Resonance of Fate (known in Japan as End of Eternity) is a Japanese role-playing game developed by tri-ACE, originally released on PS3/Xbox 360 in 2010 by Sega. tri-ACE self-published the 2018 PS4/PC port. Resonance of Fate is set in a steampunk world, and features firearms as the main tools of combat. The game features a complex real-time/turn-based hybrid combat system known as the "tri-Attack Battle system". The game stars a trio of mercenaries, Zashyron (Ken Narita/Nolan North), Zephyr (Hiro Shimono/Scott Menville) and Leanne (Aya Endō/Jessica DiCicco).
The following weapons appear in the video game Resonance of Fate:
Leanne uses a Beretta 84 named "B-N84" as her default weapon. It has low power and charges slowly past point-blank distance, but charges quite quickly within it. It's also quite light, which is good since Leanne starts with terrible carry weight.
A Desert Eagle Mark XIX known as the "MI50A" appears as an arena prize. While it can be viewed before even the first fight, it can't be obtained till Chapter 10 since gold coins are unobtainable before then. There's also a series of enemies with unobtainable giant Desert Eagles grafted to their head.
This two-tone 1911 variant named "1191.45-Auto" (A name that makes no sense as the game is set in the year 1136 of its fictional calendar) is the default equipment of Zephyr. Zephyr uses a different style of 1911 in the opening cutscene. Zashyron also carries one outside of battle, but only one is in the player's inventory at the start of the game. Every character is forcibly and temporarily equipped with one during the optional tutorial. Zashyron uses a yet another completely different 1911 in the pre-rendered attract screen video.
A SIG-Sauer P226R known as the SG-B226 is purchasable from the shop at the start of the game. Due to its high cost it can't be obtained till the late Chapter 3 without excessive grinding. It is likely the first new firearm obtained past the starting equipment and will obsolete the Beretta 84.
The Luger P08 appears as the "P-09". It can purchased relatively far in the game.
A display at the arena and Cranktown market shows multiple variants. "P-08" can barely be made out on the display. Only the normal version can be obtained by the player.
An MP5K known as "SMG-05" is Zashyron's default weapon. Since a character's level is the sum of their pistol, SMG and grenade proficiency levels, and these proficiency levels can only be raised by dealing damage with that weapon type, all three player characters will use it extensively.
A stockless and somewhat deformed TDI Vector known as the "PDW-XN.V2" can be obtained in an optional dungeon. An identical looking but more powerful "PDW-XN.V3" can be obtained later in a mandatory dungeon near the end of the game.
Many generic enemies near the start of the game use a MAC-10. Mid-game enemies add a suppressor that doesn't change the sound effect. It can not be obtained by the player.
In the pre-rendered attract mode video, Zashyron fights an assailiant that is wielding a Intratec TEC-9. For some reason it has a metal frame with lots of rivets.
Some later game enemies uses AK-101s with GP-30s attached. The GP-30s are never used and these enemies throw hand grenades like all the human enemies do.