Sherlock: Case of Evil (also Sherlock: A Case of Evil, UK release title Sherlock) is an American-British-Romanian 2002 made for TV detective movie directed by Graham Theakston and starring James D'Arcy as Sherlock Holmes and Roger Morlidge as Dr. Watson. The movie uses Arthur Conan Doyle's characters but has original plot: Holmes, at the beginning of his crime-solving career, counters Moriarty (Vincent D'Onofrio) who is behind the drug dealing in London.
Sherlock Holmes (James D'Arcy) uses a nickel plated Lefaucheux Revolver of unclear model during his duel with Moriarty in the opening scene. A blued Lefaucheux is used by Holmes in later scene, when he searches for kidnapped Rebecca Doyle in the subway tunnel under construction. Moriarty (Vincent D'Onofrio) uses a Lefaucheux revolver as a backup gun (his main revolver is a Rast-Gasser M1898, see below).
When the revolver, confiscated from Holmes, is seen in hands of Inspector Lestrade (Nicholas Gecks), it is not a Lefaucheux, previously used by Holmes, but a different revolver that appears to be kind of hammerless Bulldog. Such revolvers were widely produced by Belgian and German armorers, often having folding trigger (unlike the screen gun).
During police operation against Moriarty's gang on a drug warehouse, Sherlock Holmes (James D'Arcy) is seen with a revolver that appears to be a Gasser M1870 Montenegrin. This revolver lacks the ejector rod. The usage of this model, inappropriate for Victorian Britain, is explained by the fact that the movie was filmed in Romania where former Austro-Hungarian guns were widely available for moviemakers. Same looking revolver is used by Inspector Lestrade (Nicholas Gecks) in several scenes.
In the said scene Holmes' Gasser switches to a different revolver. Same looking revolver is seen in hands of Moriarty's henchman. It is a K-frame revolver, very similar to Taurus Model 65 due to typical shape of ejector rod shroud and very small front sight (it is seen at first and then mysteriously disappears - possibly broken during the filming). While 6" barrel is uncommon for "true Model 65", it can be found on "pre-Model 65" .357 Taurus revolvers, produced in 1970s before Model 65 was introduced; these revolvers are referred as "Taurus .357" without any model number. Also aftermarket 6" barrels are available for Model 65. Of course, such revolver doesn't fit for 1880s.
Moriarty (Vincent D'Onofrio) uses a Rast-Gasser M1898 (like Gasser M1870, also widely available for Romanian film studio) during the shootout with Holmes in the opening scene and during the final confrontation (the story is set in 1886 so this revolver doesn't fit not only place but also time).
During the operation against Moriarty's gang, police constables are armed with Karabiner 98k rifles, very inappropriate for Victorian England but easy to get for Romanian film studio.
In one scene Sherlock Holmes (James D'Arcy) uses a Cane gun, created by (surprise!) Dr. Watson (Roger Morlidge). It is described as "cane-rifle, chambered in .45 caliber, with with incredible precision", but Holmes criticizes the gun for being single-shot.