Spy Game is a 2001 espionage thriller starring Robert Redford as Nathan Muir, a veteran CIA operative on the verge of retirement who discovers he has less than 24 hours to devise a way to free Tom Bishop (Brad Pitt ), his former CIA protégé who has been covertly taken prisoner by the Chinese government following an unauthorized rescue attempt that went awry. The film was directed by Tony Scott and marked the first onscreen pairing of Redford and Pitt, who had previously worked together on the 1992 film A River Runs Through It .
The following weapons were used in the film Spy Game :
Error creating thumbnail: File missing WARNING! THIS PAGE CONTAINS SPOILERS!
Norinco Type 56-1
The Chinese prison guards (including ones played by Logan Wong, Hon Ping Tang, Tom Lung and Chuen Tsou) in Su Chou carry the Norinco Type 56-1. The Vietnamese gunner in the helicopter also fires a Type 56-1 at Bishop and Tran during the 1975 flashback, as do several Viet Cong. Many of the Lebanese terrorists and Sheik Salameh's men also carry Type 56-1 rifles during the 1985 flashback to Beirut. Some of the East German border guards in the late 1970s flashbacks also carried these rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Norinco Type 56-1 (under-folding stock variant) - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chinese prison guards prepare to arrest Bishop as he leaves the prison in an ambulance.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chinese prison guards apprehend Li (Ken Leung ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A VC next to Bishop's target holds a Type 56-1 once the helicopter gunner begins shooting.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An NVA gunner aims at Bishop and Tran. Note that the rifle is mounted upside down.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An NVA gunner firing his Type 56-1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A militia member with his Type 56-1 as Elizabeth Hadley drives up with medical supplies.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same member slings the Type 56-1 over his back as Bishop arrives in a taxi.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Armed with the rifles, the Sheik's men raise their fists as he drives through. This is a reversed shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the Sheik's men fires his rifle at the oncoming Lebanese terrorists.
Norinco Type 56
Several of the Vietnamese soldiers guarding Bishop's target carry Norinco Type 56 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Norinco Type 56 (fixed stock variant) with under-folding bayonet ("pig sticker") - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the Viet Cong with a Norinco Type 56 across his back (as a clearer VC in the background holds a Type 56-1).
The Sheik's guards outside his house carry the British commonwealth variant of the FN FAL rifles, the L1A1, in addition to the Type 56-1s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing British Inch Pattern L1A1 SLR (Self Loading Rifle) chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO - Variation of the FN FAL rifle. British & New Zealand SLRs were later fitted with black fibreglass furniture as seen here.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Sheik's guards await the doctor, one carrying a Type 56-1 and the other the L1A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guard raises his L1A1 as the Lebanese terrorists approach.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guard runs with his L1A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Sheik's guards fire L1A1s at the Lebanese terrorists.
Bishop (Brad Pitt ) fires the AK-47 that was carried by his South Vietnamese spotter Tran (Benedict Wong ) at the NVA helicopter. A Lebanese terrorist in Beirut is also seen firing an AK-47. One of the Sheik's entourage is seen with an AK rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Type III AK-47 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tran (Benedict Wong ) is wounded while holding his AK.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bishop fires Tran's AK at the VC helicopter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bishop raises the AK as Muir's helicopter approaches them.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An AK-47 is fired in Beirut.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Sheik's man with his rifle.
U.S. and South Vietnamese soldiers during the 1975 Vietnam flashback carry the M16A1 with 30-round magazines. U.S. Embassy Marines in Beirut during the 1985 flashback are also armed with M16A1s. In 1992, some of the US Navy SEALs are armed with the rifles during the Operation Dinner Out.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A1 with 30 Round magazine - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A helicopter crewman is armed with an M16A1 as Muir arrives in Danang in 1975.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marines guarding the Beirut embassy are armed with M16A1's.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A US Navy SEAL armed with the M16A1 during Operation Dinner Out.
Sniper Rifles
Parker Hale Lee Enfield T4 Sniper
After Nathan Muir (Robert Redford ) convinces S/Sgt. Tom Bishop (Brad Pitt ) to assassinate a high-ranking North Vietnamese Army officer, Bishop uses a Parker Hale Lee Enfield T4 Sniper rifle to carry out his task.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Parker Hale Lee Enfield T4 Sniper Rifle with Harris bipod and scope - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bishop waits to assassinate his target.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bishop adjusts the scope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The barrel of the Parker Hale Lee Enfield T4 Sniper.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bishop prepares to pull the trigger.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bishop chambers another round into the Parker Hale Lee Enfield T4 Sniper.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bishop and Tran make their way to the extraction point, with the Enfield Enforcer across Bishop's back.
SVD Dragunov
In another of Bishop's photos from Beirut, a sniper is seen with a SVD Dragunov .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SVD Dragunov sniper rifle - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The sniper with his Dragunov in Bishop's photo.
Heckler & Koch HK91A2
Several US Navy SEALs appear to be armed with the Heckler & Koch HK91A2 fitted with a scope during Operation Dinner Out.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch HK91A2 - 7.62x51mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the US Navy SEALs appears to be armed with an Heckler & Koch HK91A2 fitted with a scope during Operation Dinner Out.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SEALs armed with the rifles are seen at the left and right.
Walther PPK
CIA operative Tom Bishop (Brad Pitt ) carries a Walther PPK during his rescue mission inside the Su Chou prison.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther PPK - .32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing CIA operative Tom Bishop (Brad Pitt ) carries a Walther PPK during his rescue mission inside the Su Chou prison.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bishop holds his PPK and his flashlight in one hand while inside Su Chou prison.
In his imagination, Muir pictures Tom Bishop being shot inside the Chinese prison with an M1911A1 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In his imagination, Bishop is shot with an M1911A1.
Machine Guns
During the Beirut 1985 flashback, Lebanese terrorists are seen firing a mounted MG34 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG34 7.92x57mm Mauser with 75-round ammo drum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The MG34 firing during the flashback to Beirut 1985.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The MG34 is driven away as it is fired.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
The Sheik's personal bodyguards all carry Heckler & Koch MP5A3 SMGs as do the Lebanese terrorists who plant the bomb inside a building. The MP5A3's seen here all have early slim handguards. The U.S. Navy SEALs (including one played by James Embree) under Commander Wiley (Dale Dye ) all carry MP5A3s when rescuing Bishop and Hadley from Su Chou prison during Operation Dinner Out. These MP5A3's are fitted with Surefire dedicated forend weaponlights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with original "slimline" forearm - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Sheik's bodyguards wait for him with MP5A3s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Sheik's bodyguards with MP5A3s in one of Bishop's photos.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Sheik's bodyguards leave their car, carrying MP5A3s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Lebanese terrorist (Mohamed Quatib) speeds towards the Sheik's house with his MP5A3. Note the slim handguard.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The terrorist fires at the Sheik's guards.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 9mm with Surefire dedicated forend weaponlight
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Some of the Navy SEALs are armed with the MP5A3 as the teams land in front of the Su Chou prison.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Navy SEAL with his MP5A3 as the cell door lock is blown off.
Remington 870 Slug Gun
During the 1985 flashback to Beirut, one of the men appears to be armed with a Remington 870 as a car bomber drives his vehicle into a building.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 870 Slug Gun - 12 Gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The shotgun is seen on the right.
A terrorist in Beirut during the 1985 flashback fires an RPG-7 , seen in one of the photos Bishop takes while undercover as a photojournalist. In a gaffe, the launcher is seen firing, despite the fact that no warhead was loaded.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing RPG-7 40mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A terrorist prepares to use the RPG launcher (seen through Bishop's camera). Note that an RPG launcher requires a warhead in order for it to be used.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The launcher is seen fired despite the fact that no warhead was loaded. A similar gaffe was seen in a Tony Scott -directed episode of Numb3rs .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Launcher seen at right in Bishop's photo.
M16 w/ M203
One of the Navy SEALs during Operation Dinner Out appears to be armed with an M16 with fitted with an M203 grenade launcher .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A1 (5.56x45mm) with M203 40mm grenade launcher
Error creating thumbnail: File missing On the left, one of the Navy SEALs appears to be armed with an M16 fitted with an M203 Grenade Launcher.
M61 Vulcan
An APC parked outside the American embassy in Beirut appears to fitted with an M61 Vulcan cannon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M167 VADS (Vulcan Air Defence System) - 20mm HE. This is the towed variant; the VADS version mounted on the M113 APC is M163.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing On the left, an APC appears to have an M61 Vulcan mounted.