Paris Police 1900 is a 2021 French historical crime TV series. The plot is set in Paris in 1899-1900. After the death of President Felix Faure in the arms of his mistress, the Third Republic is on the verge of crisis. Louis Lépine, a retired Prefect of Police, is recalled to service and begins the modernisation of the Paris police. Meanwhile, an ambitious detective Antoine Jouin investigates the murder of an unknown young woman. The investigation uncovers the planned coup against the Republic. Many real characters are involved in the storyline, such as Prefect Lépine, Jeanne Chauvin who was the second woman in France to obtain a law degree, Faure's mistress Meg Steinheil, ultra right activist Jules Guérin, and Alphonse Bertillon, the famous biometrics researcher who applied the technique of anthropometry to law enforcement.
The following weapons were used in the television series Paris Police 1900:
Alphonse Chagnolle (Renaud Rutten) carries a St. Etienne Mle 1892 revolver when he is disarmed by Inspector Antoine Jouin (Jérémie Laheurte). An Mle 1892 revolver is a service sidearm of Colonel Gabriel Sabran de Ponteves (Christophe Montenez). Mle 1892 revolvers are also seen among the guns, distributed to the members of the Ligue Antisemitique.
What appears to be a snub nose version of St. Etienne Mle 1892 revolver with nickel finish is used by hitman Gustave Pertaud (Noam Morgensztern). The barrel of the revolver is cut down for about a half of its original length; the grip also seems to be shortened.
In the scene in the Count Sabran's house, Police Inspector Guichard (Renaud Hezeques) holds a revolver that is supposed to be a Chamelot-Delvigne Model 1873 or maybe its close relative, Swiss Ordonnanzrevolver 1872 that is very similar in design but is slightly larger and with difference in details.
Jules Guérin (Hubert Delattre), the leader of the Ligue Antisemitique, holds a Smith & Wesson "Wells Fargo" Schofield revolver that he uses in an attempt to threaten Prefect of Police Louis Lépine.
Madame Lépine (Valérie Dashwood) covertly takes a Velo-Dog Revolver from Bertillon's laboratory and uses it to shoot at Commissaire Puybaraud. This is a five-shot, large caliber version of Velo-Dog with Belgian Bulldog style cylinder and faceted barrel. Such revolvers are on the border between Bulldog and Velo-Dog and can be classified in different ways.
What appears to be an anachronistic Enfield No. 2 Mk. I* revolver with bobbed hammer is one of the revolvers, distributed to the members of the Ligue Antisemitique.
One more of the revolvers, distributed to the members of the Ligue Antisemitique, is a Nagant model, most likely a Nagant M1895, possibly the original Belgian model.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA nondescript revolver is seen on the shelf among the evidences in the Bertillon's laboratory.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA member of the Ligue Antisemitique (at the right) carries a revolver tucked into his belt. Only the grip is seen. Judging by the shape, color and what is supposed to be a round logo, the revolver may be some Smith & Wesson model but more likely of later period. The revolver, seen on the same screenshot at the far left, is an Mle 1892.
Mauser C96
One of the members of the Ligue Antisemitique carries a Mauser C96 pistol. The exact model of the C96 is difficult to determine, but the shape of the base of the barrel allows to guess that this is a Cone Hammer, just right for the time of action.
In another scene the guns in Guérin's office look somewhat different, probably due to a continuity error. The two revolvers on top (1 and 2) now look more like long cap and ball Colt-style guns, and two percussion cap pistols at the bottom (4 and 5) are of the same length, unlike what was seen earlier. The long gun to the left (6) that now is seen slightly better resembles a kind of Blunderbuss.
Several members of the Ligue Antisemitique are armed with Winchester Model 1892 carbines. A Winchester 1892 is also seen in the Bertillon's laboratory.
Louis Lépine (Marc Barbé) and several other men carry Double Barreled Shotguns during several hunts. Both shotguns with exposed hammers and hammerless ones are seen. Shotguns are also used by Count Sabran's men, guarding his estate.