Stalingrad: Dogs, Do You Want to Live Forever?Stalingrad: Dogs, Do You Want to Live Forever? - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesStalingrad: Dogs, Do You Want to Live Forever?
Stalingrad: Dogs, Do You Want to Live Forever? is a 1959 West-German film, directed by Frank Wisbar and based on the novel of the same name by Fritz Wöss. The young, Nazi-influenced First Lieutenant Wisse is transferred to Stalingrad in the fall of 1942 as a liaison officer. Although the German troops have conquered the city with great losses, but are already encircled by the Red Army. Many ordinary soldiers have realized that they are at the opponent's mercy. But with orders from the top, the officers under General Paulus still believe in victory. As the situation worsens dramatically, Wisse recognizes the futility of this war and turns more and more away from the Nazi ideology. In the cold, almost without ammunition and food, he fights for survival on the side of the lost 6th Army.
The title is a reference to a quotation from Frederick the Great. He is said to have cried to his fleeing soldiers in anger during the battle of Kolin, who lost Prussia against Austria: "You damned rascals, do you want to live forever?". The movie was released almost simultaneously with the German award-winning film The Bridge and has many similarities to the 1993 Stalingrad.
The following weapons were used in the film Stalingrad: Dogs, Do You Want to Live Forever?:
Oberleutnant (First lieutenant) Gerd Wisse (Joachim Hansen) is briefly seen with a Luger P08 pistol as he flees from Soviet soldiers in the ruins of Stalingrad.
The main submachine gun of German and Romanian soldiers is the MP41 which is used by the main characters Gerd Wisse, Feldwebel (Sergeant) Böse (Horst Frank), Wachtmeister Kunowski (Günter Pfitzmann), Leutnant Fuhrmann (Gunnar Möller) and Major Linkmann. Oddly enough, the wooden stocks were removed and replaced with MP40 stocks. Despite this, the typical fire selector is visible.
German, Romanian, and Soviet soldiers use Karabiner 98ks. The use of this rifle is correct for the Romanians who were imported by the Germans. An even better choice would be the VZ-24 Czech Mauser that was the Romanian standard rifle in World War Two. For the Soviets, however, the rifle stands in for the Mosin Nagant M91/30.
An Italian Carcano M91/38 Short Rifle is seen carried by a Sovie soldier. Near at the end of the movie a German soldier throws a Carcano into a heap of weapons.
Many German, Romanian and Soviet soldiers are briefly seen wielding Mauser Standard Modells, recognizable by the straight bolt handle, grasping grooves, and the under-barrel mounted sling swivel.
Various MG42s are used by German soldiers including Kunowski and Romanian soldiers. The MGs are shown with post-1943 vertical charging handles instead of the period-appropriate and rare slab-sided horizontal handle.
Obergefreiter (Corporal) Krämer (Peter Carsten) is seen throwing a Model 24 Stielhandgranate in the direction a Soviet squad. Later he is seen with a grenade on his belt.