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Phantom Doctrine
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Phantom Doctrine is a strategic turn-based espionage thriller game developed by CreativeForge Games and published by Good Shepherd Entertainment in 2018.
The following weapons appear in the video game Phantom Doctrine:
Unlike other XCOM-like turn-based strategies, Phantom Doctrine do not use RNG when it comes to accuracy of the shots. Instead, weapons will always hit their target, but all characters in the game have the so-called Awareness meter, that defines whether or not this character can negate some damage or outright dodge it in this turn. Typical for turn-based strategies cover system in this game helps you mitigate more damage rather than reduces the chances of hit. Damage can be reduced only to a certain minimum value.
Tactical missions can be divided into two phases: combat itself and infiltration phase. Before the start of the mission, it is possible to disguise a certain number of agents for the duration of the infiltration phase, making them non-suspicious to most enemies but enemy Agents when they enter the restricted areas, but limiting their loadouts only to sidearms and submachine guns (even if the size of the weapon in real life wouldn't make it very practical for concealed carry).
Phantom Doctrine also introduces the mechanic of weapon proficiency. Agents can use every weapon in the game and don't require special training to use one, but having proficiency with the weapon allows you to customize it with different ammunition and accessories and gives you other gameplay benefits.
All weapons can have up to 3 attack options, based on firing modes of their real life counterparts: single shot, 3-round burst (known as "burst" in the game) and "full auto" (in Phantom Doctrine firing in full auto simply means firing a longer burst, size of which depends on the weapon). Just like in isometric Fallout games, burst option does not necessarily mean that weapon is capable of firing bursts in real life, but rather that agents fire their weapons in short, controlled bursts.
Weapons are listed in order of their appearance in the game and sorted by categories. Their damage is not based on their real caliber, but rather on how late in the game they become available.
Both pistols and revolvers have a unique attribute of not ending the turn of the agent, but while pistols offer more shots and accessory slots, revolvers offer more raw power.
Unlike in many other videogames, sidearms in this game have a rather impressive maximum damage value, but they also have a limited effective range and rather low minimum damage, meaning that enemies with high Awareness meter can negate most of the damage unless it is brought down first.
Manufrance Le Francais
The Manufrance Le Francais 7.65mm appears as the "French DAO".
Only agents with the DGSE background have proficiency with this pistol, which, considering its low damage, makes it one of the least useful weapons for both loud and stealth approaches unless the player gets the agent with said background early in the game.
Benelli B76
The Benelli B76 appears simply as the "B76".
Agents with Mafia background are proficient with this pistol, and agent can also gain proficiency with it and M1911 after finishing Urban Operations training, making it one of the first real options for stealth approach in the early game.
Colt M1911A1
The Colt M1911A1 appears as the ".45", referring to the ammunition it uses.
Walther PPK
The Walther PPK appears as the "PPK".
It is the weapon of choice for agents with Stasi background, and proficiency with this weapon, along with TT, can also be acquired by finishing the Warzone Operations training.
Tokarev TT-33
The TT-33 appears as the "TT".
Agents with KGB background have proficiency with TT.
Gyrojet Rocket Pistol
The Gyrojet pistol is known as the "Gyro-gun". It is the ultimate pistol, combining the power of the revolvers and modularity of the pistols.
You can acquire proficiency with this weapon only by finishing Black Ops Firearms Drill training.
Every single revolver is compatible with pistol suppressors in this game, which is not possible in real life.
Smith & Wesson Model 642
The Smith & Wesson Model 642 appears as the ".38". Referred to in the game files as "weapon_revolver_sw60", likely referring to Smith & Wesson Model 60 instead.
This revolver, along with ".44", is a weapon of choice of agents with NSA background. It is slightly better than French DAO in terms of raw power, but its usefulness during stealth approach depends on whether or not the player can get an agent with NSA background early on.
Colt Python
The Colt Python with 4" barrel appears under the name of the other Colt revolver, "Cobra".
Agents can acquire proficiency with Python and Webley only by finishing Covert Operations training.
The game's ".44" revolver, while presumably meant to pass for a Smith & Wesson Model 29, appears to be based on the Python's model as well.
It is the weapon of choice of agents with CIA and NSA background, and proficiency with it can only be acquired by finishing the Expert Firearms Drill training.
Webley .455 Mk VI
The Webley .455 Mk VI is known as the "Wembley".
Submachine Guns
Submachine guns and assault rifles are the jack-of-all-trades weapons. They deal enough damage for most purposes and have all 3 firing modes available, making them useful both for damage dealing and suppression fire. But while submachine guns have higher damage while burst firing and more accessory slots, making them a slightly better choice for killing enemies out of cover, rifles have a longer effective range, making them slightly more valuable at maps with long sightlines.
Sa vz. 61 Škorpion
The Sa vz. 61 Skorpion appears as the "VZ 61".
It is the weapon of choice of agents with Securitate background, and proficiency with it can be acquired by finishing Contact Tactics training.
Star Z-62
The Star Z-62 appears as the "Estrella". Its name means "Star" in Spanish, referring to both its manufacturer and to its country of origin.
Agents with Mossad background have proficiency with it, and it can also be acquired by finishing Fire and Movement Tactics training.
The IMI Uzi appears as the "GAL", most likely referring to its creator, Uziel Gal.
Agents with Cartels, IRA and Triads backgrounds are proficient with this weapon, and you can also acquire proficiency with it by having the agent finish Basic Firearms Drill training.
The MAC-10 appears as the "M10".
Agents with MSS, PSIA and Yakuza backgrounds have proficiency with it, and it can also be acquired by finishing either Rapid Dominance Tactics or Basic Firearms Drill training.
Beretta M12
The Beretta M12 appears as the "M12". It incorrectly holds 40 rounds in the 32-round magazine.
Proficiency with this weapon can be acquired by finishing either Shock Tactics or Night Operations training.
The PM-63 RAK appears as the "PM63". It incorrectly holds 25 rounds in the shorter 15-round magazine.
Agents with SB background are proficient with this weapon. Proficiency can also be acquired by finishing Skirmish Tactics or Specialist Firearms Drill trainings.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
The Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with Navy trigger group appears as the "MP5".
Proficiency with MP5 can be acquired by finishing Specialist Firearms Drill training.
Walther MPK
The Walther MPK is available in the game simply as the "MPK".
It is the weapon of choice of agents with RAF and BND backgrounds. Proficiency with MPK can also be acquired by finishing Guerilla Operations training.
Assault Rifles
AK hybrid
What appears to be a mix between AK-47 (gas system and angle of the stock) and AK-74 (the rest of the weapon) is available in the game as the "AK". It is one of the weapons used by Kingfish in the tutorial, and it is one of the starting weapons for the Cabal agents.
Agents with ASALA, IJO, MIT and Spetsnaz backgrounds have proficiency with AK, and you can't acquire it any other way.
Beretta BM59 "Truppe Alpine"
The Beretta BM59 "Truppe Alpine" with incorrectly modelled stock appears as the "BM".
Only agents with CIA background have proficiency with BM. There is no other way to acquire proficiency with it, so while it is a direct upgrade over AK in everything but magazine size, only a limited number of agents can use it effectively.
Colt M16A2
The Colt M16A2 with wooden stock appears as the "M16". It is incorrectly depicted as having a full auto firing mode.
Only agents with USMC background have proficiency with it, making it yet another example of rare and not really useful rifle, unless you have no other choice.
The TKB-022PM appears as the "TKB".
Agents with DGI and Spetsnaz background have proficiency with this weapons, and it can also be obtained by finishing Intermediate Firearms Drill training, making it the first real option for loud approach or stealth-oriented character with no disguise.
Heckler & Koch G3A3
The Heckler & Koch G3A3 with plastic furniture appears as the "G3".
Proficiency with this weapon can be acquired by finishing Advanced Firearms Drill training.
Enfield EM-2
The Enfield EM-2 is known as the "EIW".
Agents with SAS background have proficiency with this rifle, and it can also be acquired by finishing Specialist Firearms Drill training.
Steyr AUG A1
The Steyr AUG A1 is known simply as the "AUG". It incorrectly holds 42 rounds in 30-round magazine.
Agents with GBU and Gladio backgrounds have proficiency with AUG, and it can also be acquired by finishing Expert Firearms Drill training.
Harrington & Richardson SPIW
The Harrington & Richardson SPIW prototype is available in the game as the "AAR". You can't use its grenade launcher, making it unclear why this particular rifle was chosen as the final one.
Proficiency with this weapon can be acquired after finishing Black Ops Firearms training.
Machine Guns
Unlike the other two types of automatic weapons, machine guns have only the full auto firing mode. While they don't slow their movement speed, your agents can't use them if they don't have at least one movement point in reserve, making them more suitable for defense-oriented character loadouts. In return, they offer the highest damage output among all automatic weapons when used in full auto and a pretty impressive number of shots in overwatch.
The Dror and RPD are the only machine guns in this game to hold a correct number of rounds in their magazines.
The Second-pattern Dror Machine Gun is available in the game as the "Sparrow". Its in-game name is one of the meanings of the word "Dror".
Agents with KGB and Mossad backgrounds have proficiency with this weapon, and it can also be acquired as part of the Contact Tactics training.
Bren gun
A hybrid between Bren Mk1 (M) and Mk2 (simplified stock and non-adjustable rear sight of the latter with other parts being from the former) appears as the "LMG 26". Its name most likely references the weapon Bren was based on, ZB-26. It incorrectly holds 100 rounds in the 30-round magazine.
Agents with MI6 background have proficiency with Bren and it can also be acquired as part of the Basic Firearms Drill training.
The RPD is available as the "RP-4".
Agents with SAVAK background have proficiency with this weapon, and it can also be acquired after finishing Intermediate Firearms Drill training.
MG 42
The MG42 appears as the "MG51", likely standing for the similar-looking Swiss W+F MG51 machine gun. It holds only 40 rounds in its 50-round drum.
Agents with Freelance background have proficiency with this weapon, and it can also be acquired as part of either Advanced Firearms Drill or Specialist Firearms Drill trainings.
The M60 appears as the "MG60". Just like "MG51" and "Mini LMG", M60 holds only 40 rounds in its box.
Proficiency with this weapon can be acquired after finishing Expert Firearms Drill training.
M249E1 SAW
The M249E1 appears as the "Mini LMG", most likely standing for the original FN Minimi.
Proficiency with this weapon can be acquired after finishing Black Ops Firearms Drill training.
Shotguns have an interesting place in this game's arsenal. They have both high maximum and minimum damages, most likely reflecting them shooting multiple pellets per shot, meaning that they are fairly effective against enemies with high awareness meter, but their damage overall doesn't scale as well into late game and they have a limited effective range.
Remington Model 870
The Remington 870 with the wooden stock and synthetic foregrip appears as the "Model 870".
Proficiency with this weapon can be acquired after finishing Basic Firearms Drill training.
The MTs255 appears as the "MU-255". The appearance of this particular shotgun is slightly anachronistic, as it was not made until 1993.
Proficiency with this weapon can be acquired as part of the Intermediate Firearms Drill training.
Franchi SPAS-12
The Franchi SPAS-12 appears as the "Semi 12".
Proficiency with this weapon can be acquired as part of the Night Operations training.
Heckler & Koch CAWS
The Heckler & Koch CAWS is available in the game simply as the "CAWS". Its select-fire capabilities are reflected in this game, making it the only shotgun with all 3 firing modes.
Proficiency with CAWS can be acquired after finishing Expert Firearms Drill training.
Sniper Rifles
Sniper rifles are somewhat similar to pistols and revolvers. They have high maximum damage, making them fairly effective against enemies with high amount of health points, no cover and depleted awareness meter, but their low minimum damage means that you either need to be up close to your target or have a special perk that would negate their dodge capabilities.
SVD Dragunov
The SVD Dragunov appears as the "SV-63", with its name reflecting the year of its adoption.
Proficiency with this rifle can be acquired only as part of the Advanced Firearms Drill training.
SVD is also used by sniper support teams, should you choose to have them on the mission. Whether they do or not have suppressors on their rifles depends on what kind of sniper support you decided to use during the mission.
Steyr AMR 5075
The Steyr AMR 5075 appears simply as the "AMR". It appears to be modeled using only the photo of its left side as the reference, since it lacks the magazine well (and, therefore, the magazine) and has an incorrect bolt handle on the right side, meaning that it has an incorrect capacity of 5 rounds for such configuration.
Proficiency with this rifle can be acquired only as part of the Advanced Firearms Drill training.
Barrett M107
The Barrett M107 is available as the "M82". This particular model of M82 is anachronistic for the game setting, as it was not available in 1983.
Proficiency with "M82" can be acquired as part of the Black Ops Firearms Drill training.
China Lake launcher
The China Lake Launcher is used by support forces when the appropriate option is chosen. It is used to launch different kinds of grenades, ranging from standard HE and smoke rounds to some more exotic ones.
M84 stun grenade
The M84 stun grenade.
M7 CS gas grenade
M7 CS gas grenade with the color scheme of M18 smoke grenade.