket launcher guide missile
I seen in new multiplayer tralier.
The only thing I've seen that sounds like that is the 'Arch Angel' killstreak weapon, a missile guided by the player via a camera. (Similar to the Predator guided missile from Modern Warfare 2's killstreaks except that 'Arch Angel' appears to be a shoulder-fired system) Spanner
Thank for information guy.In cod wiki they call "Valkyrie Rockets". Tanarmy
I seen few second on enemy hand in new multiplayer tralier.
- It's an underbarrel attachment, too. Dannysaysnoo 15:54, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
Grim Reaper?
In the wager match video, after the player gets a kill with the WA2000, you see him switch to something called the grim reaper but you never get to see what it is, any ideas?
- It's what they've dubbed the M202. It's kinda like how they called the M79 the Thumper. As I recall, the M202 is a killstreak reward. Dannysaysnoo 15:54, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah aparently this game has several 'super weapons', but I'm not sure of the context of their use. But surely they won't be unlockable for custom classes, the "Death Machine" had a 400-somethin round belt.
- The Death Machine (M136) and Grim Reaper (M202) are obtained from care packages now. Also, sign your posts. Dannysaysnoo 19:32, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
in the same video they show parts froma game called "gun game " the player swaps the M14 for the m136 . im gonna go all jessie ventura up in that bitch . simmons 8492
Opinions on the game so far ?
I know everyone is going to have a different opinion but i personally think this game is gonna be the worst one yet. The weapons,the attachments,the killstreaks look so bad and the game is just gona be filled with little 10 year olds who only quickscope and camp! The next one by sledgehammer games sound better! Anyone else agre? -- GunGunGun
- I haven't seen anything about the sledgehammer installment. Is there anything out there? I just know that officially, what's left of IW is still working on MW3. --funkychinaman 16:00, 5 September 2010 (UTC)
- Call Of Duty is dead since MW2. Last good one was CoD5 ( But it wasnt nothing more than good ). So i dont expect things get better after Black Ops. --Werc 09:59, 5 September 2010 (UTC)
- Considering that there's been no news at all on the Sledgehammer Games one yet, I have no idea how you could know that it will be better. Sounds like you, like some others here, are just angry that the guns and add-ons in the game make no sense for the era rather than whether or not it's fun to play. Swamples 18:31, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
- The guns don't make sense at all, not just because of the era. I mean flamethrower attachments, handheld miniguns, the same rear sight on many guns, 20-round mags holding 30 rounds, semi-auto shotguns impossibly cycling with dragonsbreath ammo. Before MW2 the Call of Duty series was known for its accuracy and attention to how the guns really work, as well as the weapons for the time periods the games take place in. And GunGunGun has a point, it's just going to be the same chaotic multiplayer as MW2, a bunch of stoners and kids making themselves feel better by corner camping, tubing, and quickscoping. Treyarch only seems to have done things to promote those playing techniques, not discourage them like they should. -Mandaloin
- Cry some more then? It's pretty obvious that you don't like the gameplay style. There are many, MANY gamers out there that would disagree with your tastes, and those are the ones that Treyarch is aiming to please (along with those on the fence over some of MW2s perks/killstreaks which were changed for the better). So what if it's not all realistic, the key point in a video game is if it's any fun to play or not. Last I checked, I couldn't actually survive crashing a Ferrari at 100MPh at Laguna Seca either, but it is sure as hell fun to play a game that allows me to get back up and try again without it being "game over" for me. Swamples 06:46, 11 September 2010 (UTC)
- The guns don't make sense at all, not just because of the era. I mean flamethrower attachments, handheld miniguns, the same rear sight on many guns, 20-round mags holding 30 rounds, semi-auto shotguns impossibly cycling with dragonsbreath ammo. Before MW2 the Call of Duty series was known for its accuracy and attention to how the guns really work, as well as the weapons for the time periods the games take place in. And GunGunGun has a point, it's just going to be the same chaotic multiplayer as MW2, a bunch of stoners and kids making themselves feel better by corner camping, tubing, and quickscoping. Treyarch only seems to have done things to promote those playing techniques, not discourage them like they should. -Mandaloin
Meh, quit complaining, it's a video game. If you want realism go play ARMA or Operation Flashpoint. It does look better than MW2, that I will say. BeardedHoplite 21:41, 8 September 2010 (UTC)
I just love how people can criticize a game, when yet, they haven't even played it. Hoot471 21:43, 8 September 2010 (UTC)
- I just love how people keep saying that. We don't have to play it to criticize what we've already seen of it. -Mandaloin
- Yeah, you kinda do. If you have not actually sat down and played this game, you're only assuming it's gonna be bad by just looking at it. Swamples 06:46, 11 September 2010 (UTC)
Medal of Honor pwns Call of Duty in every way. That's my opinion of Black Ops. Anyone who doesn't like it can go cry a river. Spartan198 14:13, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
- If it was any other game, the "don't judge it till you've played it" argument would be pretty valid, but this is Call of Duty, where they haven't really done anything new since CoD4, same engine, same gameplay, same crappy 80's era action movie story, the only difference is the time the game takes place in, you don't have to play it to say that it's a crap game that shouldn't be taken seriously, for what it is (a mindless action shooter) it's decent, but it's not really worth much more than that.Kornflakes89 23:08, 7 March 2012 (CST)
Where did we see that? That's One Angry Duck 13:29, 5 September 2010 (UTC)
Unknown SMG
- They look like MPL's to me, and those are said to be in this game so I'm betting that's what they are. That's One Angry Duck 23:33, 5 September 2010 (UTC)
- Those don't look anything like MPLs. It's probably something we haven't seen yet. --funkychinaman 02:35, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
- Actually, I found this picture under Walther MPL on COD: Wiki, but I thought they looked nothing like MPLs, so I decided to put it as unknown and see if someone else knew what these were. --SmithandWesson36
- Those don't look anything like MPLs. It's probably something we haven't seen yet. --funkychinaman 02:35, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
- They kind of look like Arsenal Shipkas. - Gunmaster45
The weapons in this game may be achronistic as hell, but at least they made them interesting, most of the weapons on the page right now are things you don't see much of in games or even movies, especially nowadays, there's even this, a gun we can't seem to identify with a clear first-person shot of both sides of the gun. I've gotten bored of knowing every gun in a game when I first get it, so, regardless of whether this game turns out to be good, which I hope it is, at least the weapon selection is nice and original, especially for a modern mainstream FPS. :D Alex T Snow 08:51, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
- Well I just went through the entire world.guns SMG database and the only thing that looks remotely similar to this is the Walther MPL, so if it's not a souped-up version of that than I don't know what it is. That's One Angry Duck 15:19, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
- Nothing is in the right place. Either it's something else, or the modelers were told some other gun was an MPL and they didn't know any better. Did anyone else notice the icon on the left in the feed? Maybe it's whatever that's supposed to be. --funkychinaman 16:42, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
- Maybe they're just modified Skorpions? Tanaj 15:45, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
i also went through the world.guns database and figured is could be a OTs-02 Kiparis
- Nice find, I agree. Wow, they must've dug pretty deep. I don't see how it'd be possible for this to be a modeling mistake, as I would think it's much harder to find one of these than an MPL. The above link doesn't work, here it is again. [13] --funkychinaman 11:33, 7 September 2010 (UTC)
- Well whatdaya know, the one I missed. Good find. That's One Angry Duck 02:11, 8 September 2010 (UTC)
They are Skorpians in 9x18mm without the stocks. Looks awesome to me.--Mandolin 00:29, 9 September 2010 (UTC)
- We've already seen what the Skorpions look like, these look alot like that OTs-02 Kiparis --FirearmsNewbie 00:41, 9 September 2010 (UTC)
The KS-23 isn't 12 gauge, it's 6 gauge or something like that. I know that it's 23mm, which is not 12 gauge, so that should probably be changed. --ColonelTomb 00:58, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
According to Wikipedia it's 6.27 gauge by American standards and 4 gauge in Euros. The Wierd It 08:59, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
Ummm how are they going to balance that? I'm assuming that a 6.27 gauge packs a hell of a lot more lead than a 12 gauge so I'd take a guess that it would probably be pretty powerful --Subiefan98 22:41, 6 September 2010 (UTC)
- I presume the KS-23 is likely to have heavy recoil, small capacity (3 rounds) and a delay between shots. Also can't the KS-23 also function as a Grenade launcher as well firing firing a variety of shells such as Tear Gass, Flash Bang and White Phosphorous? I would marry Treyarch if they finally added Slugs to this baby! Draco122 09:13, 19 September 2010 (UTC)
Draco i think your my new friend. JK. i always wondered why they never put chokes or slugs as attachments for guns in video games.-User:SargeOverkill
- They have added slugs to some games. But to name few, Bad Company 2, Fallout: New Vegas and STALKER are one's that come to mind, though I don't think even the majority of game designers (save for a small collection of the minority) that know what a Choke on a shotgun even is. Draco122 15:43, 29 October 2010 (UTC)
English version of Wikipedia erroneously indicates that the KS-23 was created in 1970. This weapon was created in mid-1980's. The 23 mm rifled barrel has been borrowed from anti-aircraft weapons systems. At present it is not used Russian police, because it is too heavy and uncomfortable Slow Rider 11:12, 24 January 2011 (UTC)
Stoner 63?
Hey Guys, I believe I've identified what seems to be a Stoner 63 fitted with some sort of telescopic scope, in this video: [14] --Mattatack92 08:14, 7 September 2010 (UTC)
Hey, does anyone know the production date of the 63A? Could this be a rare example of a period-correct weapon in the game? If so I feel that it deserves a mention on the main page, at least the part about SEALs using it in Vietnam. Lets face it... this game needs all the pats on the back it can get! --Ultimagameboy 23:10, 5 July 2012 (CDT)
Looks like a AR-18 but don't we have the full assault rifle list?--FIVETWOSEVEN 23:55, 8 September 2010 (UTC)
- It's not an AR-18, the recievers don't match. It looks more like the 63, although it doesn't appear to have the ventilated barrel housing. That's One Angry Duck 01:32, 9 September 2010 (UTC)
After actually looking at a 63, this gun looks like it.--FIVETWOSEVEN 02:10, 9 September 2010 (UTC)
. - Gunmaster45
Reflex sights
Just wondering about the reflex sights, were they even developed back during the periods the game is set in? Another thing I was curious about is that the M4 Spectre in the list shows it having a reflex mounted on it. While it is using a side-mount, wouldn't the stock get in the way if you try to fold/unfold it since it folds to the top of the gun?--ThePotShot 14:41, 12 September 2010 (UTC)
- 1, Yeah, i am almost sure reflex sight existed during cold war. There is even patent on internet, dating it into seventies.
- 2, All SMG´s have apparently stocks removed for some reason. --Werc 15:50, 12 September 2010 (UTC)
Not exactly on topic
Alright, I am having a pretty bad day with dealing all the crap my professors are throwing at me and then my roommate says something that is kinda pissing me off so I am gonna rant a little bit. Last night(this early morning actually, around 1), he decided not to do his homework and decided to watch a show about snipers and the amazing feats they pulled off including one about Hatchcock. It was pretty interesting until he ruined it after watching a sniper take out VietCongs using kentucky windage with his scoped (now busted) m14 after his helo was shot down by saying, "So what, I don't see how that is impressive, I can do that all the time in Modern Warfare 2." Now he wants to go buy Black Ops when it comes out because he wants to "pwn some noobs" and all the feature look really realistic just like in MW2. He goes on to say that he wants to become a Ranger because he thinks it is easy enough since he is smart since he was on a debate team, ran for state assembly, etc. and strong because he can do MMA and finishes that with he can drink a lot beer. I give him credit for having the balls to join the Rangers but at the same time, it feels like he is insulting them. Sorry for writing all this but I was having a shitty day and just had to let is all out and I figured it since he was talking of COD, that I would put it here. Alright, rant over, feeling much better now. --ThePotShot 15:43, 15 September 2010 (UTC)
Oh boy, is actual real military service gonna shit on his cereal, lets see just how easy pwning noobs is when your actually getting shot at, oh and apparently theres this thing called recoil in reality, suprising i know. Oh and no respawns either. On an actual related note this game is gonna suck, I do love the return of the 1911 to COD i just can forgive the erronious amounts of just horrendous anacronisms, and the flamethrower undermount is so retarded --Captain Snikt 02:10, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
Here's a fun idea, hand a CoD fanboy an AR-15 with the bolt locked back, hand them a magazine, and tell them to fire it. See how long it takes them to realize that the weapon isn't magically ready to fire just because you slap in a fresh magazine. You get five points for every ten seconds it takes before they realize what the bolt catch is. You get bonus points if they pull the charging handle.--PistolJunkie 06:01, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
Brilliant! Oh and pop that elusive saftey on too, just for good measure.--Captain Snikt 09:52, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
I'd be impressed if they would give the back stock a flat slap after loading a fresh mag and charged the gun like a real badass.--Spades of Columbia 12:46, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
Even better would be actually getting through the first phase of basic to even hold a weapon.--N-10 Aden 21:19, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
I'd be even more surprised to find a gamer doing a proper tactical reload, instead of letting a mag drop to the ground and becoming confused as to why it doesn't magically appear back in his pouches.
first of id slap the shit out of your roommate , the second he hit basic hes gonna be crying for mommy shitting him self , and i cant wait for the m1911 to make its return .simmons 8492
Kinda liking the weapons list
Well, they are things you never see in other games, although the awp and famas and spas12 can go, and id love the a1 to be full auto. But, a revovler that makes sense, old school submachine guns, a pump action grenade launcher its kind of cool.
I do wish they didn't decided the nearly the same weapons from the other MW series like the AUG, SPAS-12, or the MP5K. They could have picked other pump action shotguns like the Remington 870, or another weapon aside from the MP5K. They should have stuck with the full size MP5. Excalibur01 14:44, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
- Well, they do have the Ithaca 37. And at least the AUG is a rifle and not a LMG in this one. --funkychinaman 15:18, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
I do know most of these guns really shouldn't exist but you can believe I will have a ton of fun with the under-barrel flamethrower with a smily face reflex sight on the G11(they better not mess up the G11).--N-10 Aden 21:15, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
At this moment, I am not bothered about weapons that don't exist at the time, but more on original choices. Excalibur01 02:17, 17 September 2010 (UTC)
- Kinda of agree with you there, sorta disappointed though that they made the M16A1 burst fire in Multiplayer. Though it's hard to say exactly when all these guns appear, while yes we were told it was starting in Vietnam but IT could possibly star in other timezones too. From what I've gathered, you play as multiple characters so it's possible you could play as multiple characters in different time periods, 1 in Vietnam, another in Cold War and maybe a few fictional war zones in the early 2000's Draco122 08:10, 19 September 2010 (UTC)
- Well, it seems that original M16 without forward assist is in game. Anyway - As far as i know M16A1 fired in 3-round bursts, no ?
- The A1 is full-auto. The A2 and A4 variants fire bursts. Ramell 10:10, 19 September 2010 (UTC)
- Well, it seems that original M16 without forward assist is in game. Anyway - As far as i know M16A1 fired in 3-round bursts, no ?
I dont like how they use the correct 20 round mag model but make it hold 30. Hopefully the burst/30 rounds is online only, like in cod 4 where the m16 was full auto SP but burst MP.
JUst curious, does anyone think that the CZ-75 might be the Automatic version of the weapon. Granted Treyarch wasn't going to add Machine Pistols but since it's the last handgun in the list and it costs 750 credits would it be possible? I mean Bad Company 2 had their 93R as their last unlock which was a machine pistol Draco122 08:28, 19 September 2010 (UTC)
- Well, it doesnt have to be automatic. CZ-75 is superior to all other handguns from list in real life.( maybe besides Colt Python ) - Its better than Makarov, ASP and even M1911 in all "stats" . Its probably best 9mm handgun.
- Not too sure as to how it would be better than a .45 caliber 1911. I can see it being better than the ASP or Makarov due to their small magazines of 7-8 rounds compared to the 75's 16 (9mm). Of course it does open the slight possibility that an Automatic conversion kit is available as an attachment Draco122 09:05, 19 September 2010 (UTC)
- Its not just about calibre or mag capacity. CZ-75 is more accurate, bullet is faster and i think its lighter. Anyway - Its sure that heavier cartrigde is allways better :) But i would take CZ75 to combat instead of M1911.
- Not too sure as to how it would be better than a .45 caliber 1911. I can see it being better than the ASP or Makarov due to their small magazines of 7-8 rounds compared to the 75's 16 (9mm). Of course it does open the slight possibility that an Automatic conversion kit is available as an attachment Draco122 09:05, 19 September 2010 (UTC)
- Maybe the developers just read a lot of Gunsmith Cats, and took Rally's speech to heart, but the possibility that it may be an automatic makes me sigh. I hope it isn't.-protoAuthor 16:08, 19 September 2010 (UTC)
Firstly, The CZ-75 is not more accurate than a 1911 Secondly, there is no "best" 9x19 millimeter pistol, its all personal preference, Thirdly, the .45 is a better combat round due to its lager grain bullet and more dispersion of energy on contact, and Lastly, while caliber is not the most important factor, the .45 A.C.P is superior to the 9x19mm because the 9 is a small lightweight bullet, while the .45 is a large heavyweight bullet. P.S. sign your posts. ~~ PunisherDave
- Well, i tested both CZ75 and 1911. I was doing better with CZ. Anyway - I would take it into combat because of for example mag size. And 9mm bullets are way much more common... --Werc 13:57, 20 September 2010 (UTC)
Military 1911s almost universally sucked, with ultra loose fitting parts and 7 pound triggers, and nearly useless sights. 1911s in the civilian world, or the uber built special forces 1911, are nice. But your average GI 1911....not so. Im sure a cz75 would kick its ass in accuracy and reliability if you wanted to use more than ball ammo. ~~k9870
- Ágreed. --Werc 13:57, 20 September 2010 (UTC)
Those old 1911's had one thing going for them though, there was a hell of a lot of abuse you could put them through before they malfunctioned. Reliability is a factor. I'm not saying the CZ isn't reliable though, don't get me wrong. ShootingLiberal 17:24, 21 September 2010 (UTC)
It was once said "the colt 45 will drop a charging bull dead in its tracks, but good luck hitting it.
Haha, while I do know (note how I'm just basing what I say off of research, so I am open to corrections. Hopefully one day I can fire a 1911 and CZ to really know the differences)that the old GI 1911's were often maligned for their lack of accuracy, I've also heard people say it isn't that big of a deal considering that it is a handgun. In a military capacity, the pistol is there when shit gets up close and personal and you need to defend yourself. When the guy is close enough that you can see the whites of his eyes, I'm sure you're not gonna have to be a deadeye to land shots on target. ShootingLiberal 18:21, 21 September 2010 (UTC)
- My buddy's father was a Marine in Vietnam, and at least according to him, a lot had to do with the fact that their M1911s were just really old and worn. I would think that WWII production of M1911s would've been more enough to supply US forces for decades. --funkychinaman 18:29, 21 September 2010 (UTC)
Ive heard they manuactured no new 1911s after ww2, and that they just swapped parts, keeping frame and slide. They were loose fitting, and rattled in holsters. a 7 pound single action trigger, and the sights are just awful, especially against a dark background, cheap 3 dot sights would be better. problem is when people think "1911" they think of the sweet modern ones. To be fair, military berettas are beat to hell too, and have known countless people to say the sights were misaligned, magazines had weak springs, etc. The cz-75 though, this is the first time ive seen it in a game, its pretty cool. I cant wait to use it, im sick of the beretta being the staple 9mm. -k9870
Misaliged sights are from them getting knocked around and is easily fixed, worn mag springs is through use and they are easily replaced.--FIVETWOSEVEN 22:33, 21 September 2010 (UTC)
It is true that no new 1911's were purchased after World War 2. The same .45's that were on G.I's hips in Europe and The Pacific were being carried by U.S troops during the Gulf War in the 1990's. I've heard that the quality of the 1911's varied from gun to gun. Some were actually were in decent shape while others were just horrid. I don't believe they all suffered from the problems that K9870 is saying. Although I admit the standard sights on those guns are just awful, Most of the time I can't even make out the front post. A lot of soldiers I've read actually preferred a 1911 to the M9 and carried it when possible. ShootingLiberal 22:37, 21 September 2010 (UTC)
I dunno about the automatic thing... I myself have only heard of the machine pistol variant of the CZ-75 until very recently, plus I don't think it has a place in media history as a well-known variant of the CZ-75 (much less the CZ-75 itself, outside of Gunsmith Cats), so I don't know how Treyarch could know about it. Most of the guns they got ideas for the game from are the airsoft guns they had in their office, and last I checked no one makes an airsoft automatic CZ-75. So I would bet my money on that this is just the game's Desert Eagle - the pistol that outshines the rest (and it's about time! The CZ-75 is very underused in the media, IMO). Swamples 09:23, 25 September 2010 (UTC)
Actually I'm thinking that the Python is gonna be the Power Pistol of this game followed by the 1911. The CZ is probably gonna be the 9mm hi cap of the game.--FIVETWOSEVEN 10:52, 25 September 2010 (UTC)
I hope they dont neuter it for "balance" and that it is awesome, who cares if they need to balance with the makarov and asp? When you buy better guns, they should actually be better, not just change one stat for another.
was the asp pistol any good or even used much? It seems the grips would be slippery and the sights are weird. -k9879
- According to a random site I found, it wasn't used much. Originally, only 100 were produced, and if they are still produced, they are produced only on a pistol-by-pistol basis by custom gunsmiths or shops or something along those lines. The grips were smooth because the original designer intended it to be the ultimate concealed carry pistol, and the smooth grips helped this keeping the chance for the hand to snag on the grips while pulling, aiming, and firing to a minimum. In addition, the sights are weird but when aimed through, due to the design of the sight which employed fluorescent panels, would point at the target when properly aligned, making it easier to shoot reflexively. -Chris Hun7er 23:42, 23 September 2010 (UTC)
It is a S&W Model 39 which was a really good pistol. It looks as though its in the game because of the size of the Makarov. --FIVETWOSEVEN 22:34, 23 September 2010 (UTC) apparantly the grips are lexan plastic, which is clear and you can see through it, but when the gun is reloading the gun still appears to have bullets inside even though there's none there...
The Over-Under Shotgun
The Over-Under Shotgun AKA "Olympia", seems to be based off of a Browning Citori XT shotgun. I don't have a screenshot of the gun ingame (It was on the ground, and in HD, but the page was protected so I couldn't save it). But I am pretty sure that the Browning Citori XT is the real-life inspiration for the Olympia.
Snubnose more accurate?
What game designers brilliant idea was this? i could understand faster switch or something, but higher accuracy?
I think they were too stupid to make the snubnose version default and a 6" barrel an attachment. --Xarex
A 4 inch python is a great service handgun, they should just have 4inch standard, the 6 inch a slower draw but more accurate, the snubby less accurate but faster draw, and unlocks like a nickle finish, different grips, pimp it out however you please.
I can't think of any reason why anyone would think that a snub makes it more accurate, this is just stupid.--FIVETWOSEVEN 20:30, 25 September 2010 (UTC)
On the COD wiki it shows the stat page ffor snubnose, down one bar power, up one accuracy. k9870
- It could be that one of the developers mixed it up by mistake, if its not a mix up..... then why bother making videogames with real guns anymore if Treyarch is just going to make up stuff. --FirearmsNewbie 08:11, 29 September 2010 (UTC)
- A snub nosed revolver has less power AND accuracy than a full size revolver.--FIVETWOSEVEN 10:47, 29 September 2010 (UTC)
- I mean in a video game sense (balance over realism), wouldn't a shorter barrel logically mean less accuracy? Sorry if what i said earlier sounded like i wanted Treyarch to make the game like real life. I just meant that Treyarch would be messing with logic to make a shorter barrel mean higher accuracy. --FirearmsNewbie 12:41, 29 September 2010 (UTC)
Black Ops Zombies weapons
For those that are wondering, this is the "teaser" trailer for Black Op's Zombie mode
So far the weapons I can see and identify are the HK21E, Ithaca M37 Trench Gun, a sniper rifle that looks similar to the design of an Artic Warfare Super Magnum and a tricked out AK variant.
Also it seems we may have Zombies in modern arenas like Office complexes and Labs Draco122 06:59, 29 September 2010 (UTC)
Makarov with target sights.
I just noticed that the Makarov has target sights instead of the Military sights. That definatly seems wrong for Military use.--FIVETWOSEVEN 18:43, 29 September 2010 (UTC)
Military sights suck, im sure special forces would replace them.
Maybe but as I recall they didn't have target sights back then, plus they are Dropped by the Russians so they would have the military sights. They aren't that bad by the way, I have personal experiance with them and they are fine.--FIVETWOSEVEN 00:24, 30 September 2010 (UTC)
Saw on COD wiki "upgraded iron sights" as an attachment.
Strela-3 Missile launcher! Latest Trailer! 1:10 "Vehicle Lock-On Only". Also whats that gun at 2:03, it makes me confus --Orita Md.41 17:04, 1 October 2010 (UTC)
Who Wants to Ice Castro?
Apparently you can do it, and there's even an achievement for doing it in one shot! BeardedHoplite 18:35, 1 October 2010 (UTC)
tell ya what , if you can do that cuba is gonna be pissed . simmons 8492
Oh, oh, I DO!!! :D User:Young Gun
Clues from leaked Achievements list
Full list here. SPOILERS! [15]
- -The player gets to use TOW missiles in the game.
- MP killstreak list is more than few days old.
- -It's DEFINITELY alternative history.
- That was clear.
- -The Grim Reaper is in the campaign somewhere.
- Seen already in one of first trailers.
--funkychinaman 18:41, 1 October 2010 (UTC)
Found a PSG1
Here, to the right of the G2 --Ghostdigga 19:17, 1 October 2010 (UTC)
- Oh. My. God. 2000 Famas with flamethrower and M16 handguard. I beg it would sound crazy month ago. Looking forward MoH much more. --Werc 05:56, 2 October 2010 (UTC)
- Sharp eye, dude. You have my respect. Dannysaysnoo 19:13, 1 October 2010 (UTC)
@ 2:04 in the new trailer here: [16] Looks like a PM-63 RAK
--Mattatack92 01:54, 2 October 2010 (UTC)
- He he, monkey.--PistolJunkie 02:31, 2 October 2010 (UTC)
Hey guys, found an ingame image of the Galil, head over to the Black Ops page to see it --Chrausis 09:14, 2 October 2010 (UTC)
Explanation for Impossibly Inaccurate Weapons
It is possible that the explanation is that not all of this game is 1968. By looking at viral ad site for black ops, reading the trophy/achievemnt list, and by piecing together all the nova-6 gas based missions I believe that one of the playable characters will be killed or severely wounded in the Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba(due to the Sacrifice tropy found on the list at The Gk Company or the Russian goverment then has him revived or recovered to relate what happened with his Ops in the year 1993( or 2010(reveal) at Rebirth Island(Vozrozhdeniya Island) home to the Russian Microbioligical Warfare Unit(source wikipedia). This is not fannon look at the all the raw info of GKNOVA, the mission objectives of sevarel missions, and this GKNOVA6 Web site. Sorry for the long windedness but hopefully you will all understand.--N-10 Aden 17:46, 9 October 2010 (UTC) does any of this new information explain the inaccurate weapons? The missions with the weapons in question like the AR-15 and the AUG really did took place in a time when they shouldn't exist. Excalibur01 18:20, 9 October 2010 (UTC)
Its confirmed this game is alternate reality/timeline so inaccurate weapons is less of a deal. K9870
I was more or less talking about way off ones like the WA2000, FAMAS Felin, Artic Warfare, and Spectre M4.Trust me Im not saying thats a good excuse for F-ing up with the CAR-15 hybrid thing and the production "protoype" AUG but that might be the excuse for the G11 and all other post 1970 weapons.--N-10 Aden 04:48, 10 October 2010 (UTC)
Of course there's always the point that this is just a video game that has events based off of real life occurrences too... Swamples 03:02, 11 October 2010 (UTC)
- Maybe Mason just has a really bad memory or was hit over the head with a copy of Tacticool Gun Monthly before the interrogation. Vangelis 07:06, 11 February 2011 (UTC)
Or maybe this is all a dream. Mason was probably heavily unconscious by the C.I.A. after his capture and this probably caused him to be in a world where he can't tell what's real or not. The C.I.A. is probably holding Rebirth Island and still keeping Mason at Rebirth Island in reality. - Kenny99 03:40, 12 February 2011 (UTC)
The Model 1887 is back
In before complaining. Seen in the newest trailer around the 00:42 second mark.
Definitely a shout out to Terminator 2 there. Swamples 02:54, 12 October 2010 (UTC)
It has been confirmed for single player campaign only, by trearch. Dunno about zombies --Smish34 20:31, 13 October 2010 (UTC)
Oh-ho, my friend, they are here. The best part is that the zombies are still of the Nazi variety.
- I mean dont know if its on zombies--Smish34 20:47, 13 October 2010 (UTC)
Only in one sequence within the campaign, don't think it's in zombies --Chrausis 22:26, 13 October 2010 (UTC)
What did enough people bitch about "how unfair" it is by blaming their lack of skill on "noob guns"?
- Honestly, I can understand why people complained about Akimbo 1887s. They definitely weren't balanced, since you could fire them almost constantly by staggering your shots until you had to reload. They also had almost insane range (For a video game shotgun), and very high power. I was fine with the single 1887, but I was glad that they nerfed the Akimbos. Acora 17:02, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
And I hope the zombies arent nazis, i want to fight commie zombies......
- Looks more like there may be a possibility of fighting not only Commie Zombies but Vietcong Zombies and regular civi zombies too, some of those screens look like their wearing office uniforms and lab coats besides military armor. In some ways I'm glad the 1887 is in singleplayer but at the same time I was kinda hoping it would also be added in multiplayer minus the silly akimbo models, they just looked wrong in my opinion. Also sign your posts with "~ ~ ~ ~" without quotations and spaces. Draco122 17:25, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
The Deer Hunter
Looks like theres a scene in the new trailer similiar to the roulette scene in The Deer Hunter, I wonder how that will work in the game. (just a cut scene or a playable moment?) --FirearmsNewbie 03:27, 12 October 2010 (UTC)
'MOW" haha that shit gets me every time . simmons 8492
- Nips? Wow, you're doubly ignorant. --funkychinaman 03:25, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
- Actually, there is no proof the Vietcong actually did anything like that, and it is widely agreed among film critics that the Russian Roulette scenes are actually allegories for the American involvement in Vietnam. We also have a few Asian members on this site, so you should keep your racism to yourself. --Markit 01:31, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
- Well I'm not Vietnamese, so that won't offend me. Besides, sticks and stones. I'm more American than I am Asian Excalibur01 02:01, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
Dont want to look bad to future members, i know some is just joking but some people take everything seriously.
know what , your right . my bad guys . ill take it down. simmons8492
Walther MPL confirmed
Found a video on G4 containing confirmation that the MPL SMG is in-game. For reference it's the gun painted all green Draco122 16:34, 13 October 2010 (UTC)
'Grip attachment' on Sub Machine Guns
I've heard that the grip attachment on SMGs in fact deploys the stock. That would explain why they all seem to be removed/folded ont the SMGs.
- This is most proven on the Skorpion, attaching a grip actually attaches the wire folding stock Draco122 14:24, 29 October 2010 (UTC)
Is it just me...
or is using the same flip up sights on every damn gun just friggin lazy?
It's an attachment called 'improved iron sights'. BeardedHoplite 00:32, 29 October 2010 (UTC)
No, there standard in game sights. The improved adds outiline and dots to pistols, the flip up sights on guns is laz and trying to look tacticool. Even the m60 has them
And because the standard factory iron-sights for the M60 and the FAMAS, well, SUCK. I really was not a fan of the M60's irons in COD4 and the Battlefield Bad Company games. --HashiriyaR32 03:19, 29 October 2010 (UTC)
- Agreed. Kinda bugged by the repetitive sights on some guns myself, but I'm not gonna let it get me down. Most of the guns have their own, correct sights. Swamples 08:51, 30 October 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah, thats Treyarch development style. Put everything they want in any time etape. This game is already dead to me - actually, MoH with its 5 hour campaign is much better than MW2 and Black Ops ( MW2 with different textures and anachronistic guns )
- Wow dude, you must be from the future seeing as how you are able to form this opinion with a game that hasn't even been released yet. Swamples 08:51, 30 October 2010 (UTC)
Meh, I usually play games because they are fun. MOH was pretty realisitc, (compared to Call of Duty anyway...) but it definetly wasn't fun (online). I'll just revel in the ridiculousness of it all... Akimbo HS-10 FTW --Mattatack92 05:16, 29 October 2010 (UTC)
I just finally see these old obscure guns in games and they put lameass sights on, BTW medal of honors single player was cool (ending was abrupt and anticlimactic though) but online is glitchy and feels unpolished. I want to play COD.
Not really sure about the LAME part, but I'd rather have USABLE sights even if they aren't the originals and seem LAME in other people's eyes. --HashiriyaR32 20:46, 29 October 2010 (UTC)
Is it so hard to ask for variety, im sure the stock sights are usable for a game, i may just use an AK online since it doesnt have flip ups.
Is it so much to ask them to give us variety in the same type of gun, like stock and stockless MP5 or underfolder AK. performances, it makes no difference, but I like variety in what you pick to shoot with. Excalibur01 01:19, 30 October 2010 (UTC)
*SPOILER* Zombie Mode Characters.
Hey, just saw the intro video for zombie mode. It seems you play as John F Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Some CIA Bloke and Fidel Castro... Heres the link:[17]r
- That fourth guy would appear to be Robert McNamara, JFK and LBJ's Sec of Defense. Why not just LBJ? Or Bobby Kennedy? They couldn't find two voice actors to do bad Bahston/Kennedy accents? ("Er-eh, toss me another maaahg!") --funkychinaman 18:52, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Awsome.--Mattatack92 23:59, 31 October 2010 (UTC)
- These guys are only on bonus map that you get after finishing campaign. There are some random US sosldiers fighting Nazi Zombies in normal zombie mode. --Werc 05:11, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Damn, i love cigars but hate commies. k987
Zombies better be commies, killing nazis got old i want to shoot commie zobies.
- Is it just me, or would LBJ be better replaced by LHO? (Lee Harvey Oswald.)
- Only if he could only carry three bullets at one time. Acora 16:47, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
"escape the past"
Its a achievemnet listed, does this imply time travel? -k9870
Or that something one of the characters did is going to come back to bite them in the arse. The Wierd It 11:34, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
If it's time travel I'm tearing someone at Treyarch a new one--Chrausis 23:21, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
- Don't get so defensive over a title. It could be a really cool section, forcing the player to battle his way out of his hometown. Or, maybe time travel. >.> Dannysaysnoo 23:31, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Nah I meant it all in good humour XD --Chrausis 23:44, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
I highly doubt that it's actual time travel. From what we've seen and has been speculated, the majority of the campaign will take place as memories of Black Ops missions that the main characters participated in. No time travel, just photographic memories. Acora 16:51, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
New Videos confirm various unknowns
Among a few things, this video confirms that the G11 is burst fire only, and at the exceptional rate we expect. The poster has posted about many other of the weapons, also confirming that Full Auto is a pistol attachment for the CV-75. Dannysaysnoo 20:19, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Golden Guns are Fugly
I mean take a look at this!
Also, it would appear the the Ithaca M37 IS the Stakeout version and not the Trench Gun version we initially believed Draco122 13:39, 2 November 2010 (UTC)
- eyes bleed just looking at those. D: DZ1994 22:57 27 August 2011 (UTC)
- I thought golden guns were fugly before. >> Dannysaysnoo 21:18, 2 November 2010 (UTC)
- That doesn't even look like real gold, it looks spray painted on! Draco122 09:50, 3 November 2010 (UTC)
The gold guns look terribad, probably will avoid using gold camo altogether :C --Chrausis 00:05, 3 November 2010 (UTC)
- Why spend money on gun colours, when you can just buy gun attachements? :D Dannysaysnoo 20:58, 3 November 2010 (UTC)
- ^ This. --Chrausis 23:01, 3 November 2010 (UTC)
Eh, still gonna make my Duke of New York class with a gold Mac-10 and a nickel (I swear I saw a nickel or 'silver' camo) Python. BeardedHoplite 23:23, 3 November 2010 (UTC)
- Not sure it was confirmed, I think there was rumors flying around but nothing concrete. Besides, I don't think camo patterns can be applied to secondaries, which is lame. --Chrausis 09:09, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
- Have you heard that even ACOG´s can be added on pistols ? This game is gonna suck.
- Because the fact that you can put a scope on a high powered revolver (Something that's doable and often useful in real life) means that the game automatically sucks. Thank you for your insight. Also, sign your posts. Acora 16:54, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
- Have you heard that even ACOG´s can be added on pistols ? This game is gonna suck.
Only python can take an acog. And as to golden guns you only use them if you want to and it looks like you can do it for individual guns instead of the whole damn class its in.
The Python's recoil with the ACOG looks pretty balanced, I'm not too bothered about it. Besides, is pretty cool that Treyarch are doing something a bit different. --Chrausis 17:51, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
- I just added pictures of all the golden guns, they are pretty gross. I would never waste any fake money to buy them.
- That's fine, the game is already an abomination to historical accuracy, might as well include all of its other abominations. "Golden Guns are Fugly". Yes. Yes they are. Even COD4's gold-plated guns looked better, it really does look like they just spray-painted gold paint on them. By the way, I detest gold-plating, in real life and in games, though for some reason the gold-plated AK-47 in COD4 is the only gold gun that looks cool to me, I don't know why, just something about it I guess. But chrome and nickel to me are the snazzy. ;) P.S. I don't run around with the gold-plated AK-47 in COD4 (or any of the camo'ed guns for that matter), I just pick it up and use it occasionally. ;) - Mr. Wolf 14:38, 28 August 2011 (CDT)
just watched zomie gameplay
pentagon level, the zombies were amix of original nazi zombies and pentagon workers turned to zombies (were wearing shirt/tie)
Why cant they have communist zombies, seriously?
- I guess they don't want to offend anyone who might be communist. --Chrausis 23:07, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
I still hope there's some Nazi ones left. BeardedHoplite 23:28, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
Nazis made sense in ww2, but thats been done, we want something new, commie zombies.
From what I've seen, the WaW characters are returning to fight straight Nazi zombies, JFK and friends fight Pentagon zombies in the Pentagon, and there's another with Russian zombies in Winter camo (that's shown on that GKNOVA6 website right now). Swamples 04:30, 5 November 2010 (UTC)
The JFK/Nixon/Castro/McNamara level is a bonus level at the end of the game, not the actual zombies mode. The real zombies mode features some new guys in some labs (as seen on GKNOVA6) most probably russian special forces. It will include communist zombies. and the characters from W@w are in it if you buy hardened --Smish34 11:39, 7 November 2010 (UTC)
I hope the pentagon level is 4 player co op so i can play with friends
Interview with the military advisor
Here is the link to the interview with the Call of Duty: Black Ops military advisor if anyone is interested in reading it. [19] --ThePotShot 16:13, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
- Unfortunately, that Advisor doesnt know anything about weapons. Or any kind of warfare. --Werc 11:45, 9 November 2010 (UTC)
Of course your in a position to judge him right...--AdAstra2009 02:56, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
- Yes, god forbid Treyarch try and make a fun game, instead of a military simulator. Fun? What's that?! Dannysaysnoo 10:52, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
- But game can be fun even with realistic weapons or good AI of enemies.
Unfortunately, Treyarch went in MW2 way and instead of making enemy AI better, they spawned twice as much of them.
- No one says COD was ever a military simulator, but a M16/M203 turning up during the Bay of Pigs invasion would seem to be a "bit" out of place. Now that we know the singleplayer is set between 1961 and 1968, any arguments about the game taking place in some era that justifies the anachronisms has become irrelevant.
Just putting this out there
Does anyone else believe that now that the game's actually out and we can get higher quality screenshots, that the old low quality caps be removed? Or maybe the entire page be redone so it looks a little more consistent because you have a low quality shot from an online video then a high quality ingame cap from the game. I'm just saying it probably would look better. --Subiefan98 01:33, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
I agree that the low-quality screencaps should be removed ASAP. I'll try to post some as I go through the single-player campaign, but eventually, they too may need to be replaced. I'm running it on 960x600 with no AA for playability. --HashiriyaR32 02:17, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
- This page also need screencaps from the Zombies mode. I was unable to get the Thundergun (a two-shot sound wave gun that resembles a modern rocket launcher) and the Ray gun due to the constant waves of zombies that may sneak up on you and kill you easily, large number of barriers (too many to defend), and the poor weapons you receive in the early rounds. - Kenny99 20:29, 13 November 2010 (UTC)
I just finished single-player, and I've got tons of caps available. I'll try to upload that are relevant and in need later --HashiriyaR32 04:18, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
Impressions So Far?
What do you guys thinks of the game so far? My only dissapointment is that they have decided to remove the front sight when you use optics. Other than that, the guns look fantastic.--Mattatack92 05:36, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
- I think it's alright, I haven't played campaign yet since the game is my roommate's so we've only been playing on Live. I think the only thing I'm not really liking so far is that they took away the slip-screen Special Ops. As for the guns, pretty much the same as yours along with the whole flame thrower thing, I just think it is rather ridiculous.--ThePotShot 06:13, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
- Boring. SP is short, unoriginal ( This wont matter as MoH had short SP too. But it was atleast fun. Atmospheric and realistic fun. While its boring, unatmospheric and completely unoriginal in BO ) . There isnt anything like AI. Too many boring scripts. To the guns : They are anachronistic and unrealistic. It feels strange encountering NVA with Spas-12. MP is same like in MW2 ( Read - Crappy ) with tons of spammed killstreasks etc.
- This game deserves 5/10, nothing more. Oh, and do not think i have something against Treyarch. I hated MW2 too. --Werc 14:00, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
I like it. SP was a bit of a mind fuck at times, and the AI could have been better, but 98% of the time I was having fun. MP is mostly good, better than MW2, though over the last 12 hours I started seeing some tubers. Yes it's anachronistic and ridiculous, but if I wanted an exact simulation of war I'd join the CF. Aside from some maps, I like it far more (In every way) than MW2. Galil w/ red dot & suppressor + 1911 w/ extended mags = awesomeness. --Crazycrankle 15:09, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
The story is actually pretty decent, better than the sponataneous betrayals of MW2. The voice acting is also, suprisingly, very well done. I really don't play multiplayer alot, but it's more balanced than MW2. BeardedHoplite 15:20, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
The constant flashes on the screen is annoying as hell. Almost gave me a seizure. Excalibur01 15:53, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
The campaign was a bit hard to follow at first, but it comes together nicely in the end. Yes, the weapons are ludicrous (not even ridiculous, beyond ridiculous,) but oh well, I can live with it. --funkychinaman 16:30, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
- Pretty much, I'll give this game a 9.2/10. The multiplayer and content is better and improved from Modern Warfare 2, but the campaign is a bit too short (only 15 missions :() and there's some minor complicated glitches in frame rate. Overall, the game is much better than Modern Warfare 2 and a good recommendation. - Kenny99 20:24, 13 November 2010 (UTC)
To be honest guys I just ignore the ancronistic weaponry as it really doesnt matter in the long run. Lets face it, saying a game will suck because theres some AUGs in the 'nam era is just plain ludacris. If Treyarch decided to stick to realistic guns of that period, we would just end up with a bunch of bland, unoriginal guns we have all seen before, making this game both an unnecisary COD sequel and just another crappy Vietnam game that flops. Now that thats out of my system I can say with all honesty that this game is very addicting and its finnally a challenge to kill people(5-6 shots for a kill rather than 3-4 shots a kill in MW2). This game is a way more fun experince than MW2 and finally shows the potential of Teyarch development team. ---P226 21:24, 14 November 2010 (UTC)
- I agree, you people take the weapons accuracy way too seriously. What the hell did you expect from a mainstream video game? The only games that are ever 100% accurate with the guns, lets face, are awful. At least this games fun. Hate it for any other reason, that's fine I'll respect that. Hate it for innaccuracies when you really should be used to by know, and that's just ridiculous. That's One Angry Duck 02:38, 15 November 2010 (UTC)
- You and P226 have both just contradicted yourselves. On the one hand you state it's ridiculous to say a game sucks because of the guns, but then go on to say games that have accurate depictions of guns suck. If the game is fun, it's going to be fun whether the guns are accurate or not. I can't believe that if Black Ops had the correct weapons in it that it suddenly wouldn't be fun anymore. Perhaps you can give an explanation of how this would be so?
- If Treyarch decided to stick to realistic guns of that period, we would just end up with a bunch of bland, unoriginal guns we have all seen before, making this game both an unnecisary COD sequel and just another crappy Vietnam game that flops.
- I have to totally disagree with this statement. If Treyarch had used firearms of the period, we would have ended up with weapons that, to my knowledge, have never before been used in a video game. I have mentioned in other posts how the Remington 7188, an automatic shotgun that was really used by the NAVY seals in Vietnam could have been used in Black Ops. Instead we get the SPAS-12, which didn't exist at the time, and has been used in a million other video games. Which is the "bland, unoriginal" gun here? I'm gonna have to say the SPAS-12. Of course, if Treyarch had used the period correct shotgun the game would all of a sudden not be fun anymore and would suck, right?
- The only games that are ever 100% accurate with the guns, lets face, are awful. I find this statement hard to believe. Would you care to back this up with some examples?--Phillb36 04:39, 15 November 2010 (UTC)
I never said having a game with correct guns of that period is going to be bad, I was trying to make a point that if Black Ops were to have just your standard m16's,Ak47's and colt Commando's, it would be just some normal Vietnam game. Also, all the guns above have been done to death in every video game none to man (though they are nice to have to fill in weapon slots), in my opinion I find the Galil as sweet( and different) Assualt Rifle, Ancronistic or not. If your the kind of guy who can't get over the fact that your using guns lke the AK74u and the CZ75 in 1968, then this isn't the game for you. ---P226 18:47, 15 November 2010 (UTC)
- I don't know if you guys remember "Men of Valor," but it was a Vietnam FPS that came out a few years ago. It was developed by the same studio that did MoH: AA, so it felt a lot like MoH: Vietnam.) All the weapons were historically accurate, nothing was out of place, but if you've never heard of it, I'm not surprised. The game isn't bad, but it's not great, and it's flawed. The weapons were correct, but there weren't that many, and many of the weapons were just variations on the same weapon. (M16 and CAR-15, M14 and M21, and AK-47 and Type 56, and you couldn't share ammo for some reason.) Thus, you can make a game like BO that has ludicrously anachronistic weapons and have the biggest media launch of all time, or a game like Men of Valor that has historically accurate (and yes, boring) weapons and have it be unknown to the general gaming public. (You should try out Men of Valor though. If you have an original Xbox, you can get it new for a penny. It's not backwards compatible though.) --funkychinaman 21:36, 15 November 2010 (UTC)
- I just might have to pick that up. And when I said the games with 100% accurate weapons suck, I didn't mean they sucked because of the guns, I meant that every game I could think of that was ultra-realistic just simply wasn't fun. No contradiction. That's One Angry Duck 00:54, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
- You all seem to say the guns don't matter, but then show your disdain for having the correct weapons in the game, as if this would somehow make it boring. I never said having a game with correct guns of that period is going to be bad, I was trying to make a point that if Black Ops were to have just your standard m16's,Ak47's and colt Commando's, it would be just some normal Vietnam game. So if Black Ops had the exact same story, but the correct guns it would just be a normal Vietnam game? Why? The story makes the game, not the guns. And there's plenty of weapons that would be correct to the period that haven't been "done to death" (HK-33 w/ 40 rd mag, used by Navy SEALS, Carl Gustav m/45, Remington 7188, the list goes on) What exactly qualifies as bland,unoriginal guns, that if they were included would make the game boring? I just get the impression from you that the only interesting guns in this game are the ones that dont' belong there. My point is that they could have had period correct weapons and it wouldn't have affected the fun factor of the game at all--Phillb36 04:00, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
- I am more bothered by the guns that didn't make the cut. Why not an M76, a Carl Gustav, a Madsen M50, or an M3 Grease Gun? Sure, they could've, but they didn't, probably on purpose. That brings leads me to what can be an interesting exercise: what would've been better weapons on each level? For the first level (the Cuban one) I would've put in an M2 Carbine and a PPK instead of the M16 and ASP. Other levels? --funkychinaman 04:20, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
- You pose an interesting question, but there are actually a lot of different choices so it's one not easily answered. I agree with you on the M-2 carbine, it would be very appropriate for the Cuban level. I feel another good choice would have been one of the Czech SA series of submachine guns. If you've ever seen photos from the Bay of Pigs Invasion, you would have noticed that SA 25 quite a common weapon in the hands of Castro's forces. The FAL is actually historically correct for that level, but it's more likely that was an accident than by design.
- I haven't played the game yet, so I'm not familiar with all the levels, but I have some general ideas of what they should have included. For pistols a Browning Hi-Power, and if Treyarch absolutely had to have a machine pistol, they could have used the Stechkin. For SMG's, the Carl Gustav M/45 standard model or suppressed version, and if not that then the Madsen M50. The SA 23,24,25,or 26, a Beretta model 12 w/ 40 round mag instead of the Spectre, maybe the MAT-49 for the NVA/Vietcong, if not the standard version then the suppressed model that was supposedly employed by NVA counter-SOG teams. If the MP-5 is going to be included then the standard MP5A3 should have been used instead of that ugly ass prototype MP5K.
- Of course replace the damn SPAS-12 with the Remington 7188. HK33 instead of the AUG. The correct model CAR-15 instead of the flat top Commando. How about the AMD-65 instead of an AKS-74U? I think they should have axed the RPK altogether and perhaps used 2 different Russian machine guns, maybe an older model like the RP-46, and then the PK for the Spetsnaz.--Phillb36 02:53, 17 November 2010 (UTC)
- RPK instead of "RPK" in first level. Also AK-47 instead of "AK-47" in second one. Vladimirov KPV instead of Minigun would be awesome. --Werc 14:51, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
Also, this game doesnt suck just because of guns. It sucks because its boring, it doesnt have AI and MP is shitty just like in MW2. --Werc 14:51, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
How is the MP shitty, its definitly not, It developed to be much more balanced than MW2 in every way. Although it isnt perfect,(commando lunges...)it certainly makes modern warfare 2 look like crap as a SUBMACHINE GUN....*cough*UMP45*cough* had more power and range than most assualt rifles. As for the people listing the guns that should have been in the game, all I can say is 'sure I wish they added more time appropriate guns like the Carl Gusav and the Greese Gun, but its too late now and its going to be somthing we have to live as there is no point complaining about it on the internet(not trying to say that in harsh or disrespectful way). I feel if we can all sit down , forget all those anchronisms, and just enjoy this game for what it is, a FICTIONAL cold war/ Vietnam Game. Also on a side note, I think if Treyarh were to have focused this game on Vietnam mainly, then we would have all the correct weaponry, but since there going for a 'top secret CIA' type game,they add all these ludacris guns to accomidate the feel and presence of the cold war.---P226 20:03, 16 November 2010 (UTC)
Speaking of inaccuracies, I'm suprised nobody's mentioned Sam Worthingtons oh-so-authentic American accent. :P --Kangabox 21 February 2011
Pistol grips
Anyone noticed that there isnt gun without pistol grip ? Jeez. They put one even on Mosin. --Werc 14:00, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
Mosin and ppsh dont have them, characters just hold them like they do.
- Maybe in first person. But mosin has actually pistol grip when its in hands of NPC´s.
No, they just hold their hand as if they were, when its on their backs or they die and drop it doesnt, its probably due to all other characters carrying pistol grips and they dont want too redo characte rmodeling.
I was taking a closer look at when they hold it (Mosin) and guess what, the world models are normal, but when they hold them they DO have pistol grips.... but i do agree, they probably didn't want to make new models. They probably put grips on them while their holding the weapon just so they didn't look even more awkward (floating hands). --FirearmsNewbie 22:13, 19 November 2010 (UTC)
Not all the weapons have pistol grips. If you watch them carefully there are no pistol grips EXCEPT on Steiner's Mosin that is given to him my a Soviet soldier. It is actually modeled as having a pistol grip that is quite visable. Otherwise they do not have pistol grips on anything, it just looks like it. --Subiefan98 16:00, 11 December 2010 (UTC)
Steiners Mosin does not have a pistol grip, its a modeling error because its really a P38 in his hands along with the Rifle--FIVETWOSEVEN 21:11, 14 January 2011 (UTC)
Gold weapon images
Do we really need all those pictures of the gold camo? The Wierd It 15:32, 14 November 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah. It shows how silly and disguisting tis game is.
Disgusting? It's not THAT bad, man. BeardedHoplite 01:42, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
Sign your posts. But, I agree that the gold weapon pictures are rather unnecssary. If someone has the PC version of the game, taking pictures of the standard weapons in multiplayer would be greatly appreciated.--Mattatack92 20:31, 14 November 2010 (UTC)
Semi Auto FAL
Since it is semi auto only, shouldn't it be renamed to the SLR? Excalibur01 19:56, 17 November 2010 (UTC)
It has a metric reciever and handguards but a SLR-style flash hider... Its a Franken-gun but nowhere near as bad as MW2's FN-FAL was...--Mattatack92 00:59, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
Could the effect of this actually reduce the visual recoil of the Python, allowing you to fire off your next shot faster, and thus make it "more accurate"? --HashiriyaR32 16:56, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
But wouldn't it instead exacerbate recoil, without the weight of the barrel to mitigate it? If anything, a snub-nose would make the recoil more pronounced, and thus less accurate for quick follow-up shots.--Mr-Jigsaw 23:13, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
Huh.....looks like I really suck at gun physics when it comes to recovery time and barrel lengths >_> --HashiriyaR32 02:32, 19 November 2010 (UTC)
Though it may be incorrect for real life, I'd say Hashiriya's idea is most probably how it works in game. Since all weapons in COD are perfectly accurate when aiming, the accuracy stat is there to show how easy it is for the player to accuratly shoot the weapon, not the actual weapon's accuracy as we would think of it. Alex T Snow 06:35, 19 November 2010 (UTC)
Shortening the barrel is only used for making a more compact and light gun. Removing the weight of a long barrel causes the gun's weight to absorb less recoil and giving it a greater jump, while shortening the barrel also increases the size of the muzzle flash. Chitoryu12 08:38, 16 April 2012 (CDT)
Tunnel Rat Revolver
When in the tunnels, the report of the Python is fairly muted. Is the implication therefore that is it loaded with "closed circuit" shotgun ammunition as used by the experimental Quiet Special Purpose Revolver as tested by Tunnel Rats in Vietnam?
When ever its fired inside a building its strangely quieter yet louder when you step outside.--FIVETWOSEVEN 01:31, 22 November 2010 (UTC)
Maybe it's your eardrums preemptively ('prolly didn't spell that right) exploding? BeardedHoplite 00:18, 4 December 2010 (UTC)
Oh yeah, wasn't that ammunition meant for a .44 magnum? Also its just the way it sounds when its indoors.--FIVETWOSEVEN 01:46, 4 December 2010 (UTC)
Stop Complaining
Please just stop. Who cares if the guns aren't accurate? Just sit back and enjoy the Game! If you don't like the game, don't play it! SAMBAMA
- 1, I dont play game, because its boring and its just ripoff of MW2. Which was crap too.
- 2, This is firearms site. Not some gaming one. So it doesnt make sense to stop complaining.
- 3, I wont be complaining if those guns would be 3 or 4 years from future. But 30-40 ?
--Werc 07:38, 4 December 2010 (UTC)
Your late to the party, we for the most part don't care anymore.--FIVETWOSEVEN 01:45, 4 December 2010 (UTC)
^ Hahahahaha! Drjuki 19:08, 27 December 2010 (UTC)
I was playing zombies the other day and got the crossbow out of the box. I do't know if anyone else has seen this but, at least I think, it bears a major resemblance to the PSE Tac 15 crossbow. Again this is just me but if that's true I'm pretty sure that would make it the most anachronistic weapon in the game seeing as it was made maybe 2 or 3 years ago? --Subiefan98 16:05, 11 December 2010 (UTC)
The PSE TAC 15 uses either an AR15 lower, or is included with basically a reciever shaped the same. Looking at it, it does not appear to have an AR15 type lower reciever on it, judging from the lack of the empty magazine well in front of the trigger. Maybe the upper does a little, I would agree, but in it's entirety in my opinion I don't think it does.--Fnlover 20:44, 05 January 2010 (UTC)
1911 in Zombies
The 1911 in zombies is just the regular nickeled finish like in multiplayer it looks black because of the low light in the starting room. If you go outside by the 'double tap' vending machine you can see it in daylight.
In FIVE where the lighting is fine, its still a Blued finish.--FIVETWOSEVEN 23:08, 16 December 2010 (UTC)
Really? It looks just like the Multiplayer's nickle plated M1911, I checked just a few minutes ago. Not an expert on this, but if it was a blued finish then wouldn't that make it a lot less shiny? For all the poorly lit rooms in Nazi Zombies, it seems to reflect like a spotlight at times.
In Kino, its the Nickle plated one but in FIVE it looks blued or actually poorly done lighting. Blued is shiny by the way, I have actual guns to prove that.--FIVETWOSEVEN 22:52, 20 January 2011 (UTC)
It was Five that I checked, it looks nickle plated to me, so iunno. And thanks for clearing the shine thing up, I thought blueing made the metal duller and not very reflective, I must have mixed that up with something else.
You could be thinking of Parkerizing, which results in a dull finish. --Graybass 20x6 02:59, 21 January 2011 (UTC)
Ohyah, parkerizing. I knew it was something with -izing in it, thanks.
In FIVE it is a deeply blued, almost black M1911. In Kino Der Toten, it is nickel plated.
Did alittle overhauling
Removed the misimformation (Shiny black finish is called a Blued finish) and another things.--FIVETWOSEVEN 23:11, 16 December 2010 (UTC)
Front Cover 1911
Is it just me or is the 1911 in the soldier's hand on the title picture (the right hand when you're looking at it) missing its hammer? I've been looking as closely as I can, but I just can't seem to find it. An error on the artists part perhaps? Strange though, the pistol marked "Sally" has its proper hammer.--august.allocco 17:32, 30 December 2010
Looks like a combination of the light and the angle making it hard to spot. The Wierd It 22:30, 30 December 2010 (UTC)
Silencer or Suppressor
I was looking at some of the images on this page and noticed that some said they were "silenced" or "with silencer", yet others used suppressor. I always thought suppressor was correct, and silencer only described the effect (although Call of Duty games are notorious for spreading this word around). I have not played black ops, so I was wondering if we would call the attachments silencers or suppresors? --Fnlover 05:42, 6 January 2011 (UTC)
- From what I've heard, both are technically correct, and when the original device was created by Maxim, he patented it as a 'silencer'. Yes, it technically doesn't make the gun silent, but that's it's official name. Acora 02:36, 15 January 2011 (UTC)
- They both are correct, even the BATF calls them silencers on the paperwork.--FIVETWOSEVEN 05:23, 15 January 2011 (UTC)
- But "suppressor" is the preferred term on this site. Spartan198 05:09, 3 February 2011 (UTC)
- They both are correct, even the BATF calls them silencers on the paperwork.--FIVETWOSEVEN 05:23, 15 January 2011 (UTC)
Possible Identity of Over/Under Shotgun
Hey everyone, long-time fan of the site, first-time contributor here. I believe I have come across the true identity of the over/under shotgun. I've tried to do as much homework as I could before submitting.
The shotgun appears to be a Beretta: the S-686. Here is the picture for your perusal: Beretta S-686. Note the identical engraving and design of the barrel pivot assembly.
I don't believe that it could be a Rottweil Olympia. The only picture I could come up with (it's pretty elusive) looked nothing like the in-game model: Rottweil Olympia. It's rather plain in comparison, with a much different pivot assembly design and geometry.
What do you guys think? --Graybass_20x6 1:45, 20 January 2011 (UTC)
You know...
The more and more I read the discussion page, the more and more I realize you guys should develop a game. Maybe not go that far, maybe just have the developers of a game contact you guys for some info, rather than watch Predators, or Commando, or some other action movie and call it good.
- Together we would create the most weapons realistic game ever! But we don't have the funds or the people to program at least that I know of.--FIVETWOSEVEN 16:43, 21 January 2011 (UTC)
- Well, since CoD4:MW, CoD series is known by its many small detail mistakes the developers did to vehicles, factions, weapons, character's clothing, etc.
- This mistakes cannot stop you from playing, but if it's really bothers you, you can use the mod tool to create a mod that accurate every aspect of the game/s, of course if you have the desire for it... I would do that to many games I could, if I had the desire too. --RaNgeR 23:01, 22 January 2011 (UTC)
- Sounds like the Project Reality Mod for Battlefield 2.--FIVETWOSEVEN 22:19, 23 January 2011 (UTC)
Actually, my uncle does that stuff for IW maybe I should give him a few notes...
- More than a few I would say, ask him to check this site and ask for opinions. We would be happy to help!--FIVETWOSEVEN 01:34, 24 January 2011 (UTC)
I've been on board for a couple of game projects involving other people over the net, mainly as a story writer and overall ideas man. The main problem with developing games through the internet is the lack of interest over time. At the beginning of the projects I've seen, it seems there is never a lack of volunteers and collaboration. However, the projects I've undertaken (over the internet) have always seemed to lose steam after a whirlwind of work and progress, and within a month or two it's left to a bare-bones cast of a few people who eventually drop it due to lack of manpower. I'd absolutely love to have another project to do (I've had ideas for an FPS milling about in my head for ages), but I also fear that it will be all for naught within a few weeks. --Graybass 20x6 02:59, 24 January 2011 (UTC)
- I completely agree. I myself, writing an idea for a game which in the meantime it's called "Lead Storm" - an FPS game based on other existing games/series like CoD, MoH, Crysis, BF, Tom Clancy's, etc. This game is also involves the accuracy of small details, from weapons to equipment to cloths and many other things. I really want this game to be exists, but it's hard to do it alone. I need people who can program, animate and generally design stuff using various programs. --RaNgeR 14:44, 24 January 2011 (UTC)
I'm so down for that, but it does seem like something that people would lose their dedication to pretty quickly.
- what IW/tryarch need are proper researcher's ones that actually research, not ones that get a retired marine from the 60's to do all thier work (look at that supposed retired marine, he knew nearly nothing about firearms) or watch black hawk down and just copy everything scarecrow 11:18, 3 February 2011 (UTC)
- People that were in the Military don't usually know much about guns other than the ones they trained on and were issued and thats it.--FIVETWOSEVEN 00:31, 5 February 2011 (UTC)
- i don't see why other people dont realise that. scarecrow 09:44, 5 February 2011 (UTC)
- People that were in the Military don't usually know much about guns other than the ones they trained on and were issued and thats it.--FIVETWOSEVEN 00:31, 5 February 2011 (UTC)
- what IW/tryarch need are proper researcher's ones that actually research, not ones that get a retired marine from the 60's to do all thier work (look at that supposed retired marine, he knew nearly nothing about firearms) or watch black hawk down and just copy everything scarecrow 11:18, 3 February 2011 (UTC)
- That is the problem with the developers: They don't really care if the in-game weapons will have bullet ejection ports or something like that, they don't really care about the small details of the game (depends on what details). Many people also say the same thing, because the main task is too create a game that satisfy the buyers, without looking at the small details. I think that every war game supposed to be much realistic as it can get. I'm not talking about realism as Operation Flashpoint, or ARMA, or Tom Clancy's games where the gameplay and so could be a little bit frustrating. You can keep the normal gameplay of Call of Duty, but just work a little bit on the details so you will see no differences between the game's realism to ours. --RaNgeR 13:56, 3 February 2011 (UTC)
Bigger Images
Does anyone have issues with the images being 600px? - Mr. Wolf
Alternate History
I apologize for adding yet another hypothesis to this game's story line but...this may be an alternate time line sort of thing. I replayed the game and, at the end SPOILER ALERT when Mason surfaces amid the US flotilla after sinking the control ship he sees a battleship with the hull number 68. I got bored and looked up the hull designation to see which ship it belonged to when I saw that it belonged to the USS Ohio, part of the canceled Montana class battleship class. Just my two cents! --Charon68 19:13, 26 March 2011 (CDT)
- So this game takes place in a universe where the Montana class wasn't cancelled? Oh. My. God. It all makes total sense now. When the Montanas were cancelled, it caused a chain reaction that drastically slowed the development of small arms down so that things like Picatinny rails were actually developed long after they were originally supposed to be! :O Damn you, DoD, why?! We could have had laser guns, hover cars, and a colony on Mars by now!! >:(
- All joking aside now, I recall MPM saying something about movies frequently using patches of deactivated military units on costumes, so this use of a cancelled hull number can probably be similarly dismissed. Then again, maybe Treyarch just guessed and put a random number on the ship that just happened to belong to the Ohio (I doubt the average CoD player even knows what a hull number is). Stranger things have happened, after all. Was there any indication that this was actually the USS Ohio, such as a name or other tell-tale sign? If Black Ops was an alternate history scenario, I think Treyarch would have made it a little more obvious with a sign other than something as small as a hull number. Spartan198 02:47, 17 April 2011 (CDT)
It would make perfect sense of Treyarch confirmed at some point that the game is in an alternate reality, since any complaints you could have about historical accuracy or anachronisms would be completely baseless. Instead, they just went "PROTOTYPEZ BLACK OPS SPECIAL FORCES SEALS" when asked to explain why there were so many anachronistic guns. Chitoryu12 08:38, 16 April 2012 (CDT)
- Well, no, it wouldn't even make sense then, unless they put enough thought into it to explain why the technology and ideas behind those weapons turned up earlier. Really then it wouldn't so much be an alternate reality as saying it was the 60s when it clearly wasn't, which is what they actually did. Evil Tim 08:43, 16 April 2012 (CDT)
The technology isn't that far off from what was available in the 1960s; accessory rails aren't a massive jump in technology, and I believe Weaver rails first appeared not too long after the end of the game. Caseless ammunition as seen in the G11 is hardly a new design, either. A lot of it can simply be explained as the technology or specific designs being pursued earlier in history, and you rarely need to go back more than about 5 or 10 years. Firearms technology hasn't made a lot of massive leaps and bounds in mainstream designs in such a short period of time. Chitoryu12 10:25, 16 April 2012 (CDT)
- The explanation is Treyarch didn't give a s**t and decided to use the idiotic "Black Ops could get whatever they wanted" excuse in order to include weapons that didn't exist during the time period of the game. I think around half the weapons used in Black Ops are anachronistic. If Treyarch weren't even going to attempt to be accurate then why even bother setting the game in the 1960s?--Phillb36 22:03, 16 April 2012 (CDT)
- The problem isn't the technology, it's that the tactical situations that led to these weapons being developed hadn't happened; ancient Greece had the technology to build steam engines, but they never used them for anything because you could just get slaves to do anything they might use a steam engine for (it's not a coincidence that the industrial revolution happened in countries which had abolished slavery). Same here; the PSG-1, for example, was developed in response to the Munich massacre in 1972. If something like that hasn't happened, H&K wouldn't have identified a market; if it had, it would have affected the development of other smallarms. Technology is for the most part evolutionary rather than revolutionary and develops in response to what's happening in the world around it.
- Still, it takes very little to justify the advancing firearms technology, especially if you decide to go for alternate history. The Olympics terrorist attack could have occurred in the early 60s in a different country, though since the PSG-1 is built on a platform that's been around for a while at the time of the game it doesn't take a lot of justification. Just as well, accessory rails are quite simple technology and a number of the anachronistic weapons aren't very different from the norm. Not on the level of a steam engine, which was a radically new technology whose potentials had not been discovered yet. The steam engine comparison would be more apt for a game that had, say, CO2 lasers in World War I. Chitoryu12 17:06, 18 April 2012 (CDT)
- Well, like I said below, it wouldn't be so much of a problem if the weapons were anachronistic but interesting like CAWS or the ACR prototypes, but it's mostly a laundry list of guns that have been in dozens of things already like the SPAS, WA2000 and PSG-1. It strikes me as more that they couldn't be bothered to look up period weapons or thought none of them were interesting, which makes me wonder why they bothered setting the game in the 60s at all. About the only good explanation for the game's weapon choices would involve an arms smuggler with a time machine. Evil Tim 03:43, 19 April 2012 (CDT)
- I think they just wanted to have a game set in Vietnam and with all the nice Cold War stuff, but saw so many cool guns during their research that they decided to shove them in without trying to justify it in-universe. Not to mention that, as a Call of Duty game, they were a bit hamstrung by having to follow the same general formula and gameplay style as their predecessors. I think they could have made a truly interesting political thriller mixed with a great Vietnamese action game if they just showed some creativity instead of making "just another COD." Chitoryu12 07:29, 19 April 2012 (CDT)
- Yeah, but it's disappointing how many of them are just the same old weapons that have been in everything. I mean, are people really clamouring to see the SPAS-12 in game two million and one? Evil Tim 01:57, 26 April 2012 (CDT)
- Still, it takes very little to justify the advancing firearms technology, especially if you decide to go for alternate history. The Olympics terrorist attack could have occurred in the early 60s in a different country, though since the PSG-1 is built on a platform that's been around for a while at the time of the game it doesn't take a lot of justification. Just as well, accessory rails are quite simple technology and a number of the anachronistic weapons aren't very different from the norm. Not on the level of a steam engine, which was a radically new technology whose potentials had not been discovered yet. The steam engine comparison would be more apt for a game that had, say, CO2 lasers in World War I. Chitoryu12 17:06, 18 April 2012 (CDT)
- It's disappointing because there are some truly fascinating weapons from that period like the SALVO and SPIW prototypes that could have been included and weren't because they wanted to sling in a bunch of the usual suspects. Evil Tim 09:38, 18 April 2012 (CDT)
Anachronistic Weapons
God, it cracks me up that most of the weapons in this game are anachronistic. I mean I read the page and I see anachronistic, anachronistic, anachronistic, and... anachronistic. XD By the way, great job on the page guys. :) - Mr. Wolf 15:10, 27 April 2011 (CDT)
Well, I don't think nobody expect that the in-game weapons will be like that. CoD:BO is a controversial game, in my opinion, because since the first stages of the developing, Treyarch said that the game will take place during the first stages of the Cold War, which the game is set from 1963 but jumps to 1967 and 1968 (if I'm not mistaken). They all said that because the game is based around the Cold War, it will include many weapons, and prototypes that were under production in that time. Many people with military knowledge thinks that CoD:BO is a complete bullshit because of what its showing to us. I think that the guys in Treyarch didn't really care about what weapons will be in the game or how they will act, they just wanted to make a different Call of Duty installment, with or without accuracy in the details. --RaNgeR 08:48, 28 April 2011 (CDT)
- That's, umm, not very bright. - Mr. Wolf 13:56, 28 April 2011 (CDT)
- Not very bright, you say? Well, I didn't made the game, and if I would, I'd do it more realistically and not like in CoD where weapons #1 is anachronistic, weapons #2 don't have ejection port, weapon #3 has 20 rounds instead of 30 and so on and so on. I'm telling you here something that many people know about the series of CoD, I wasn't made that up.
- I was talking about IW & Treyarch. >_> - Mr. Wolf 06:55, 29 April 2011 (CDT)
- Sorry then, I don't understand you. What do you mean by "not very bright"?
- This -> "I think that the guys in Treyarch didn't really care about what weapons will be in the game or how they will act, they just wanted to make a different Call of Duty installment, with or without accuracy in the details." - Mr. Wolf 11:58, 29 April 2011 (CDT)
- Sorry then, I don't understand you. What do you mean by "not very bright"?
- I was talking about IW & Treyarch. >_> - Mr. Wolf 06:55, 29 April 2011 (CDT)
- Not very bright, you say? Well, I didn't made the game, and if I would, I'd do it more realistically and not like in CoD where weapons #1 is anachronistic, weapons #2 don't have ejection port, weapon #3 has 20 rounds instead of 30 and so on and so on. I'm telling you here something that many people know about the series of CoD, I wasn't made that up.
Hopefully they get it right with Modern Warfare 3, though i won't be holding my breath, there are also rumors that after that there's going to be one with Ghost as the main character, that hopefully will be decent.Kornflakes89 18:32, 29 April 2011 (CDT)
- I still want to see an FPS where you have a tank level that's actually in first person. As in you can see the gunner and loader working when you're not looking through the periscope / CIS rather than being a magical man who can man 4+ positions at once with the power of his mind. Evil Tim 02:31, 30 April 2011 (CDT)
- We, as the gamers, can suggest many and many ideas for a fun, beautiful, realistic and better FPS war game. The question is: Does the developers are interested in community's suggestions, or they want to make their own? From what I saw until now, they don't give a s*** about us.
The game was just a money maker so that they could rack up enough money so they could make Modern Warfare 3.--Gunner5 12:15, 7 September 2011 (CDT)
Weapons in Hardened/Prestige Original Zombie Maps
Should we also cover the WWII weapons only sen in the original zombie maps made available for only the Hardened and Prestige Editions? - Kenny99 23:48, 12 May 2011 (CDT)
Call of Duty + Left 4 Dead?
I noticed that on the mission, "The Defector" (I believe it is this mission) in Hue City , that Mason yells, "Safehouse below!" and Woods will yell "Molotov!" I took this as a possible Left 4 Dead (2) reference. Anyone else catch it?
I also noticed that Left 4 Dead 2 has the SPAS 12 as well as this mission.
I don't have the ame (I really want to get it though), but to me it sounds more like a coincidence. Probably the last thing Treyarch was thinking of was Left 4 Dead, but it could possibly be a reference, but I think you're thinking way too much about it. Also for the guy who mentioned the SPAS-12. That is a coincidence, as a bazillion games have the SPAS 12. I blame Jurassic Park, but come on the SPAS 12 looks awesome looking. But yeah, nothing more than coincidenceUser:1morey June 26, 2011 8:21 AM.
- Yeah, why would they make Left4Dead references in a game with a multiplayer mode where you defend an area from waves of zombies? That's crazy talk! Evil Tim 05:47, 18 October 2011 (CDT)
The safehouse and the molotov quote aren't exactly references, since safehouses and molotovs are (like the SPAS12) in MANY other games, hell lets say that does make it a reference to L4D, using that logic the nickle finished 1911 in multiplayer is a reference to the 1911's Thomas Jane used in Thursday, or that the M16 with the M203 is a reference to Scarface or Predator, my point is, just because something is similar, doesn't make it a reference, now if it was something obvious like...Mason stealthily making his way to a plane that needs to be refueled, the fueling process attracts a couple hundred Vietcong and you have to fend them off until the plane is gassed up, that would be more of an L4D reference than just saying "safehouse!" or "molotov!" would.Kornflakes89 04:08, 8 March 2012 (CST)
RPK sight
I think I found it.
The Tech Sights AK sighting system, essentially an AR-15 sight attached to an AK.
Here's a picture:
--Mammok 08:08, 29 July 2011 (CDT)
A friend of mine and I were chatting about video games and weapons and we had a big discussion out of it. He claims that the most probable cause of the ANachronisims in this game along with "errors" in other video games is that they are custom made. I really don't see how that could hold water as like someone said before "then why do the "prototypes" look exactly like the final product".
He also said that it explains certain other things like "frankenguns" and "weapon hybrids". For example, he was talking about MW2's FN FAl. He said what if it was a custom made SA58 OSW Carbine that had a FN FAL stock on it. And he said the FN F2000 with the M203, what if it is a custom made gun that could support the M203 Grenade Launcher. I of course couldn't make a reply, so I wanted to see what you guys think. I am on the fence about this. I mean CoJ's Le' Mat revolver fires a rifle round instead of a shotgun round so I guess that is plausible for that firearm to be "custom-made". I just anted to see what you guys thought. - User:1morey August 4, 2011 12:14 AM (EST)
- There's a deference between a "custom gun" and the game developers A( not really knowing anything about weapons and not doing enough research, or B( not giving a crap about weapon realism at all. Most game developers are usually one or the other, Infinity Ward and TreyArch on the other hand seem to do both. :\ - Mr. Wolf 23:56, 3 August 2011 (CDT)
- The other obvious issue is that the weapons are not presented as custom guns, they're supposed to simply be issue weapons and are all shown as if they're manufactured in quantity. What your friend is doing is referred to in some quarters as "plot spackle;" trying to make things up to fill in the gaps in the game's logic. The fact that you can invent excuses doesn't really excuse the gaps in logic being there and totally unexplained in the first place. Evil Tim 04:57, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
- Just want to point out, that in MW2 there is nothing about the FN FAL that comes from an SA58 OSW. Don't know why the article says that it is a hybrid, but the only thing the gun has in common with the OSW is the curved 30 round magazine, which also fits a FAL. The barrel is too long, it has a solid stock, a non railed handguard, and the scope mount is bolted onto the side (looks the same as the one on the Indian Trichy assault rifle) rather than being part of the dust cover like on the OSW. --commando552 14:03, 8 August 2011 (CDT)
M16 page
Can someone tell me why the m16 page isnt working. The network doesnt respond each time i go on there.--Gunner5
- I'm having the same issue even with this page too. - Mr. Wolf 17:15, 7 September 2011 (CDT)
I noticed that almost every weapon thta appears in the game, when completely out of ammo, instead of the bolt permanetly locking back, it simply closes, when more ammo is gained, the bolt will suddenly slide back when the mag is dropped.Gunner5
- It's Call of Duty, what do you expect? Spartan198 22:35, 7 March 2012 (CST)
M16 is the USAF M16
The M16 in the game is actually the Colt Model 604, the USAF variant of the M16, as seen below in the cropped and brightened screenshot showing the M16E1 type lower and lack of forward assist. --commando552 15:33, 4 October 2011 (CDT)

Links to trailers on the main page
The game's been out for some time now, so is there any reason to keep them there anymore? Spartan198 17:01, 24 April 2012 (CDT)
The american "acog" seems to be biased of the colt 3x scope that was mounted on the carry handle. The Russian red dot was based of the kobra scope. anyone know what the american red dot and reflex sight are based on? Media: Media:
- The reflex is based on the first Aimpoint simply called the "Aimpoint Electronic" which was made from 1975 to 1979, but I think they have made the tube a bit larger to make it more user friendly. Not sure about the red dot, looks like it may have been inspired by the C-More Railway and tweaked, but not sure --commando552 15:37, 25 April 2012 (CDT)
Need ID Unknown Twin barrel machine gun
A Unknown Twin barrel machine gun appears as final part in the mission "Victor Charlie".
Type 92 Heavy Machine Guns? --commando552 05:45, 19 May 2012 (CDT)
It look like wwii japanese type92,but i'm not sure. --Tanarmy
Could the Masterkey be a Modded Remington 870
Alright Ive been thinking what if the Masterkey in the game is a modified Remington 870 its possible sine the 870 was made in 1951. Any thoughts ? --Mr.Ice
- The Masterkey is a modified Remington 870 anyway. Jeddostotle7 9:26, 3 June 2012 (PST)