R.V.S. (short for "Revvoyensovet" - Revolutionary Military Council, the supreme military authority in the Red Army during the Russian Civil War) is a 1977 Soviet children's war movie directed by Aleksey Moroz and adapted from a 1925 story by Arkady Gaidar. In 1919 two boys, Dimka and Zhigan, shelter wounded Red commander Sergeev in a small Ukrainian village that is often raided by various gangs. When the bandits start looking for Sergeev, Zhigan goes to the Reds with a letter written on Sergeev's personal blank with R.V.S. stamp. Despite the dangers, he reaches the Red Army unit, and the cavalry appears on time.
The following weapons were used in the film R.V.S.:
The commander (Vyacheslav Slanko) and the commissar (Vladimir Nechiporenko) of the Red cavalry unit, and also several bandits of Kozolup's and Lyovka's gangs carry Nagant M1895 revolvers.
Red commander Pavel Sergeev's (Anatoli Barchuk) handgun is a Mauser C96 "Bolo" pistol, anachronistic for 1919. Both rival Atamans - Kozolup (Vladimir Volkov) and Lyovka (Mikhail Gornostal) - also hold "Bolo" pistols in various scenes (as only a single pistol is seen in a time, possibly the same prop is reused).
Mosin Nagant M1891 Infantry rifles are used by both bandits, notably Dimka's uncle Goloven' (Nikolay Oleynik), and Red Army men. In the flashback scene Dimka's father (Nikolay Merzlikin (II)) holds an M91 Infantrty rifle when he goes to Red Army.